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O.F. Gorbachenko ◽  
T.V. Usatenko ◽  
N.S. Luchkina ◽  
N.A. Zhitnik ◽  

The widespread saturation of crop rotations with sunflower crops contributed to the creation of favorable conditions for the emergence and wide distribution of new more aggressive races of broomrape, downy mildew and other pathogens of this crop. Sunflower varieties and hybrids resistant to previously common races have become severely affected. One of the ways to solve this problem is to develop sunflower hybrids resistant to new virulent races. The breeders had to combine high productivity and genes of resistance to new more aggressive races of broomrape and downy mildew in one genotype. The first stage of the work was development of a new breeding germplasm and selection of parental lines with breeding valuable traits from it. Based on these lines, there were developed hybrid combinations resistant to new highly virulent races of broomrape and downy mildew. The hybrid Status was developed by hybridization of a maternal line ED 47 and a paternal line ED 193. The maternal line ED 47 is single-headed, low height, resistant to the broomrape races: E, F, G, has a good combining ability. The paternal line ED 193 is branched, also resistant to broomrape (races E, F, G) and three races of downy mildew (330, 710, and 730). The hybrid Status belongs to the middle-early maturity group, duration of the growing season is 95 days. The average plant height over the years of testing was 140 cm; the plants are uniformed in height and the duration of the development phases. Seed yield of the hybrid Status exceeded the standard one (a hybrid Gorstar) by 0.25 t/ha, and oil yield – by 0.14 t/ha. The oil content of the seeds was 48.0%, the huskiness – 28.7%, the 1000 seeds weight – 60.6 g. The new hybrid is resistant to seven races of broomrape (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and three races of downy mildew (330, 710, and 730). A distinctive feature of it is resistance of both parent lines to broomrape. The originator of a simple interline sunflower hybrid Status is V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops.

О.А. Щуклина ◽  
А.А. Соловьёв ◽  
Е.С. Полховская ◽  
В.Е. Квитко ◽  
И.Н. Клименкова ◽  

Исследования выполнены в 2008–2021 годах в ФГБОУ ВО «РГАУ–МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева» (г. Москва), ФГБУН «Главный ботанический сад им. Н. В. Цицина РАН» (Московская обл., Истринский р-н) и ФГБНУ «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт сельскохозяйственной биотехнологии» (г. Москва). Целью исследований являлось создание нового конкурентного сорта яровой тритикале, обладающего комплексом хозяйственно ценных признаков, пригодного для кормления и хлебопечения. Исходным материалом для создания служили сортообразцы, полученные из коллекции ВИР, селекционных учреждений страны, и авторские линии, отобранные из гибридных популяций, созданных с помощью внутривидовой и отдалённой гибридизации. В статье представлен новый конкурентный сорт яровой тритикале (× Triticosecale Wittm. ex. Camus) Тимирязевская 42, переданный на государственной сортоиспытание в 2019 году. Он был создан совместными усилиями коллектива авторов Главного ботанического сада им. Н. В. Цицина РАН и Всероссийского научно-исследовательского института сельскохозяйственной биотехнологии. Сорт предназначен для возделывания в условиях Центрального, Центрально-Чернозёмного, Средневолжского, Северо-Кавказского и Волго-Вятского регионов. Гексаплоид. Колос белый, средней плотности, полностью остистый. Время колошения среднее. Высота растений перед уборкой — 85–95 см. Тимирязевская 42 обладает комплексом хозяйственно ценных признаков: урожайность — 3,5–5,5 т/га, содержание белка — 12–14%, клейковины — 16–18%. Устойчив к полеганию. Вегетационный период — 91–95 дней. Сорт устойчив к мучнистой росе, листовой и стеблевой ржавчине, спорынье. Хорошо поддаётся механизированной уборке. Отзывчив на внесение минеральных удобрений. Для возделывания сорта в ЦРНЗ рекомендуется полуинтенсивная и интенсивная технологии возделывания с внесением азотных удобрений в предпосевную культивацию не менее 120–150 кг/га д.в. азота. The research was caried out at the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (Moscow), Leading Botanical Garden n. a. N. V. Tsitsin (the Moscow region, Istrinskiy district) and All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (Moscow) in 2008–2021. The aim was to breed new competitive variety of spring triticale carrying the number of economically important traits that can be used both for livestock feeding and bread baking. The initial material — genotypes obtained from the collection of the N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Breeding Institutions and hybrid populations of intra- and interspecific hybridization. The article reports on new competitive variety of spring triticale (× Triticosecale Wittm. ex. Camus) “Timiryazevskaya 42” that was sent to a State Variety Trial in 2019. The variety was obtained by the collaboration of the Leading Botanical Garden n. a. N. V. Tsitsin and All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology. “Timiryazevskaya 42” is adapted to the conditions of the Central, Central-Chernozem, Middle Volga, North Caucasian and Volga-Vyatka regions. The variety is hexaploid and has awned white head of medium density. Heading time is average. Plant height before harvesting — 85–95 cm. “Timiryazevskaya 42” yields 3.5–5.5 t ha-1 of grain, contains 12–14% of protein and 16–18% of gluten. It is resistant to lodging. Growing season amounts to 91–95 days. The variety shows good tolerance to powdery mildew, leaf and stem rusts as well as ergot. It is suitable for mechanized harvesting and responds well to mineral fertilization. In order to cultivate the variety in the Central Non-Chernozem region semi-intensive and intensive technologies are recommended including the application of minimum 120–150 kg ha-1 of nitrogen prior to seeding

