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2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Sajan Das ◽  
Muhammad Shah Mohtasim Khan ◽  
Md Shawkatul Islam Bakhtiar ◽  
Mohammad Shahriar

In this present world COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest concern. An appealing medication focus among Covids is the fundamental protease; SARS-CoV-2 protease Mpro (6Y2F) due to its fundamental role in handling the polyproteins that are interpreted from the viral RNA. The present study showed the interaction of favipiravir, ganciclovir, raltegravir and remdesivir against 6Y2F, using molecular docking were analyzed. Among those ligands’ interaction with protein structure, 6Y2F on raltegravir (-7.4 kcal/mol) and remdesivir (-6.9 kcal/mol), respectively displayed maximum binding affinity. The interactions of four ligands were contrasted with each other in that ganciclovir and raltegravir form highest number of hydrogen bond with 6Y2F. The interacting amino acids residues (Gly143, Ser144, Cys145) were studied and all selected ligands were predicted to be non-carcinogens and non-AMES toxic. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(2): 177-183, 2021 (December)

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 46-54
Md. Uddin ◽  
A.Z.M. Rahman ◽  
Sumon Mondol

The energy crisis and environmental impact are the major concern mf the present world. Three-wheeler auto-rickshaw becoming an important passenger transport vehicle in a developing country which are indirectly powered by the grid electricity through the batteries. Such vehicle consumes significant grid energy during charging which increases the load in the national grid and put extra stress on the electrification in line with the environmental impact. This paper investigated the existing facilities for charging auto-rickshaw in Bangladesh and designed a proposed solar charging model as a replacement based on the existing model. Then the energy and environmental benefit were estimated to reflect the significance of the proposed model and contribution in the context of the global energy crisis and environmental impact. The investigation found that the daily energy consumption is 290 kWh for a charging station capacity of 30 auto-rickshaws which is significant. The proposed solar model is designed to meet this demand offset. The environmental analysis showed that the proposed model can offset CO2, CH4, and NOx emissions by 54 tCO2eq, 40 kgCO2eq, and 60 kgCO2eq per year respectively of which the contribution of CO2­ is significant. Further research could be focused on the economic and financial analysis in-depth to promote the proposed model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 168-173
Julia N. Myslina

The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the organisation of spatio-temporal structures in the novel “Ulysses” by James Augustine Aloysius Joyce and the literary-historical guide “Russian Switzerland” by Mikhail Shishkin. The general way of permeability of the boundaries of fiction – non-fiction genres and the reflection of this process in the world and Russian literature of the 20th–21st centuries is investigated. It is proved that for Mikhail Shishkin, as well as for J.A.A. Joyce, everyday life becomes an experimental field, where J.A.A. Joyce's deliberately destroyed time is rethought by the modern author into the category of simultaneity, which allows people and events separated by centuries to be viewed at one point in space. J.A.A. Joyce and Milhail Shishkin think of time as a way of organising events and facts as a spatial one, which allows us to present world history as a creative chaos of events, the expansion of which into the genre of non-fiction makes the narrative strategy more multidimensional, rather than as a system of causes and effects. The two authors are brought together not only by a common literary tradition, but also by an autobiographical understanding of emigration, thanks to which Mikhail Shishkin deliberately builds himself as a mediator between cultures, for whom J.A.A. Joyce’s speech techniques are a self-evident core of the artistic style of the new emigre prose.

Horizons ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Joseph Drexler-Dreis

In their respective contexts of Roman empire and global neoliberal capitalism, the Jesus movement and the Zapatistas announce that another world is possible and that this world has irrupted in the struggle for that other possible world. This article argues that the practical and theoretical work of the Zapatistas offers to theologians a way to articulate the meaning of the kingdom of God as a world of hope and struggle that is actualized in and informed by struggles to resist fetishization.

2021 ◽  
Tuija Parvikko

Arendt, Eichmann and the Politics of the Past offers a critical analysis of the original American debate over Hannah Arendt’s report of the trial of Adolf Eichmann. First published in 2008, Tuija Parvikko’s book discusses both the campaign against Arendt organised by American Zionist organisations and the controversy Arendt’s report caused within American Jewish intellectual circles. Parvikko’s analysis carefully draws from the historical background of the report, discussing Arendt’s early studies of Zionism and her critique of the Jewish state. The volume also gives an account of Eichmann’s capture in Argentina and the reception of the report among legal scholars and the world press. This edition includes a new prologue in which Parvikko reflects on her own account in connection to recent academic discussions on the controversy. The author’s analysis also covers contributions that have attempted to follow Arendt’s notion of thinking without banisters. With them, Parvikko engages in debate about going beyond Arendt’s theoretical reflections on cohabitation, sharing the world, and discussing the new political evils of the present world without pregiven norms and patterns of thought.

