reduce medication error
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2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Christopher T. Campbell ◽  
Kristin H. Wheatley ◽  
Leanne Svoboda ◽  
Courtney E. Campbell ◽  
Kelley R. Norris

Pediatric patients are at a heightened risk for medication errors due to variability in medication ordering and administration. Dose rounding and standardization have been 2 practices historically used to reduce variability and improve medication safety. This article will describe strategies for implementing pediatric dose standardization. Local practice often dictates the operational decisions made at an institutional level, leading to a lack of a standard methodology. Vizient survey results demonstrate there is wide variation in dose standardization and ready-to-use (RTU) practices although most responding institutions have attempted to limit bedside manipulation to reduce medication error. There are many barriers to consider before pursuing dose standardization at an institution. These include selecting medications to standardize, calculating appropriate standardized doses, preparing RTU products, and supplying the products to the patient. Strategies to overcome implementation issues are described as well as identification of knowledge gaps related to the preparation and use of RTU products in the pediatric population. There is opportunity to enhance an institution's ability to provide RTU medications. Although there are several barriers, those that have had successful implementation have leveraged their information technology systems, garnered multidisciplinary support, and customized their practice to meet their operational demands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Catherine Waldron ◽  
Joan Cahill ◽  
Sam Cromie ◽  
Tim Delaney ◽  
Sean P. Kennelly ◽  

Abstract Background Medication reconciliation (MedRec), a process to reduce medication error at care transitions, is labour- and resource-intensive and time-consuming. Use of Personal Electronic Records of Medications (PERMs) in health information systems to support MedRec have proven challenging. Relatively little is known about the design, use or implementation of PERMs at care transitions that impacts on MedRec in the ‘real world’. To respond to this gap in knowledge we undertook a rapid realist review (RRR). The aim was to develop theories to explain how, why, when, where and for whom PERMs are designed, implemented or used in practice at care transitions that impacts on MedRec. Methodology We used realist methodology and undertook the RRR between August 2020 and February 2021. We collaborated with experts in the field to identify key themes. Articles were sourced from four databases (Pubmed, Embase, CINAHL Complete and OpenGrey) to contribute to the theory development. Quality assessment, screening and data extraction using NVivo was completed. Contexts, mechanisms and outcomes configurations were identified and synthesised. The experts considered these theories for relevance and practicality and suggested refinements. Results Ten provisional theories were identified from 19 articles. Some theories relate to the design (T2 Inclusive design, T3 PERMs complement existing good processes, T7 Interoperability), some relate to the implementation (T5 Tailored training, T9 Positive impact of legislation or governance), some relate to use (T6 Support and on-demand training) and others relate iteratively to all stages of the process (T1 Engage stakeholders, T4 Build trust, T8 Resource investment, T10 Patients as users of PERMs). Conclusions This RRR has allowed additional valuable data to be extracted from existing primary research, with minimal resources, that may impact positively on future developments in this area. The theories are interdependent to a greater or lesser extent; several or all of the theories may need to be in play to collectively impact on the design, implementation or use of PERMs for MedRec at care transitions. These theories should now be incorporated into an intervention and evaluated to further test their validity.

2021 ◽  
Catherine Waldron ◽  
Joan Cahill ◽  
Sam Cromie ◽  
Tim Delaney ◽  
Sean P. Kennelly ◽  

