tubular shape
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2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 754-761
Oleh A. Sukhov

A new species of green paleosiphonocladаl algae Kamaena gigantea from the Lower–lowermost Middle Mississippian sediments of the Donbas has been described. This species was distinguished from other representatives of the genus Kamaena Antropov by its extremely large size, tortuous shape of the thallus and convex partitions. The species belongs to an artificial taxonomic unit of the Kamaenae Shuysky tribe, 1985 , of the family Palaeoberesellaceae Mamet et Roux , a systematic grouping which is still controversial. The attribution of this family to green siphonocladal algae is controversial and quite conditional, the opinions of different authors being based on personal vision, and varying in range from the plant to the animal kingdom. A characteristic feature of the family is the tubular shape , the segments of which are connected by partitions with a large central pore, sometimes with additional small pores. The thallus wall (fossilized remains of the body) is porous or non-porous and has simple or branched pores. It has been emphasized that study of Paleoberezellides in thin sections, the sometimes fuzzy images of the typical material in publications and ignorance of other researchers’ publications have caused confusion and led to the selection of an unreasonably large number of genera and species within the family. It has been noted that in previous works, representatives of this species were mistakenly identified as Anthracoporellopsis Maslov, a genus characteristic of the Lower–Middle Pennsylvanian sediments. This erroneous definition was based mainly on general external similarity, a poorly illustrated description of the type species, and did not take into account the morphological features that were characteristic for the genus. It has been found that representatives of the new species had a rather limited stratigraphic distribution: the Upper Tournaisian (Dokuchaevskian horizon) and the Lower Visean (Hlybokian–Sukhinskian horizons), and the most similar specimens found in the Ural region in underlying Tournaisian sediments were, unfortunately, poorly illustrated and smaller in size and had a narrower thallus. It has been noted that a characteristic feature of the tribe Kamaenae Shuysky, 1985 was the tubular shape, its inter-segmental partitions were perpendicular to the walls and were at the approximately same interval from each other. It has been pointed out that representatives of the new species were found mainly in grainstones, packstones, and wackstones − organogenic-detrital limestones along with such groups of microfauna as echinoderms and ostracods, isolated spicules of sponges and remains of worms. The material for illustrations was mainly taken from the borehole74 (near the village of Rodnikove, Starobeshiv district, Donetsk region) , which most fully revealed the Lower–Middle Pennsylvanian deposits of the southern part of the Donbas. The knowledge of the systematic composition of the Early Carboniferous algoflora has been expanded. This has helped us to conclude that the tribe Kamaeneae Shuysky, 1985 ,includes 6 genera and at least 22 species that were found in the layers from the Early Devonian to the Early Visean of the Lower Carboniferous.

Hasria ◽  
Masri ◽  
Suryawan Asfar ◽  
Arisona ◽  
Ali Okto ◽  

The study area is located in North Kabaena District, Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. This paper is aimed to describe characacristics of chromite deposits.  This study is conducted in three stages, three stages including desk study, field work and laboratory analysis. Desk study mainly covers literature reviews. Field work includes mapping of surface geology and sampling of representative rocks types. Laboratory analysis includes the petrologic observation of handspecimen samples, petrographic analysis of the thin section and ore microscopy for polished section. The results of petrographic analysis show that olivine minerals are generally replaced by minerals orthopyroxene and has been alterated by lizardite type serpentine veins with a fractured structure. The mineral olivine is also replaced by the mineral chrysotile as a secondary mineral with a fibrous structure. Based on ore microscopy analysis show that chromite has generally experienced a lateritification process and has been replaced by magnetite, hematite and geotite minerals. Chromite has experience process of weathering and alteration from its source rock caused by tectonics that occurred in the study area. The results shows that the characteristics of chromite deposits in North Kabaena District Chromite deposits has generally encountered in peridotite rock which have a grain size of 0.3-20 cm. Furthermore, chromite deposits in the study area are also encountered in podiform deposits, distributed locally and shows podiform to tubular shape with the dimensions of 30-60cm.

Yuto Kawasaki ◽  
Yasue Hosoyamada ◽  
Takayuki Miyaki ◽  
Junji Yamaguchi ◽  
Soichiro Kakuta ◽  

Focused-ion beam-scanning electron microscopic (FIB-SEM) tomography enables easier acquisition of a series of ultrastructural, sectional images directly from resin-embedded biological samples. In this study, to clarify the three-dimensional (3D) architecture of glomerular endothelial cells (GEnCs) in adult rats, we manually extracted GEnCs from serial FIB-SEM images and reconstructed them on an Amira reconstruction software. The luminal and basal surface structures were clearly visualized in the reconstructed GEnCs, although only the luminal surface structures could be observed by conventional SEM. The luminal surface visualized via the reconstructed GEnCs was quite similar to that observed through conventional SEM, indicating that 3D reconstruction could be performed with high accuracy. Thus, we successfully described the 3D architecture of normal GEnCs in adult rats more clearly and precisely than ever before. The GEnCs were found to consist of three major subcellular compartments, namely, the cell body, cytoplasmic ridges, and sieve plates, in addition to two associated subcellular compartments, namely, the globular protrusions and reticular porous structures. Furthermore, most individual GEnCs made up a “seamless” tubular shape, and some of them formed an autocellular junction to make up a tubular shape. FIB-SEM tomography with reconstruction is a powerful approach to better understand the 3D architecture of GEnCs. Moreover, the morphological information revealed in this study will be valuable for the 3D pathologic evaluation of GEnCs in animal and human glomerular diseases and the structural analysis of developmental processes in the glomerular capillary system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Antônio Queiroz Lezama ◽  
Luiz R. Malabarba

