natural situation
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Paula C Brunetti ◽  
Romina Leiva ◽  
Ricardo Zapata ◽  
Lorena E Torres ◽  

The species Lippia integrifoliais an aromatic, sub-woody shrub, distributed from Northwest and Central Argentina to Bolivia. It is among the most important native aromatic species. It presents medicinal properties, some of which have been scientifically proven. As an alternative to harvesting, the process of domestication of the species was initiated. The objective of this work was to assess the phenotypic variability based on botanical-taxonomic and morpho-agronomic descriptors and the use of indicators to evaluate its natural situation in the west-center of Argentina. We worked in five wild populations, registering morphological variables, phenology, natural regeneration, herbivory and presence of diseases. L. integrifoliapresents a wide morphological variability, which can be explained with three morphological descriptors. Natural regeneration ́s rate is very low to zero, in four of the sites. The results obtained are of importance to make decisions related to the sustainable use in situ, and to begin a program of domestication of the species.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 7-12
V. V. Lupachev ◽  
R. V. Kubasov ◽  
I. M. Boyko ◽  
A. I. Khokhrina ◽  
E. D. Kubasova

The prolonged availability of seafarers on board of water vehicle during voyages forms the features of professional labor activity. When assessing the medical and sanitary situation of life and vital activity of the crew on board a ship, it is necessary to take into account a set of conditions that are integrated into a single notion — «ship environment ». The ship’s environment affects the personnel’s body for the entire period while people are on the voyage. It can cause changes in the state of health. The article presents a review of the literature devoted to the study of the influence of climatic and geographical factors accompanying maritime labor. Natural factors occupy a significant share among the large effects of the ship’s environment that affect the health of seafarers and, accordingly, their ability to work. Among them, the greatest contribution is made by temperature, physico-chemical properties of air, photoperiodic fluctuations. The homeostatic systems of the seafarers ‘ body are very closely dependent on the natural situation of the seas. These conditions impose high requirements and can cause the development of premorbid and pathological conditions. To ensure the protection of the health and working capacity of the crew, it is necessary to study the influence of external factors. The main directions for ensuring the safety and strengthening of the health of seafarers are: forecasting and prevention of health disorders, prenosological diagnostics and timely medical support, rehabilitation measures in the post-voyage period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Ting Pan ◽  
Ran Chen ◽  
Xin He ◽  
Yaochang Yuan ◽  
Xiaohui Deng ◽  

AbstractCOVID-19 is identified as a zoonotic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, which also can cross-transmit to many animals but not mice. Genetic modifications of SARS-CoV-2 or mice enable the mice susceptible to viral infection. Although neither is the natural situation, they are currently utilized to establish mouse infection models. Here we report a direct contact transmission of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.351 in wild-type mice. The SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.351) replicated efficiently and induced significant pathological changes in lungs and tracheas, accompanied by elevated proinflammatory cytokines in the lungs and sera. Mechanistically, the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.351) spike protein turned to a high binding affinity to mouse angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (mACE2), allowing the mice highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.351) infection. Our work suggests that SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.351) expands the host range and therefore increases its transmission route without adapted mutation. As the wild house mice live with human populations quite closely, this possible transmission route could be potentially risky. In addition, because SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.351) is one of the major epidemic strains and the mACE2 in laboratory-used mice is naturally expressed and regulated, the SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.351)/mice could be a much convenient animal model system to study COVID-19 pathogenesis and evaluate antiviral inhibitors and vaccines.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 435
Tomi Arianto ◽  
Melly Siska Suryani

This study aimed to explore the harmonious relationship between human and nature that is still maintained by the Malay people of Kampong Tua Nongsa in Batam. Everyone who visited Batam will have perception that Batam is an industrial city with various metropolis conditions. It cannot be denied that it is true. The industrialization magnet in Batam has attracted the attention of many immigrants from various regions to try their luck to be better. The effects of rapid immigration and the many industrialization of Batam have had quite an impact on environmental conditions, especially this island which is bordering with Malaysia and Singapore. The amount of industrial pollution, deforestation, settlements, and reclamation has a bad impact on the natural situation. But behind all of that, Batam has uniqueness. The government still maintains there are 37 points of Kampong Tua Malay scattered throughout Batam. Behind the glamor of Batam's industrialization, there are still remnants of Malay culture that have a close relationship with the environment. In the research conducted, researchers analyzed three of cultural objects that are still preserved, namely the Sacred of Bunbun, the Sacred of Puak, and the Sacred of Batu Belah. In this article, researchers focused on the Myths behind the Sacred of Batu Belah, which still reflected the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. By using an ecocritic approach, the researcher answers the variable related with the relationship between man and nature behind the myth. The method used is a qualitative method with in-depth interviews and observation as data collection techniques. Using critical analysis techniques, the results of this study indicated that the ecocritic representation behind the Batu Belah myth is reflected from the existence prohibitions behind it. These prohibitions show how the Malay community is still able to maintain a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

