weak influence
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2022 ◽  
Andreas Petersen ◽  
Oguz Asnaz ◽  
Benjamin Tadsen ◽  
Franko Greiner

Abstract In recent years nanoparticles (nps) have become key technological products, e.g. as coatings with tunable optical gap in third generation solar cells, as nanocrystals for photonic applications, and as pharmaceutical nanocarriers. In particle sources, that use reactive, nanodusty plasmas, a high dust density changes the properties of the dusty plasma compared to a dust free plasma considerably, as the electron depletion leads to a reduced number of free electrons. This is called the Havnes effect and was central for the understanding of the famous spokes in Saturns rings. We see here, that it is also important for technological applications. Using self excited dust density waves (DDW) as a diagnostic tool, it is possible for the first time, to completely characterize an argon discharge with embedded amorphous hydrocarbon nps of different size and density. The results show, that electron depletion governs the charge of dust grains, while the size of the particles has only a weak influence. The ion density and electric potential profile are almost independent of both, dust size as well as dust density. This suggests, that the rf generated plasma and the dust cloud coexist and coupling of both is weak.

Л.С. Басалаева ◽  
А.В. Царев ◽  
К.В. Аникин ◽  
С.Л. Вебер ◽  
Н.В. Крыжановская ◽  

Resonance reflection of light from the ordered arrays of silicon nanopillars (Si NP) was investigated. The height of Si NP was 450 nm. The effect of Si NP oxidation in concentrated nitric acid on the position of resonances in reflection spectra was studied. A weak influence of the additional polymeric coating on the characteristics of reflection from the structures was proven. It is established on the basis of the results of experimental investigation and direct numerical modeling by means of three-dimensional finite difference time domain algorithm (3D FDTD) that the dependence of the resonant wavelength for Si NP on the diameter of Si NP is a linear function with nonzero displacement depending on the pitch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 247-261
Michèle Braconnier ◽  
Gabriela González-Mariscal ◽  
Jella Wauters ◽  
Sabine G. Gebhardt-Henrich

The neuroendocrine regulation of rabbit maternal behaviour has been explored in detail. However, little is yet known about the hormonal regulation of aggression in concurrently pregnant-lactating does, a reproductive condition that prevails during group housing of rabbits on farms. Therefore, in this study we determined the relation between a) the levels of progesterone, testosterone, and oestradiol during lactation; b) the anogenital distance at artificial insemination; and c) the timing of grouping with the intensity of agonistic behaviour, published previously. We performed four consecutive trials, where three groups of eight does each were artificially inseminated on day 10 postpartum (pp) and grouped on either day 12, 18 or 22 pp. Using Dipetalogaster maxima, a reduviid blood-sucking bug, we collected blood samples during the pregnant-lactating phase (days 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 pp) on one or two randomly chosen does per treatment group. Testosterone levels varied little across the pregnant-lactating phase, agreeing with results from pregnant-only rabbits, while progesterone levels increased from day 3 (=13 dpp) to day 7 (=17 dpp) and remained unchanged until day 13 (=23 dpp) of pregnancy. All oestradiol concentrations fell below the limit of detection. Overall, all concentrations were slightly lower in comparison to rabbit studies with pregnantonly does. The agonistic behaviour was not related to the respective hormonal concentrations at grouping. In conclusion, the time point of grouping does after artificial insemination (AI) in the semi-group housing system only had a weak influence on aggression and the hormonal profile did not indicate an optimum time for grouping.

Kang Yang ◽  
Linjie Hu ◽  
Shengcai Huang ◽  
Can Liu ◽  
Liang Feng ◽  

Seawater intrusion has become a serious natural disaster in coastal regions around the world. Four shallow groundwater aquifers of Pearl River were sampled to study the changes of groundwater types and microbial communities caused by seawater intrusion. Seawater intrusion caused significantly increased cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and anions (Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-), and the groundwater type turned from HCO3-Ca to Cl•HCO3-Na•Ca and Cl•SO4-Na•Mg. The composition and diversity of groundwater geochemistry changes. Gammaproteobacteria species and Alphaproteobacteria species are dominant species, and the salinity of groundwater is the main environment factor that affect the relative abundance. The α-diversity of microbial community in three types groundwater are significantly different (P = 0.002,R2 = 0.959). The correlation between species in class level with different ions were also observed. Aeromonadales, Vibrionales, Alteromonadales and Oceanospirillales have a significant positive correlation with Cl-, SO42-, Na+ and Mg2+ (P < 0.05) in Cl•SO4-Na•Mg type, while in Cl•HCO3-Na•Ca type groundwater, Vibrionales and Oceanospirillales have positive correlations with Cl-, Na+, Ca2+, but negative correlations with HCO3-. Aeromonadales and Alteromonadales are opposite of this. The results demonstrate that groundwater type is the main factors influence the correlation between species and environments, other geophysical factors have weak influence. This shift of shallow groundwater type and microbial community under seawater intrusion were studied for the first time, it is momentous for forward exploration of groundwater microbial ecology in the coastal area under the background of seawater intrusion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 435-453
George Danut Mocanu ◽  
Tatiana Dobrescu

