soap production
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-112
Retno Setyo Iswati ◽  
Annah Hubaedah ◽  
Setiana Andarwulan

The behavior of washing hands with soap is an important component to break the chain of spread and transmission of the corona virus. Antiseptic hand soap that has been circulating in the market contains chemical disinfectant ingredients as a powerful component to kill various pathogenic microorganisms including the corona virus. Frequent and long-term use of hand soap will have side effects on the skin in the area of ​​use. Eco enzyme is a product in the form of a liquid from the fermentation of organic waste from vegetables and fresh fruits. The content of eco enzyme is acetic acid (H3COOH) which can kill germs, viruses and bacteria. The selection of eco enzyme as the basic ingredient for making hand soap because it utilizes organic kitchen waste from the remnants of vegetables and fruits as well as the content of eco enzyme that can kill germs, viruses and bacteria and is environmentally friendly. This activity aims to increase public knowledge about eco enzymes and create innovative products by utilizing organic waste that functions for health and is environmentally friendly. The training method used is to provide material in lectures, discussions, demonstrations and assistance in making hand soap. The participants of the activity were people from RW 10, Keputran sub-district, Tegalsari sub-district, Surabaya, totaling 20 people. Evaluation was carried out directly at the end of the activity by discussing and seeing the results of hand washing soap production. Eco-enzyme-based hand soap still requires further development, especially as an anti-covid hand soap

Fermentation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 245
Antonio Ferracane ◽  
Alessia Tropea ◽  
Fabio Salafia

The study reports the alternative use of non-edible fermented olives for the production of high-quality natural soaps with a fast production process, low environmental impact, and without preliminary treatments for the raw material. Damaged olives, not used as food, were fermented naturally and the oil was extracted by mechanical extraction. The product obtained was not for human consumption due to its high acidity, but it had a low content of peroxides. The non-edible olive oil obtained and an extra virgin olive oil, produced from the same olive cultivar, were subjected to saponification with sodium hydroxide. The soaps were produced with complete (0% of non-neutralized fatty acids) and incomplete (5% of non-neutralized fatty acids) saponification; the amount of sodium hydroxide to be used was determined with the saponification index. The soaps were aged for six months by monitoring pH, color, and behavior in an aqueous solution. The results show that the olives’ fermentation improves and speeds up the soap production and maturation process since the oil obtained from fermented non-edible olives is more suitable for the saponification process than the oil obtained from non-fermented edible olives. Non-edible fermented olives can be used for obtaining natural and high-quality soaps, reusing drupes classified as food waste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-25
A.H Usman ◽  
B. Mukhtar

Soap is a chemical compound formed by interaction of fatty acids and metal radicals. Different types of vegetable oils have been found to be good candidates for soap production due to their saponifiable nature. However, edible oils are often expensive to use for soap production due to competing demand between commercial and domestic buyers. So, in this work, blend of nonedible neem and castor oils were used at different proportions to produce various soap samples. The foregoing was achieved via the two well-known processes of soap production, that is; the hot and cold processes. The work investigated the parameters that influence the quality of soap and determined their optimum values using various blends of the oils. Six samples were produced, and their properties analyzed and compared with two commercial samples to determine a blend with the most desirable qualities. The yield, foamability, pH, hardness and cleansing power of the produced soap samples were determined. It was found that the blend of 60 ml neem oil and 40 ml castor oil was the best with a yield of 70.4%, foamability of 11.8 cm, pH of 10.42 and a high cleansing power. The results were found to be consistent with those of the two commercial samples used as controls. Keywords: Castor, cleansing power, foamability, hardness, neem, oil, soap samples

