subject noun
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2021 ◽  
Paula Speer

<p>Individuals with nonfluent aphasia are able to produce many words in isolation, but have great difficulty producing sentences. Most research to date has compared accuracy across different types of sentence structures, focussing on grammatical aspects that may be compromised in nonfluent aphasia. However, based on the premise that lexical elements activate their associated grammatical frames as well as vice versa, lexical content may also be of vital importance. For example, rapid access to lexical elements – particularly ones appearing early in the sentence - may be crucial, especially if the sentence plan is weakly activated or rapidly decaying. The current study investigated the effect of different aspects of lexical content on nonfluent aphasic sentence production. Five participants with nonfluent aphasia, four participants with fluent aphasia and eight controls completed two picture description tasks eliciting subject-verb-object sentences (e.g., the dog is chasing the fox). Based on existing evidence suggesting that common words are accessed more rapidly than rarer ones, Experiment 1 manipulated the frequency of sentence nouns, thereby varying their speed of lexical retrieval by varying the frequency of sentence nouns. Nonfluent participants' accuracy was consistently higher for sentences commencing with a high frequency subject noun, even when errors on those nouns were themselves excluded. This was not the case for the fluent participants. Experiment 2 manipulated the semantic relationship between subject and object nouns. Previous research suggests that phrases containing related words may be challenging for individuals with nonfluent aphasia, possibly because lexical representations are inadequately tied to appropriate structural representations. The nonfluent participants produced sentences less accurately when they contained related lexical items, even when those items were in different noun phrases. The fluent participants exhibited the opposite trend. Finally, the relationship between the patterns observed in Experiment 1 and 2 and lesion location in the aphasic participants was explored by analysing magnetic resonance scans. We discuss the implications of our findings for theoretical accounts of sentence production more generally, and of nonfluent aphasia in particular. More precisely, we propose that individuals with nonfluent aphasia are disproportionately reliant on activated lexical representations to drive the sentence generation process, an idea we call the Content Drives Structure (COST) hypothesis.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ella Creet

<p>Nonfluent aphasia is a language disorder characterised by sparse, fragmented speech. Individuals with this disorder often produce single words accurately (for example, they can name pictured objects), but have great difficulty producing sentences. An important research goal is to understand why sentences are so difficult for these individuals. To produce a sentence, a speaker must not only retrieve its lexical elements, but also integrate them into a grammatically well-formed sentence. Indeed, most research to date has focused on this grammatical integration process. However, recent studies suggest that the noun and/or verb content of the sentence can also be an important determinant of success (e.g., Raymer & Kohen, 2006; Speer & Wilshire, 2014). In this thesis, I explore the role of noun availability on sentence production accuracy using an identity priming paradigm. Participants are asked to describe a pictured event using a single sentence (e.g., “The fish is kissing the turtle”). In the critical condition, an auditory prime word is presented just prior to the picture, which is identical to one of the nouns in the target sentence (e.g., fish). The rationale is that the prime will enhance the availability of its counterpart when the person comes to produce the target sentence. Participants were four individuals with mild nonfluent aphasia, two individuals with fluent aphasia, and six older, healthy controls. Consistent with our hypotheses, the nonfluent participants as a group were more accurate at producing sentences when one of its nouns – either the subject or object - was primed in this way. Importantly, in the primed subject noun condition, these results held even when accuracy on the primed element itself was excluded, suggesting it had a broad effect on sentence production accuracy. The primed nouns had no effect on sentence production accuracy for the fluent individuals or the controls. We interpret these findings within models of sentence production that allow for considerable interplay between the processes of lexical content retrieval and sentence structure generation.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ella Creet

<p>Nonfluent aphasia is a language disorder characterised by sparse, fragmented speech. Individuals with this disorder often produce single words accurately (for example, they can name pictured objects), but have great difficulty producing sentences. An important research goal is to understand why sentences are so difficult for these individuals. To produce a sentence, a speaker must not only retrieve its lexical elements, but also integrate them into a grammatically well-formed sentence. Indeed, most research to date has focused on this grammatical integration process. However, recent studies suggest that the noun and/or verb content of the sentence can also be an important determinant of success (e.g., Raymer & Kohen, 2006; Speer & Wilshire, 2014). In this thesis, I explore the role of noun availability on sentence production accuracy using an identity priming paradigm. Participants are asked to describe a pictured event using a single sentence (e.g., “The fish is kissing the turtle”). In the critical condition, an auditory prime word is presented just prior to the picture, which is identical to one of the nouns in the target sentence (e.g., fish). The rationale is that the prime will enhance the availability of its counterpart when the person comes to produce the target sentence. Participants were four individuals with mild nonfluent aphasia, two individuals with fluent aphasia, and six older, healthy controls. Consistent with our hypotheses, the nonfluent participants as a group were more accurate at producing sentences when one of its nouns – either the subject or object - was primed in this way. Importantly, in the primed subject noun condition, these results held even when accuracy on the primed element itself was excluded, suggesting it had a broad effect on sentence production accuracy. The primed nouns had no effect on sentence production accuracy for the fluent individuals or the controls. We interpret these findings within models of sentence production that allow for considerable interplay between the processes of lexical content retrieval and sentence structure generation.</p>

