taraxacum officinale
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2022 ◽  
pp. 303-307
Jean M. Bokelmann

2022 ◽  
Vol 145 ◽  
pp. 112401
Nithiyaa Perumal ◽  
Meenakshii Nallappan ◽  
Shamarina Shohaimi ◽  
Nur Kartinee Kassim ◽  
Thiam Tsui Tee ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 32
Surya Amal ◽  
Neni Sri Gunarti ◽  
Kankan Prama Soebakti ◽  
Dinda Gusti Mahdalena ◽  
Nida Nur Fadhillah ◽  

Tumbuhan famili Asteraceae sering digunakan masyarakat sebagai obat tradisional. Efek farmakologi tumbuhan Asteraceae dapat dikaitkan dengan berbagai senyawa fitokimia, termasuk polifenol, asam fenolik, flavonoid, asetilena dan triterpen. Flavonoid telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas tinggi untuk penghambatan terhadap xantin oksidase, dan ditemukan memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam serum. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji aktivitas antihiperurisemia ekstrak etanol beberapa tumbuhan anggota famili Asteraceae (Taraxacum officinale, Crassocephalum crepidioides, Elephantopus scaber, Gynura procumbens, Ageratum conyzoides, Sonchus arvensis, Gynura divaricate) terhadap hewan uji mencit (Mus musculus). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan menggunakan hewan uji mencit jantan galur Balb/c. Pada penelitian ini kadar   asam urat diukur menggunakan metode POCT (Point of Care Testing) dengan alat UA Sure. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua tumbuhan famili Asteraceae yang diuji positif mengandung senyawa flavonoid. Tumbuhan yang memberikan efek antihiperurisemia paling tinggi dalam menurunkan kadar asam urat yaitu ekstrak etanol Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) pada dosis 500 mg/Kg BB dengan persentase penurunan sebesar 52% ± 0,2. Sedangkan penurunan paling terkecil pada ekstrak etanol Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides) pada dosis 500 mg/KgBB dengan presentase penurunan sebesar 4,80% ± 0,01. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol beberapa tumbuhan famili Asteraceae berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penurunan kadar asam urat pada mencit dan memiliki potensi sebagai obat antihiperurisemia.

M. Y. Mazura ◽  
N. V. Miroshnyk ◽  
I. K. Teslenko

The informativeness is established of the method of induction of chlorophyll fluorescence for bioindication in the conditions of anthropogenic influence on the example of T. officinale plants, by the parameters: F0, Fm, Fst, Fv, Fv/Fm та k1, k2. The main parameters of the induction curve can be used as test indicators to determine the resistance of plants to adverse factors. Changes in these indicators characterize the processes associated with the influence of the environment on the course of both light and dark phases of photosynthetic processes in chloroplasts. The photosensitivity of T. offic- inale leaves, which indicates the physiological state of plants, decreases with increasing adverse external influences. It is established that the plants of T. officinale have the maximum intensity of photosynthesis, which grow in more favorable ecological conditions control. Therefore, the use of the device «Floratest» to determine the condition of plants at different levels of anthropogenic load is promising and requires further research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Maria Eduarda D. C. Zanatta ◽  
Daniela Miorando ◽  
Amanda M. Stefller ◽  
Nátali Roos ◽  
Jackeline Ernetti ◽  

Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. belonging to the family Asteraceae is an edible medicinal plant distributed worldwide. This study aimed to determine the gastroprotective effects of aqueous extract of T. officinale (AETo) in rats using ultrasound, histological, and biochemical analyses. In this study, gastric ulceration was induced by ethanol or piroxicam. Rats were then treated with AETo (3, 30, or 300 mg/kg). The area and histological appearance of gastric ulcers were quantified, and histochemical analysis was performed. The activity of AETo on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers was assessed in the ulcerated tissue. In addition, we investigated the thickness of the gastric wall using the ultrasound technique. Moreover, chemical analyses of AETo were performed. In rats with ethanol- or piroxicam-induced ulcers, AETo reduced the ulceration area, elevated mucin level, and the gastroprotective effect was confirmed by histological analysis. The gastroprotective effect was accompanied by increased activities of SOD, CAT, and GST, as well as an increase in GSH level and reduction in MPO activity. Furthermore, AETo reduced the thickness of the gastric wall in rats. Phytochemical analysis of AETo indicated phenolic acids and flavonoids as the main active compounds. In conclusion, the gastroprotective effect of AETo involves reduction in oxidative stress and inflammatory injury and increase in mucin content. This study advances in the elucidation of mechanisms of gastric protection of T. officinale, contributes to the prospection of new molecules gastroprotective, and proposes the ultrasonographic analyses as a new gastroprotective assessment tool in preclinical studies.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (24) ◽  
pp. 7564
Grażyna Cacak-Pietrzak ◽  
Dariusz Dziki ◽  
Urszula Gawlik-Dziki ◽  
Alicja Sułek ◽  
Stanisław Kalisz ◽  

