Обоснованы преимущества использования зернистых фильтров в системах аспирации производственных помещений, в которых образуется и обращается горючая пыль. Рассмотрены некоторые известные конструкции, имеющие достаточно узкое применение, однако перспективные для обработки взрывоопасных пылегазовых потоков. Дано описание лабораторного стенда и приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований процесса фильтрования зернистыми фильтрами, подтверждающие необходимость контроля взрывоопасных ситуаций в работе пылеуловителя. Предложен автоматизированный способ контроля аспирации для предупреждения взрывоопасных состояний фильтра.There is a large number of technological operations associated with the treatment of combustible dusts at production facilities. Such industries include food, pharmaceutical, woodworking, metalworking, textile and other industries, the main technological equipment of which is supplemented with aspiration systems. According to the requirements of ecology, labour protection and fire safety, this system must include a dust collector. When choosing a dust collector for such systems granular filters are found particularly effective. They allow to precipitate combustible dust. The article presents the known constructions of granular filters, the narrow application of which is associated with insufficient study of their operation with explosive flows. Therefore, the authors developed an experimental stand and analyzed the operation of different filters: with metal balls, screws, peas and pea mash, grain, which can be used as filter material. During the experiment it was found a state in which the filter operation is explosive. According to the results of the analysis, the criteria for the descriptions of normal and explosive operation are introduced - the criteria of geometric form, characterizes the filter and dust - K, and the rate of filtration - T. Numerical values of criteria are given for automated control of the filter operation. The automated control method of the filter allows to make the operation of the aspiration system more efficient and prevents explosive situations by timely regeneration and replacement of the layer, taking into account the calculated value of criteria K and T. In the scheme there are shown fire extinguishing modules, which are triggered by sensors when the temperature rises above normal.