current transformer
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Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 514
Zhonghuan Su ◽  
Longfu Luo ◽  
Jun Liu ◽  
Zhongxiang Li ◽  
Hu Luo ◽  

The FDS (Frequency-domain Dielectric Spectroscopy) of oil-immersed insulation paper, and semi-conductive paper with different moisture content, has been measured. The data measured are fitted as a function of frequency and moisture content using the amendatory Cole–Cole model utilizing the least square technique. Then, the broadband MTL model of the insulation system of IOCT (Inverted-type Oil-immersed Current Transformer) is established considering the capacitive electrodes thin layer, and the distribution parameters consider the moisture and frequency dependence. A new method for VFTO (Very Fast Transient Overvoltage) distribution calculation of insulation systems is proposed.

V. A. Novobritsky ◽  
D. S. Fedosov

THE PURPOSE. This paper considers the problem of relay protection functioning when the current transformer reaches the saturation mode which is provided by transient processes.METHODS. MATLAB Simulink software environment allows reproducing the method of statespace representation by using structural blocks. The model is verified by comparison the time to saturation, obtained by calculation and according to the graphical data of the model. The separation of variables method extracts and graphically displays the investigated components.RESULTS. This paper reveals that applying the requirements of IEC 61869-2:2012 standard, which determines the worst combination of series of unfavorable factors for current transformers in transient mode, can influence a serious impact on the correct operation of relay protection based on current, reactance or differential principle of action. Saturation of the current transformer can lead to both negative results: false operation of relay protection devices and their failure.CONCLUSION. According to the results of the study, it was determined that the presence of a DC component in the primary short-circuit current has the greatest effect on the protection operation. The delays in the restoration of the RMS value of the short-circuit current reached up to 0.3 seconds, which is comparable with the response time of the second protection zones for microprocessor-based relay protection devices. The DC component of the primary current and the presence of residual magnetic induction of the current transformer provides the largest content of the magnetization current, the largest angular error and also the largest content of the second harmonic component in the secondary short-circuit current.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 397
Alessandro Mingotti ◽  
Federica Costa ◽  
Lorenzo Peretto ◽  
Roberto Tinarelli

Power quality evaluation is the process of assessing the actual power network parameters with respect to the ideal conditions. However, several new assets and devices among the grid include mining the voltage and current quality. For example, the power converters needed for renewable energy sources’ connection to the grid, electric vehicles, etc., are some of the main sources of disturbances that inject high-frequency components into the grid. Consequently, instrument transformers (ITs) should be capable of measuring distorted currents and voltages with the same level of accuracy guaranteed for the ideal frequency (50–60 Hz). This is not a simple task if one considers that several other influence quantities endlessly act on the ITs. To this purpose, considering the lack of a standard, this work presents a measurement setup and specific tests for testing a commonly used type of low-power current transformer, the Rogowski coil (RC). In particular, the accuracy performance (ratio error and phase displacement) of the RCs was evaluated when measuring distorted signals while other influence quantities affected the RCs. Such quantities included positioning, burden, and magnetic field. The results indicate which quantities (or combination of them) have the greatest effect on the RC’s accuracy performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Mohd Ridzuan Ahmad ◽  
Hishamuddin Hashim

Electricity monitoring systems have long been used in industrial scenarios such as process scheduling and distribution. This monitoring system needs to be developed for domestic use such as in homes and shops. In recent times, the electricity demand has increased in households with the use of different appliances. The advent of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) has made real-time data acquisition and analysis possible. This project is designed to control and monitor household electricity consumption via smartphones using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module as a communication protocol and the Blynk application as a private server. The used wifi module provides notification through the Blynk application. The system uses an Arduino Mega2560 microcontroller to control all devices in this project. For monitoring the energy usage, a current sensor type Split Core Current Transformer (SCT013) was used. From the experimental results, it is confirmed that the system is capable of monitoring the whole house’s electrical usage easily. With this system in place, end-users are provided with proper awareness and able to plan their home’s electrical consumption pattern effectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Ghulam Shabir Memon ◽  
Syed Saeed Jaffer ◽  
Shoaib Zaidi ◽  
Muhammad Mohsin Sheikh ◽  
Muhammad Umair Jabbar ◽  

The quality of power supply and reliability play a vital role in the smooth operation and maintenance of commercial use. These requirements have significant applications when dealing with residential areas, hospitals, industries, educational sectors, banks and airports, etc. In this regard, backup diesel generators are considered the most important source for an uninterrupted supply of electricity. However, there is an emergent need to avoid sudden shutdown of generators in the events of overload, shortage of fuel flow, service interval and lagging of power factor. These common problems can be addressed through monitoring of power generator parameters, for instance, real time remote monitoring to measure the health of the generator, the problem of load management due to high demand of power during peak hours and power factor improvement due to exceeding inductive load. In this paper, our proposed architecture—based on an IOT solution—consists of different sensors, namely a current transformer for measuring load, fuel gauge for fuel level monitoring, and temperature measurement with the energy module to determine the power factor of the system. Our proposed system is operated and tested on a real trolley-mounted 25 KVA generator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Malaika Imran ◽  
Muhammad Shoaib Saleem ◽  
Aun Haider ◽  
Zain Iftikhar

