liquid preparation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (25) ◽  
pp. 165-173
Carla Holandino ◽  
Rafael Harduim ◽  
Venício Feo da Veiga ◽  
Sheila Garcia ◽  
Carlos Renato Zacharias

The most common way to perform succussions is to place a liquid preparation inside a glass vessel and beat it vigorously against a hard elastic surface, either manually or using a mechanical apparatus. This procedure has been assumed able to transfer mechanical energy to the molecular level, where it becomes available to perform chemical work. Such interpretation has been enforced by observed changes in the electrical conductivity (EC) of High Dilutions (HD) due to succussion. In order to address this question, we compared the electrical conductivity changes of HD prepared from Vincristine sulfate (VCR) samples with those of an inert solvent. Samples were produced through manual and mechanical succusions in order to observe the influence of bubbles production. The results confirmed the timing of EC changes but these were equivalent for VCR and solvent, except for VCR 1cH samples. Also, the production of bubbles does not affect the EC in an extent able to distinguish succussion procedures. We concluded that the physical-chemical properties of HD can be modeled by chemical and diffusive mechanisms typical of distilled water. Keywords: Succussion, electrical conductivity, high dilutions, distilled water, modeling.   Modelagem de propriedades físico-químicas das Altas Diluições: o estudo da condutividade elétrica Resumo A maneira mais comum de realizar sucussões é manter uma preparação líquida dentro de um frasco de vidro, e agitá-la violentamente usando um dispositivo mecânico ou batendo-a, manualmente, contra um anteparo rígido, porém elástico. Este procedimento tem sido interpretado como um mecanismo capaz de transferir a energia mecânica da agitação, para níveis moleculares, onde ela se tornaria disponível para a realização de trabalho químico. Tal interpretação tem sido estimulada pela observação de alterações na condutividade elétrica (CE) de Altas Diluições (HD), devido à sucussão. Visando modelar esta questão, comparou-se a alteração da CE de amostras preparadas a partir de Sulfato de Vincristina (VCR) com amostras equivalentes (controle) preparadas apenas com o solvente água destilada. As amostras foram produzidas por sucussão mecânica e manual, a fimd e observar a influéncia da produção de bolhas. Os resultados confirma que a CE varia com o tempo, porém tais variações são equivalentes para VCR e controle, exceto para as amostras VCR 1cH. Também, a produção de bolhas não afeta a CE de forma a permitir usá-la para distinguir os diferentes procedimentos de sucussão. Concluimos que as propriedades físico-químicas da HDs podem ser modeladas por mecanismos químicos e difusivos, típicos para a água destilada. Palavras-chave: Sucussão, condutividade elétrca, altas diluições, água destilada, modelagem.   Modelo de propiedades físico-químicas de las Altas diluciones: un estudio de la conductividad eléctrica Resumen La manera más común para llevar a cabo sucuciones es mantener una preparación líquida dentro de un recipiente de vidrio, agitando violentamente utilizando para esto un aparato mecánico, o golpes manuales contra una superfície dura mas elástica. Este procedimiento ha sido interpretado como un mecanismo capaz de transferir la energía mecánica a nivel molecular, donde es posible realizar el trabajo químico. Tal interpretación ha sido estimulada por los cambios observados en la conductividad eléctrica (CE) de las Altas diluciones (HD), debido al procedimiento de la sucucion. A fin de abordar este punto, se compararon los cambios en la conductividad eléctrica de HD preparadas a partir de Sulfato de Vincristina (VCR) con muestras de solvente inerte. Las muestras fueron producidas a través de sucuciones mecánicas y manuales, con el fin de observar la influencia de la producción de burbujas. Los resultados confirmaron el cambio em la CE, pero estos cambios fueron equivalentes para VCR y solvente, con excepción de las muestras VCR 1cH. Asimismo, la producción de burbujas no afecta la CE en una medida capaz de distinguir las diferentes maneras de sucución. Concluimos que las propiedades físico-químicas de HD pueden ser modeladas por mecanismos químicos y difusivos típicos del agua destilada. Palabras-clave: Sucución, conductividad eléctrica, alta diluciones, agua destilada, modelo.   Correspondence author: Carlos Renato Zacharias, [email protected] How to cite this article: Holandino C, Harduim R, Veiga VF, Garcia, S. Zacharias CR. Modeling physical-chemical properties of High Dilutions: an electrical conductivity study. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008 [cited YYYY Mmm DD]; 7(25): 165-173. Available from:  