2021 ◽  
Paula Speer

<p>Individuals with nonfluent aphasia are able to produce many words in isolation, but have great difficulty producing sentences. Most research to date has compared accuracy across different types of sentence structures, focussing on grammatical aspects that may be compromised in nonfluent aphasia. However, based on the premise that lexical elements activate their associated grammatical frames as well as vice versa, lexical content may also be of vital importance. For example, rapid access to lexical elements – particularly ones appearing early in the sentence - may be crucial, especially if the sentence plan is weakly activated or rapidly decaying. The current study investigated the effect of different aspects of lexical content on nonfluent aphasic sentence production. Five participants with nonfluent aphasia, four participants with fluent aphasia and eight controls completed two picture description tasks eliciting subject-verb-object sentences (e.g., the dog is chasing the fox). Based on existing evidence suggesting that common words are accessed more rapidly than rarer ones, Experiment 1 manipulated the frequency of sentence nouns, thereby varying their speed of lexical retrieval by varying the frequency of sentence nouns. Nonfluent participants' accuracy was consistently higher for sentences commencing with a high frequency subject noun, even when errors on those nouns were themselves excluded. This was not the case for the fluent participants. Experiment 2 manipulated the semantic relationship between subject and object nouns. Previous research suggests that phrases containing related words may be challenging for individuals with nonfluent aphasia, possibly because lexical representations are inadequately tied to appropriate structural representations. The nonfluent participants produced sentences less accurately when they contained related lexical items, even when those items were in different noun phrases. The fluent participants exhibited the opposite trend. Finally, the relationship between the patterns observed in Experiment 1 and 2 and lesion location in the aphasic participants was explored by analysing magnetic resonance scans. We discuss the implications of our findings for theoretical accounts of sentence production more generally, and of nonfluent aphasia in particular. More precisely, we propose that individuals with nonfluent aphasia are disproportionately reliant on activated lexical representations to drive the sentence generation process, an idea we call the Content Drives Structure (COST) hypothesis.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-211
Stefan Grondelaers

Abstract Expect the unexpected. About the different ways in which the Dutch and the Flemish use erIn this paper I report experimental data I have ignored for almost ten years because I did not know what to do with them. I still don’t know exactly, but the 25th anniversary of this journal is a key occasion to share them, if only because they fittingly illustrate that the syntax of Netherlandic and Belgian Dutch are diverging. The new data demonstrate that contrary to categorical Netherlandic intuitions that er is ungrammatical in sentences with a fronted locative (such as Op de envelop zat een postzegel), er is not only grammatical, but also beneficial to the Dutch language user. Compared to Belgian Dutch, however, the principal beneficiary of er’s processing advantage no longer is the subject noun phrase, but anything that follows.

2020 ◽  
David Maximiliano Gomez ◽  
Carolina Holtheuer ◽  
Karen Miller ◽  
Cristina Schmitt

We present an eye tracking study comparing 3.5- to 7.5-year-old children and adults’ use of number information on the verb and/or the determiner of the subject noun phrase in Chilean Spanish, a dialect of Spanish with variable realization of plural morphology in the noun phrase (due to phonological weakening) and categorical realization of number on the verb. Our results suggest that, while adults can determine whether the subject refers to a plurality or a singleton set based on the morphology of the verb alone, even 5- to 7-year-old children do not and, instead, require information from the noun phrase determiner to make a decision. Children younger than 5 years cannot use number on the verb and on the determiner to make a decision, which supports Miller and Schmitt’s (2010, 2012) hypothesis that number morphology is not always mapped into syntactic and semantic features by younger children in varieties of Spanish where number is subject to variation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-238
Fayssal Tayalati ◽  
Lieven Danckaert

