periodic monitoring
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Brady Green ◽  
Jodie A. McClelland ◽  
Adam I. Semciw ◽  
Anthony G. Schache ◽  
Alan McCall ◽  

Abstract Background Despite calf muscle strain injuries (CMSI) being problematic in many sports, there is a dearth of research to guide clinicians dealing with these injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the current practices and perspectives of a select group of international experts regarding the assessment, management and prevention of CMSI using in-depth semi-structured interviews. Results Twenty expert clinicians working in elite sport and/or clinician-researchers specialising in the field completed interviews. A number of key points emerged from the interviews. Characteristics of CMSI were considered unique compared to other muscle strains. Rigor in the clinical approach clarifies the diagnosis, whereas ongoing monitoring of calf capacity and responses to loading exposure provides the most accurate estimate of prognosis. Athlete intrinsic characteristics, injury factors and sport demands shaped rehabilitation across six management phases, which were guided by key principles to optimise performance at return to play (RTP) while avoiding subsequent injury or recurrence. To prevent CMSI, periodic monitoring is common, but practices vary and data are collected to inform load-management and exercise selection rather than predict future CMSI. A universal injury prevention program for CMSI may not exist. Instead, individualised strategies should reflect athlete intrinsic characteristics and sport demands. Conclusions Information provided by experts enabled a recommended approach to clinically evaluate CMSI to be outlined, highlighting the injury characteristics considered most important for diagnosis and prognosis. Principles for optimal management after CMSI were also identified, which involved a systematic approach to rehabilitation and the RTP decision. Although CMSI were reportedly difficult to prevent, on- and off-field strategies were implemented by experts to mitigate risk, particularly in susceptible athletes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-71
Anita Permatasari ◽  
Jeanne Asteria Wawolangi

The internal cash control system is important in a business unit in the form of a health clinic, because the cash element is one of the liquid current property accounts that can be used to finance the operational activities of the Main Clinic Vincentius Kristus Raja Surabaya. Research methods used by researchers in analyzing data in the form of primary data with qualitative methods. This research approach is carried out phenomenologically conducted by researchers with the aim that researchers can observe directly the reality that occurs so that they can obtain accurate information. The data collection techniques used is an interview with the head of polyclinics and clinical operations staff. Researchersvisit the clinic for observation and documentation. The results of the first study showed that the internal control system was already running in accordance with established financial procedures. The second result of the study is that the cash receipt procedure has all gone through the registration section except the dental clinic section. The third study showed that the implementing function in the operation of The Main Clinic Vincentius Kristus Raja Surabaya performs the trap of storage functions, especially in the dental health services section. The latest research results show the need for periodic monitoring or monitoring by the foundation, so that operational implementation runs smoothly and in accordance with the elements of internal control and the main clinic objectives of Vincentius Kristus Raja Surabaya can be achieved.

2022 ◽  
Sandro Rao ◽  
Elisa D Mallemace ◽  
Maurizio Casalino ◽  
Giuseppe Cocorullo ◽  
Lakhdar Dehimi ◽  

Abstract The temperature-dependent optical properties of silicon carbide (SiC), such as refractive index and reflectivity, have been used for a direct monitoring of the junction temperature of a power MOSFET. In particular, the optical response of a 4H-SiC MOSFET-integrated Fabry-Perot cavity to temperature changes has been investigated through parametric optical simulations at the wavelength of λ=450 nm. The reflected optical power exhibited oscillatory patterns caused by the multiple beam interference for which the MOSFET epilayer, between the gate-oxide and the doped 4H-SiC substrate, acts as a Fabry-Perot etalon. These results were used to calculate the refractive index change and, therefore, the optical phase shift of ∆φ= π/2 corresponding to a temperature variation that can be considered as a warning for the device “health”. In practical applications, the periodic monitoring of the optic spectrum at the interferometric structure output gives an essential information about the device operating temperature condition that, for high power operations, may lead to device damages or system failure.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Ylber Aliu

The main purpose of this paper is to study the new governance in the European Union: the open method of coordination (hereinafter: OMC). Some of the main features of the OMC are: an instrument of spreading the best practices of achieving the EU's main goals; to help member states develop their policies; creating a calendar for achieving project goals: short, medium and long term; translating European guidelines into national and regional policies specifying objectives and measures; as well as periodic monitoring and evaluation. The main value of the OMC is all involvement in decision-making: European Union institutions, civil society, interest groups, media, etc., through the OMC play a role in the process of drafting public policies and monitoring and evaluating implementation. The OMC aims to complement the 'democratic deficit' of EU institutions, especially in the education policy, employment policies and social welfare policies. We have used two methods for research of the paper. The first, the method of research of scientific and academic literature related to the European Union. Second, the case study of individual cases for displaying the new governance format: OMC in the European Union. The result of the research is to understand what new governance in the European Union is, when it comes to expression of this form of governance, who are the main actors in implementing new governance, when it has started to apply, etc. The conclusion of the paper is that the new governance in the European Union: the OMC has transformed the decision-making process as well as the process of drafting policies, strategies and legislation within the EU.   Received: 26 October 2021 / Accepted: 15 December 2021 / Published: 5 January 2022

