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James Lucietti

AbstractWe prove that the only asymptotically flat spacetimes with a suitably regular event horizon, in a generalised Majumdar–Papapetrou class of solutions to higher-dimensional Einstein–Maxwell theory, are the standard multi-black holes. The proof involves a careful analysis of the near-horizon geometry and an extension of the positive mass theorem to Riemannian manifolds with conical singularities. This completes the classification of asymptotically flat, static, extreme black hole solutions in this theory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 76-100 ◽  
Jérémie Chalopin ◽  
Victor Chepoi

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Akhmad Ramdhon ◽  
Heru Nugroho ◽  
Arie Sujito

<p><em>Tourism in Surakarta has a long dynamic in the attempt of contributing to the city development agenda. Based on tourism economic policy with MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition) tourism strategy, city tourism is supported with cultural festival. A series of festival agendas is used to promote city and MICE tourism as the city governance attempt as the part of tourism development in decentralization era.</em><em> </em><em> This study explained art and cultural festival to support city tourism and its effect on the attempt of activating the economic</em><em>. Primary data was collected with etnografi </em><em>approach to a variety of city festival agendas</em><em>, result of observation, in-depth interview, some related documents were review and analyzed. The result of research, </em><em>Surakarta tourism policy along with cultural festival series becomes a cultural event supporting the tourist destination experiencing revitalization effort as well. The Spirit of Java becomes a policy node to support public participation in various festivals designed in regular event calendar. Tradition and history-based festival was recycled into creative works along with public enthusiasm in the platforms worked on grandiosely.</em><em> </em><em>The tourist visit rate affects the city’s economy and infrastructural development scheme, becoming the long-term city policy. Surakarta transforms gradually into new spaces to tourism industry with big challenge to ensure the preservation of city tradition, and conservation of </em><em>culture.</em><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong> </strong><strong><em>City, Desentralization, City Tourism, Festival City</em></strong><strong></strong></p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong></strong></p><p>Pariwisata di Kota Surakarta mempunyai dinamika yang panjang dalam upaya untuk berkontribusi pada agenda pembangunan kota. Berbasis kebijakan ekonomi wisata dengan strategi pengembangan wisata MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition) pariwisata kota yang ditopang festival budaya. Rangkaian  agenda festival  untuk mempromosikan kota dan wisata MICE sebagai upaya tata kelola kota sebagai bagian dari perkembangan pariwisata diera desentralisasi.  Studi ini menjelaskan festival seni budaya untuk menopang pariwisata kota dan dampaknya bagi upaya menggerakkan roda ekonomi.  Data primer diambil lewat pendekatan etnografis atas berbagai agenda festival kota, hasil observasi, in-depth interview, dan beberapa dokumen terkait direview dan dianalisis.  Hasil dari studi ini, kebijakan pariwisata Surakarta dengan rangkaian festival budaya menjadi event budaya sekaligus menopang destinasi wisata yang juga mengalami upaya revitalisasi. The Spirit of Java menjadi simpul kebijakan untuk mendorong keterlibatan publik dalam berbagai festival yang dirancang dalam kalender event reguler. Festival dengan basis tradisi dan sejarah yang didaur ulang kembali menjadi kerja-kerja kreatif bersama antusiasme publik di panggung-panggung yang digarap dengan megah.  Angka kunjungan wisatawan menjadi dampak bagi ekonomi kota dan skema pengembangan infrastruktur menjadi skema kebijakan kota jangka panjang. Kota Surakarta bertahap bertransformasi menjadi ruang-ruang baru bagi industri wisata dengan tantangan besar untuk memastikan kelestarian tradisi, dan budaya kota tetap terjaga dengan baik.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : </strong><strong>Kota, Desentralisasi, Wisata Kota, Kota Festival<em> </em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 325-329
Ann Kingdom

On National Indexing Day (#indexday), now seen as a regular event in the annual indexing calendar, the Society of Indexers expected to concentrate its efforts on an event for publishers and editors in London. However, as COVID-19 gradually put a stop to normal life, the Society had to rethink the day and come up with novel ideas to engage its target audience. This short article gives a flavour of how the day was celebrated in the online environment.

2020 ◽  
Irma Syahnas Aprilia

Kitchen section is one place where the chefs prepared and making food that will be sell to the guest passing the restaurant in that hotel exclusif of room service. Beside that, Kitchen is also serve the order from banquet if there are some events, likes : wedding party event, birthday event, regular event, etc. To become profesional cook it is needed skilled and knowledge that used in the kitchen, ingredient and spiece knowledge. Food is the one of the important problems for the result of hotel operasional, beside of room rate.