2021 ◽  
Zoyem Gouafo Mathurin ◽  
Talla Pierre Kisito

Abstract The MEWOU river, which runs through the town of Bafoussam, is one of the main sources of drinking water and irrigation for the people who live there. It is subject to intense agricultural and industrial activity all along its banks. Soap and refined oil factories generate pollution in the form of liquid effluent which is released without any form of treatment. A total of seven samples were analyzed during the months of March, April and May of the year 2021. The results we obtained were analyzed according to the regulatory requirements recommended by the Guidelines for the quality of drinking water and the Algerian standard relating to the limit values ​​of physicochemical parameters. The results we obtained showed signs of significant pollution in particular: chemical oxygen demand (COD: 125.32-959 mg L-1), 5 days-biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5: 23-99 mg L-1), turbidity (2-520 NTU), TDS (130-13430 mg L-1), Nitrite (4.96-21327.44 mg L-1) and many other parameters greatly exceed those required by the international standard, we have also noted a strong pollution to heavy metals: chromium (35.76- 1381.08 mg L-1), lead (0.21 - 2.49 mg L-1), iron (0.28- 17.82 mg L-1), and cadmium (0 , 03-0.19 mg L-1) which are above the values ​​prescribed by the WHO. These heavily polluted effluents released into the natural environment are harmful to the environment, biodiversity and human health. This state of affairs requires urgent intervention to preserve the ecological balance. Otherwise, it can constitute a risk for public health in the short term by deteriorating the quality of the underground reservoir known as the main source of water supply for the local populations.

Dwi Yuli Pujiastuti ◽  
Laksmi Sulmartiwi ◽  
Ahmad Shofy Mubarak

In this PKM program, our partner is residents in Rungkut Barata, Surabaya, East Java Province. This community has generated the production of citronella oil. However, the product only in the form of citronella oil in a simple package. Citronella oil from the refining process is one of the jobs for the people in Rungkut Barata where to improve welfare, a product diversification process is necessary. Seaweed is forms of algae that grow in the sea and has the biological activity for health. Carrageenan is the product result of seaweed extraction that have several function as thickener, emulsifier, suspension, and stabilizer. The pharmaceutical industry uses carrageenan for the manufacture of drugs, syrups, tablets, toothpaste, and shampoo. The cosmetics industry uses it as a gelling agent or binding agent. Based on interviews and observations in the field, there are 2 main focuses of the problems currently faced by partners, namely: 1) lack of knowledge about non-consumption seaweed and 2) product diversification of seaweed and citronella oil which have an added value. Some of the things planned by the PKM team are innovating citronella oil to be aromatic soap as well as providing training and mentoring for financial analysis, soap packaging and marketing. The purpose of this activity is to transfer knowledge of making soap, develop the creativity of the partner, increase the soap production and improve the welfare of the partner. This activity was realized with an approach in the form of making a sustainable cooperation program until the end of PKM, creating a family atmosphere between the two and understanding that the problems experienced were a shared problem so that they could be solved together according to the level of responsibility to achieve the expected benefits, namely increased yields, production and productivity and competitiveness, independence and welfare of the community.

2021 ◽  
pp. 62-66
А. Туреханова ◽  
Қ. Тоштай ◽  
М. Дуйсебаева ◽  
Т. Тұрсонжан ◽  
Ж. Жеңіс

