morphobiological characteristics
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V. Ya. Bilonozhko ◽  
O. M. Vinogradova ◽  
S. P. Poltoretsky ◽  
N. M. Poltoretskaya

The aim of the research is selection and genetic improvement of the source material of maize silica and sugar subspecies by methods of classical selection and experimental mutagenesis and synthesis on their basis of high-yielding, adaptive hybrids capable of stably realizing their yield potential in different growing conditions. Research methodology. Field experiments were conducted at the Cherkasy State Agricultural Research Station NSC "IZ NAAN", located in the central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (Smila) during 2020-2021. The period of action of active temperatures (above 10 ° С) begins on April 20–28 and lasts 155–180 days. The probability of frost to -3 ° C during the sowing of corn (III decade of April and the first decade of May) is 10 and 5 %, respectively, and during ripening (September – first half of October) from 1 to 30 %. Sowing of the experimental material was carried out in the third decade of April in early May. During the growing season, phenological observations were made, during flowering the plants self-pollinated under parchment insulators, crossbreeding, evaluation and selection of the best samples were performed. Common field, laboratory and statistical research methods were used. Research results. Based on the morphobiological characteristics and assessment of the set of features of the samples of the sugar corn collection, the length of the period from emergence to flowering to 75 % of the panicles was determined, early-maturing samples were selected. When studying the genetic variability of the characteristics of the performance of inbred lines such as weight and length of the head, the number of rows of grains revealed the best lines, the average of which differs significantly from the standard. Based on genetic analysis of performance traits, it has been shown that the selection of starting material by cob weight and length may be most effective, as under favorable conditions these traits are controlled by additive genes, while other traits play a crucial role. Conclusions. The frequency of the obtained more productive self-pollinated lines on the original hybrid material with a significant excess of control indicators for such elements of productivity as cob weight, length and number of rows of grains is 7.19 ± 1.36 %. Selection based on "number of rows of grains" is effective, the best multi-row lines are selected based on genetic sources from Australia. As a result of the analysis of the sugar content in the grains, samples with a sugar content of 8.6% in the top sugar and 5.8 % in the white corn were selected. The coefficient of inheritance of quantitative traits, such as cob weight, length, number of rows of grains, number of grains in a row, is 0.71–0.93, which indicates the possibility of successful selection of these traits. All studied numbers exceed the hybrid standard by cob weight and number of rows of grains. Numbers 269, 272 and 276 and 277 were significantly better in terms of yield, with yields of 15.7–19.8 t/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 901 (1) ◽  
pp. 012050
M Yu Novoselov ◽  
LV Drobysheva ◽  
OA Starshinova

Abstract The influence of inbreeding on the morphobiological characteristics of meadow clover was revealed. Self-pollination, repeated in the number of successive generations, leads to an increase in homozygosity and to inbred depression, which increases from I1 to I3 generation and stabilizes in the I4 generation. It was found that in the I1 generation, according to the main morphobiological characteristics, there is no inward depression, but the maximum release of recessive lethal mutations is manifested, which amounted to 6.2%, and the survival rate of seedlings decreases (91.7%). By the I4 generation, the number of chlorophyll-free seedlings decreases to 1.4%. All the main morpho-biological indicators that determine the productivity of plants decrease from generation I1 to generation I3 by 1.5-2 times and stabilize in generation I4. Obtaining hybrid F1 offspring by crossing a linear material with an I4 induction level leads to the restoration of plant productivity indicators. When creating a linear material, an increase in the number of highly self-compatible genotypes from I1 to I4 generation by 60% is clearly traced. The data obtained make it possible to take into account the survival rate of seedlings, the cleavage of lethal and semi-lethal mutations, the degree of inbred depression in the formation of sample volumes when creating a linear material of meadow clover.

E. A. Ten ◽  
I. P. Oshergina

Peas are affected by weather conditions. The effects of adverse factors do not affect the formation of the crop for the better. Under the influence of drought and high temperatures, there was an inhibition of growth processes, namely, the construction of the leaf apparatus, which, in turn, led to a sharp decline in seed productivity. It is crucial to have varieties (lines) with a more stable and shorter period from sprouting to maturity, taking into account the sharply changing heat and moisture supply in the Akmola region, making it possible to harvest the crop earlier. The authors obtained the relationship between yield and abiotic factors and morphobiological characteristics of peas in the conditions of the Akmola region for 2020. In their research, the authors found that weather conditions influenced the duration of the growing season 2020 and the grain yield of field peas. The ever-increasing season for pea lines was within 83-91 days. The peculiarities of the lines used, temperature regime and precipitation of the third decade of June influenced the duration of two periods (sprouting-flowering and flowering-ripening). Yields of pea lines in the nursery of competitive variety trials ranged from 2.80 (line 93-04-2) to 18.53 c/ha (line 6-08-7). As a result of their research, the authors found a positive average correlation between plant height and the number of beans (r = 0.33). The average plant height per sample was 62 cm. The average number of beans per plant in the nursery was 5.9, and the average number of seeds was 20.0. The research results can be successfully used in the cultivation of domestic and foreign varieties of field peas. In international practice, the results of this experiment can be applied in the selective improvement of field peas and the creation of new high-tech varieties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Maksym Olkhovyk ◽  
Oleksandr Haidash ◽  
Yulyia Kupar ◽  
Mayna Tahantsova

