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Ikhwan Rahmatika Latif

This article is research on the implementation of e-Kinerja within the Banda Aceh City Government.  In this paper, the author uses a descriptive qualitative approach and collects data through a study of existing documents.  This method illustrates how the implementation of e-Kinerja is carried out by the Banda Aceh Government, which the author then compares with existing concepts, namely the concept of performance and reward and punishment.  The results of this study are that the implementation of the e-Kinerja system carried out by the Banda Aceh City Government has a good impact on the regional civil apparatus, the government, the City Government Work Unit (SKPK), and the public.  These impacts include making promotions and transfers based on equal job for equal pay for regional civil servants, facilitating supervision for the government, and knowing the effectiveness and efficiency of work units.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-106
Muhammad Gazali ◽  
Baso Madiong ◽  
Zulkifli Makkawaru

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian empiris dengan mendiskripsikan pelaksanaan fungsi badan pembentukan peraturan daerah dalam praktik yang dihubungkan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan pembentukan peraturan daerah. Data penelitian yang digunakan adalah data primer melalui hasil wawancara dan data sekunder melalui pengumpulan artikel yang relevan dengan tata cara pelaksanaan fungsifungsi badan pembentukan peraturan daerah. Selanjutnya, analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dengan memaparkan secara faktual pelaksanaan fungsi badan pembentukan peraturan daerah dalam hubungannya dengan regulasi pembentukan peraturan daerah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan fungsi badan pembentukan Peraturan Daerah belum efektif karena dalam proses pengajuan usulan Peraturan Daerah tidak cermat dalam mewujudkan perintah perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi dan pada tahapan seleksi Usulan Peraturan Daerah tidak memperhatikan skala prioritas yang didasarkan pada Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah. Tidak berjalannya secara efektif pelaksanaan fungsi Badan Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan disebabkan oleh faktor substansi hukum, struktur hukum, sarana atau fasilitas dan kultur hukum. This study uses empirical research by describing the implementation of the functions of regional regulatory bodies in practice associated with statutory regulations related to the formation of regional regulations. The research data used is primary data through interviews and secondary data through the collection of articles relevant to the procedures for implementing the functions of regional regulatory bodies. Furthermore, data analysis uses qualitative data analysis by describing in fact the implementation of the function of the regional regulation formation body in relation to regulations on the formation of regional regulations. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the function of the regional regulation formation agency has not been effective because in the process of submitting a proposal for a regional regulation, it is not careful in realizing a higher level statutory order and in the selection stage the proposed regional regulation does not consider the priority scale based on the Regional Government Work Plan. The ineffective implementation of the functions of the Regional Regulation Formation Bodies in Pangkajene and Islands Regencies is caused by factors of legal substance, legal structure, facilities and legal culture

Diana Acosta-Salazar

The evaluation was not until a little more than two decades ago a relevant matter for public activity, concentrated in execution and guided by intuition, public approval or some data to record success in government work. This story has changed due to an increasingly demanding national and international context requiering transparency of public actions, efficiency in activities that each government in turn prioritizes, and of course, the effectiveness of what is proposed. The practice of evaluation in the Costa Rican state system is governed by an exhaustive normative and procedural framework. However, this platform has not necessarily ruled the execution of communication in the institutions. According to a study performed out in Costa Rican institutions between 2019-2020, first with a mapping of the communication units carried out with a survey (43) examining their operation, projects they execute and some evaluation practices they carry out; lack of rigorous evaluation practices were identified. Furthermore, these units there has no obligation to carry out operational planning of their annual activities, to apply systematic evaluations, nor are they obliged to prepare reports on the work carried out. Subsequently, an inquiry was conducted through interviews (22) with planning heads of the institutions and governing bodies to learn about the evaluation regulations, the formats and platforms used, inter-institutional link for evaluation and the scope of the mandatory nature of this function. The results suggest that the praxis of the units is dominated by the macro-institutional planning exercise that uses matrices and quantitative formats that record compliance but do not evaluate effects, changes, or impact of their activities, which reduces visibility of the public value provided by state sector, and to which is also added the work accomplish by the communication units. The true evaluation in the State is limited to a few government projects registered within the National Development Plan and not to a daily action in the entire state system. Some of the planning offices even indicate that neither planning, and even less evaluation, constitute a resource that is considered as strategic, conversely, they are seen more as an operational, compliance and organization resource, and for the different areas the filling of matrices and formats to record the execution of their tasks is an additional burden. In fact, one of the difficulties raised by these offices is the planning of their annual programs with objectives that can be evaluated, a position that is also recognized by the Contraloria General de la Republica (Comptroller General of the Republic), which indicates the absence, in a relevant percentage, of objectives in public institution programs. For the communication units, this set of practices produces inertia in the communicative action, little or no influence of the communication units in the institutional decision-making process, and an operational focus on execution, which reduces their strategic role. It is also clear that there is a predominance in the use of techniques and tools for reporting results in communication that does not correspond to evaluation, measurement is used with greater emphasis, and even in some cases the use of reportings which not apply to neither of the two processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Dan Pan ◽  
Yingheng Zhou ◽  
Liguo Zhang

