dwelling house
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-77
Zahari Mahad Musa ◽  
Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah ◽  
Abur Hamdi Usman ◽  
Azwar Iskandar

The dwelling house is part of the basic needs of human life. In Islam, the designation of a place as a dwelling house has its importance. The dwelling house is not only seen as a sanctuary for oneself and his property, but it is also significant in providing space for privacy. This paper aims to discuss privacy related to a dwelling house in Islamic jurisprudence. The discussion will focus on the importance of the privacy rules for a dwelling house to guide the parties involved in housing development. The type of research is qualitative with a socio-historical approach.  The results indicate that Islam provides a balance between social life and the need to be alone. The principles of privacy for a dwelling house not only show the security of shariah objectives, but they also guide the construction industry with divine guidance in sustainable human development.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 3311
Víctor Pérez-Andreu ◽  
Carolina Aparicio-Fernández ◽  
José-Luis Vivancos ◽  
Javier Cárcel-Carrasco

The number of buildings renovated following the introduction of European energy-efficiency policy represents a small number of buildings in Spain. So, the main Spanish building stock needs an urgent energy renovation. Using passive strategies is essential, and thermal characterization and predictive tests of the energy-efficiency improvements achieving acceptable levels of comfort for their users are urgently necessary. This study analyzes the energy performance and thermal comfort of the users in a typical Mediterranean dwelling house. A transient simulation has been used to acquire the scope of Spanish standards for its energy rehabilitation, taking into account standard comfort conditions. The work is based on thermal monitoring of the building and a numerical validated model developed in TRNSYS. Energy demands for different models have been calculated considering different passive constructive measures combined with real wind site conditions and the behavior of users related to natural ventilation. This methodology has given us the necessary information to decide the best solution in relation to energy demand and facility of implementation. The thermal comfort for different models is not directly related to energy demand and has allowed checking when and where the measures need to be done.

Sushan Chowhan

Agriculture is being highly technologized today; to sustain production and gain higher yields, farmers have to be updated regarding available technologies. As the land area is decreasing, there’s always a challenge to increase production and earn profit. Therefore, technological innovations also change farmers’ socio-economic conditions. Considering this, an interview on three categories (landless, marginal, small) of 15 farmers was conducted at the Jagannathpur union of Kumarkhali upazilla under the Kushtia district to investigate the socio-economic status, problems in crop production, potentials, limitations of rural development and adoption extent of modern agricultural technologies. Outcomes expressed that, a major source of annual income (1,20,800 Tk) of landless farmers were from non-agricultural works; contrary, marginal (2,89,000 Tk) and small (3,89,200 Tk) farmers’ prime source of income was from agricultural origins. It was a positive sign that all categories of farm families spent a good sum of money for educating children immediately after food expenditure. All the farmers had drinking water, electricity and hygienic toilet facilities at their dwelling house. The problem confrontation index (PCI) of rural development was highest in lack of capital (36). Physical and social PCI was identified as limited natural resources (32) and reduction of croplands (28), respectively. Concerning technology adoption, 14% used biofertilizer, 12% followed a modern model of vegetable production, 12% collected quality seeds, 10% exercised mulching, 10% used perching and 10% imitated seed preservation techniques. Top PCI for crop production was high input cost (36) followed by lack of technical knowledge (34). Most of the respondents agreed that agricultural production directly contributes to food security (34), increased nutrition (32) and financial safety (30).

A. Ivanova-Ilyicheva ◽  
N. Orekhov

Mansions and individual residential houses of the early XX century form the basis of the historical center of Novocherkassk. The building of the city harmoniously combines features of traditional Cossack housing and adherence to the capital's architectural fashion, imitation of St. Petersburg. The history of the formation of the city, the social structure of the population, economy and culture determined the features of its architecture. In preparing the article, the methods of field and historical archival research, comparative analysis of works and their details, the method of analogies are used. A comprehensive analysis of typical objects – the mansion of G.M. Salnikov, the Shamarins' mansion, the house of the ataman A.V. Samsonov, residential buildings of the military master V.A. Ratchenkov and the сossack I.A. Suslova. The space-planning, compositional, architectural and artistic features of Novocherkassk mansions and residential buildings in the 1900–1910 s are identified. The authors present the patterns of location of two types of housing in the structure of the city. The tendencies of the Art Nouveau style in the mansions are revealed. A comparative analysis of the functional planning organization and artistic-figurative solution of the Cossack kuren and the city dwelling house is carried out. The study shows the influence of two trends on the residential architecture of Novocherkassk in 1900–1910 – the capital's professional design practice and the local folk tradition.


On the ground of archival and bibliographic materials, the author has prepared a historical certificate for the Biysk merchant dwelling mansion within the development of the draft of the territory boundaries and the land-use regime for the object of cultural heritage. This article provides information about the history and first owner ofthe building, as well as the further use of this object from the end of the XIX century and to the present. There is also information about another estate property of entrepreneur V.A. Krichevtsev and his relatives, located in Biysk, as well as about the type of activity of the owner of the mansion, who traded with North-Western Mongolia with various goods, was engaged in cattle- and horse-breeding. The building consists of several one-, two-story volumes of one height, has a basement, and a complex attic roof. The pronounced angular facade composition is richly decorated along the street and part of the courtyard facade and at the front entrance. The object has value as an urban building with eclectic decoration, also has urban planning significance, formalizing the intersection of streets. Keywords: merchant mansion, dwelling house, brick building, cultural heritage object, architectural monument