Bioenergy ◽  
2021 ◽  
B. M. Vokalchuk ◽  
Ya. D. Fuchylo

Purpose. Determine the optimal rate of nitrogen fertilizers for fertilizing energy plantations of willow  before the start of the second three-year cultivation cycle in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Research methods. Field, analytical, statistical. Results and discussion. Appling of ammonium nitrate contributed to the active beginning of the growing season and the increase in the plant mass in hight. At the end of the first year of vegetation, the tallest plants were formed in variety ‘Tora’ using N70 – 4.67 m, which is more than in the control version (without fertilizer) by 0.71 m, or 16%. For N35, the average plant height was 4.32 m, which is 8% more than the control. The formation of more tall plants to restore more nitrogen was found in the variety’Ternopilska’. Hight of annual plant of this variety in control was 3.68 m, for application N35 – 4.08 m, and for dose N70 – 4.24 m. At the end of the second growing cycle, the average height of plants of the variety ‘Tora’ in  control variant was 6.29 m. The highest plants with the distribution of ammonium nitrate in the maximum dose (N70) were 6.78 m, which is more than in control variant by 8%. For the application of N35, the height of plants of the plantation was 6.52 m and 5.79 m. In this case, the decrease in the share affects the height of plants up to 15.4%, and the share affects the varietal characteristics of growth up to 82.9%. Also nitrogen had a positive effect on biomass growth. The yield of dry biomass of three-year-old energy willow plantation in the other part of cyclic production under control (without fertilizers) was 65.3  t/ha (21.8 t/ ha/year) of dry biomass in ‘Tora’ variety, and 55.6 t/ha (18.5 t/ha/year) in ‘Ternopilska’ variety. In the variants with the use of ammonium nitrate in the dose of N35, the indicator increased due to the control in variety ’Tora’ by 2.8 t/ha and by 3.7 t/ha in the variety ’Ternopilska’. Increasing the nitrogen dose to N70 increases the yield of dry biomass in the varieties’Tora’ and ’Ternopilska’ by 8.8 t/ha and 9.3 t/ha, respectively, compared to the control. Conclusions. The application of ammonium nitrate and varietal characteristics have a significant impact on the yield of energy biomass of willow. Of the two studied varieties of willow on chernozem soil of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the variety’Tora’ was noted for more intensive growth and higher productivity during the second three-year growing cycle. Plants of both varieties are characterized by higher yields for nitrogen application at a dose of 70 kg/ha a.i.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 012059
Ragheb hadi Al-bourky ◽  
Mustafa A. Manshood ◽  
Mohammed Radwan Mahmoud ◽  
Salama Tahseen Al-mousawy