Pankaj Mehta ◽  
Gurpreet Kaur ◽  
Neelam Thakur ◽  
Navneet Kaur

The physiological systems of humans and other organisms are periodic in nature. One such system is a circadian rhythm, a biological internal clock that is endogenous and entrainable. The circadian rhythm regulates essential functions such as the sleep/wake cycle, hormones, feeding behaviour, metabolism and cell division as well. Due to shift work or jet lag or even irregular sleep, diet, etc., circadian rhythm disorders are one of the most common problems in this century. It is a major factor that can trigger various diseases like depression, lung tumorigenesis, cancer, anxiety, depression and many more. The purpose of this review is to discuss circadian dysregulation and its potential long-term effects in cancer including lung tumor and mental illness including depression, anxiety. Loss of autonomous cells containing Bmal1 and Per2 (the core components of circadian rhythm) will increase growth and metabolism imbalance and increase in c-Myc levels. To treat circadian rhythm disorders, zeitgebers (external cues) should be used to entrain or synchronize the circadian rhythm and sleep phase chronotherapy can also be used.

2021 ◽  
Vol 91 (4) ◽  
pp. 63-82
Leon Nieścior

The collection of Origen’s presumably last works, the 29 homilies on the Psalms, was recently discovered and published in 2015. In the homily on Psa 76:1-9, we can find threads of the theology of spirituality intertwined with more systematic speculations. The sanctifying action of the Logos comes here to the fore. God-Logos enables the Christian to sacrifice himself fully with his mind, tongue and all his senses. The Word, which has been living for ages in the womb of the Father, educates the human word, liable to agitation, to silence. Origen looks for a cure in afflictions. He finds it in the image of hands outstretched to God and in constant reminding of Him. The Psalmist ponders “the ancient days” and “the eonic years” and asks if God can reject man forever (Psa 76:6–8). In his commentary, Origen seems to refer to his speculations from much earlier years, known from the work On First Principles, in which he expressed views on the preexistence of rational beings, preceding the present world, and the multiple transformation of worlds. Are these speculative threads still present in his last work? The article tries to explain Origen’s statements and understand them properly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 74-92
Julija Korostenskienė ◽  
Lina Bikelienė

Due to its free-adjoining nature, the category of adjuncts is generally viewed as somewhat peripheral to the forefront of grammatical relations. Meanwhile, given the significance of the media in the present world and the ever-growing prevalence of the notion of news values, outlining the criteria conducive to a message becoming news and including values such as negativity, superlativeness, prominence, timeliness, proximity, etc. (Bednarek, Caple 2014), the broad range of linguistic means encoding intensification, thereby foregrounding a given phenomenon, presents a considerable interest. In this corpus study, we focus on three adjectival emphasisers, flagrant, blatant, and sheer, and examine their use in adjective + noun collocations across a variety of English corpora on the Sketch Engine tool (Kilgarriff et al. 2014) in the academic and the news registers: the “British Academic Written English Corpus”, the “Cambridge Academic English Corpus”, the “English Language Newspapers Corpus”, the “Brexit WR Corpus”, and the “English Timestamped JSI Corpus 2020–10”. We also consider the nominal element the adjectives in question collocate with, seeking to provide an account as to their differences in English. The findings of the study may have implications both for language classrooms and for more specialized fields, such as media studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Chen Jicheng ◽  
Chen Hongchang ◽  
Li Hanchao

Link prediction is a concept of network theory that intends to find a link between two separate network entities. In the present world of social media, this concept has taken root, and its application is seen through numerous social networks. A typical example is 2004, 4 February “TheFeacebook,” currently known as just Facebook. It uses this concept to recommend friends by checking their links using various algorithms. The same goes for shopping and e-commerce sites. Notwithstanding all the merits link prediction presents, they are only enjoyed by large networks. For sparse networks, there is a wide disparity between the links that are likely to form and the ones that include. A barrage of literature has been written to approach this problem; however, they mostly come from the angle of unsupervised learning (UL). While it may seem appropriate based on a dataset’s nature, it does not provide accurate information for sparse networks. Supervised learning could seem reasonable in such cases. This research is aimed at finding the most appropriate link-based link prediction methods in the context of big data based on supervised learning. There is a tone of books written on the same; nonetheless, they are core issues that are not always addressed in these studies, which are critical in understanding the concept of link prediction. This research explicitly looks at the new problems and uses the supervised approach in analyzing them to devise a full-fledge holistic link-based link prediction method. Specifically, the network issues that we will be delving into the lack of specificity in the existing techniques, observational periods, variance reduction, sampling approaches, and topological causes of imbalances. In the subsequent sections of the paper, we explain the theory prediction algorithms, precisely the flow-based process. We specifically address the problems on sparse networks that are never discussed with other prediction methods. The resolutions made by addressing the above techniques place our framework above the previous literature’s unsupervised approaches.

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