Purpose. Comprehensive study, selection, evaluation and systematization of self-pollinated lines of maize (Zea mays L.) obtained on the basis of material of diffe­rent genetic structure from endosperm of flint and dent maize were implemented according to the main economically valuable traits and precocity in order to select the best genotypes for selection. Methods. Hybridization, inbreeding were used in the process of creating the initial material; visual method – for phenological observations; laboratory and field – to determine the morphobiological characteristics of self-pollinated lines of maize; measuring and weighing – to account the harvest and determine the metric characteristics of plants; mathematical and statistical – to determine the validity of the results, indicators of trait variability, correlation dependence of traits; analysis of variance; comprehensive assessment of morphobiological and economically valuable traits of self-pollinated maize lines of the most common germplasms. Results. As a result of assessment of self-pollinated lines of the most common germplasms, it was revealed that the highest level of grain yield was obtained under both sowing periods – Iodent germplasm; the minimum grain moisture content – Flint and Mix germplasms; the shortest average duration of the emergence – flowering of 50% of male and female inflorescences stage – Flint germplasm; steadily high va­lues ​​of plant height for germplasm Mix – under the optimal sowing date, and Iodent plasma – under the late sowing date. Steadily high values ​​of the ear insertion height at both sowing dates were obtained for lines based on Iodent germplasm. The number of the most precocious and the best by the economically valuable traits germplasms of self-pollinated lines were identified. Conclusions. The DK239 lines – Flint germplasm, DK7174, DK2285, DK305, DK2613, DK5568 – Iodent germplasm, DK2332 and DK2659 – Mix germplasm were the most precocious and the best by the economically valuable traits. They are promising for the selection of ultra-early hybrids of maize adapted to the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 60-67
V. V. Skorina ◽  
I. G. Kakhtsiankova

Relevance. To produce garlic for use both in the domestic and foreign markets, there is no required number of high-yielding varieties with large onions and a small number of cloves, as well as resistant to new growing conditions. In selection with a culture of garlic, in addition to zoned varieties, it is advisable to use local improved forms, however, the morphobiological characteristics of garlic can change depending on the growing conditions and, as a result, plants can die, reduce resistance, productivity and quality indicators, which depend on the breeding and genetic characteristics of the variety.Methods. The research was carried out on the experimental field of the Department of Horticulture, UO BSAA. The 67 samples of winter garlic were studied. The collection material consisted of varieties and clones that were selected from six regions of Belarus. The Belovezhsky variety was used as a control.Results. According to the results of the studies, the best in terms of bulb weight, number of cloves in the bulb, clove weight and yield were selected samples – AM1–18, OR3–18, OP5–18, MM1–18, UG–18, ЮM1–18, 2000–18, MГ1–18, DM–18, MГ4–18, varieties Agaton, Antonik, Gorets, Soyuz, Junior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 407-417
A. N. Stroganov ◽  
A. V. Semenova ◽  
M. O. Rybakov ◽  
A. A. Smirnov

2021 ◽  
Vol 201 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-137
E. V. Ostrovskaya ◽  
A. P. Kasatkina

Morphological signs (32 plastic and 7 meristic) and biological parameters (size, weight, age and sexual structure, fecundity) are considered for weather loaches of gen. Misgurnus inhabiting the Pad Bolshaya (Jewish Autonomous oblast), with the body length Ad 60.2-182.4 mm, body weigh 2.3-55.3 g, age 1-8 years and sex ratio about 1 : 1 (53 % males, 47 % females). Sexual dimorphism is found for antedorsal, anteventral and ventroanal distances, tail fin base length, base length and height of pectoral, pelvic and anal fins, and maximum body height. Ontogenetic variability of morphological indices in dependence on body length is detected for 26 of 32 plastic signs, whereas the dependence of anteanal, antedorsal, pectoventral, and anteventral distances, and maximum and minimum body height on the body length is not statistically significant. Males grow slower than females. Age of puberty is 4-6 years, mean individual absolute fecundity is 7409 eggs. The analysis concluded that the weather loaches Misgurnus in the Pad Bolshaya belonged to the species Misgurnus nikolskyi (Vasil’eva, 2001).