In power distribution systems of many countries, service lines are directly connected to the consumer meters without any load management system. Conventional meters lack in internal power quality measurement, and utility also cannot measure the power factor and other values during the month. This study aims to design a smart kit that aids conventional single-phase energy meters and calculates the power values of all phases by measuring the voltage, current, and power factor on the load side; and the calculated power values will be sent to the cloud data base Voltage and current are measured by a current transformer (CT) and a potential transformer (PT) connected on both the incoming side and the load side in order to avoid meter bypassing. A program-based algorithm has also been developed to calculate the power factor and other power quantities. This IoT-based energy meter uploads the measured quantities to an online database, and the same are also displayed on an LCD meter. An Android™-based application is also developed for user-end control. Consumers can observe the resultant values, switch loads remotely, and pay electricity bills through the same application. When the power factor of any consumer is less than the standard value, the system will automatically notify utility company about the affecting load.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8602
Ernest Stano

This paper presents the method for evaluation of the turns ratio correction of the inductive current transformer using the magnetization curves determined at the non-load state and in the load conditions. The presented method may be applied to determine even a fractional winding correction factor. The standard IEC 61869-2 provides the method to determine the turns ratio correction of the tested CT from the measured rms values of voltages on its primary and secondary winding in the non-load state. However, this approach is limited in determining the significant changes in the number of turns of the secondary winding. Moreover, the paper presents the influence of the applied turns ratio correction on the frequency characteristics of the current error and phase displacement of the inductive current transformers evaluated for the transformation of the distorted current.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-213
M. Munawir Lasiyono

Transformers in power systems require different types of protection.This protection is provided by various types of relays, bothelectromagnetic and static. In general, transformer protection servesto protect the transformer in the event of a disturbance, so that thetransformer can be avoided from damage. The relay that will be usedto protect the transformer is a differential relay. This relay workswhen there is a difference in the current of the Current Transformer[CT] on the primary and secondary sides. If the fault occurs outsidethe protection zone, the relay will not work. The method used in thisresearch is R&D (Research and Development), namely research anddevelopment methods, research and development methods areresearch methods used to produce certain products, and test theeffectiveness of these products. An evaluation of the differentialrelay setting on a 150kV power transformer has been carried out atthe Pondok Indah Substation using the Modbus CommunicationsProtocol, where the settings in the field and from the results ofcalculations using the Micom 632 differential relay are obtained: forthe calculation results of Idiff = 0.39 and Idiff max = 8.07 while theactual setting in the field is Idiff = 0.3 and Idiff max = 8. Thedifference in value between the actual setting and the calculationresults is Idiff by 30%, and Idiff max 0.87% is still within theallowed interval . Setting using the modbus communicationsprotocol has advantages, including reducing wiring, makingtroubleshooting or interference easier, reducing the possibility ofhuman-error errors in the configuration process, and making it easyto make changes.

Petr Andrienko ◽  
Vladimir Vasilevskij ◽  
Ivan Vittsivskyi

Fused Deposition Modeling is an additive manufacturing technology where a temperature-controlled head extrudes a thermoplastic material onto a build platform in a predetermined path. Standard, advanced thermoplastics and composites are used for printing. Among the areas of application for FDM printing, the main ones are rapid prototyping, as well as small-scale and batch production. The purpose of the work is the implementation of FDM 3D printing technology in the educational process of students in specialty 141 "Electroenergy, electrotechnics and electromechanics". The features of the technology of additive manufacturing of electrical apparatuses parts by the method of FDM printing have been investigated. Parts of four standard sizes were printed using ABS + and PLA plastics, namely, current transformer carcasses in the amount of 110 pieces and sensor bodies in the amount of 100 pieces. For printing, an FDM 3D printer was used built on the XZ Head Y Bed kinematic scheme with an open working chamber. The analysis of defects in finished products was carried out, which showed that the main defects are deviations of the actual dimensions and geometric shape of the finished products. Ways to prevent the occurrence of these defects are considered, namely, correcting the size of the model at the stage of preparing the model for printing, minimizing the filling density of the model, using brims in models, setting the optimal temperature of the working platform and simultaneously printing several products. The results of the study o features of the technology of additive manufacturing of electrical apparatuses parts by the method of FDM printing made it possible to develop a set of laboratory works for students of the specialty 141 "Electroenergy, electrotechnics and electromechanics".

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