Goal: The identification of the effectiveness of the application of dynamic stretching (DS) and static stretching (SS) during warm-up and cool-down, in regards to lower body flexibility. Participants: 206 boys and 91 girls, first- and second-year students of the Dunărea de Jos University, Galați, involved in over 90% of the physical education lessons over the course of both semesters of the academic year 2018-2019, for 28 weeks, 1 module/2 hours weekly. Results: The statistical calculation performed with ANOVA, with repeated measurements indicates the existence of significant progress (values of F<.05), for both genders, in most of the applied tests, but the size of the effect (Partial eta squared/Ƞ2p) shows a weak influence of the independent variable on the flexibility values in half of the analyzed cases. The average values of the girls' performances are significantly superior to the boys' results, in 6 out of 8 tests. Conclusions: The stretching types used during the physical education lessons are effective, producing results in regards to flexibility and to the initial, reduced training level, however, in order to get stronger effects, one physical education lesson per week is not a viable solution to achieve long term favorable adaptations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152747642110557
Ali Honari ◽  
Donya Alinejad

In this paper, we reveal the understudied transnational dimensions of politically manipulative activity on social media. Specifically, we identify and investigate a bot-like Twitter network associated with the controversial organization of Iranian political exiles, the Mojaheddin-e Khalgh (MEK). Tracing and contextualizing the Twitter debate around women’s rights within the 2016 Iranian Parliamentary election, our analysis contributes to the scholarship on diaspora and digital media by drawing attention to the often-neglected potentials for non-state actors such as diaspora groups to make use of social media to promote political propaganda that advances militarist violence. We demonstrate how the MEK network’s “online performance of civic participation” is typical of a bot-net of weak influence inside Iran, but that the aims and extent of its influence can only be fully understood by situating it within a historical and transnational analysis of Iranian diasporic media and politics, one that takes complex US-Iran diplomacy dynamics into consideration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2088 (1) ◽  
pp. 012014
S A Filimonov ◽  
V D Meshkova ◽  
A A Dekterev ◽  
A A Gavrilov ◽  
K Yu Litvintsev ◽  

Abstract The article considers the influence of the relief, river, and urban development on the formation of vortex structures in the atmosphere and the spread of pollutants in the city of Krasnoyarsk in winter. The weak influence of urban development on the appearance of large vortex structures over the river is shown. However, in the ground layer, it significantly changes the flow pattern and determines the character of the distribution of pollutants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 234-253
Yuriy M. Bidzilya ◽  
Zoriana V. Haladzhun ◽  
Viktoriia V. Georgiievska ◽  
Yevhen O. Solomin ◽  
Nataliia M. Sydorenko

Due to the complex geopolitical processes of the twentieth century, Ukrainians became part of various states, in particular, part of this ethnic group became part of Romania. Taking into consideration the historical-political and social conditions, the authors of the paper give complex analysis of the peculiarities of the ethnocultural communication of the Ukrainians of Romania, the establishment and development of the Ukrainian-language press in this country, examines the main problems of the modern functions of the Ukrainian printed mass media and outlines the possible perspectives of their development. The Ukrainian language went through changes in education and mass media in Romania. The situation of the Ukrainian mass media worsened in Romania during the interwar period (especially in the 1930s) due to assimilation processes and turning Ukrainians into Romanians. The expansion of the Ukrainian information communication segment in Romania began with the introduction of the native-language primary and second education (7 grades) in 1948. The Ukrainian printed mass media of Romania are too weak today, they are published irregularly, have too weak influence on the cultural life of the Ukrainian group in this country.