2021 ◽  
pp. 3261-3269
Deepthi.G.B ◽  
Gayathri. Bhat.N.V

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is caused due to different candida species, most commonly C.albicans. It occurs in 1-14% of all women of reproductive age throughout the world and its prevalence in India is estimated to be 30% It may be physiological condition but when turns into pathological, produces associated symptoms such as pruritus, backache, white discharge with foul smell and alters the PH of the vaginal flora. This can be correlated to the Lakshanas of Kaphaja yoni vyapat, where there will be Kaphavrudhi all over the body. Management of this condition is by using Ruksha, Katu, Ushna dravyas. Sthanika Chikitsa such as Yoni Prakshalana (douching), Yoni Pichu (tamponing per vagina), Yoni Varti (local use of pessaries) and Yoni Dhoopana (fumigation) have been mentioned and these modalities are found effective in treating Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat. During the current era, many vaginal washes is available easily over the counter and women prefers using such preparation, when they come across vaginal itching and discomfort and abnormal vaginal discharge. Here is an effort to prepare a colorless, odorless solution, adopting the principals of Ayurveda which can be convenient for washing easily at home for women. Methodology: Here is a case report of a patient with complaints of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat diagnosed vaginal candidiasis by swab smear test selected from outpatient department of SDM Ayurveda hospital Hassan. Panchavalkala Arka will be given to the pts and advised to wash it twice a day for 7 days. Results: Local therapies such as Sthanika Chikitsa have lot of potential in treating Yoni Vyapad and in Panchavalkala Arka the drugs with its Guna Karma helps in breaking the Samprapti of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat. Discussion: PVQ Arka is a liquid preparation obtained using Arkayantra which contains the 5 Ksheeravrukshadravyas and indicated for Shotha. The Dravyas by its Guna Karma Vranashodana, Ropana, Yonidoshahara, Kandugna properties which helps to treatment of Kaphaja Yoni Vyapat. Hence here is an attempt to use Panchavalkala in Arka form and help the women kind as an easily available Ayurvedic vaginal wash in treating Vuvlo Vaginal Candidiasis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Alessandro Antonelli ◽  
Giusy Elia ◽  
Francesca Ragusa ◽  
Sabrina Rosaria Paparo ◽  
Gabriella Cavallini ◽  

Approximately, 5% of the population is affected by hypothyroidism, mainly women and persons aged more than 60 years. After the diagnosis of hypothyroidism the usual therapy is tablet levothyroxine (L-T4), with a monitoring of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level in primary hypothyroidism every 6–8 weeks and L-T4 is adjusted as necessary to reach an euthyroid state. Once TSH is stabilized in the normal range, it is recommended to conduct annual testing in the treated subjects to warrant suitable replacement. More recently advances regarding L-T4 treatment are the introduction of new oral formulations: the liquid solution, and soft gel capsule. The soft gel capsule permits a quick dissolution in the acid gastric pH. The liquid preparation does not require an acid gastric environment. Many pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated a more rapid absorption for the liquid L-T4, or capsule, than with tablet. Many studies have shown that the liquid, or capsule, formulations can overcome the interaction with foods, drugs or malabsorptive conditions, that are able to impair the tablet L-T4 absorption. Lately studies have suggested that liquid L-T4 can permit to maintain more efficiently normal TSH levels in hypothyroid patients in the long-term follow-up, than tablet L-T4, both in patients with malabsorptive states, and in those without malabsorption. Further large, prospective, longitudinal studies are needed to evaluate the stability of TSH, in hypothyroid patients treated with different L-T4 formulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Poupak Fallahi ◽  
Silvia Martina Ferrari ◽  
Giusy Elia ◽  
Francesca Ragusa ◽  
Sabrina Rosaria Paparo ◽  

