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Published By Mahadev Publications

2393-9591, 2393-9583

2021 ◽  
pp. 3473-3481
Vijay Chaudhary ◽  
Ankita Agrawal

In present time, lifestyle disorders are rapidly rising in our society. Over consumption of food, alcohol and fructose sweetened soft drinks in combination with a sedentary lifestyle has resulted in increased prevalence of visceral obesity, metabolic syndrome and gout in all socioeconomic groups of society including the lower socioeconomic status. Gout is one of the major life style disorders. The clinical manifestation and textual references of gout may be attributed with 'Vatarakta', also known as Vatashonita. Vata and Rakta are the Dosha and Dushya respectively which are primarily involved in the pathology of Vatarakta. Virudhaahar and Vihara aggravate Vata dosha and Rakta dhatu. Provocated Vata gets Aavrut with vitiated Rakta dhatu leading to the beginning of pathophysiological cascade of Vatarakta. The patients for this study were diagnosed based on Ayurvedic and modern parameters. Clinical signs and symptoms described in classical texts were considered for the diagnosis of Vatarakta, whereas serum uric acid was considered as investigation based diagnostic tool. Total 15 patients were registered in trial. The selected patients were given the trial drug i.e., Amrita guggulu one gram and Guduchi kwath 50ml twice a day with plain water after food. Out of 15 registered patients, 1 dropout from the trial, 4 patients (28.57%) showed marked improvement, 7 patients i.e., 50% showed moderate improvement and 3 patients 21.43% showed mild improvement. None of patient in present clinical trial remained unimproved or deteriorated during the clinical trials. In the present study, none of the patient reported any adverse effect to the trial drug during study and follow up period.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3581-3584
Priya Pathak

The term Geriatrics is made by union of two Greek word first ‘geras’ (old age) and second ‘iatros’ (physician) and derived from Greek root “gergero- geronto” meaning old age or the aged or especially one receiving special care. Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion and prevention and treatment of disease and disability in later life. In India population of the elderly has been increasing steadily since 1961 as it touched 13.8 crore in 2021, growing faster due to decrease in death rate, according to a study by National Statistical Office (NSO). Ageing is the process in which structural and functional changes occur with passage of time. Thus study of all aspects of ageing including physiological, pathological, psychological, economical and sociological problems is termed as Geriatrics. With advancing age, several changes take place in the body, in the external appearance as well as in Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Oja level, also on the mental functions. In Ayurvedic texts, there are many ways given for prevention and promotion of health, one of them is Dinacharya (daily regimen), which is most important part to maintain a healthy and happy life. The importance of appropriate daily routine cannot be underestimated. It set the wheels in motion for entire day, bringing a sense of calm and well-being. It gives the body, mind and spirit the chance to start afresh.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3566-3573
Nagendra Chary.M ◽  
Lalitha B.R ◽  
T.Anil Kumar

Male reproductive health depends upon the normal structures and functions of Shukrava srotas. Shukra is composed of both sperm and semen and considered one of the important factors for fertilization. It is stated as Phalavat shukra. Preceptors of Ayurveda have described eight types of Shukra dosha and their treatments. Low sperm count, decrease sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology, ejaculatory problems, sexual dysfunctions, environmental exposures (radiation, pollution, and stress etc), lifestyle habits (smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs etc), varicocele, hormonal imbalances, DNA damage, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) etc are causative factors for Male infertility. Thousands of years back, ancient system of medicine has mentioned the word Purusha vandya (male infertility) and different pharmacological activities, medicinal formulas, therapies to treat sperm disorders, semen impairments, and sexual dysfunctions. Vajeekarana is one of the special branches of Astanga Ayurveda which maintains the fertility and management of male infertility. Shukrala, Shukra janana, Shukra shodhana, Shukra rechaka, Shukra pravataka and Shukra sthambhaka etc., are the pharmacological activities mentioned to treat Shukradoshas. Shukrala karma mainly composed of Shukra vrudhikara and Shukra srutikara means which enhances the Shukra (semen and sperm) quantitatively and qualitatively and facilitates its ejaculation. Therefore, an attempt has been made to establish the concept of Shukrala karma and its therapeutic applicability in the management of male infertility.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3547-3550
Borkar Manasi R ◽  
Kotangale Sumedha Y ◽  
Kotangale Yogesh T