Dobrochna Dabert

In this article devoted to the independent culture in Polish People’s Republic, I put into dichotomic doubt the concept based on the clear division between the official and independent culture. The forms of creative activity that escaped the state censorship between 1976 and 1989 radically disrespected the directives of the state’s cultural policy, yet many years before the emergence of ‘the second circulation’, there were already numerous initiatives that sparked a rich spectrum of independent activity. The authors’ strategies to remain independent changed over time, to varying extent distanced the authors from the official artistic life and differed depending on the character of the authors’ intellectual activity. In the article, I attempt to prove the relatively weak influence of the ‘official dependent culture’ that fully respected the authorities’ instructions, and I propose a classification of creative strategies that also emerged in the official culture and allowed for a relatively free development of art and science. Using multiple examples from literature, cinema, visual arts, music and science, I discuss ‘controlled culture escaping the ideological instructions’, ‘official niche culture’, ‘culture confronting the limitations’, ‘licensed Catholic culture’, ‘second circulation culture’ and ‘third circulation culture.’ The practice of searching for a way out of the official one-dimensionality allowed Polish cultural identity to continue and save its most valuable intellectual and artistic values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 167-175
Eva Marsepa ◽  
Fitria Rizqiyah ◽  
Rina Puspita Sari

ABSTRACTS: THE EFFECT OF PARENTS BEHAVIOR ON THE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN IN TK CURUG DISTRICT, REGENCY TANGERANG BANTEN Background: In families, motor development can be formed both the merits of gross and fine motor skills in preschoolers depending on how fast or slow the parents teach it to the child. The data shows that the significant value of parental behavior is 0.137 while the significant value of motor development is 0.278 which shows a weak influence. Still influenced by factors or other causes outside the studied variables. Objective: To determine the effect of parental behavior on motor development of preschool children in the kindergarten Curug Subdistrict, Tangerang Regency.Conclusion: the majority of respondents had a level of influence that was less based on information obtained from the questionnaire results obtained.Researcher design: quantitative sectional methods and techniques taken by the F test and the correlation coefficient test with 100 respondents. The results of the study: the T-test based on the behavior variable shows that the T value is smaller than the Table, that is 2.347 <1.66039, then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that the behavior variable has no influence and is not significant to motor development with the F test table5.2.5 with a significant level of 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) is n-1- 1 = 100 - 1 - 1 = 98. Then obtained a table of 3.94. F test results above obtained Fcount> F table 5.507> 3.94 with a significant level of 0.000 <0.05. Thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. With the correlation coefficient test value of R square of = 0.053, this means that the variable behavior of parents affects the child's motor development variable 05.3% so the rest is equal to the correlation shown by 100% - 05.3% = 47%. Keywords: Influence, Motor Development, Parents  INTISARI: PENGARUH PERILAKU ORANG TUA TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN MOTORIK ANAK USIA PAUD DI TK CURUG KABUPATEN TANGERANG BANTEN Latar Belakang: Dalam keluarga perkembangan motorik bisa saja dibentuk baik buruknya motorik kasar dan halus pada anak usia prasekolah tergantung pada cepat atau lambatnya orang tua mengajarkannya kepada si anak. Data menunjukan bahwa nilai signifikan perilaku orang tua yaitu 0,137 sedangkan nilai signifikan perkembangan motorik yaitu 0,278 yang menunjukan pengaruh yang lemah.Masih dipegaruhi oleh faktor-faktor atau sebab-sebab yang lain di luar variabel yang diteliti.Tujuan:Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perilaku orang tua terhadap perkembangan motorikanak prasekolahdi TK Kecamatan Curug Kabupaten Tangerang.Desain peneliti:metode kuantitatif sectional dan teknik yang diambil dengan uji T uji F dan uji koefisien korelasi dengan respondent 100 orang.Hasil penelitian: dengan uji T berdasarkan pada variabel perilaku menunjukan nilai Thitung lebih kecil dari Ttabel yaitu sebesar 2.347 < 1.66039 maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak artinya variabel perilaku tidak berpegaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap perkembangan motorik dengan uji F tabel 5.2.5 dengan taraf signifikan 0.05 dan derajat kebebasan (df) adalah n- 1- 1 = 100 - 1 - 1 =98. Maka diperoleh Ftabel sebesar3.94. hasil uji F diatas diperoleh Fhitung> F tabel5.507> 3.94 dengan taraf signifikan 0,000 < 0,05. Dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan uji koefisien korelasi nilai R square sebesar = 0.053 hal ini berarti variabel perilaku orang tua mempengaruhi variabel perkembangan motorik anak 05,3% dengan demikian sisanya yaitu sebesar korelasi ditunjukan dengan 100% - 05,3% = 47%.Kesimpulan: sebagian besar respondent memiliki tingkat pengaruh yang kurang berdasarkan informasi yang didapat dari hasil kuisioner yang di dapat. Kata kunci : Pengaruh, Perkembangan Motorik, Orang Tua

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