commercial enterprise
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2022 ◽  
pp. 105-136
Ilana Krausman Ben-Amos

G. Zh. Yеssenovа ◽  
М. A. Imangalieva ◽  
Zh. D. Dauletkhanova

The article reflects the importance of leasing in the search for the most attractive sources of innovative and investment development of the economy of Kazakhstan. In conditions of limited own funds, the role of borrowed sources of financing of investment projects for achieving effective goals of enterprises increases. Such sources of financing are bank lending, leasing, factoring, and issuing promissory notes. Leasing is considered as part of a reasonable strategic financial management, the use of which allows you to update the main production assets of the enterprise, as well as provides additional opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the financial management of a commercial enterprise. Deep changes in the economic conditions of management dictate the need to find and implement methods for updating the material base and modifying fixed assets for our economy. The analysis of the main trends of development of the leasing market of Kazakhstan and its innovative development: a large number of leasing companies and the products offered on the market of leasing services allows to choose the funding strategy of the enterprise. In economically developed countries, leasing solves the problem of stimulating economic growth by accelerating the renewal of fixed capital, reducing the duration of the technological cycle.Therefore, the specifics of leasing as an instrument of economic policy aimed at accelerating the development of production potential is as follows: leasing leads to an increase in the high rate of renewal of fixed capital. The expansion of the leasing market largely depended on the active participation of the state in the development of leasing in many sectors of the economy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 79-96
Edmund D. Morel ◽  
Peter Cain

2021 ◽  
KaiMei Shum

<p>Until this point in time, space architecture has relied heavily on engineering - resulting in little room for artistic practice. The resulting habitats are ill-equipped to sustain the quality of life required for long-term or interplanetary missions. However, rapid technological growth is beginning to enable the realisation of outer space for commercial enterprise, scientific gain, and personal exploration. Together, a budding space industry and the profession of space architecture are set to lead each other, hand-in-hand, into a new age of space exploration - and to destinations never before reached.  For almost as long as human culture has remembered we have been fascinated by the stars. A potent result of this fascination is science fiction and stories concerning space travel. A strong and tangible assemblage has formed between science fiction, social narrative, and outer space. Science fiction can make concepts of the future understandable. It can make communities focused on the future.  This thesis proposes that the discipline of architecture, with the help of popular science fiction, can re-imagine space architecture. It seeks to create empathy with the future inhabitants of outer space by envisaging the space industry of the future, and through the creation of a passenger ship it develops a hope for a future that unfolds differently to what we are planning for now.   This research seeks to investigate these connections in order to create safer and more fulfilling homes for spacefarers of the future. It does so by arguing against the typology we maintain. Through iterative designs which coincide with research on the use of science fiction and habitability in space, it concludes with a new ship typology.</p>

2021 ◽  
KaiMei Shum

<p>Until this point in time, space architecture has relied heavily on engineering - resulting in little room for artistic practice. The resulting habitats are ill-equipped to sustain the quality of life required for long-term or interplanetary missions. However, rapid technological growth is beginning to enable the realisation of outer space for commercial enterprise, scientific gain, and personal exploration. Together, a budding space industry and the profession of space architecture are set to lead each other, hand-in-hand, into a new age of space exploration - and to destinations never before reached.  For almost as long as human culture has remembered we have been fascinated by the stars. A potent result of this fascination is science fiction and stories concerning space travel. A strong and tangible assemblage has formed between science fiction, social narrative, and outer space. Science fiction can make concepts of the future understandable. It can make communities focused on the future.  This thesis proposes that the discipline of architecture, with the help of popular science fiction, can re-imagine space architecture. It seeks to create empathy with the future inhabitants of outer space by envisaging the space industry of the future, and through the creation of a passenger ship it develops a hope for a future that unfolds differently to what we are planning for now.   This research seeks to investigate these connections in order to create safer and more fulfilling homes for spacefarers of the future. It does so by arguing against the typology we maintain. Through iterative designs which coincide with research on the use of science fiction and habitability in space, it concludes with a new ship typology.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13374
Anna Cierniak-Emerych ◽  
Robert Golej ◽  
Hanna Różycka

The research presented herein aims to pinpoint the factors that cause errors in the order picking process in an e-commerce enterprise and to confirm or deny the assumption that these factors largely concern employees and their working conditions. Research method: A case study strategy, observation (non-compliance cards and identification of working conditions), and Lorenz–Pareto and Ishikawa were the methods used. Results: The research results indicate that working conditions are a key factor influencing the number of errors in the picking process. The usefulness of the research: The results show that paying particular attention to working conditions is not only good in the context of caring for the well-being of employees, but also as a means to reduce the number of errors and improve the pace of work. Limitations: Due to the methods used, which in turn result from the large variety of e-commerce entities, the research results are not universal and are limited to a specific situational context.