Ευανθία Τάζογλου ◽  
Βασιλική Δεληγιάννη - Κουϊμτζή

This study investigates the ways in which unemployed married women talk about and justify their unemployment status in relation to the construction of gendered identities. It focuses on the analysis of the “interpretative repertories” which women use and their consequences on the negotiation of their female identity within the particular family and work framework. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the analysis was based on the principles of discourse analysis within the framework of feminist perspectives. It was found that women construct and arrange their occupational practices and choices relying primarily on traditional beliefs and assumptions about female participation in the labour market. Gender and marital status are used in order to justifyunemployment since the later is being described as a “natural” situation, especially for married women. Participants construct a context where there are no supportive mechanisms for married unemployed womenand their needs for employment are not taken into serious consideration. Findings further show that married women are confronted with personal conflicts as well as stereotypical socio-cultural expectations and constructions of female unemployment. Within this context, they seem to finally accept the dominant discourses about the traditional gendered division of work and family roles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Husnirrahman Jamaluddin ◽  
Afifah Harisah ◽  
Ria Wikantari

The architecture of Towani Tolotang’s traditional house has characteristics that represents the identity, activities, social and cultural values ​​of the community. The Towani Tolotang people strongly maintain the relationship of togetherness and unity shown by the architecture of traditional houses. This study discussed and examined the characteristics of micro spatial patterns, functions, and meanings of the Towani Tolotang’s traditional house. The study was conducted in Amparita Village, Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi. The discussion on the architecture of the traditional house of Towani Tolotang was carried out by applying the naturalistic phenomenological method. This type of research is qualitative with the process of collecting data through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies. Data analysis was performed using descriptive qualitative, describing in accordance with the natural situation. The results of the study revealed that there were two spaces in the spatial pattern of Towani Tolotang’s traditional house being the characteristics different from Bugis’s houses in general. They were tamping and special rooms. The function of the space was similar to the Bugis’s house in general, except the two spaces. Tamping was functioned as a place to receive guests with the status of ordinary people, and the special room was used as a place for ritual and taking prayer for the people of Towani Tolotang. Every space in the Towani Tolotang’s traditional house has its own meaning, included tamping which means respect for the traditional leader and special room which means the sacred space.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-182
Asri Soraya Afsari ◽  
Cece Sobarna ◽  
Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa

The purpose of this study is  describing the existence and utilization of Sundanese language traditional expressions in Bandung speech community today. The method  was  descriptive. Data collection techniques was done by direct interviews with informants in the field using Sundanese and in natural situation communication. The main informant was a culture-supporting community who  really known-well the traditional expressions. The informant was assumed,  at least, to understand it as a form of culture. Moreover, notes techniques was used too. The analytical method  used distributional. The results showed that: there are 206 data traditional expressions which is still known by the people in Bandung. The sub-district that is still familiar with traditional expressions is Ujungberung with a percentage of 100%. The sub-district that is unknow-well of traditional expressions is Sumur Bandung with a percentage of 15%. In terms of usage, Sundanese language traditional expressions are still used in the domain of: family, intimate, neighborliness, education, government, employment, and religion. The function of using expessions is to remind, to advise, to admonish, to calm, to affirm, to appeal, and to express  the feelings. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan eksistensi dan penggunaan ungkapan tradisional bahasa Sunda yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat tutur Kota Bandung dewasa ini. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara langsung kepada informan di lapangan dengan menggunakan bahasa Sunda dan dalam situasi yang asli (natural situation communication). Informan utama yang dipilih adalah masyarakat pendukung budaya yang memahami ungkapan tradisional. Informan tersebut diasumsikan paling tidak mengetahui ungkapan tradisional sebagai sebuah bentuk kebudayaan. Di samping itu, digunakan pula teknik catat. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah distribusional. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: ungkapan tradisional yang masih dikenal oleh masyarakat tutur di Kota Bandung berjumlah 206 data. Kecamatan yang masih mengenal ungkapan tradisional dengan baik adalah Ujungberung dengan jumlah persentase 100%. Kecamatan yang sudah tidak lagi mengenal ungkapan tradisional dengan baik adalah Sumur Bandung dengan jumlah persentase 15%. Dari segi penggunaan, ungkapan tradisional bahasa Sunda masih digunakan dalam ranah: keluarga, kekariban, ketetanggan, pendidikan, pemerintahan, kerja, dan agama. Fungsi penggunaan ungkapan untuk mengingatkan, menasihati, menegur, menenangkan, mengiaskan, mengimbau, dan mengungkapkan perasaan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 07015
Nurul Khasanah ◽  