PurposeThis paper examines the impact of livestock environment regulations (LERs) on the location dynamics of the livestock farming industry. Specifically, it tests whether a “pollution haven effect” (PHE) exists in the Chinese livestock industry.Design/methodology/approachThe authors manually collected LERs data based on the frequency of livestock-related vocabulary in government work reports from 279 prefecture-level cities from 2010 to 2017. Using China's implementation of LERs since 2014 as a natural experiment, the authors employed difference-in-difference (DID) to avoid the endogeneity problem.FindingsLERs have led to a decline in livestock production in regulated areas. Moreover, compared with areas with more stringent LERs – southern China and developed areas, areas where LERs are less stringent – northern China and undeveloped areas, attract more livestock industry. As a result, people in northern China and undeveloped areas are exposed to higher livestock pollution.Originality/valueFirst, most empirical studies on PHE focus on industrial firms. PHE in the livestock industry has received limited attention. This paper aims to fill this gap. Second, this paper regards LERs as an endogenous process and uses the DID method to generate unbiased results. Third, this paper introduces a novel measurement of LERs based on the frequency of livestock-related vocabulary in government work reports from each prefecture city. Fourth, this paper uses prefecture-level data to analyze the PHE of LERs, and thus obtains more reliable results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-158
Sherly Alifah Citrayanti ◽  
Indrawati Yuhertiana

The Covid-19 pandemic has made the government work harder to adapt to conditions that are still critical. All areas of life have undergone very significant changes so that the government pays special attention to immediately make new policies by innovating so that everything returns to normal. In times like today, the government needs an update that brings changes for the better. Brilliant thoughts and ideas are needed to be able to lift Indonesia to adapt to the situation. One of them can start by improving human resources in the government sector with the implementation of the simultaneous Regional Head Elections in 2020 later, the elected people will become the channel for public aspirations to work together in synergy to overcome the current pandemic situation. Public participation is needed to choose which candidates are ready to devote their bodies and mind to Indonesia. Therefore, it is important to know the track record of regional head candidates because it will impact their performance in the next leadership period. In addition, social political culture can shape the personality and thoughts of a group. The purpose of this study is to find out and empirically test the influence of the track record of regional head candidates, government financial information, and political culture on the decision to choose young voters in the 2020 Pilkada. The method used in this research is quantitative with a questionnaire technique and analyzed by Smart PLS. The population used active students class 2017 at UPN "Veteran" East Java. The results show that work experience, education level, socio-economic background of regional head candidates, government financial information, and political culture positively and significantly impact the decision to choose young voters in the 2020 simultaneous elections. Keywords: Track Record, Financial Information, Political Culture, Regional Head Election 2020, Luder Contingency Model

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
Gregory O'Corry-Crowe ◽  
Tatiana Ferrer ◽  
John J. Citta ◽  
Robert Suydam ◽  
Lori Quakenbush ◽  