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 71-78
О. M. Bonina ◽  
Е. А. Serbina

The results of studying the body structure of trematode cercariae of the families Opisthorchiidae and Notocotylidae and the features of their development in Western Siberia are presented. The data of long-term (1994–2019) studies on the spread of these pathogens of dangerous parasitic diseases in humans and animals are analyzed and summarized. The studies were conducted according to generally accepted methods in parasitology and hydrobiology. The species affi  liation of trematodes was determined in laboratory conditions on mature cercariae that independently left the shells of the host mollusks Bithynia tentaculata and B. troscheli. It was noted that the trematodes of the Opisthorchiidae and Notocotylidae families at the cercaria stage have the following similar features: a simple tail, pigmented eyes, and one oral sucking cup. Diagnosis of trematode cercariae of Opisthorchiidae and Notocotylidae families is possible by the following signs: the tail of the opisthorchis cercaria has a swimming membrane and is 2 times longer than the body, the tail of the notocotylid has no swimming membrane and is approximately equal in length to the body. Opisthor-chis cercariae have two pigment eyes, notocotilids – three. In the life cycle of opisthorchis, there are two intermediate hosts (bitinia and fi  sh), in the notocotylid cycle, one (bitinia). Opisthorchis cercariae have penetration glands, but notocotylids do not; the maximum daily emission of opisthorchis cercariae is ten times higher than that of notocotylids (6672 and 422 cercariae, respectively). The ability to diagnose opisthorchis and notocotilid at the cercaria stage allows the identifi cation of local foci of epidemiologically and epizootically dangerous diseases.

V.V. Moskalets ◽  
T.Z. Moskalets ◽  
I.V. Grynyk ◽  
O.B. Ovezmyradova ◽  
O.M. Nevmerzhytska

Аim. To create a working collection of the sea buckthorn gene pool for priority breeding trends. Results and Discussion. Scientific and practical results of building up and studying the working collection of the buckthorn gene pool of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS are presented. Aspects of formation of a working collection and their comparative identification by genetic profiles are analyzed. Morphobiological characteristics and economically valuable features of sea buckthorn plants are summarized. Conclusions. Targeted introduction and studies of the adaptive and productive potentials of sea buckthorn in the experimental fields of the Institute of Horticulture (northern forest-steppe of Ukraine) in 2017-2019 allowed us to transfer the most promising genotypes to the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine (NCPGRU) of the Рlant Production Institute named after VYa Yuriev of NAAS of Ukraine, where, after expert evaluation, they were assigned catalog numbers and included in a list of plants of the genetic bank of Ukraine: F 1-15-1 or Nosivchanka (UA3700073), F 1-15-8S or Mitsna (UA3700079), male form 1-15 -6Ch or Aboryhеn 6/11 (UA3700080), F 1-15-9 or Karotynna (UA3700082), F 1-15-3 or Pamiatka (UA3700076), F 1-15-8V or Soniachne Siayvo (UA3700075), 1-15-11 or Lymonna (UA3700072), F 2-15-73 or Morkviana (UA3700077), F 1-15-5 or Adaptyvna (UA3700078), F 1-15-8B or Osoblyva (UA3700083), F 1-15-6 or Apelsynova (UA3700084), F 6А/11 (UA3700081), and F 1-15-5а or Sribnolysta 5a (UA3700074).

Iu. V. Fotev

The author speaks about necessity to find species and forms of plants with a high concentration of functional food ingredients in their composition. This problem resulted from low range of vegetable plant species in Russia and the global tendency to weakening of their biochemical composition with the globalization of crop production. The research carried out in the Central Siberian Botanical garden SD RAS, (Novosibirsk, 54°n. 83°C. d.) explain methodological approaches to invasive plants application when creating initial material and varieties with a complex of valuable biochemical and morphobiological characteristics and consumer qualities. The researchers used large collection of species and forms of thermophilic vegetable plants in the frame area and open area from 1986 to 2017. In order to select plants in Siberia and obtain forecasting assessment, the author proposes to use the list of parameters that take into account the value of biochemical composition, degree of species genetic diversity, duration of growing season, heat demand, productivity, seed production efficiency, fruit keeping, crop seedling method of culture in the frame area, resistance to diseases and pests, methods of products processing, compliance with the traditional taste preferences of Russians. Using the methods of inter and intraspecific hybridization and breeding, the author selected 19 tomato varieties and 5 varieties of new Russian crop (asparagus bean, balsam apple, kiwano and wax gourd) and included these varieties into the State register of breeding achievements appropriate for application. Their features collections with a complex of valuable morphological and biological and biochemical parameters, including resistance to the most dangerous diseases in the region are supported. The varieties offered for agricultural production and food industry can become the basis for producing functional food products in Russia.

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