ABSTRACT The function of the genital and anal papillae for insemination in Compsura heterura is discussed based on the description of their morphologies at different stages of the life cycle and during copulation and spawning. In males and females both the genital and anal papillae are involved in copulation in C. heterura. A pre-anal organ, anterior to the anus and stretched posteriorly, is present in adult males. The openings of the urinary channel and oviduct are separate in females. During copulation, there is an approximation between the female genital and anal papillae which become temporarily juxtaposed, forming a chamber enclosing the opening of the oviduct, which may also function in sperm capture. During spawning, the lateral edges of the female genital papilla are projected anteriorly, acquiring a tubular shape for oviposition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-110
Olena Raida ◽  
Olha Burova ◽  
Igor Olshanskyi

Vaucheria aversa (Xanthophyta) was recorded for the first time in Ukraine in Sula River, Hydrological Reserve «Artopolot», Poltava Region. It was found in benthos in spring (May 2020) in silty-sandy soil in shallow water. The material was collected and processed according to a common methodology. Sterile samples before the appearance of the gametengians were kept in natural water in petri dishes in well-lit places. This method of «coarse culture», in most cases, allowed to get gametangia within two weeks. The species identification was done with fertile filaments only. 4% formaldehyde solution was used for material fixation. Taxonomic identification of samples was done using a comparative and morphological methods, which includes analysis of morphological variability and verification of the consistency of the studied material with the diagnosis. Thalli of V. aversa are direct, branched, bisexual, 80–90 μm wide. Antheridia are cylindrical, tubular shape, pressed to the filament or slightly raised above it, 119–130 × 41–43 μm. Oogonia erect, sessile, ovoid to subspherical, sometimes placed in pairs, with a curved beak at the front, 190–230 × 140–163 μm. According to morphological characteristics this species is similar to another one from section Tubligerae Walz – V. fontinalis (Linnaeus) T.A. Christensen. Their distinctive and common features are as follows. Filaments of V. fontinalis are narrower (up to 75 μm) than V. aversa (up to 131 μm). Both species are characterized by oogonia grouped together in a row. Antheridia present in quantity 1 or 2 on both sides of oogonia. But the species are very different in size and shape of oogonia: in V. aversa they are sessile, located one at a time or less often two, extended near the base, sharply narrowed at the apex. The beak is directed straight or obliquely up, bent to the side of the oogonia body. In V. fontinalis oogonia are placed in one row, most often in the amount of 1-6, the beak tapers gradually. Anteridia are cylindrical, on short pedicel. V. aversa grew as a part of polyspecies complex of green algae together with representatives of such genera as Cladophora Kützing, Spirogyra Link and Mougeotia C. Agardh. V. aversa is widely distributed in continental water bodies of Europe, Asia and North America, Australia and New Zealand, but is firstly recorded in Ukraine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Mohammad M. Al-Qattan

Synpolydactyly type 1 (SPD1, OMIM 186000) is inherited as autosomal dominant and is caused by HOXD13 mutations. The condition is rare and is known for its phenotypic heterogeneity. In the homozygous state, the phenotype is generally more severe and is characterized by three main features: a more severe degree of syndactyly, a more severe degree of brachydactyly, and the frequent loss of the normal tubular shape of the metacarpals/metatarsals. Due to the phenotypic heterogeneity and the phenotypic overlap with other types of syndactyly, no pathognomonic feature has been described for the homozygous phenotype of SPD1. In the current communication, the author reviews the literature on the phenotypes of SPD1 in homozygous patients. The review documents that not all homozygous patients show a severe hand phenotype. The review also defines the “relatively long and medially deviated big toe with/without cupping of the forefoot” as a pathognomonic feature in the phenotype. Illustration of this feature is done through a demonstrative clinical report in a multigeneration family with SPD1 and HOXD13 polyalanine repeat expansion. Finally, the pathogenesis of the clinical features is reviewed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 486 (6) ◽  
pp. 663-667
N. M. Kuznetsov ◽  
A. V. Bakirov ◽  
S. I. Belousov ◽  
S. N. Chvalun

The electrorheological behavior is significantly affected by the strength of the structure formed in the electric field, due to the filler particles orientation. The structural organization of the filler in electric field was studied by X-ray scattering on paraffin films. Particles of layered aluminosilicates with a high aspect ratio and various morphology such as montmorillonite and halloysite were used as fillers. The differences in the structure formation by fillers of plate and tubular shape were shown.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 402 (1) ◽  
pp. 52

Naucleopsis tubulata (Moraceae), a new species endemic to the Brazilian Amazon is described and illustrated in this paper. The conical to tubular shape of the perianth of the pistillate flower and fruit, the narrowly oblong shape of the leaves, and the filaments connate at the base differ from other species in the genus. This new species shows morphological similarities with N. caloneura and N. insculptula. The latter, previously treated as a synonym of N. caloneura, is re-established in this paper. We here present a taxonomic treatment for the new species of Naucleopsis, reestablished N. insculptula, and an updated identification key for the Naucleopsis species that occur in the Boreal Brazilian Domain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
B. BULCA ◽  

ABSTRACT: In this study, we give a geometric description of the tracheal elements of the chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla L.), which is a widespread cultivated plant in Turkey. It is used as an edible plant and its leaves are used as antidiabetic in traditional medicine plant. We have shown that the tracheal elements, which are taxonomic value of the plant, can be considered as a surface of revolution or a tubular shape along a special curve.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (40) ◽  
pp. 22618-22628 ◽  
Zabiollah Mahdavifar ◽  
Fazel Shojaei

Via an evolutionary algorithm (USPEX) combined with spin-polarized DFT calculations, it was found that M doping significantly modified the shape of the well-known 2D B16.

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