Andrew Pyle ◽  
S. Paul Gennett ◽  
Darren Linvill

College and university campuses are regularly faced with various types of crises. One category of crisis that is becoming a more regular event of concern is the active shooter event. Trainings exist that can help individuals respond more confidently in the event of an active shooter incident on campus. However, the authors were concerned that students with certain personality traits may be less likely to abide by active shooter training guidelines. We surveyed undergraduate students and compared the Big Five personality traits with perceptions of self and response efficacy related to the “Run, Hide, Fight” active shooter training video. Our findings confirm prior research findings and suggest a small, significant relationship between certain personality types and perceptions of efficacy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 350
Gayuh Sherdianto ◽  
I Putu Anom

                                The selection of this research topic is based on the seriousness of Semarang City Government to maximize the potential of culinary tourism. The development of culinary tourism is expected to support the existing tourism in SemarangCity. In this study,the researchers chose WaroengSemawis as the main focus of the research location. WaroengSemawis is a culinary night market located in the Chinatown area in ??Semarang City. Initially,WaroengSemawis was just a Lunar New Year SemawisMarket held only days before the Lunar New Yearday, but since 2004 WaroengSemawis became a regular event every weekend. There are many types of culinary available there, ranging from local cuisine to typical Chinese cuisine. In addition,there are also many historical Chinese templessurroundingWaroengSemawis area that have their own history as well.                                 The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential of culinary tourism and the development strategy of the culinary tourism particularly at WaroengSemawis in Semarang City. The data usediin thisiresearchiis theitypeiof qualitativeiidata, whileitheidataisourceiisiprimaryidataiandisecondaryiidata. Data collection is done by observation, interview, literature study, and documentation. Data analysis techniqueusedin this study is SWOT to find out what strategies can be used. The results of this study indicate that there are still some shortcomings that must be developed by the management of WaroengSemawis. Theneed of additional public toilets, parking lots, as well as the addition of traditional culinary or culinary types of Semarang. By increasing some of these facilities, it can help boostingthe amenity and interest of tourists to visit WaroengSemawis so that it can leave a good impression on the tourists. Keywords:Development Strategy, Culinary Tourism, Waroeng Semawis

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.38) ◽  
pp. 1286
Ira Dwi Mayangsari ◽  
Arlin Ferlina Moch. Trenggana ◽  
Dini Salmiyah Fithrah Ali ◽  
Fatimah Abdillah

People today are more concern about a healthy life style which results in the rise of organic products demand and green awareness. This issue not only opens new opportunity to farmers but also calls them to improve their marketing strategy. This study explores a regular event from organic farmer community in Bandung, “Pasar Hejo,” in order to understand their marketing strategy that has been applied using qualitative approach. From the interview and observation, result shows the farmers join community for solidity and to expand their market, create some processed products as innovation, offer eco-tourism service and use social media application such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook as their promotion tools to informing the event, and social networking to offer special price or additional discount within the event. Further, WhatsApp is used by farmers as supply chain media which communicates supply demand among farmers, agents and consumers. In addition, farmers imply that they need more supports from the government to arrange more community markets to serve consumers and educate them about healthy lifestyle. Meanwhile, consumers appreciate Pasar Hejo event which provides healthy food, entertainment, sport and education. However, they consider the price of organics products to be expensive.   

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94 ◽  
Ewa M. Guzik-Makaruk ◽  
Marta Dąbrowska ◽  
Aleksandra Stachelska

The aim of this article is to bring the most important achievements of Bialystok School of Criminology closer to the readers. The Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok, specifically the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, is one of the leading Polish academic entities conducting extensive research in the field of criminology. In 2016, in the ranking organized by the Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper, the Faculty received the highest score of all the evaluated Polish universities which have law faculties, both state and private, in the area of international cooperation. What is more, Bialystok is the leader in the 2017 ranking of the 25 faculties of law of Polish universities, prepared as a result of the most important evaluation performed every four years by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and was awarded the highest (A) category. The paper presents not only the international criminology conferences and research that Bialystok School of Criminology has been part of, but also its own initiatives both at the national and international level. For example one of the pioneering ventures on a national scale was the 1st Poland-wide Forum of Young Criminologists held by the Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok as a regular event. One of the most impressive recent initiatives of BSC was the creation of the International Centre for Criminological Research and Expertise. The paper contains more information about the projects mentioned and others as well as an introduction to the diverse and interdisciplinary topics undertaken by Bialystok’s criminologists.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 559-568 ◽  
Denise Laroze

The entry and success of new parties has become a regular event in modern democracies. From the emergence of green to protest parties, new movements have entered the electoral arena. This article addresses one of the less studied aspects of new parties: the dynamic process of party exit and entry into politics. The article argues that changes to the party system, produced by the collapse of a political party, can lead to the successful entrance of new parties in the next election. The premise is that one party’s loss is a future one’s gain. The empirical results provide strong evidence that the size of the policy space created by a party collapse has a substantial impact on the level of new party’s success.

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