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (43) ◽  
pp. 134
Amani Abdou ◽  
Karim Saley ◽  
Mahamane Ali ◽  
Ichaou Aboubacar

Les banquettes sylvopastorales constituent l’une des techniques les plus utilisées au Niger pour restaurer les terres dégradées de plateaux. La présente expérimentation a été réalisée sur un plateau dégradé de Simiri dans l’Ouest nigérien où des banquettes sylvopastorales ont été installées. L’objectif est d’évaluer la survie et la croissance des plants de quatre essences locales de Combretaceae, Combretum glutinosum, Combretum micranthum, Combretum nigricans et Guiera senegalensis. Les méthodes utilisées ont consisté d’abord à délimiter un espace sur le plateau dégradé où 40 banquettes sont confectionnées et un autre espace sans banquette pour servir de témoin. Dans les banquettes, 200 plants de chaque espèce ont été plantés à raison de 20 plants/banquette. Deux mois après la plantation un suivi périodique de l’humidité du sol et des paramètres dendrométriques des plants a été effectué durant 30 mois. Les paramètres dendrométriques mesurés sont le taux de survie, la hauteur et le diamètre au collet du grand axe caulinaire, le nombre de rejets et de feuilles. Les résultats obtenus ont montré d’une part que les banquettes améliorent les conditions hydriques du sol de 18,19 % par rapport à la zone non traitée (sans banquette) et d’autre part que les meilleurs taux de survie et de croissance ont été observés au niveau des espèces Guiera senegalensis, Combretum. glutinosum et Combretum. micranthum. Ainsi, les espèces Guiera senegalensis, Combretum glutinosum et Combretum micranthum peuvent être utilisées dans le reboisement de sites aménagés avec des banquettes sylvopastorales pour restaurer les terres de plateaux au Niger Silvopastoral banquettes are one of the techniques mostly used in Niger to restore degraded plateau lands. The present experiment was carried out on a degraded Simiri plateau in western Niger where silvopastoral banquettes have been installed. The objective is to assess the survival and growth of plants of four local species of Combretaceae, Combretum glutinosum, Combretum micranthum, Combretum nigricans, and Guiera senegalensis. The methods used consisted first of delimiting a space on the degraded plateau where 40 banquettes are made and another space without a banquette to serve as a control zone. In the banquettes, 200 plants of each species were planted at 20 plants/banquette. Two months after planting, periodic monitoring of soil moisture and dendrometric parameters of the plants was carried out for 30 months. The dendrometric parameters measured are the survival rate, the height and the collar diameter of the stem axis, the number of suckers and leaves. The results obtained showed on the one hand that the banquettes improve the water conditions of the soil by 18.19% compared to the untreated zone (without banquettes) and on the other hand that the best survival and growth rates were observed at the level of the species Guiera senegalensis, Combretum. glutinosum and Combretum. micranthum. Thus, Guiera senegalensis, Combretum glutinosum, and Combretum micranthum species can be used in the reforestation of sites developed with silvopastoral banquettes to restore plateau lands in Niger.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-270
Jigme Tenzin ◽  
Phub Dhendup ◽  
Dago Dorji ◽  
Sangay Nidup ◽  
Phuntsho Thinley

Bhutan has a total geographical area of 38,394 Km² located in between the Indo-Malayan and Palearctic region, out of which 51.44% (19750.75 km²) of its total geographical area has been designated as the protected area.  However, none of the districts have a structured baseline checklist of mammal species documented till date. Therefore, Sarpang Forest Division under the Department of Forests and Park Services had carried out five rigorous camera trap surveys including a nationwide tiger survey that covers representable areas of the district from 2014 till 2020. The survey shows that district has 36 mammal species that belong to 18 families under seven orders. Felidae and Cervidae families has the highest species abundance (n = 17%), while, Canidae, Herpestidae, Leporidae, Manidae, Melinae, Muridae, Mustelidae, Tupaiidae, Proboscidae, Pteromyidae, Suidae and Ursidae were the lowest (n = 3%). Above all, Sarpang homed 29.90% of total mammal species of Bhutan, out of which 3% of mammal species were categorized under Critically Endangered, 14% Endangered, 14% Vulnerable, 22% Near Threatened, and 47% Least Concern as per IUCN Red List. However, only 20 mammal species are listed under CITES and nine in Schedule I of Forest and Nature Conservation Act of Bhutan, 1995. Therefore, landscape-based planning such as the Division-based Conservation & Management plan; periodic monitoring of wildlife species using camera traps, and validation of Schedule I species are suggested for long-term conservation and management of globally threatened species inside the landscape of Sarpang district in Bhutan. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 325
Rahmat Safe’i

The condition of mangrove forests on the east coast of East Lampung Regency is currently experiencing degradation and has suffered a lot of damage due to various causes and problems it faces. This condition causes the role and benefits and functions of mangrove forests to decrease, especially in climate change. Therefore, to determine the condition of the mangrove forest, periodic monitoring and assessment of mangrove forest health is required. The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of mangrove forest health in climate change. To achieve this, the stages include: determining the number of plot clusters to be made, making cluster plots, measuring the health of mangrove forests based on ecological indicators of mangrove forest health, processing and analyzing mangrove forest health data using SIPUT (Assessment Information System) software. Forest Health), and categorization and health assessment of mangrove forests. The results of this study indicate that the condition of mangrove forests on the East coast of East Lampung Regency in general has a forest health condition in the medium category. So, knowing the health condition of mangrove forests will affect climate change. Forest health makes mangrove plants grow with good physiological processes so that they can absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere optimally. These conditions will make the environment better.