Abstract A field experiment in the province of Muthanna during the summer season 2014-2015 to study the effect of three levels of humic acid on the growth and yield five genotypes of rice, the experiment carried out using a design Split Plot Design with three replications as occupied the main panels three levels of Humic acid (0, 2 and 4) ml liter−1 while genotypes occupied (IR-60819 and PR-2235 and Mchkab-1 and Jasmine and Amber-33) secondary panels. The results showed that there were significant differences between the humic acid leves, treatment 4 ml liter −1 overtook in a period of flowering (109.88 days), plant height, (99.33 cm) area of flag leaf, (38.11 cm2) number of panicle 373.33 panicle/m2 the number of grains 129.83 grains/panicle and yield grains 4.66 ton/h and there was no significant difference in grain weight, as well as the presence of significant differences between genotypes for all growth traits, as observed superiority of class dormitory -33 moral in the period of flowering, (110.88 days), Mchkab−1 in plant height, (111.34 cm) Yasmin in the flag leaf area, which amounted to 45.00 cm 2, as it gave the class Mchkab-1 highest number of Panicles totaled 400.00 Panicles/m2, and the superiority of product was Jasmine and averaged 145.11 grain/Panicle, and the superiority of genotype RP -2235 average grain weight of 20 mg were given a The interaction (4 × Mchkab−1) higher average plant height was 118.27 cm whereas given the The interaction (0× IR-60819) less than an average of 77.44 cm, either on the flag leaf area has given The interaction (4 × Yasmin) averaged 45.45 cm 2, while given the The interaction (0 × RP-2235) below average for this trait was 30.02 cm 2, and for yield and its components given The interaction (2 × Mchkab−1) the highest average number of Panicles 450.00 Panicle/m 2, while the number of grains in the deltoid has The interaction gave (2 × Yasmin) the highest average number of grains/Panicle totaled 150.00 grain/Panicle while given The interaction (4 × IR-60819) less than an average of 98.66 grain/Panicle, also was given The interaction (2 × Mchkab −1) yield the highest average grain amounted to 5.82 tons/h, while the The interaction gave (0 × IR-60819) less than the average stood at 3.05 tons/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 914 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
S Pudjiono ◽  
Mashudi ◽  
M Susanto ◽  
L Baskorowati ◽  
D Setiadi ◽  

Abstract This study was carried to examine the best provenance of seed source of Manglietia glauca at 4.5 years old. The study was conducted in Candiroto, Temanggung, Central Java. A Randomized Complete Block Design with three provenances consisting of 15 parent trees from Tasikmalaya, ten parent trees from Sumedang, and 75 parent trees from Sukabumi, West Java, were divided into ten replications. Each replication has 100 plots, and each plot consists of four plants with a planting distance is 4 m x 3m. The plant characteristics, including height and stem diameter, were measured at the age of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 years. Variant analysis and Duncan Multiple Range Test in each measurement stage were performed. The significant differences of plant height among provenances were found from 0.5 to 3.5 years old and were not significantly different afterward. The stem diameter differs significantly among the provenances at 1.5 years old only; afterward, they were not significantly different. The average plant height and stem diameter at 4.5 years old were between 864-917 cm and 12.34-12.48 cm, and they were not significantly different. Therefore, it is possible to choose any seed sources of the three provenances of manglid to be used for plantation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Sapto Wibowo