Abstract Background: Medication reconciliation (MedRec), a process to reduce medication error at care transitions, is labour- and resource-intensive and time-consuming. Use of Personal Electronic Records of Medications (PERMs) in health information systems to support MedRec have proven challenging. Relatively little is known about the design, use or implementation of PERMs at care transitions that impacts on MedRec in the ‘real world’. To respond to this gap in knowledge we undertook a rapid realist review (RRR). The aim was to develop theories to explain how, why, when, where and for whom PERMs are designed, implemented or used in practice at care transitions that impacts on MedRec. Methodology: We used realist methodology and undertook the RRR between August 2020 and February 2021. We collaborated with experts in the field to identify key themes. Articles were sourced from four databases (Pubmed, Embase, CINAHL Complete and OpenGrey) to contribute to the theory development. Quality assessment, screening and data extraction using NVivo was completed. Contexts, mechanisms and outcomes configurations were identified and synthesised. The experts considered these theories for relevance and practicality and suggested refinements. Results: Ten provisional theories were identified from 19 articles. Some theories relate to the design (T2 Inclusive design, T3 PERMs complement existing good processes, T7 Interoperability), some relate to the implementation (T5 Tailored training, T9 Positive impact of legislation or governance), some relate to use (T6 Support and on-demand training) and others relate iteratively to all stages of the process (T1 Engage stakeholders, T4 Build trust, T8 Resource investment, T10 Patients as users of PERMs). Conclusions: This RRR has allowed additional valuable data to be extracted from existing primary research, with minimal resources, that may impact positively on future developments in this area. The theories are interdependent to a greater or lesser extent; several or all of the theories may need to be in play to collectively impact on the design, implementation or use of PERMs for MedRec at care transitions. These theories should now be incorporated into an intervention and evaluated to further test their validity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Fahad Imtiaz Rahman ◽  
Farina Aziz ◽  
Sumaiya Huque ◽  
Sadia Afruz Ether

Objectives: Medication understanding is critical for patients who suffer from multiple chronic conditions in order to reduce medication error and is often associated with poor health outcomesand low adherence. This study aims to identify the gap of medication knowledge among multiple chronic condition patients in Bangladesh, in order to aid physicians and other healthcare providers in improving health literacy.Methods: Individual interviews of a convenience sample of multiple chronic condition patients in Bangladesh were heldwhere they were asked a number of questions for assessing medication related literacy.Results: More than 26% patients failed to cite the brand name of all their prescribed medications while the rate of patients not knowing the generic names was far worse (88.1%). Nearly 1 out of every 4 patients did not know the purpose of all their medications and more than half of the participants (55%) did not know the strengths of their drugs. While knowledge about medication routes and regimen was satisfactory, awareness regarding risk factors of medicine was lowest of all. Only 1 out of every 4 patients had a habit of reading drug information leaflet. Patient’s ability to correctly state the purpose of their medication seemed to be positively associated with age (p=0.004) and negatively associated with number of medicines taken (p=0.03).Conclusions: Many patients demonstrated poor health literacy regarding medication. Routine review of medications from physician or health provider can significantly improve their health literacy, leading to better treatment outcome and medication adherence.

Jenet Guan Chin ◽  
Mary Tan ◽  
Stephanie Yvonnesky Francis ◽  
Siti Rahmah Idris ◽  
Mary Padtong ◽  

Introduction: Medication error is a global issue. Despite, the various impacts on health and non-health, continuous monitoring, assessment and intervention are required to reduce the number of medication error. Precise information on the root cause of medication error in Hospital Queen Elizabeth II, Kota Kinabalu will aid in the preventative measures to reduce medication error among nurses. Thus, this study aims to describe the incident of medication errors among nurses.

Drug Safety ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 37 (12) ◽  
pp. 1011-1020 ◽  
Kumiko Ohashi ◽  
Olivia Dalleur ◽  
Patricia C. Dykes ◽  
David W. Bates

Pulse ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-47
A Mahmud ◽  
F Noor ◽  
M Nasrullah

Apollo Hospitals Dhaka surely stepped ahead than any other hospital of Bangladesh for reducing medication errors significantly. From the very beginning of its establishment, reducing medication errors was taken as a major challenge and effective and approved strategies were developed when no other hospital took efforts in this regard. Strategies included tracking incidents of medication errors, analyzing, reporting & arranging proper training sessions for hospital staffs etc. All four types of errors like Prescription errors, Transcription errors, Dispensing errors and Administration errors are rectified and officially reported by hospital pharmacists. Along with these, Prescription Reviewing, Medication Reconciliation, incidents of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) are also monitored to ensure rational drug use for patients. With all its efforts, Apollo Hospitals Dhaka was able to reduce the rate of medication errors within the internationally acceptable range. DOI: Pulse Vol.5 July 2011 p.41-47

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-241 ◽  
K Seden ◽  
M Bradley ◽  
A R O Miller ◽  
M B J Beadsworth ◽  
S H Khoo

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