insulation systems
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Adoum Traoré Ndama ◽  
Elysée Obame Ndong ◽  
Yves Constant Mombo Boussougou ◽  
Grace Jourdain Tsoumou ◽  

Medium-voltage motors dedicated to the applications of traction operate in an environment with strong multi-physics constraints. Electrical insulation of these engines is a complex multi-layered impregnated system which requires a given number of steps during the manufacturing process. In the present study, we theoretically investigated the potential manufacturing insulation defects of traction motors in low frequency domain. The aim is to assess the theoretical ability of dielectric spectroscopy method for the detection of these defects and the extension of the method to others insulation systems. The theoretical study is based on numerical modelling and simulation achieved by using Comsol Multiphysics software. In our numerical modelling the properties of the main dielectric elementary materials are frequency–dependent. The identification of each potential defect is carried out by comparing its equivalent capacitance and dissipation loss spectra with the characteristics of insulation without defect. As the results, all artificial defects are identifiable with a specific relative deviation. The detection of all the defects analysed will need a measuring device with resolution of 0.4%. Keywords—AC electric motors, Capacitance, dielectric, dissipation factor, composite insulation, numerical modelling.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 514
Zhonghuan Su ◽  
Longfu Luo ◽  
Jun Liu ◽  
Zhongxiang Li ◽  
Hu Luo ◽  

The FDS (Frequency-domain Dielectric Spectroscopy) of oil-immersed insulation paper, and semi-conductive paper with different moisture content, has been measured. The data measured are fitted as a function of frequency and moisture content using the amendatory Cole–Cole model utilizing the least square technique. Then, the broadband MTL model of the insulation system of IOCT (Inverted-type Oil-immersed Current Transformer) is established considering the capacitive electrodes thin layer, and the distribution parameters consider the moisture and frequency dependence. A new method for VFTO (Very Fast Transient Overvoltage) distribution calculation of insulation systems is proposed.

Buildings ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Xinwen Zhang ◽  
Gun-Joo Jung ◽  
Kyu-Nam Rhee

Most apartment buildings in South Korea use internal insulation systems to reduce building energy demand. However, thermal bridges such as balcony slabs in apartment buildings still lead to significant heat loss in winter, because the internal insulation system is not continuous in the balcony slab structure, and floor heating systems are commonly used in residential buildings. Therefore, this study investigates two types of thermal break elements, namely thermal break (TB) and thermal break-fiber glass reinforced polymer (TB-GFRP), to improve the thermal resistance of a balcony thermal bridge. To understand the effects of balcony thermal bridges with and without thermal break elements, the linear thermal transmittances of different balcony thermal bridges were analyzed using Physibel simulations. Then, the heating demand of a model apartment under varying thermal bridge conditions was evaluated using TRNSYS simulations. To understand the effect of insulation systems on heat loss through a balcony thermal bridge, apartments with internal and external insulation systems were studied. Whether the apartment was heating was also considered in the thermal transmittance analysis. Thus, the linear thermal transmittance of the thermal bridges with thermal break elements was reduced by more than 60%, and the heating energy demands were reduced by more than 8%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 317 ◽  
pp. 125834
João Luís Parracha ◽  
Giovanni Borsoi ◽  
Inês Flores-Colen ◽  
Rosário Veiga ◽  
Lina Nunes

Vestnik MGTU ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-371
A. I. Kashin ◽  
A. E. Nemirovsky

This work is a continuation of the fundamental study on implementing an innovative method of repairing electric motors using ultrasound. A study of the method of dismantling windings based on ultrasound has been carried out for the purpose of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and less time spent on the repair cycle of electric motors in terms of removing the stator winding. The investigated dismantling method is optimal for a number of technical issues in comparison with the existing methods for dismantling electric motor windings. In the work, the main focus is on the material of the winding insulation. Lacquer and compound types of insulation of industrial electric motors, which are the main ones everywhere, have been analyzed. The analysis of the impregnating electrical insulating compositions of the stator windings of electric motors and the influence of ultrasound on them during dismantling of the windings of electric motors at different levels of influence of forcing factors: duration and power of ultrasonic action, concentration and temperature of the working solution. The applied mathematical software systems for calculation and modeling guarantee the reliability and rationality of the results of the experiments obtained during the work. A system of equations has been modeled and models of the effect of useful factors relative to each other have been constructed, the results obtained have been optimized and the optimal parameters of both varnish and compound insulation systems have been identified. The optimal parameters of the investigated types of insulation show encouraging results on many important points: duration, energy consumption, environmental friendliness.