The wick system is a hydroponic by utilizing the principle of capillarity of nutrient solutions that are absorbed by plant roots through the wick. Flannelette is a material that has the best water absorption and can be used as a wick, another alternative is stove wick. The concentration of nutrients given to plants must also be in needs. Samhong mustard is a type of mustard in the same class as pakcoy. This study aims to determine the effect of the type of wick and nutrient concentration on plant height, number of leaves, and plant weight using hydroponic wick system. The research method was carried out using two independent variables, namely the type of wick consisting of flannelette (S1) and stove wick (S2), and the nutrients concentration consisting of N1 (1,000 ppm), N2 (1,200 ppm), and N3 (1,400 ppm). The measurements results were compared using the Anova two-factorial design test with a level of 5%, and if the results were significantly different, then continued with the BNJ test at a significant level of 5%. The results showed that there was an effect of using different types of wicks and nutrient concentrations on the measurement results of samhong mustard. Flannel wick (S1) has better effect than the stove wick (S2), and the concentration of N1 nutrients has better effect than the concentrations of N2 and N3, with average plant height is 27.9 cm, average number of leaves are 18.8 strands, and the average plant weight is 128.6 g.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Rommy Andhika Laksono

The demand for lettuce in Indonesia still cannot be fulfilled because lettuce production in Indonesia is still very low according to data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency in 2019. To meet the needs of lettuce at the request of the community and the market, an intensive cultivation technique is needed, namely the aeroponic system. The purpose of this study was to get the right timing of nutrition to produce the highest production of green lettuce plants in an aeroponic system. The research method used is an experimental method with the environmental design used is a Single Factor Randomized Block Design (RBD), which consists of 6 treatments repeated 4 times. The treatments consisted of t1 (5 minutes off, 30 seconds on), t2 (10 minutes off, 30 seconds on), t3 (15 minutes off, 30 seconds on), t4 (20 minutes off, 30 seconds on), t5 (25 minutes off, 30 seconds on), t6 (non-stop). Analysis of the data used is the F test at 5% level and to find out which treatment is the best, DMRT further test is carried out at the 5% level. The results showed that the t6 treatment gave better growth and yields than other treatments. At the age of 42 days after observation, the average plant height was 29.4 cm; the average number of leaves 15.22; the average diameter of the rods is 14.11 mm; mean root length 10.34 cm; 2003 mean leaf area, 59 cm2 ; and the average fresh weight was 670.1 g.

H. K. Patel ◽  
P. H. Rathod ◽  
D. R. Padheriya

A field experiment was conducted at Main Forage Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Anand during rabi-2019-20 to study the effect of nitrogen levels on yield and quality of multi cut oat cultivars with aim to find out nitrogen levels on green fodder yield and quality of oat. There were total four varieties (V1: OL 1874, V2: JO-05-304, V3: UPO 212 and V4: RO 19) and four levels of nitrogen (N1: 35 kg N/ha, N2: 70 kg N/ha, N3: 105 kg N/ha and N4: 140 kg N/ha) was tested. Experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Experiments results revealed that significantly the highest green fodder yield was reported in RO 19 (V4) treatment, while average plant height and average number of tiller per meter row length were reported in V1: OL 1874 and V2: JO 05-304 treatment, respectively. Average plant height, Green fodder yield, average dry matter, average crude protein, total crude protein yield and dry matter yield were found highest by application of 140 kg N/ha. Average tiller per meter row length was higher in N4 (140 kg N/ha) and average dry matter was higher in N1 (35 kg N/ha). Response of nitrogen non-significant in case of average ADF and NDF content.

E. A. Ten ◽  
I. P. Oshergina

Peas are affected by weather conditions. The effects of adverse factors do not affect the formation of the crop for the better. Under the influence of drought and high temperatures, there was an inhibition of growth processes, namely, the construction of the leaf apparatus, which, in turn, led to a sharp decline in seed productivity. It is crucial to have varieties (lines) with a more stable and shorter period from sprouting to maturity, taking into account the sharply changing heat and moisture supply in the Akmola region, making it possible to harvest the crop earlier. The authors obtained the relationship between yield and abiotic factors and morphobiological characteristics of peas in the conditions of the Akmola region for 2020. In their research, the authors found that weather conditions influenced the duration of the growing season 2020 and the grain yield of field peas. The ever-increasing season for pea lines was within 83-91 days. The peculiarities of the lines used, temperature regime and precipitation of the third decade of June influenced the duration of two periods (sprouting-flowering and flowering-ripening). Yields of pea lines in the nursery of competitive variety trials ranged from 2.80 (line 93-04-2) to 18.53 c/ha (line 6-08-7). As a result of their research, the authors found a positive average correlation between plant height and the number of beans (r = 0.33). The average plant height per sample was 62 cm. The average number of beans per plant in the nursery was 5.9, and the average number of seeds was 20.0. The research results can be successfully used in the cultivation of domestic and foreign varieties of field peas. In international practice, the results of this experiment can be applied in the selective improvement of field peas and the creation of new high-tech varieties.