We investigate the recent history and stock identity of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Kotzebue Sound in the Chukchi Sea, a region long frequented by large numbers of belugas in summer until their near disappearance in the 1980s. Wide variation in numbers since then suggests a complex recent history that hinders recovery efforts. Analysis of teeth sampled during the historical (pre-decline) era using ancient DNA (aDNA) methods found that the original Kotzebue Sound whales were differentiated for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from other summering concentrations across the Pacific Arctic revealing a demographically distinct subpopulation where long-established migratory culture likely facilitated population divergence. Analysis of microsatellite (nDNA) and mtDNA markers in belugas from the contemporary (post-decline) era revealed that whales from other stocks likely visited Kotzebue Sound, including during two low ice years when relatively large numbers of whales were present. Some mtDNA lineages were found only in Kotzebue Sound, with one recorded in both the historical and contemporary eras. Exclusion tests found a number of whales in Kotzebue Sound during the contemporary era that had nDNA genotypes unlikely to arise in other contemporary stocks in the Pacific Arctic. Our findings indicate that the Kotzebue Sound belugas comprised a unique stock of which a few remnants likely still co-occur with belugas from other larger stocks. We recommend that the US government work through the co-management process to greatly reduce or eliminate the taking of belugas, especially adult females, likely to belong to the Kotzebue Sound stock, until they recover.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Wenpeng Zhang ◽  
Yuomei Zhou ◽  
Jingzhan Li ◽  
Tingting Zeng ◽  
Jinlian Liao

The attention of the Chinese government on nutrition, exercise, and health refers to the attention degree of the Central Government to the nutrition, exercise, and health of Chinese nationals and reflects whether Central Government attach importance to Chinese nationals' nutrition, exercise and health or not and the distribution of resources, which influence the physical quality and health level of Chinese nationals. Based on the attention theory and attention distribution proposed by Herbert Simon, Dai Kai, et al., this study took 43 Central Government Work Reports from 1978 to 2020 as research samples, used literature reviews, and textual analysis methods, and applied the Nvivo12.0 software to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses about the contents of the Central Government Work Report concerning the nutrition, exercise, and health of Chinese nationals. This research found the following: (1) There has been a relatively huge overall change in the attention of the Central Government, that is, the level of attention, to the nutrition, exercise, and health of Chinese nationals from 1978 to 2020, and the policies related to nutrition, exercise and health of Chinese nationals issued by the Central Government have been growing faster. (2) The income level of the urban and rural residents, the total production of various types of food, dietary structure, the total number of medical and health institutions, the average life expectancy of the Chinese population, and the number of sports venues have been constantly increasing since the reform and opening up, which has effectively promoted the improvement of the nutrition, exercise and health level of Chinese nationals, and it cannot be achieved without the attention and support of the Central Government. However, the change in the lifestyle of Chinese nationals has led to the growth of the modern “Civilization Disease,” which is also an important issue that the Central Government needs to handle urgently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 363-372
Andi Ahmad Dara

The purpose of this study is to analyze and find out how much influence the implementation of the central and regional financial balance policies, either partially or simultaneously, has on the performance of local government development in Banten Province. The population in this study were employees of the Banten Province Government Work Unit from echelon I to echelon IV as many as 888 employees with 90 samples taken by purposive sampling method. Data testing is done by using path analysis. The results show that the X to Y structure is the influence of the policy implementation variable (X) on the performance variable of the Banten Provincial Government (Y) with Path Analysis of 67.9%, and the influence value outside the model is 32.1%, where the value of the multiple correlation coefficient R = 0.824, it can be stated that the degree of influence is very close compared to other variables not examined, and in the sub-structures X1, X2, X3, and X4 to Y, the influence of aspects of policy implementation are aspects of policy content (X1), information (X2), support (X3) and the distribution of potential (X4) on Government performance of Banten Province (Y) with Path Analysis of 67.9% and the influence value outside the model is 32.1% where the multiple correlation coefficient value R = 0.824 can be stated the degree of influence is very close compared to the other variables. Others not investigated.

V.N. Kuzmin ◽  
P.I. Burak ◽  
D.E. Zolotarev ◽  
G.A. Gogolev ◽  

It is shown that the procedure for the formation of a government task for the provision of public services (performance of work) in relation to federal government agencies requires the calculation of standard costs for these services (work). The federal list (classifier) of public services (works) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia includes the government work titled “Organization and testing of agricultural machinery and equipment to determine their performances”, the results of which are taken into account when providing state support. The data obtained from the results of tests carried out by machine testing stations (MTS) under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia are used. Based on the analysis, the median method for calculating the standard costs has been selected, and the standard method has been selected for individual components. A draft methodology for calculating the standard costs of the government work titled “Organization and testing of agricultural machinery and equipment to determine their performances” taking into account the specifics of its implementation has been developed.

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