Согласно литературным данным, подсолнечное масло богато полезными веществами, однако, в зависимости от степени очистки масла, количество этих компонентов варьируется. В данном исследовании был изучен дистиллят жирных кислот подсолнечного масла. Согласно полученным данным, более 40% состава кислот приходится на линолевую кислоту с F-витаминной активностью. В большом количестве содержатся стерины, составляющие 44% неомыляемого остатка. Токоферолы составляют 9% неомыляемого остатка, 93% из них приходится на a-токоферол. Helianthus annuus L необходим для приготовления натурального мыла, сочетает в себе способ приготовления медицинского мыла с технологией производства. Экстракт из стебля растения. Это свежее натуральное мыло содержит много полезных микро-и макроэлементов, биологически активные соединения и макро - и микроэлементы растения Helianthus annuus L были определены атомно-эмиссионным методом. Основными из них были K (44,9 мг/г), (377,745 мг/г), Na (3,91 мг/г), (7,56 мг/г) и Mg (3,06 мг/г), (1,495 мг/г). Эти элементы полезны для нашего организма и обладают целебными свойствами. Кроме того, в составе растения H. Annuus L. были определены биологически активные вещества, такие как флавоноиды, алкалоиды, органические кислоты, кумарины и витамины. Эти выявленные данные позволяют получать мыло с высоким качеством, а также целебными свойствами. Helianthus annuus L salt, which is necessary for the preparation of natural soap, combines the method of preparation of medical soap production technology. The extract from the stem of the plant. This fresh natural soap contains many useful micro and macronutrients, biologically active compounds and macro - and microelements of the plant Helianthus annuus L were determined by atomicemission method. Main of them were K (44.9 mg/g), (377.745 mg/g), Na (3.91 mg/g), (7.56 mg/g) and Mg (3.06 mg/g), (1.495 mg/g). These elements are useful for our body and have healing properties. In addition, biologically active substances such as fiavonoids, alkaloids, organic acids, coumarins, and vitamins were found in the composition of the plant H. annuus L. These identied data allow us to obtain soap with a high composition and quality and healing properties

Mahboobeh Rafieepoor Chirani ◽  
Elaheh Kowsari ◽  
Targol Teymourian ◽  
Seeram Ramakrishna

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (7) ◽  
pp. 01-09
Ruhana Wati Iran ◽  
Surina Nordin ◽  
Dayang Kamariah Tajul Maulok

The demand for cosmetic products is rapidly growing, despite the majority of them is high in chemical substances and may harm the skin. Nowadays, there are other alternatives that may help to prevent the use of chemical substances in cosmetic products. For example, fruit contains its own nutrient. Furthermore, there are some fruits that contains high in vitamins and also good for the skin. Researchers noticed that Phyllantus amblica (Melaka fruits) has an unpleasant odor but it higher with contains 30 times more vitamin C compared to orange while Cosnicium blumeanem (mengkunyit) helps raise the level of vitamins C in the body. Therefore, looking at potential and benefits, research has been conducted to produce a bar soap (Amblica Soap) from Phyllantus amblica and Cosnicium blumeanem. Analyze has been done to determine the vitamin C, antioxidant level, and perception level of respondents towards Amblica Soap. Likert Scale and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used as the quantitative instrument. A number of 30 respondents were selected based on their locality. Descriptive analysis was used to analyses collected using SPSS version 25.0. Resulting confirming that is Amblica Soap not contain in vitamin C and shows the perception level of respondents towards Amblica Soap is highly positive. In conclusion, Amblica Soap accepted optimistically.

Muhammad Fadhlullah ◽  
Liliek Soeprijadi ◽  
Susi Ratnaningtyas ◽  
Iman Mukhaimin

Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa is one of the potential marine natural resource commodities in Karawang Regency, Indonesia. The G. verrucosa-enriched bar soap is one of the added value products that can be developed from seaweed since it has a potential antiseptic function for human skin. Also, the seaweed-enriched bar soap sale can give more incomes for the seaweed farmers and coastal community in Karawang Regency. This study aims to produce bar soap with the addition of different seaweed G. verrucosa formulation and to examine the sensory, physicochemical, and bioactivity characteristics of G. verrucosa-enriched bar soap. This study applied five variants: the bar soap with extract of water + 250 ppm of seaweed (W250), extract of water + 500 ppm of seaweed (W500), extract of water + 750 ppm of seaweed (W750), extract of ethanol + 750 ppm of seaweed (E750), and seaweed pulp (SWP). The bar soap of variant W500 has the highest attributes according to the sensory and physicochemical analysis, while the variant SWP has the highest bioactivity parameter. From the results, the bar soap of variant W500 and SWP can be the candidates for further product development.

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