The article presents the results of three-year (2016–2018) studies of five three-line hybrids of the IMC selection - Agent, Agronomichny, Marshal, Kamenyar, Zaporozhskij 28 and their parent components - simple unreduced hybrids - ZL22A/102B, ZL42A/46B, ZL42A/58B and pollen fertility restorers – ZL512V, ZL678V and ZL7034V. It was found that individual indicators do not change synchronously. The Agent, Marshal and Kamenyar hybrids had the highest plant height in 2016, one each in 2017 – Agronomichny and in 2018 – Zaporozhskij 28. At the same time, three hybrids (Agent, Agronomical, Marshal) had the largest basket diameter in 2018 and two (Zaporozhskij 28, Kamenyar) in 2017. The shortest growing season hybrids Marshal, Zaporozhskij 28 and Kamenyar had in 2016 (90, 105 and 105 days), and two – Agent and Agronomichny in 2018 – 100 and 103 days, respectively. Among the simple unrecovered hybrids, two – ZL42A/46B and ZL42A/58B had high indicators of plant height, basket diameter and duration of the growing season in 2016. In the ZL22A/102B hybrid, the diameter of the basket was also the largest in 2016 (18.5 cm), the average plant height in 2016 – 124.5 cm was slightly lower than in 2018 (125.4 cm), also in these years in it almost coincided with the duration of the growing season – 97 days in 2016 and 96 in 2018 Fertility restorers had the highest indicators of plant height and basket diameter in 2017, also this year they had the shortest growing season, in 2016, on the contrary, they had the lowest height and the diameter of the basket, and the long growing season. The size of the baskets in the Marshal and Kamenyar hybrids correlates with the moisture supply of plants and the hydrothermal coefficient – the correlation coefficients are 0.997, 0.902 and 0.990, 0.973, respectively. The phases of organogenesis of plants of hybrids Kamenyar and Zaporozhskij 28 are greatly influenced by temperature, the correlation coefficient of this indicator with plant height and with the duration of the growing season is 0.996 for Kamenyar and 0.946 for Zaporozhskij 28, and with a hydrothermal coefficient – 0.939 and 0.753. In the Agent hybrid, the temperatures in June have the greatest influence on plant growth - the correlation coefficient is 0.997 and precipitation in May is 0.968, and the temperatures in May - 0.999 and June - 0.998 on the size of the basket. For the height of plants and the duration of the growing season at Agronomichny, moisture availability at the beginning of the growing season is very important, the correlation coefficients are 0.918 and 0.994, and in August during the filling of seeds 0.996 and 0.927, as well as July precipitation is 0.995. Of the simple unrecovered hybrids, the most demanding for heat is ZL22A/102B - the correlation coefficients are 0.941 with plant height and vegetation duration, 0.843 with the basket size. For ZL42A/58B, the most important are the May precipitation, their correlation with the vegetation duration of 1,000 and the basket diameter of 0.987, and the July temperatures - 0.999 and 0.993, respectively. Among the pollen fertility restorers, the line ZL512V turned out to be the most demanding to weather conditions. For plant growth, the temperatures of April (0.906), May (0.995) and June (1.000) are very important, for the duration of the growing season respectively – 0.958, 0.971 and 0.991, and for the size of the basket, precipitation in May (0.956) and July temperatures (0.943). The correlation coefficient with the sum of active temperatures is – 0.829 for plant height – 0.851 for basket diameter – 0.902 for the growing season.

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