Divya Ramesh Gorivale

Major evolutions have took place starting with primary structure counting on initiated request via way of means of a customer to a processing facet known as the server. Such architectures had been now no longer sufficient to manage up with the quick ever-growing range of requests and want to make use of community bandwidth. Mobile sellers tried to triumph over such drawbacks however did cope up for see you later with the developing era platforms. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) then developed to be one of the maximum a success representations of the customer-server structure with an introduced commercial enterprise price that offers reusable and loosely coupled services. SOA did now no longer meet clients and commercial enterprise expectancies because it changed into nevertheless counting on monolithic systems. Resilience, scalability, rapid software program shipping and the usage of fewer assets are incredibly applicable features.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-51
Olga A. Romanova

According to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the main goal of any commercial organization is to obtain stable profit and prevent negative financial results throughout the entire activity period. This is possible through operational (at best, daily) control over the ratio of income and expenses by management personnel, conducting an in-depth retrospective and prospective analysis of revenue, the total cost of the produced and sold product, and other income and expenses. Analytical studies are needed in terms of the influence of individual factors on the amount of income and expenses, and, as a result, prompt measures to prevent unprofitable production and sales are required. Unfortunately, information alone from the published form of the financial results report is insufficient, it is necessary to have additional data describing it, as well as the corresponding accounting registers and primary documents confirming the amount of income and expenses of the company under study. Based on the economic analysis of the indicators of the report on the financial results of a commercial enterprise that has the legal form of a joint-stock company, the article identified shortcomings in the structure and content of the explanations to the annual financial statements, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 02.07.2010, No. 66n. Recommendations are given on the introduction of new section 6 «Income» and new edition of section 7 «Expenses» in the tabular form of the Explanations, these will significantly increase the analytical level of information, allow to promptly monitor and forecast the amount of income, expenses and financial results and make effective management decisions to improve the financial position of Russian companies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 579-596
Agostino Cera

This paper aims to highlight a latent evidence emerging from the pandemic phenomenon: Pandemic Capital. By this formula I mean a process of naturalization in regards to the equivalence between the right of a commercial enterprise to profit from its activity and the right of people to protect their own health, or, better, the right to maximize profit as new aspirant fundamental right. This naturalization becomes particularly clear in relation to the question of vaccine patents. The distinction between just (legitimate) profit and maximum profit equates to an updated version of the classic dilemma between nomos (law) and dike (justice), which in Sophocle’s Antigone takes the form of a clash between Kreon and Antigone. Faced with the risk of a legal nihilism, we need to (re)establish a hierarchy of rights that is up to par with our times, namely we must re-contractualize the social contract. To overcome the challenges of a globalized world/pandemic society, we need the neo-contractualism of a social contract that includes a “natural contract” as well. The latter is strictly related to the question of an Open Access Knowledge as new common good. Knowledge also means power, and as such demands responsibility, particularly from scientists and intellectuals. The idea of a human responsibility – or better, “fraternal responsibility” – could therefore represent the basis for a new alliance between nomos and dike for the sake of the polis.

2021 ◽  
Samuel Kyobe

Biobanks in low-and middle-income countries need significant infrastructural support to meet ISBER Best Practices to support population-based genomics research. ISBER recommends a Biobank information management system that can manage workflows from biospecimen receipt to distribution. The H3Africa Initiative was set out to develop regional African Biobanks where Uganda, Nigeria, and South Africa were successfully awarded grants to develop state-of-the-art Biobanks. In this chapter, we review the African experiences, processes, and recommendations for information management systems for use in the low-and middle-income country context. We provide a balanced basis on which institutions can deliberate their decision between an out-of-the-box service and a commercial enterprise.

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