Е. Ю. Боброва ◽  
И. И. Попов ◽  
М. И. Ганжунцев ◽  
А. Д. Жуков

Постановка задачи. Модернизация систем изоляции инженерных сооружений, в том числе и трубопроводов и промышленных объектов, направлена как на решение общих задач энергоэффективности, так и частных задач теплосбережения и экологической безопасности. В связи с этим разработка и применение связующего, отверждаемого при значительно меньших температурах и не содержащего фенолы, является актуальной задачей. Результаты. Эксперимент, проведенный для оценки влияния на адгезию к различным поверхностям комплексного связующего, отверждаемого в температурном интервале от 80 до 140 С, позволил определить оптимальные расходы латентного компонента и модификатора, которые составили соответственно 3,6-4,0 % и (2,6 ± 0,1) % по массе связующего при оптимальной температуре тепловой обработки 100 С. Расчетом установлено, что при переходе от тепловой обработки при 250 С к тепловой обработке при 100 С прямые затраты тепла снижаются на 60 %, а энергетические затраты на изготовление минераловатных цилиндров на 20-30 %. Выводы. Теоретически обоснована и экспериментально подтверждена возможность применения эпоксидного клея на латентных отвердителях в качестве связующего для высокопористых систем с распределением и отверждением этого связующего на тонких минеральных волокнах. Определены характеристические параметры процесса отверждения, длительность которого уменьшается с повышением температуры и содержания латентного отвердителя. Statement of the problem. The modernization of insulation systems of engineering structures, including pipelines and industrial facilities, is aimed both at solving general problems of energy efficiency, as well as the particular tasks of heat saving and environmental safety. Therefore the development and use of a binder that cures at much lower temperatures and does not contain phenols is an urgent task. Results. An experiment conducted to assess the effect on adhesion to various surfaces of a complex binder cured in the temperature range from 80 to 140 °C allowed us to determine the optimal flow rate of the latent component and modifier, which were 3.6-4.0 % and (2.6 ± 0.1) % respectively by the weight of a binder at an optimal heat treatment temperature of 100 °C. The calculation suggests that when switching from heat treatment at 250 °C to heat treatment at 100 °C, direct heat costs are reduced by 60 %, and energy costs for the manufacture of mineral wool cylinders by 20-30 %. Conclusion. The possibility of using epoxy glue on latent hardeners as a binder for highly porous systems with the distribution and curing of this binder on thin mineral fibers has been justified theoretically and confirmed experimentally. The characteristic parameters of the curing process have been identified whose duration decreases as temperature and the content of latent hardener increase.

Ramechecandane Somassoundirame ◽  
Eswari Nithiyananthan

AbstractThe electronics burnout in subsea engineering equipment caused by the excessive heating of electronics due to improper cooling mechanism is an area of major concern in subsea oil and gas fields. Very often the electronic canisters are encapsulated by insulation to prevent hydrate formation in the subsea completion equipment. The electronic equipment with a set of sensors is usually deployed subsea for live monitoring of data and to regulate the functioning of the equipment. This study presents a numerical methodology to predict and prevent electronics burnout in a pressure/temperature transmitter (PT/TT) that is truly representative of a wide class of PT/TT deployed subsea. An optimization study of the insulation system around the PT/TT sensors that encompasses the various contradicting constraints that are routinely encountered in subsea engineering has been presented for the benefit of the readers. In the present study, the optimal design of the insulation system around the electronics equipment is generated using a combination of thermal finite element analysis and evolutionary optimization algorithms. The results obtained show that the proposed methodology can yield results which could be a tremendous improvement in the traditional means of designing the insulation systems for such electronics equipment. It is also shown that locating the electronic housing far from the production fluid in the PT/TT sensors can lead to proper cooling and thereby avoid the burnout to a significant extent.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8323
Pasquale Cambareri ◽  
Carlo de Falco ◽  
Luca Di Rienzo ◽  
Paolo Seri ◽  
Gian Carlo Montanari

Simulating and modelling electric field dynamics in the insulation of medium- and high-voltage DC electrical systems is needed to support insulation design optimization and to evaluate the impact of voltage transients on ageing mechanisms and insulation reliability. In order to perform accurate simulations, appropriate physical models must be adopted for the insulating material properties, particularly conductivity, which drives the electric field in a steady-state condition and contributes to determining the field behavior during voltage and load transients. In order to model insulation conductivity, polarization, and conduction, mechanisms must be inferred through charging and discharging current measurements, generally performed at different values of electric field and temperatures in flat specimens of the material under study. In general, both mechanisms are present, but one of them may be predominant with respect to the other depending on type of material. In this paper, we showed that models based on predominant polarization mechanisms were suitable to describe impregnated paper, but not polymers used for HV and MV DC insulation. In the latter case, indeed, trapping–detrapping and conduction phenomena were predominant compared to polarization, thus conductivity models had to be considered, in addition to or as a replacement of the polarization model, in order to carry out proper electric field simulations.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 7555
Robin Ramin ◽  
Gian Carlo Montanari ◽  
Qichen Yang

Designing the insulation system for motors to be used in electrical aircraft requires efforts for maximizing specific power, but, in parallel, particular attention to achieve high reliability. As a major harm for organic insulation systems is partial discharges, design must be able to infer their likelihood during any operation stage and handle their potential inception. This paper proposes a new approach to carry out optimized or conservative insulation system designs which can provide the specified life at the chosen failure probability as well as look at the option of possibly reducing the risk of partial discharges to zero, at any altitude. Examples of designing turn, phase to ground and phase-to-phase insulation systems are reported, with cases where the design can be optimized and other cases where the optimized design does not pass IEC testing standard. Therefore, the limits for design feasibility as a function of the required level of safety and reliability are discussed, showing that the presence of partial discharges cannot be always avoided even through conservative design criteria. Therefore, the use of advanced, corona-resistant materials must be considered, in order to reach a higher, sometimes redundant, level of reliability.

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