class room
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2022 ◽  
Jeongho Park ◽  
Emilie Josephs ◽  
Talia Konkle

We can easily perceive the spatial scale depicted in a picture, regardless of whether it is a small space (e.g., a close-up view of a chair) or a much larger space (e.g., an entire class room). How does the human visual system encode this continuous dimension? Here, we investigated the underlying neural coding of depicted spatial scale, by examining the voxel tuning and topographic organization of brain responses. We created naturalistic yet carefully-controlled stimuli by constructing virtual indoor environments, and rendered a series of snapshots to smoothly sample between a close-up view of the central object and far-scale view of the full environment (object-to-scene continuum). Human brain responses were measured to each position using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We did not find evidence for a smooth topographic mapping for the object-to-scene continuum on the cortex. Instead, we observed large swaths of cortex with opposing ramp-shaped profiles, with highest responses to one end of the object-to-scene continuum or the other, and a small region showing a weak tuning to intermediate scale views. Importantly, when we considered the multi-voxel patterns of the entire ventral occipito-temporal cortex, we found smooth and linear representation of the object-to-scene continuum. Thus, our results together suggest that depicted spatial scale is coded parametrically in large-scale population codes across the entire ventral occipito-temporal cortex.

2022 ◽  
Abhijit Baidya

Abstract In decision-making model, the techniques of numerical analysis have been widely adopted. It is rare for someone to solve a linear program by hand — except perhaps in a class-room. Large-scale simulations would be all but impossible without the aid of a computer. For many people, numerical techniques have superseded analytic techniques as a tool for solving mathematical problems. This paper proposed Generalized LUExponential Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number and their ranking based on numerical integration. In this ranking method, the values are calculated with left and right spreads at some 𝜶 −level of generalized LU-exponential trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and Weddle‘s rule for numerical integration. To illustrate the proposed methods, a fuzzy four dimensional transportation problem (FDTP) is proposed and solved. This ranking approach is very simple and useful for the real life inequality based decision making problems.

Covid-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for mandatory use of technology to deliver class room learning to students who have been forced to Learn From Home (LFH). Learn From Home requires Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) method if students are to be satisfied with online delivery of lessons. Technology Enhanced Learning is used to describe the integration of technology to teaching and learning; the demand for Technology Enhanced Learning has been increased as a result of the lockdown. The study explores various online teaching platforms, techniques, online examination, and Technology Enhanced Learning methods needed to be used by university instructors to ensure that educating the students goes on unhindered. The identified variables were empirically tested with the aid of a structured questionnaire. The study concludes that there is a positive relationship between satisfaction with the delivery of online study and the perceived effectiveness of TEL among higher education students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-7
Nick Rushby ◽  

A long time ago and in a galaxy far away, my first degree was in electrical engineering. This was over fifty years ago, at a time when many people believe that technology-based learning had not been invented. This of course, is not true and is a consequence of amnesia in the education technology community (Rushby, 1983; Romiszowski & Rushby, 2015). However, it was not until the 1970s that viable systems to manage the learning process became available. By the late 1970s, Plato (developed by the University of Illinois) was supporting several thousand graphics terminals distributed worldwide, running on nearly a dozen different networked mainframe computers (Smith & Sherwood, 1976). So, my undergraduate course was wholly class-room (and laboratory) based.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109-130
Vesselina Laskova

This paper suggests that tourist web resources could successfully become part of the L2 class-room with the effect of reinforcing the students’ motivation and adding to their knowledge of the places in which the foreign language is spoken. We aim to show that such resources could be particularly useful if combined with a recently developed teaching methodology relying mainly on oral translation being principally based on work with texts. We suggest that a lecture would become far more exciting if presented in the form of a virtual tour. Such an experience offers not only the possibility to enjoy a virtual visit to new places, but also to learn a lot about them, while learning a foreign language at the same time.

2021 ◽  
Vivian Frederick Odem Francis

Of the many subjects with which the curricula of our secondary schools are lo ded, none can be so readily tinted with romantic colours, or so easily illustrated by adventurous tales, and withal be so successfully employed in developing general reasoning ability, as can geography. If Popooatapetl and his brother mountains, and some other of those alluring names from atlases, would only lead the minds of some of our scholars to take the Golden Road to Samarkand', teachers of geography might be forgiven, if' they were seen to smile, when a pupil was heard to murmur the 'unpardonable sin', "I dimly heard the masterts voice." The bored expression, familiar accompaniment to "towns and products geography", should find no place in the class room today. Before a map of the world what imaginings should stir the mind. The islands of the Pacific, palm dotted, coral ringed; the impenetrable jungles of Africa and South America, threaded by mighty rivers; the curious rites and fantastic festivals of the Far East; the lure of Everest, and the call of the great White spaces to scientist and explorer; the ploughing steamer carrying homeward the wanderer, the flashlight signal from the masthead, "All ready to land you!" as the leviathan airship of the future finishes its journey.