Leonel Santos-Barrios ◽  
Juan Felipe Núñez-Espinoza ◽  
Monica Elizama Ruiz-Torres ◽  
Tania Calva-Hernández ◽  
Carlos Galdino Martínez-García ◽  

Objective: To determine socioeconomic relationships in backyard pig farms. Design/methodology/approximation: The farms studied had 1 to 8 sows. We used semi-structured questionnaires and periodic monitoring to collect data. We determined the cost of production with the general cost formula and calculated the countable effect of family labor. Two groups were established: Group 1) Young married couples; and Group 2) Elderly couples who have been married for a long time and who do not have married children. Social Network Analysis was used to determine the strength of those relationships. Results: Five socio-productive relations were discovered: 1) input supplier-producer; 2) piglet breeder-swineherd-butcher; 3) religious festivities-pigs; 4) season of the year-pig; and 5) producer-boar keeper. Income differed when family work was not counted. Limitations/implications: Results showed that it was possible to combine qualitative data and statistical modelling in studies about social and economic behavior of backyard pig farms and small-scale farms.

2021 ◽  

The 2021 third quarter edition of the Quarterly Business Review (QBR) provides management with a status of the Bank's performance. The QBR reports on outputs, lending program priorities and organizational indicators on a quarterly basis to allow management to monitor progress in achieving corporate results. This periodic monitoring supports evidence-based decision making and allows for timely identification of deviations from targets and enables effective implementation of measures to address them.

А.М. Кабышев ◽  
В.В. Хмара ◽  
Б.Д. Хасцаев ◽  
С.В. Кулакова ◽  
М.П. Маслаков

Автоматическое управление любым технологическим процессом предусматривает непрерывный или периодический контроль параметров, определяющих данный технологический процесс. Для горных, обогатительных, металлургических заводов и фабрик таким параметром является химический состав исходного сырья, флюсов, используемых реагентов, промежуточных продуктов, готовой продукции, отвальных хвостов и сбрасываемых сточных вод. Информацию о химическом составе этих продуктов получают путем отбора и последующего анализа представительных проб. Целью данной работы является разработка системы контейнерной доставки технологических материалов, основанной на применении унифицированных узлов, функционирующих под управлением универсальной микропроцессорной системы. Решение поставленной задачи позволяет упростить процесс адаптации системы к конкретному технологическому процессу, повысить ее надежность за счет применения унифицированных узлов и упростить обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации. Разработана схема системы контейнерной доставки технологических материалов, в состав которой входят станции, обслуживающие процесс транспортировки контейнера. Станции выполнены на основе унифицированных узлов и элементов. К таким узлам станций относятся: пневмоцилиндры, электропневматические клапана, распределители, магнитные датчики. Эти узлы и элементы предназначены для перемещения транспортного контейнера как внутри станций, так и по транспортному трубопроводу. Управление узлами станций системы осуществляется с помощью микропроцессорной системы управления. В статье проведена оптимизация сигналов управления, формируемых как внутри станций, так и поступающих от вспомогательных устройств транспортной системы. Сигналы управления позволяют реализовать оптимальные алгоритмы функционирования системы. Разработаны алгоритмы реализующие различные режимы функционирования станций. Разработана принципиальная схема микропроцессорной системы управления на основе современной элементной базы. Разработанная система управления отличается универсальностью, легко адаптируется для выполнения различных режимов работы станций, это позволяет расширять функциональные возможности системы. Automatic control of any technological process provides for continuous or periodic monitoring of the parameters that determine this technological process. For mining, processing, metallurgical plants and factories, such a parameter is the chemical composition of the feedstock, fluxes, reagents used, intermediate products, finished products, dump tailings and discharged wastewater. Information about the chemical composition of these products is obtained by selecting and then analyzing representative samples. The purpose of this work is to develop a container delivery system for technological materials based on the use of unified nodes operating under the control of a universal microprocessor system. The solution of this task makes it possible to simplify the process of adapting the system to a specific technological process, increase its reliability through the use of unified nodes and simplify maintenance during operation. The scheme of the container delivery system of technological materials, which includes stations serving the process of container transportation, has been developed. The stations are made on the basis of unified nodes and elements. Such nodes of the stations include: pneumatic cylinders, electropneumatic valves, distributors, magnetic sensors.

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