Studia Sieci Uniwersytetów Pogranicza
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Published By University Of Bialystok


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 45-61
Елена Гладунова ◽  

Goal – to carry out a comparative analysis of civil service in the judiciary of Europe and Ukraine and highlight the positive foreign experience for the possibility of borrowing it in the Ukrainian state. Research methodology – the article uses the method of system analysis, an integrated approach, a comparative method, as well as analysis and generalization of practical activities. Score/results – the article analyses the organization and functioning of the civil service on the example of some foreign countries. The main similarities and differences in the relationship between the institution of public service and the judicial authorities of Ukraine are highlighted. Ways of functional optimization and problem solution based on borrowing foreign experience are proposed. Originality/value – the work was performed by the author independently, without outside help. The article contains links to quotes, as well as links to legislation. In essence, the article is an overview report.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 93-109
Iryna Lukianova ◽  

Goal – the goal of the present article is to put into perspective the conceptual framework of Norway’s development assistance policy. It argues that the Norwegian approach to development assistance stems from the welfare-state ideology, the position of moralism and the humane internationalism formed due to Norway’s identity as a small state. In this vein, Norway regards development assistance as a crucial way to promote its socio-political values and maintain international stability. Being one of the most generous donors of ODA in proportion to the size of its economy, Norway demonstrates its readiness to have a moral responsibility for the global common good. Research methodology – the methods used in the article are external research of offi cial documents and reports of Norwegian governmental agencies and international organizations, as well as historical analysis of key pillars and trends of Norwegian development assistance. Score/result – the article is distinguished by a high scientific level. Originality/value – the article represents the original complex approach to the pro blem of Norwegian development assistance providing substantial analysis of its legal framework and conceptual ground.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 143-157
Magdalena Owczarczuk ◽  
Anna Wierzbicka ◽  

Goal – the purpose of the article is to present the significance and role of institutional coherence in the development and evolution of corporate governance in Poland. Research methodology – a review of the literature on examining the specificity of knowledge about the role of institutional coherence in the development and evolution of corporate governance in Poland and analysis and assessment of the changes in good practice codes in Poland. Score/results – a systemic approach to the issue of corporate governance reveals that it is a collection of both formal and informal institutions. Through mutual interac tion, corporate governance rules lead to the emergence of a relatively stable and predictable environment in which enterprises and their stakeholders can operate. Originality/value – analysis of good practice codes in Poland reveals that the process of their adjustment to the current social and cultural norms, as well as to the expectations of the market, can be positively evaluated, as evidenced by the fact that their new editions continue to be published. The provisions which appear in good practice codes year by year adequately reflect the needs and expectations of the market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 31-44
Monika Fiedorczuk ◽  

Goal – the main goal of the paper is to compare the institutional structure of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Union and the Union State of Belarus and Russia. Research methodology – general scientific dialectical methods of cognition have been used in the article: analysis, synthesis, and deduction. The paper uses the analysis of legal acts of selected integration groups. Score/results – the author concluded that analysed groups have very different organizational structures. The Eurasian Economic Union has the simplest and most effective structure, which is helpful in achieving further steps in economic integration. Originality/value – the article is a comparative study of organizational structures in integration groups in the former USSR and contains author’s generalizations and conclusions. The paper is original, not previously published.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 129-141
Светлана Осадчук ◽  

Goal – the goal of the paper is to put into perspective the institutional and legal framework of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, as well as to identify problems, explore trends, and provide proposals in reference to the relevant foreign experience in the field. It argues that the decentralization reform in Ukraine has positive results and is an important step towards increasing the autonomy of local authorities. In concludes with arguing that Ukraine should apply the relevant experience of foreign countries while conducting its decentralization reform. Research methodology – the methods used in the article are analysis of official docu ments coming from the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of Economics and the Tax Service of Ukraine, as well as analysis of the factors that promote the autonomy of local government in Ukraine. Score/results – the article is distinguished by a sufficient level of scientific analysis and has provisions, suggestions and practical recommendations that can be used for further research on decentralization issues. Originality/value – the article presents the original complex approach to the problem of decentralization reform in Ukraine and provides substantial analysis of its legal and institutional framework.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 23-30
Aksana Chmyha ◽  

