continuum states
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Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 386
Abdelkader Mouadili ◽  
Soufyane Khattou ◽  
Madiha Amrani ◽  
El Houssaine El Boudouti ◽  
Noureddine Fettouhi ◽  

We present a theoretical and experimental study of photonic demultiplexers based on detuned stubs. The demultiplexers consist of Y-shaped structures with one input line and two output lines. Two different types of structures are proposed to achieve a selective transfer of a single mode in one output line without disturbing the second one. (i) In the first platform each output contains two different stubs attached at two different sites (U-shaped resonators). We derive in closed form the geometrical parameters of the stubs to achieve a selected frequency in each line while keeping the other line unaffected. The frequency selection can be made on the basis of two different mechanisms, namely a Fano or an electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) resonance. Consequently, different demultiplexing schemes can be designed by a combination of the two mechanisms, such as Fano-Fano, Fano-EIT or EIT-EIT. In particular, the width of the Fano or EIT resonances can become zero for an appropriate choice of the stubs’ lengths, giving rise to trapped modes also called bound in continuum states (BICs) with infinite quality factors. We also show that the crosstalk between the two outputs can reach minimum values around −45 dB. (ii) In the second platform, each output line contains a photonic comb with a defect stub. The latter is appropriately designed to filter one or a few frequencies in the bandgap of the photonic comb. The analytical calculations are performed with the help of the Green’s function method which enables us to derive the transmission and reflection coefficients as well as the density of states (DOS). These results are confirmed by experimental measurements using coaxial cables in the radio frequency domain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (7) ◽  
David Ziemkiewicz ◽  
Gerard Czajkowski ◽  
Karol Karpiński ◽  
Sylwia Zielińska-Raczyńska

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Zhichan Hu ◽  
Domenico Bongiovanni ◽  
Dario Jukić ◽  
Ema Jajtić ◽  
Shiqi Xia ◽  

AbstractHigher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) are recently discovered topological phases, possessing symmetry-protected corner states with fractional charges. An unexpected connection between these states and the seemingly unrelated phenomenon of bound states in the continuum (BICs) was recently unveiled. When nonlinearity is added to the HOTI system, a number of fundamentally important questions arise. For example, how does nonlinearity couple higher-order topological BICs with the rest of the system, including continuum states? In fact, thus far BICs in nonlinear HOTIs have remained unexplored. Here we unveil the interplay of nonlinearity, higher-order topology, and BICs in a photonic platform. We observe topological corner states that are also BICs in a laser-written second-order topological lattice and further demonstrate their nonlinear coupling with edge (but not bulk) modes under the proper action of both self-focusing and defocusing nonlinearities. Theoretically, we calculate the eigenvalue spectrum and analog of the Zak phase in the nonlinear regime, illustrating that a topological BIC can be actively tuned by nonlinearity in such a photonic HOTI. Our studies are applicable to other nonlinear HOTI systems, with promising applications in emerging topology-driven devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Debashis Sahoo ◽  
Lee Swanson ◽  
Ibrahim M. Sayed ◽  
Gajanan D. Katkar ◽  
Stella-Rita Ibeawuchi ◽  

AbstractModeling human diseases as networks simplify complex multi-cellular processes, helps understand patterns in noisy data that humans cannot find, and thereby improves precision in prediction. Using Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) as an example, here we outline an unbiased AI-assisted approach for target identification and validation. A network was built in which clusters of genes are connected by directed edges that highlight asymmetric Boolean relationships. Using machine-learning, a path of continuum states was pinpointed, which most effectively predicted disease outcome. This path was enriched in gene-clusters that maintain the integrity of the gut epithelial barrier. We exploit this insight to prioritize one target, choose appropriate pre-clinical murine models for target validation and design patient-derived organoid models. Potential for treatment efficacy is confirmed in patient-derived organoids using multivariate analyses. This AI-assisted approach identifies a first-in-class gut barrier-protective agent in IBD and predicted Phase-III success of candidate agents.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 516
Simone Taioli ◽  
Stefano Simonucci

In this work, we outline a general method for calculating Auger spectra in molecules, which accounts for the underlying symmetry of the system. This theory starts from Fano’s formulation of the interaction between discrete and continuum states, and it generalizes this formalism to deal with the simultaneous presence of several intermediate quasi-bound states and several non-interacting decay channels. Our theoretical description is specifically tailored to resonant autoionization and Auger processes, and it explicitly includes the incoming wave boundary conditions for the continuum states and an accurate treatment of the Coulomb repulsion. This approach is implemented and applied to the calculation of the K−LL Auger and autoionization spectra of ozone, which is a C2v symmetric molecule, whose importance in our atmosphere to filter out radiation has been widely confirmed. We also show the effect that the molecular point group and, in particular, the localization of the core-hole in the oxygen atoms related by symmetry operations, has on the electronic structure of the Auger states and on the spectral lineshape by comparing our results with the experimental data.

Simone Taioli ◽  
Stefano Simonucci

In this work we outline a general method for calculating Auger spectra in molecules, which accounts for the underlying symmetry of the system. This theory starts from Fano’s formulation of the interaction between discrete and continuum states and generalizes this formalism to deal with the simultaneous presence of several intermediate quasi-bound states and several non-interacting decay channels. Our theoretical description is specifically tailored to resonant autoionization and Auger processes, and includes explicitly the incoming wave boundary conditions for the continuum states and an accurate treatment of the Coulomb repulsion. This approach is implemented and applied to the calculation of the K−LL Auger and autoionization spectra of ozone, which is a C2v symmetric molecule, whose importance in our atmosphere to filter out radiation has been widely confirmed. We also show the effect that the molecular point group, and in particular the localization of the core-hole in the oxygen atoms related by symmetry operations, has on the electronic structure of the Auger states and on the spectral lineshape by comparing our results with experimental data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (12) ◽  
Zhi-Yong Zhou ◽  
Zhiguang Xiao

AbstractIn this paper, we present how the Friedrichs–Lee model could be extended to the relativistic scenario and be combined with the relativistic quark pair creation model in a consistent way. This scheme could be applied to study the “unquenched” effect of the meson spectra. As an example, if the lowest $$J^{PC}=0^{++}$$ J PC = 0 + + $$(u\bar{u}+d\bar{d})/\sqrt{2}$$ ( u u ¯ + d d ¯ ) / 2 bound state in the potential model is coupled to the $$\pi \pi $$ π π continuum, two resonance poles could be found from the scattering amplitude for the continuum states. One of them could correspond to the $$f_0(500)/\sigma $$ f 0 ( 500 ) / σ and the other probably $$f_0(1370)$$ f 0 ( 1370 ) . This scheme might shed more light on why extra states could appear in the hadron spectrum other than the prediction of the quark potential model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (12) ◽  
pp. 127301
Z Labdouti ◽  
T Mrabti ◽  
A Mouadili ◽  
E H El Boudouti ◽  
F Fethi ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12) ◽  
Takayuki Myo ◽  
Kiyoshi Katō

Abstract The complex scaling method (CSM) is one of the most powerful methods of describing the resonances with complex energy eigenstates based on non-Hermitian quantum mechanics. We present the basic application of CSM to the properties of the unbound phenomena of light nuclei. In particular, we focus on many-body resonant and non-resonant continuum states observed in unstable nuclei. We also investigate the continuum level density (CLD) in the scattering problem in terms of the Green’s function with CSM. We discuss the explicit effects of resonant and non-resonant contributions in CLD and transition strength functions.

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