AbstractThis paper is concerned with a hitherto undiscussed type of tough-construction in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Our starting point is the observation that the tough-adjective in this construction invariably displays nominative masculine singular morphology, a pattern of ‘default’ agreement which does not seem to occur elsewhere in the grammar of MSA. At a semantic level, the relevant adjective is argued to form a complex predicate with a deverbal nominalization that acts as its complement: together, these two elements indirectly modify the subject noun phrase. To explain the default agreement pattern, we propose that MSA tough-constructions involve two distinct subjects, viz. a phonologically null expletive subject which controls agreement on the tough-adjective, and a Broad Subject which acts as the semantic subject of the whole construction. We show that there is independent evidence for the existence of both null expletives and Broad Subjects in MSA.

2019 ◽  
R. Muralikrishnan ◽  
Ali Idrissi

AbstractThe brain establishes relations between elements of an unfolding sentence in order to incrementally build a representation of who is doing what based on various linguistic cues. Many languages systematically mark the verb and/or its arguments to imply the manner in which they are related. A common mechanism to this end is subject-verb agreement, whereby the marking on the verb covaries with one or more of the features such as person, number and gender of the subject argument in a sentence. The cross-linguistic variability of these features would suggest that they may modulate language comprehension differentially based on their relative weightings in a given language. To test this, we investigated the processing of subject-verb agreement in simple intransitive Arabic sentences in a visual event-related brain potential (ERP) study. Specifically, we examined the differences, if any, that ensue in the processing of person, number and gender features during online comprehension, employing sentences in which the verb either showed full agreement with the subject noun (singular or plural) or did not agree in one of the features. ERP responses were measured at the post-nominal verb. Results showed a biphasic negativity−late-positivity effect when the verb did not agree with its subject noun in one of the features, in line with similar findings from other languages. Crucially however, the biphasic effect for agreement violations was systematically graded based on the feature that was violated, which is a novel finding in view of results from other languages. Furthermore, this graded effect was qualitatively different for singular and plural subjects based on the differing salience of the features for each subject-type. These results suggest that agreement features, varying in their salience due to their language-specific weightings, differentially modulate language comprehension. We postulate a Salience-weighted Feature Hierarchy based on our findings and argue that this parsimoniously accounts for the diversity of existing cross-linguistic neurophysiological results on verb agreement processing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Iis Siti Sa'adah ◽  
Ani Atikah

The objective of the study is to improve vocabulary in children with special need. The researchers have chosen the object in the school because, the school has lack of learning media and teachers. This research used the "Poster" as a media, in addition the poster can make the students more interest to learn. The researchers using Poster media with a carton paper converted into a tree viewer and students are required to fill in a blank section of the tree shape based on a pre- existing question on the poster containing the Vocabulary subject Noun and Verb. Vocabulary with visuals so that they are easier to learn which tend to be limited by the ability they (deaf students) have. The researchers used Class room Action Research (CAR).The steps in action research (planning, action, observation, and reflection) are done in a cycle. This method is one of the active learning strategy by involving students to always study English learning especially The results of this research showed that the poster media can improve the vocabulary of the students and the students more interested to learn vocabulary.Keywords: Vocabulary Understanding, Deaf, poster Media

2018 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 751-778 ◽  
Bettina Braun ◽  
Yuki Asano ◽  
Nicole Dehé

This study investigates how pitch accent type and additive particles affect the activation of contrastive alternatives. In Experiment 1, German listeners heard declarative utterances (e.g., The swimmer wanted to put on flippers) and saw four printed words displayed on screen: one that was a contrastive alternative to the subject noun (e.g., diver), one that was non-contrastively related (e.g., pool), the object (e.g., flippers), and an unrelated distractor. Experiment 1 manipulated pitch accent type, comparing a broad focus control condition to two narrow focus conditions: with a contrastive or non-contrastive accent on the subject noun (nuclear L+H* vs. H+L*, respectively, followed by deaccentuation). In Experiment 2, the utterances in the narrow focus conditions were preceded by the unstressed additive particle auch (“also”), which may trigger alternatives itself. It associated with the accented subject. Results showed that, compared to the control condition, participants directed more fixations to the contrastive alternative when the subject was realized with a contrastive accent (nuclear L+H*) than when it was realized with non-contrastive H+L*, while additive particles had no effect. Hence, accent type is the primary trigger for signaling the presence of alternatives (i.e., contrast). Implications for theories of information structure and the processing of additive particles are discussed.

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