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2021 ◽  
pp. 12-27
A.A. Petrov ◽  
K.A. Speransky ◽  

This article opens a series of publications in which the main problems of magnesium alloys will be considered, such as low corrosion resistance, high anisotropy of mechanical properties, low fire safety, as well as the industries of application of these materials. The cycle of works involves several parts, each of which is devoted to a separate macro-problem characteristic of magnesium alloys, or to industries in which magnesium alloys may be most in demand. This part of the review presents basic information and systems for alloying magnesium alloys. The crystallographic and structural factors influencing the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys are described. The possibility of using magnesium alloys in medicine is shown, and the reasons for which at the current moment of time their use is difficult.

Irina A. Chetvertneva ◽  
Oleg Kh. Karimov ◽  
Galina A. Teptereva ◽  
Eldar M. Movsumzade

The article proposes a method of increasing the amount of OH-phenolic functional groups in the composition of a macromolecule lignosulphonate, a sulfo-derivative natural lignin polymer, tested under laboratory conditions by step-by-step chemical treatment of the lignosulphonate matrix with a solution of a bromine derivative, then with a solution of neutral sodium sulfite. This makes it possible to solve the problem characteristic of modern lignosulphonates of neutral sulfite production method, which have low values of tannidicity index: content of OH-phenolic groups, quantitative content of which forms inhibitory (tanning) capacity of lignosulphonates. The proposed procedure involves carrying out said demethylation reaction with cleavage of methyl group contained in phenylpropane unit of lignosulfonate. Pyrocatechin groups are formed and methanesulfonic acid molecule is cleaved off. The obtained product was analyzed by UV spectroscopy and the increase in optical density in the area of absorption of 280 nm characteristic of OH-phenolic functional groups was shown, which is the basis for the appearance of pyrocatechin structures in the phenylpropane unit of lignosulfonate. Proposed method allows increasing quantitative content of OH-phenolic groups in macromolecule composition from 1.7% of initial to 6.5%. The obtained results are correlated with the data on determination of tannidicity index - one of objective characteristics of inhibitory (tanning) capacity of lignosulfnates, which is 32%, compared to similar characteristic of undemethylated neutral lignosulfonate, where the value did not exceed 21%. The data show that demethylation of the lignosulphonate matrix is possible by converting modern inactive neutral lignosulphonates from the low-demand waste category of the pulp and paper industry to a promising raw material component.

T.A. Agasiev

Methods of landscape analysis are developed to estimate various characteristic features of the objective function in the optimization problem. The accuracy of the estimates largely depends on the chosen method of experiment design for the landscape sampling, i.e. on the number and location of points in the search space forming a discrete representation of the objective function landscape. The method of information content is the most resistant to changes in the experiment design but requires route building to bypass the obtained points of landscape sampling. A method of characterization of the optimization problem objective function is proposed on the base of landscape sampling without building a route to bypass its points. The notion of a variability map of objective function is introduced. The informativeness criteria are formulated for groups of points of a landscape sample. A method of constructing the so-called full variability map is proposed as well as the function of generalized information content for the analysis of the characteristic features of the objective function. The method allows obtaining more accurate estimates of target function characteristics which are resistant to variations of the experiment design

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 229 ◽  
S. Haryani ◽  
A. T. Prasetya ◽  
H. Bahron

<p>This research aims to apply and find out the characteristics of Problem-Based Instrumental Analysis of Chemistry Lab Work Learning Model (IACLLM) which is able to build the characters, improve the conceptual mastery and the ability of problem solving. The research using experimental quasy with 2 student groups of pre service chemistry teachers as the subjects of the research applied the treatment of problem-based IACLLM for the experimental class and lab work learning with standard lab work procedure in control class. Conceptual mastery was measured using essay test; problem solving skills were measured using assessment of problem solving reports, presentation of the results, and kit making products; whereas the emerged characters were observed during the learning process. The result of this research showed that problem-based IACLLM had open-ended problem characteristic, had produced local material kit, and characters were observed in every stage of problem-based learning model. The implementation of the model could improve the spectrometric and electrometric conceptual mastery, the problem solving skills on a very good level and also some characters were developing during learning process, including religious, discipline, honest, curious, creative, critical, cooperative, communicative, independent, and able to appreciate other people’s opinions and achievements, leadership, democracy, and able to be thorough and careful, and hardworking.<br /><br /></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34
Jan Pecha ◽  
Josef Dovalil

nine structured open ended interviews is the aim of the study to identify, confirm and/or review the ways of achieving the top tennis performance. The study focuses on three topics of the problem – characteristic features of training, demands on successful players and importance of sport competitions. Results reveal the importance of specialization in the early age of children in the tennis training, and crucial is keeping principles of deliberate play and versatility as well. Psychological factors are frequently mentioned requirements for successful players. Based on the interviews with experts the ranking among top players in youth age categories is an important aspect for the player development. The research brings new and often required information for tennis federations, coaches, managers and researchers, dealing with the talent identification, selection and development.