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a symptom complex in which symptoms develop due to long screening time and improper postures while using computers. Ayurveda has mentioned Shushkakshipaka under Sarvagat Netra Roga. The symptoms of CVS and Shushkakshipaka when corelated, it denotes imbalance of Vata and Pitta Dosha. These vitiated Doshas carried by Siras to the eyes. When Doshas accumulated in eye the condition develops, called as Shushkakshipaka. Over use of Internet, Computers, Electronic devices increasing the risk factors about maintaining the normal vision. For the management of the CVS case, the Saindhava Jala Seka and Abhyantara Triphala Ghritapana is chosen from Sushrut Samhita. Triphala Ghrita is beneficial for complete maintenance of physiology of eye. The Guna Karma of Saindhava and Triphala Ghrita are Vata-Pitta Shamaka and both having Chakshushya properties. The main purpose for this study is to find safe and effective treatment without untoward effect in the management of CVS along with respective ergonomics advice. The required clinical tests done to observe the effectiveness of the combination of local and systemic treatment. The dryness in the eyes and associated symptoms can be resolved with the local treatment like Seka. Both the treatment modalities in combination have potential to give local and systemic relief improving the symptoms of CVS.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3490-3497
Farhatunnisa Syed A.A ◽  
Manore Deepali ◽  
Khatun Hazera

Cervical spondylosis (CS) is a degenerative and age-related condition affecting neck joints. It is also known as cervical osteoporosis. This is usually found in men and women at the age of 40 years or above. The aim of present study to reduces the symptoms and increases in functional activities of elderly patients with spondylosis before and after Bramhamudra.(Yoga posture) In this clinical study, total 30 patients were enrolled. All patients were treated on Brahmamudra fallowed by micro exercise and diet on the day of enrollment and after 30 day with the schedule as 0th 7th 15th 30th day fallow up. There is no drop out. Clinical assessment done on day 1st and 30th day of fallow up, shows results of improvement in all the assessment criteria in neck region. Neck pain and the symptoms was assessed examination (X-ray, MRI) by symptomatic score used by VAS (Visual analog scale), physical examination through ROM (range of movement), cervical disability score questionnaire, radiological and examination by pathological test (uric acid, ESR, RA factor, BMD in the patient willing to do) on the day of enrollment. Then after fallow up the neck pain was examination by symptomatic score used by VAS, physical examination through ROM, cervical disability score questionnaire (radiological and examination by pathological test if required). In conclusion, a combination of Yoga with diet control is found to be effective in reducing pain, and facilitating improvement in functional status of elderly people suffering from CS.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3585-3593
Pankaj Kundal ◽  
Kamble Pallavi Namdev

Arma is a disease of Shukla mandala. In Ayurveda it has been described under Shuklagta Sadhya Vyadhi. This is a disease in which, a wing like triangular fibro-vascular layer or structure gradually encroaching towards the Krisna Mandala from either Kaneenika (Inner canthus) or Apanga Sandhi (outer canthus) of the eye. If this layer invades the cornea (Krisna Mandala) which is transparent in nature causes damage of the transparency of that part of cornea and thereby may cause disturbance in vision. On the basis of signs and symptoms described by the modern medical science, the disease ‘Arma’ can be correlated with Pterygium. This article gives a brief description about Nidanpanchak described in Samhita related to Arma in which Nidan, Purvroop, Roopa, and Sampapti ghatak described in detail. Along with Nidanpanchak detail description of types of Arma, Sadhya-asadhyatv, Chikitsa vivechan, Updrav, and Pathya-pathya mentioned in Samhita. The first and foremost method of treatment of Arma is Chedana Karma. However in the initial stage it can be treated with Lekhana Anjanas. Lekhan and Chedan is the main line of treatment of Arma. This article also defines the surgical procedure of Arma.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3524-3534
Subash Chandra Bose. M ◽  
Wadavadagi Shrikant