Goal – to analyse the key concepts of legal restrictions on the members of the Parliaments of Belarus and Poland in a comparative feature. Research methodology – the basis of the work is the comparative-legal method of research, as well as other methods of scientific inquiry. Score/results – there are significant obligations on Polish and Belarusian parliamentarians following from the requirements of legislative acts on the observance of a number of legal restrictions in the implementation of their mandates. In the article a number of progressive characteristics of legal restrictions on the members of the Parliaments of Belarus and Poland are stated. Originality/value – a new conclusion has been reached that it is preferable to further improve the regulatory framework that promotes the establishment of the legal restrictions of the members of Parliaments, which should be based both in Poland and in Belarus on the study and mutual implementation of the accumulated positive legislative experience of these states in this area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 63-78
Grażyna Kobus ◽  
Marta Maksimczuk ◽  

Goal – the paper assessed (main objective) the assumptions of the selected models and legislation regulating health care in the studied countries and examined their impact on the implementation of the constitutional guarantee of access to health services (specific objective). Research methodology – the descriptive method was mainly used, with elements of system‑legal and formal‑legal analysis, as well as cause‑and-effect analysis. Score/results – main hypothesis was negatively verified (the assumptions of adopted models of health care in Poland and Italy lead to the improvement of constitutional guarantee of access to health services), while the specific one was positively verified (adopted conditions have a significant impact on the functioning of health care in Italy and Poland, in particular during the COVID‑19 pandemic). Originality/value – organise and systematise the healthcare reality described.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 79-92
Sylwia Leszczuk ◽  

Goal – the aim of this text is to show the functioning, transformation, convergence and ultimately decline of classical paradigms operating in the legal sphere. Particular attention is focused on the contemporary state of affairs, referring to today’s trends in thought, philosophy and the contemporary way of explaining reality by societies that are carriers of the law. The purpose is to showcase that the today’s changing world is faced with many problems that are completely new to humanity as a whole, and that those problems have the power to affect the legal sphere as well. It proves that despite the belief in the stabilizing function of the law, it itself begins to be questioned, and its iron foundations begin to waver in principle, resulting in spectacular changes in the way we view such non‑negotiable issues as justice, power, order, and the meaning of being. Research methodology – through an analysis of the literature on the subject and by compiling the most important paradigmatic frameworks, a cross‑section of attitudes relevant to understanding the presented issue is made. Score/result – as a result, an observation is made regarding the current state of paradigms operating in the legal sphere. In line with the conclusion, it is stated that in the present world paradigms have mostly lost or are losing their power. They will lose it completely or undergo a transformation. There is also an exhaustion of the power of all grand narratives that must necessarily be taken into account when making any considerations about the embeddedness of law and its validity. Originality/value – the content of the text refers to well‑known paradigms of law that seem to be unshakable elements of Western legal culture. Nevertheless, the analysis of the problems presented in the text shows that the unshakable foundations of law are beginning to degrade, or at least to change, in collision with, above all, contemporary socio‑cultural transformations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 9-22
Julita Augustyńczyk ◽  

Goal – the article analyses the most important legal acts regulating the employment of foreigners in Poland. The article aims to evaluate the adequacy of the introduced legal changes to the needs of the Polish labour market. The assumed hypothesis was that the legal regulations on the employment of foreigners in Poland are adjusted to the changes in the economic reality. Research methodology – the article includes an analysis of the available literature and the current legal acts that regulate the studied problem. Moreover, observations con cerning the adaptation of Polish legal regulations to the constantly growing interest of foreigners in the Polish labour market were made in the article. Score/results – the conducted analysis allowed us to verify the research hypothesis positively. It has been acknowledged that the provisions of Polish law in the field of employment of foreigners have been adapted to the changing economic conditions, al though the procedure for obtaining work permits for foreigners remains complicated. Originality/value – the article shows a cross-section of changes that have taken place in Polish labour law in the field of employment of foreigners in recent years.Changes in the Polish labour law have been presented chronologically, which helps to organize the knowledge on the topic. Moreover, it also considers the current problem of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on legal aspects of employment of foreigners in Poland.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 177-189
Валентина Рузанова ◽  

Goal – the purpose of this research is to identify the nature of the normative array governing relations arising in connection with the introduction and use of information, including digital technologies, and to determine its place in the systems of Russian law and legislation. Research methodology – both general and particular methods of cognition were applied in the research: dialectical, systemic, intersectoral, etc. Score/results – the nature of the normative array in the field of information, including digital, technologies was revealed as a complex composition on the basis of the characteristics and range of regulated relations and its place was determined to be a secondary structure of law and an element of the legislative system. The author found that it is necessary to amend the legislation and to implement additional regulations of the new relationships. Originality/value – theoretical conclusions and proposals can be used for further development of doctrinal approaches to building a system of law and legislation in the field of information technology and improving legal regulation.

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