Saam Yasseri ◽  
Farzad Rahnema

In this paper, a newly developed hybrid subgroup decomposition method is tested in a 1D problem characteristic of gas cooled thermal reactors (GCR). The new method couples an efficient coarse-group eigenvalue calculation with a set of fine-group transport source iterations to unfold the fine-group flux. It is shown that the new method reproduces the fine-group transport solution by iteratively solving the coarse-group quasi transport equation. The numerical results demonstrate that the new method applied to 1D GCR problem is capable of achieving high accuracy while gaining computational efficiency up to 5 times compared to direct fine-group transport calculations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 989-994 ◽  
pp. 4298-4301
Yuan Guai Lin

According to Hainan smart tourism problem characteristic, a new leisure agriculture intelligent system was proposed combining agricultural technology and the Internet of Things technology. The paper illustrates the overall structure of the system, then design the software platform frame of the system which on Struts, Hibernate, Spring Framework for J2EE technology. The system may provide an effective solution for leisure agricultural intelligent; the intelligent data center analyzes and processes the data, combine with the expert decision-making system, providing support for the user to better understand, then real-time tracking, make cultivation strategies or control online, the user can browse the information via the Internet .

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Apando Ekardo ◽  
Firdaus Firdaus ◽  
Nilda Elfemi

Poverty is a multidimensional problem. Characteristic poverty is low average quality of life of the population, education, health, child nutrition, and sources of drinking water. Various attempts have been made by the Indonesian government to alleviate poverty. Once of the program is Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). This research is to describe effectiveness of the PKH in poverty reduction efforts in Nagari Lagan Hilir Punggasan. The objectives of this study is to describe the effectiveness of the PKH for poor households. The study conducted with qualitative by descriptive type. Informants selected with purposive. Data collected through observation, interview and study document. Result is PKH in Nagari Lagan Hilir Punggasan has been effective base on program objectives. On the other hand, the targeting of PKH beneficiaries for households in Nagari Lagan Hilir Punggasan is not effective. This is due to the targeting of PKH in Nagari Lagan Hilir Punggasan still not on target.Kemiskinan merupakan masalah multidimensi yang ditandai oleh rendahnya rata-rata kualitas hidup penduduk, pendidikan, kesehatan, gizi anak-anak, dan sumber air minum. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan. Salah satunya adalah Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). Penelitian ini bertujaun untuk mendeskripsikan  efektivitas  Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dalam upaya pengentasan kemiskinan di Nagari Lagan Hilir Punggasan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan efektivitas PKH bagi rumah tangga miskin. Penelitian dilakukan dengan kualitatif tipe deskriptif. Informan dipilih secara purposive. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program PKH di Nagari Lagan Hilir Punggasan sudah efektif jika dilihat dari tujuan program. Namun di sisi lain penetapan sasaran penerima bantuan PKH bagi RTSM di Nagari Lagan Hilir Punggasan belum bisa dikatakan efektif penentuan sasaran belum tepat sasaran

E-Marketing ◽  
2012 ◽  
pp. 756-780
Dário Elias Félix Oliveira Rodrigues

The digital technologies open a virtual world where making successful business over the Internet and especially on social networks imply unusual ethical dilemmas. This chapter will seek to handle this problem, characteristic of the information age, highlighting ethical challenges surrounding the participation in a new electronic dimension which quickly became ubiquitous. In the same line of the marketing model entitled “Marketing-mix”1, a new mnemonical model is presented. This model will be designated as “Cyberethics2-mix”, and is composed by four elements, all of them having the initial letter “P”. These elements represent the following ethical issues that should be carefully taken into account when practicing business on the Internet: Property of intellectual rights over digitized contents; Precision of the content and data made available on the www 3; Possibility to access the on-line information flow; Privacy of personal data on Internet networking /

Dário Elias Félix Oliveira Rodrigues

The digital technologies open a virtual world where making successful business over the Internet and especially on social networks imply unusual ethical dilemmas. This chapter will seek to handle this problem, characteristic of the information age, highlighting ethical challenges surrounding the participation in a new electronic dimension which quickly became ubiquitous. In the same line of the marketing model entitled “Marketing-mix”1, a new mnemonical model is presented. This model will be designated as “Cyberethics2-mix”, and is composed by four elements, all of them having the initial letter “P”. These elements represent the following ethical issues that should be carefully taken into account when practicing business on the Internet: Property of intellectual rights over digitized contents; Precision of the content and data made available on the www 3; Possibility to access the on-line information flow; Privacy of personal data on Internet networking /

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