Dried and crushed dandelion roots (Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg.) (TO) were used as a formulation additive (at the amount of 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 g 100 g−1 flour) to wheat bread. The farinographic properties of the dough and the physical and chemical properties of the bread were evaluated. It was found that the addition of dried flour caused a significant decrease in water absorption by the flour (1% and higher TO level), an increase in the development time (from 2% to 5% TO addition) and dough stability (3% and 4% TO level), and an increase in dough softening (4% and higher TO level). As the substitution of TO for wheat flour increased, there was a gradual decrease in loaf volume, an increase in specific weight and crumb hardness, and a darkening of the crumb color. The total polyphenol content increased linearly with the percentage increase of dried root additions TO from 0.290 to 0.394 mg GAE g−1 d.m., which translated into an increase in the antioxidant activity of the bread. It was found that dried crushed roots of Taraxacum officinale can be a recipe additive for wheat bread; however, due to their specific smell and bitter aftertaste, the level of this additive should not exceed 3 g 100 g−1 flour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-118
Prajakta N. Dongare ◽  
Tejashri B. Kadu ◽  
Ashish L. Pohane ◽  
Sachin J. Dighade ◽  
Priyadarshani G. Patil

Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), a member of the Asteraceae family, commonly found in the temperate zone of the Northern hemisphere, is the perennial herb, forming a rosette leaf, golden yellow flowers that bloom year round. Dandelion leaves, roots and flowers is used in many traditional and modern herbal medicinal systems. On phytochemical investigation, Dandelion herb contains one or more vital phytochemical constituents. Similarly Among the most important compounds in dandelion Contains sesquiterpene lactones which is a bitter element, principally contains taraxacin and taraxacerin, which is principally important in mechanism of liver functions related with hepatoprotective action. Besides that result of the phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of sterols, phenolic acids, flavonoids, that have been shown to be associated with numerous pharmacological effects such as Antioxidants, anti immflammatory, antidiabetics, antitumor activity. Along with that the Dandelion leaves are a high efficient source of vitamins and minerals, including beta carotene, non-provitamin A carotenoids, xanthophylls, chlorophyll, vitamins C and D, many of the B-complex vitamins, choline, iron, silicon, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper, and phosphorous which is also useful as a several nutritive action. This review will point out areas for future research of phytochemicals containing Taraxacum officinale where they shows more effective against various ailments and shows recent effective pharmacological activity

LingVaria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2(32)) ◽  
pp. 151-166
Olga Kielak

Field Mint [Polish: “Horse Mint”] (Mentha arvensis), Curly Dock [Polish: “Mare Dock”] (Rumex obtusifolius) and Dandelion [Polish: “Cow Dandelion”] (Taraxacum officinale). On the Names of Farm Animals in Folk Phytonyms The subject of the article are folk phytonyms with an animal component. While analyzing the “animal” names of plants in the cultural context, the author reaches for so-called “co-linguistic data” (i.e. folk knowledge, beliefs and practices) related to animals and plants. Also, she arranges the phytonyms according to the semantic criterion, distinguishing the names of plants motivated by: (1) the animal’s appearance and (2) the appearance of the animal’s body parts, (3) animals’ smells, (4) the use of a plant as animal food, (5) the way in which the plant is used in folk magic and (6) in folk veterinary medicine. The analysis of dialectal names of plants in the cultural context makes it possible to consider the status of the animal part of the name. On the basis of her analyses, the author proves that both in the case of complex plant names and noun derivatives, the animal part of the name becomes “independent” in terms of a meaning and adopts qualitative meanings such as “big, great”, “dedicated to an animal (as food or medicine)”, “worse, useless for a human being”.

Horticulturae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 486
María Eugenia Martínez ◽  
Lorena Jorquera ◽  
Paola Poirrier ◽  
Katy Díaz ◽  
Rolando Chamy

There are several studies on the medicinal properties of dandelions (Taraxacum officinale), but few studies are aimed at understanding the in vitro germination process of this plant to improve its propagation. This research was focused on studying in vitro seed germination and development of seedlings under different carbon sources, glucose (GLU) or sucrose (SUC) and its concentrations (1.0–5.5%). Additionally, the effect of supplementation with plant growth regulators (PGRs) was studied, measuring the germination capacity, uncertainty and synchrony. Germination was promoted under low carbon source concentrations (≤2.3%), whereas higher concentrations (≥3.2%) had a detrimental effect on this process. GLU allowed the final germination percentages to be slightly better than SUC. Uniformity and synchrony values improved with the presence of PGRs. Results suggested that the best condition to assess T. officinale seed germination is in a medium containing GLU 2.3%, 0.5 mg/L 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0.5 mg/L 6-Benzylaminopurine acid (BAP). After germination, the best condition for optimal growth of T. officinale seedlings was 1.0% SUC supplemented with 0.225 mg/L of NAA and 3.0 mg/L of BAP for initial shoot development. The survival rate was 97% after greenhouse acclimatization. This new method of germination was implemented for the massive propagation of T. officinale for further medicinal studies.

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