Levothyroxine (L-T4) absorption can be impaired by various causes: a) L-T4 ingestion during breakfast, or with food; b) conditions of reduced gastric acidity; c) intestinal procedures and diseases such as bariatric surgery, lactose intolerance (LI), celiac disease (CD), inflammatory bowel disease; d) drugs that alter L-T4 absorption, increasing the gastric pH, or preventing the dissolution of tablets. The development of new oral formulations, i.e. the liquid preparation and the soft gel capsule, represents the most recent advance regarding L-T4 therapy. Treating hypothyroidism with L-T4 tablets can lead to an improper control of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in ~10%–15% of patients. The improperly elevated TSH is usually managed by increasing the L-T4 daily dose, and revaluating TSH upon 2-6 months. The increase of the L-T4 dosage may cause iatrogenic hyperthyroidism, especially when the underlying disorders are cured. Liquid L-T4 can be administered in patients unable to swallow capsules or tablets, and this is one of its major benefits. Liquid L-T4 can: 1- overcome food and beverages interference; 2- bypass the malabsorption associated with an increased gastric pH; 3- circumvent the issue of malabsorption in patients who underwent bariatric surgery; 4-maintain TSH values under control better than L-T4 tablets in hypothyroid patients with typical or atypical CD, or in patients with LI. Few clinical studies evaluated soft gel L-T4 with encouraging findings in patients with gastric- or coffee-related malabsorption, or hypothyroid patients without malabsorption. Additional research is necessary to investigate liquid L-T4, or soft gel capsule, in other conditions of altered L-T4 absorption.

Caren Gobetti ◽  
Andressa da Silva Bitencourt ◽  
Márcio Vinícius Ayres ◽  
Ana Lucia Peixoto de Freitas ◽  
Andreas Sebastian Loureiro Mendez ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (33) ◽  
pp. 77-85
E. Matelyuk ◽  
D. Charny ◽  
O. Kovalenko ◽  
Yu. Onanko ◽  

It is noted that the overwhelming majority of water supply systems operating in Ukraine are made of steel or cast iron, which are subject to corrosion. It has been established that/ one of the ways to reduce the corrosiveness of drinking water is the use of an orthopolyphosphate preparation “SeaQuest Liquid” (TU U 20.5-V 0502222-001:2017). The results of studies of the effect of the “SeaQuest Liquid” preparation on organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of drinking water are presented. It was determined that the treatment of tap drinking water with the “SeaQuest Liquid” preparation does not affect organoleptic indicators, the average levels of which practically did not undergo significant changes during 5 months of observation and were within the hygienic standards. In water samples, the levels of substances that make up the “SeaQuest Liquid” preparation (polyphosphates, orthophosphates) were within the normative values. The quality of water treated with the “SeaQuest Liquid” orthophosphate preparation, according to the main sanitary and chemical indicators, except for iron, meets the requirements of the hygienic standards DSanPiN In some water samples, the iron content in water exceeded the hygienic standard (0.2 mg/dm3) and went beyond the maximum permissible level (1.0 mg/dm3). Under the action of “SeaQuest Liquid” in water treated with sodium hypochlorite, a decrease in the Langelier index was observed: from -2,23 to -2,08 and from -1,79 to -1,70, which indicates a decrease in its corrosivity. In water untreated with sodium hypochlorite under the influence of the “SeaQuest Liquid” preparation, a slight increase in the Langelier index was observed: from -1,80 to -1,95 and from -1,85 to -2,78, from -2,01 to -2,13, which indicates an increase in its corrosiveness. In the presence of sulphate-reducing and thiobacteria in water, the “SeaQuest Liquid” preparation increases the corrosion rate of steel by 2,9-7,2 times; subject to additional disinfection of water with sodium hypochlorite, it reduces this indicator by 1,4-2,7 times.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-61
Yu. A. Fadeeva ◽  
S. M. Kuzmin ◽  
L. E. Shmukler ◽  
L. P. Safonova

Petr Benda ◽  
Eliška Fulínová ◽  
Vítězslav Kuželka ◽  
Milena Běličová

František Palacký (1798–1876), a historian and politician, was one of the most eminent personalities of the Czech society of the 19th century. He died on 26 May 1876 in Prague and on 30 May 1876, in the evening before the burial, the Palacký’s head was dissected and his brain was extracted and preserved as a liquid preparation. Then, it was deposited in the Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia (present National Museum) in Prague; currently it is stored in a jar concealed in a wall niche of a column (next to a large statue of Palacký) in the Pantheon hall of the historical building of the National Museum on the Wenceslaus square in Prague. The investigation of the Museum archive brought some documents which elucidate certain parts of the history of the Palacký’s brain preparation, although its whereabouts during other periods still remain hidden. For several years after its extraction, the Palacký’s brain was deposited in the Museum library, and between the years 1878–1899 (most probably in 1892 at the latest), it was handed over to the Department of Zoology of the Museum, where it remained until 1931. Next fate of the brain is uncertain until 1958, when it was installed in the wall niche in the Pantheon hall, where it remains till now (with an interruption in the last five years), but again under the responsibility of the Department of Zoology and Department of Anthropology, respectively.

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