Kedang communities in East Nusa Tenggara Province living in the foothills of Uyelewun Mountain have a close relation with nature to fulfil the needs of food, homes, and economy. Because nature provides everything for them, they are appreciate and protect the natural environment as well as possible. They always ask permission from Uhe ria ari baraq and Nature to bless them when carrying out the ritual of Poan dorong dopeq or the tradition of migration. This study aims to discuss how is the representation of human relations with nature in the spell of poan dorong Dopeq. In this case, an ethnograpic perspective is used to uncover both aspects. The spell data listed is secondary data obtained from Pos Kupang of November 24th 2019 edition. In addition, researcher also conducted interviews with native speaker and socially prominent of Kedang. The results show that the relations between humans and nature in Poan dorong Dopeq spell is clearly illustrated. Several spells mention the parable through staple food, geographical location, and natural situation of the community. Based on ethnograpic Perspective, this spell is a compulsory component in the ritual of poan dorong dopeq and must be spoken by a Molan to request blessing and prayer to the surrounding nature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 149-162
Danuta Borecka-Biernat

A young person who creates and implements certain life plans is exposed to situations of conflict related to school, contacts with peers and family relationships. For such a person, a conflict taking place in these three social spheres is an everyday, inevitable, and even natural situation. For some young people, conflicts with teachers, peers and parents constitute an important source of strong negative emotional stimulation and personal danger. There is no doubt that threats cause a lot of behaviours in a person, which are messages that describe a situation this person is currently in and whether it has the features of a difficult situation or not. Some young people, in the face of a dispute at school, in relationships with peers or at home, adopt destructive strategies in the form of an aggressive reaction to a conflict, avoiding active coping in the face of a conflict by engaging in other stress-free forms of activity or giving in to a conflict. However, there are also young people who cope with a social conflict situation well, treat a conflict as a challenge for themselves, which prompts them to mobilize their resources in order to overcome obstacles that prevent them from meeting their needs.

Indian enterprises significantly incorporate biomedical, horticultural and pharmaceutical which are the mainstays of nation economy. The checking of temperature and humidity are significant regions for every one of these enterprises. Any sort of unbalancing in the ecological conditions or disconnected parameters can make budgetary misfortune in the profitability of pharmaceutical and horticulture enterprises. Checking of temperature and moistness are likewise required for biomedical industry for medications and cell culture strategies. In medicinal services segments, conditioncontrolled, conditions are additionally required for patients undermining. In this paper we are going to gauge temperature and humidity by utilizing Node MCU apparatus and DHT11, which will be useful for adjusting the earth to build the productivity in this in agriculture sector today’s weather forecasting systems accessible based on satellite and RADAR communication. These frameworks are substantial, hard to deal with and exorbitant. They are detecting scarcely specific region and its incomplete range. In any case, in horticulture field universally not indistinguishable ecological conditions it is important to observing every single yield existing natural situation. An agriculture field premises has dissimilar humidity, temperature, moisture, light intensity because corner of plot trees and water leakage, so that kind of changes across all parameters of field are essential, and such parameters of yield continue the quality. In present paper proposed framework, enhancement of moistness and temperature. There are numerous frameworks are accessible in the market dependent on Wireless sensor organize (WSN) yet this framework is more vitality effective, little size, convenient. Sensor is coordinated bundle contains stickiness and temperature estimation ability in single bundle.

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