2021 ◽  
Vivian Frederick Odem Francis

Of the many subjects with which the curricula of our secondary schools are lo ded, none can be so readily tinted with romantic colours, or so easily illustrated by adventurous tales, and withal be so successfully employed in developing general reasoning ability, as can geography. If Popooatapetl and his brother mountains, and some other of those alluring names from atlases, would only lead the minds of some of our scholars to take the Golden Road to Samarkand', teachers of geography might be forgiven, if' they were seen to smile, when a pupil was heard to murmur the 'unpardonable sin', "I dimly heard the masterts voice." The bored expression, familiar accompaniment to "towns and products geography", should find no place in the class room today. Before a map of the world what imaginings should stir the mind. The islands of the Pacific, palm dotted, coral ringed; the impenetrable jungles of Africa and South America, threaded by mighty rivers; the curious rites and fantastic festivals of the Far East; the lure of Everest, and the call of the great White spaces to scientist and explorer; the ploughing steamer carrying homeward the wanderer, the flashlight signal from the masthead, "All ready to land you!" as the leviathan airship of the future finishes its journey.

Conexión ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 133-150
Cruz García Lirios

The health and economic crisis caused by the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease has accelerated the emergence of an informational economy focused on the use of electronic networks. The impact of this scenario on education led to the transition from the traditional classroom to the electronic whiteboard. The objective of the present work is to analyze the relationships between human, social, and intellectual capital. A model showing the prevalence of human capital creation—as indicated by data processing in the virtual class-room and self-management of knowledge—was established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-39
Vinsensia Tetty ◽  
Bonifasius Hat

Latar Belakang: Pembelajaran secara daring dianggap menjadi solusi kegiatan belajar mengajar tetap jalan di tengah pandemi corona. Meski cara ini menuai kontroversi. Bagi tenaga pengajar, sistem pembelajaran daring hanya efektif untuk penugasan. Mereka menganggap untuk membuat mahasiswa memahami materi, cara daring dinilai sulit. Selain itu, kemampuan teknologi dan ekonomi setiap siswa berbeda-beda.tidak semua siswa memiliki fasilitas yang menunjang kegiatan belajar jarak jauh ini. Koneksi internet, fasilitas laptop atau handphone yang memadai, dan kuota internet yang mahal menjadi hambatan nyata.Meskipun begitu pembelajaran harus terus berlanjut. Setiap kampus memiliki kebijakan masing-masing dalam menyikapi aturan ini. Beberapa kampus merombak jadwal mata kuliah yang akan diberikan kepada mahasiswa setiap harinya. Mata kuliah yang diberikan dalam satu hari hanya tiga jenis, ditambah dengan lembar kegiatan yang harus diselesaikan mahasiswa setiap hari. Beberapa kampus memberikan kebijakan agar mahasiswa nggak hanya belajar materi pelajaran. Tetapi juga mengasah soff skill dengan membantu kegiatan di rumah.  Tujuan: Mengetahui efektifitas sistem pembelajaran daring sebagai dampak Pandemi Covid-19 bagi mahasiswa di STIKES Dirgahayu Samarinda. Metode: rancangan penelitian ini akan menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survey yang dilakukan secara online. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tehnik total sampling yaitu seluruh mahasiswa STIKES Dirgahayu Samarinda. Pengumpulan data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuat dalam Format google dokumen  yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa secara online melalui grup WhatsApp. Data yang telah terkumpul akan dianalisis menggunakan analisis univariat dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi dan presentasi variabel. Hasil: Sebagian besar mahasiswa mengatakan mereka menggunakan jaringan internet jenis paket data dan menggunakan handphone untuk mengikuti perkulihan secara daring, sedangkan untuk aplikasi yang digunakan terbanyak adalah google class room, zoom dan whatsapp. Aplikasi pembelajaran, pada umumnya pada tingkat baik atau puas dan sedang, aspek Tangibles, sebagian besar berpendapat bahwa dosen siap namun masih terdapat beberapa dosen yang dinilai kurang siap oleh mahasiswa.Aspek Reliability, tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan oleh dosen sebagian besar mahasiswa berpendapat memuaskan, aspek Assurance, tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap perlakuan dosen selama proses pembelajaran daring sebagian besar menjawab memuaskan dan sangat memuaskan, aspek emphaty,tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap pemahaman  dosen  kepada mahasiswa pada umumnya menjawab memuaskan.

Radha. K ◽  
Vijayanarayanan N. ◽  
Sri Devi. K ◽  
Sharat. V. Kondaguli

Nursing training is a combination of both theoretical and practical learning experiences that enable nursing students to acquire the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor components for providing nursing care. World Health Day, an annual event organized by WHO, stated that this year is focused on supporting nurses and midwives, many of whom are serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response. Globally, COVID-19 has huge impact on academic delivery and adds a further degree of complexity to nursing education due to temporary lock down because most countries have suspended face-to-face teaching/physical class room teaching. Thus, they had to find new alternatives to academic delivery, and virtual classes/on-line mode were the ways forward. In present search, it has attempted to explore the impact of covid-19, challenges and opportunities in nursing education which influences the different aspects of academic activity. It has accelerate the academic delivery by using variety of online platforms and learning management system such as Google class room, Google meet, Google hangout, Zoom meetings, Microsoft team, Cisco webex meeting, go to webinar, you tube streaming, Google duo, college website, social media platforms such as face book groups, whatsApp, telegram etc. Covid-19 has provided a lot challenges and opportunities to learner, educator, university, organization, and evaluation system and research activities. The lesson learned from covid-19 is converting those challenges into opportunities by learning and adopting with advanced technology in teaching-learning; blended learning; team work; promoting for trans/ inter/ multidisciplinary collaborative education; integrating innovative method of teaching, sharing and facilitating right kind of information, are enhancing ways of quality of education during crisis (lock down) situation and further new-normal situation.

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