The western lifestyle, characterized by convenience food, television and PC’s taking its all on children as well as adults and is producing increased number of overweight, passive youngsters with lifestyle diseases. Spondylosis is degenerative inter vertebral disc with secondary proliferative osteoarthritis. Disc spaces collapse and associated ligament thickening and bony proliferation result in nerve root compression and narrowing of spinal canal. Cervical spondylosis which is a degenerative disorder in which structural and also functional derangements take place. It is an age related and also work-related disability usually found in the 30-60 years of age group. According to Ayurveda it is one among the Vataja Nanatmaja Vikara. There is no exact clinical entity mentioned in classics like cervical spondylosis, but it can be compared to Greevastambha, Apabahuka, Vishwachi Manyastamba, Manyagraha, Shirograham, Greevahundanam, Greevasandhigatavata. Cervical Spondylosis also known as cervical osteoarthritis or neck arthritis, is a common age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in our neck.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3482-3489
Kaminey ◽  
Soni Kapil ◽  
Anil Bhardawaj

Regular periods are necessary to maintain good health of women. Any abnormality in Rituchakra leads to excessive and irregular uterine bleeding which is known as Asrigdara which can be correlated to Abnormal Uterine bleeding. In Ayurvedic text, many preparations are described to treat Asrigdara. Samshodhan therapy is mainstay in the management of Artava related disorders of which Basti is supreme to manage Asrigdara. In conventional science, Hormonal therapy is given but chances of recurrence of the disease are high. This study was planned to provide simple, safe, non- hormonal drug for the patients of Asrigdara. Total 40 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected randomly from Dept. of Stree roga and Prasuti tantra O.P.D.and I.P.D. The total effect of drug was evaluated on the basis of signs and symptoms after completion of therapy. Overall effect of therapy shows in group-I 6 (60%) patients were markedly improved, 11 (61.11%) were partially improved and 1 (5.6%) was not improved and group II- 6 (33.33%) patients were cured, 9 (50%) were markedly improved, 2 (11.1%) were partially improved, and 1 (5.6%) was unimproved. Thus, Basti Chikitsa manifested promising results for the management of Asrigdara, although hormonal pill manifested better cycle but for shorter duration.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3506-3510
Ratnesh Kumar Dubey ◽  
Kulkarni Ashwini A ◽  
Raghvendra Y ◽  
Nitin Kumar

In present scenario the most common cause of disability in patients under 45years of age is back pain. Gridhrasi can be correlated to Sciatica where pain radiates from buttock into thigh, calf, and occasionally the foot. In the surgical treatment of Sciatica may have serious post-operative complications. Basti being superior treatment in Vatavyadhis and keeping in view of lacunae in medical management and due to the complications caused by modern surgical interventions there is a need of a safe, potent, cost effective, simple and short-term therapy for this condition. So here is an attempt to compare the effect of Matra Basti with Shuddha Bala Taila (group A) and Ksheerabala Taila (group B) in the management of Gridhrasi. Where 40 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria randomly and distributed into 2 groups of 20 patients each. Clinical symptoms were given grading according their severity. After completion of the treatment result were assessed and statistically analyzed to know the significance. Considering the overall effect of the treatment, comparatively patients in group B showed better results in Parameters Pain (<0.05), Stambha (<0.05), and SLR (<0.05). Whereas patients in Group A showed better results in Spandana (<0.05) where as both group patients showed equal result in Toda. So, the Ksheerabala Taila is more effective than Shuddha Bala Taila in the management of Gridhrasi.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3574-3580
Archana R.Gharge ◽  
Rajiv Mundane

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder causing hyperglycaemia with defect in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins due to defect in insulin secretion, or its utilization or both. Prediabetes is a condition in which the blood glucose levels do not meet the criteria for diabetes or too high to be considered normal (ADA). It is an early stage of DM. So it is important to diagnose Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in the previous stage that is prediabetes. It is already in practice to diagnose it with laboratory blood tests. But additionally, we can also take help of Prameha purvarupas as premonitory symptoms in patients prediabetes. HbA1C is a useful parameter to diagnose prediabetes. There is mild or no symptoms mentioned for prediabetes. Purvarupas of Prameha mentioned in Ayurvedic samhitas can be useful to know early stage of Diabetes mellitus type 2, clinically. The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of Purvarupa of Prameha to diagnose prediabetes. So, the need of hour is to focus on screening and diagnosing pre-Diabetes earlier, by spreading knowledge and awareness among society which will play a key role to reduce the conversion of pre-diabetes to diabetes mellitus.

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