2021 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 02076
Zhuang Qianda ◽  
Zheng Guoquan ◽  
Mohd Kher Hussein ◽  
Noor Fazamimah Mohd Ariffin ◽  
Mohd. Yazid Mohd. Yunos

Rural vernacular building is a traditional dwelling house with the characteristics of the time and regions, which is now greatly impacted by urbanization and modernization. This research takes the rural vernacular building of Yayou Gou Village as the study case and uses document analysis, observation, and interview method to investigate the character and conservation strategies of rural building. The paper suggests that the building site characters are greatly influenced by topography and living conditions, followed by village traffic. The architectural forms represent the rural style of southern Shandong province with the unique roof shale covered. The layout of the building helps to maintain kinship and improve the local microclimate. Under the background of rural tourism development, effective protection methods for traditional buildings include function revitalization, museum transformation, homestay transformation, and local residents’ living are identified. Through the analysis of rural characteristics and conservation methods exploration, it is beneficial to further research on the character of rural architectural elements, promote the utilization and protection of rural building landscape, and provide enlightenment for rural development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-262
Tatiana Kh. Starodub ◽  

The article considers the visual image of the Madrasah in miniatures of Arabic manuscripts of the 13th century as both scientific and theological treatises, and literary works. Illustrated Arabic manuscripts are relatively rare, but they exist, and constitute one of the most fascinating, but little-studied pages in the history of the spiritual and artistic culture of the Arab Middle Ages. Amongst the hard-to-solve riddles there are some colorful pictures in the frontispiece design or in the text of a manuscript, which can raise the question: what is depicted here? The inscriptions on the margins of a page or inside the miniatures, added as explanations by the later owners, do not always provide the correct answer, since from one era to another the concepts and representations change significantly. In the life of Medieval Muslim society, the Arabic word “madrasah” could mean both a general education school and a theological university, where scientists study the works of their predecessors, conduct scientific research, make new discoveries, and defend their theories. In all cases, madrasahs remain religious institutions and buildings, second in importance after the Mosque. However, unlike a Mosque, with a niche of a mihrab or a ladder of a minbar, the image of a Madrasah is difficult to distinguish from buildings such as a dwelling house, a caravanserai, a Sufi abode or a courtroom. In miniatures of medieval Arabic manuscripts, the image of a Madrasah can also arise by association with portrayals of sages and their listeners, scientists and their students, authors who write their works, or scribes who rewrite them. The architectural image of the Madrasah can be created both by a detailed illustration of its interior, and by the conditional “architectural” decoration of a scene of a lesson at school or meeting of scientists.

2021 ◽  
Robert A. Philpott ◽  
Roger H. Leech ◽  
Elaine L. Morris ◽  

Searching for the 17th Century on Nevis is the first of a series of monographs dedicated to the archaeological investigation of the landscape, buildings and artefacts of the Eastern Caribbean by the Nevis Heritage Project. This volume presents the results of documentary research and excavation on two sugar plantation sites on the island of Nevis. Upper Rawlins, located high on Nevis mountain, was occupied in the late 17th and early 18th century and abandoned early. Fenton Hill was occupied from the mid-17th to the mid-19th century and originated with an earthfast timber building, probably a dwelling house, later converted to a kitchen and encapsulated in stone about 1700. The adjacent main house was probably destroyed in the French raid of 1706 and rebuilt in timber. The final occupation was by Portuguese Madeiran labourers, who were introduced to fill a labour force shortage in the 1840s. Detailed reports on the finds assemblage include discussions of the handmade, bonfired Afro-Caribbean pottery made by enslaved African women, imported European ceramics and glass, clay tobacco pipes, metalwork and building materials. The dominance of imported goods from south-western England demonstrates the strong mercantile links between Nevis and Bristol, but local Nevis production of ceramics adds new insights into the estate-based ceramic production on European lines.

2021 ◽  
Patrick Giromini

Since the term ‘vernacular’ has been used to frame an ‘architectural gender’, not a constructed heritage, particularly that of the rural economy in the mountains, reality has been dispossessed, and all the natural elements are, in fact, the result of a natural restoration. This was the case in Valais under the architectural governance of Edmond Giroud and Maurice Zermatten during the Trente Glorieuses. Their belief in a narrow regionalism aspiring to an identity, which they defined as a ‘neo-Valaisan’ style, wiped out modernist aspirations. In order to fight against an outdated censorship, architects react by exalting the modernist cause, which sometimes makes them forget that any new form can also be the result of a critique of the forms established by tradition, or the result of an order that is specific to the architectural project. Alongside the multiple conclusions of the ‘vernacular gender’ – the latter understood narrowly as tradition – a more daring project can be measured across the whole of the Valais and Alpine territory. From the simple dwelling house to the imposing dam, the scale adopted is a territorial measure, an order of thought that internalises a necessity, engaging the author in a work that is less autobiographical and more empirical. On the one hand, there are the virtuosos of the vernacular and, on the other, those who propose a territorial project, such as Jean-Paul Darbellay.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-55
E. V. Baranova ◽  
V. N. Maslov ◽  
V. D. Orlova ◽  

One of the main elements of the historical memory of Kaliningraders is the settlement of the region by Soviet people after the Second World War. The article shows the possibility of using virtual modeling to preserve the memory of the migration policy of the Soviet era, which is significant for separate regions and the entire state. Drawing on the example of the Kaliningrad region, a detailed description of 3D-reconstruction of the dwelling house – most important element of the rural settler’s life is given. The problems of searching and using in the course of modeling archival, oral, material, visual and other historical sources both in the field of settling and in places of removal are considered. The difficulties that have arisen during the virtual reconstruction of individual items of the post-war Soviet everyday life are characterized.

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