west antarctic peninsula
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1447
In-Young Ahn ◽  
Francyne Elias-Piera ◽  
Sun-Yong Ha ◽  
Sergio Rossi ◽  
Dong-U Kim

The amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica is among the most abundant benthic organisms, and a key food web species along the rapidly warming West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). However, little is known about its trophic strategy for dealing with the extreme seasonality of Antarctic marine primary production. This study, using trophic markers, for the first time investigated seasonal dietary shifts of G. antarctica in a WAP fjord. We analyzed δ13C and δ15N in G. antarctica and its potential food sources. The isotopic signatures revealed a substantial contribution of red algae to the amphipod diet and also indicated a significant contribution of benthic diatoms. The isotope results were further supported by fatty acid (FA) analysis, which showed high similarities in FA composition (64% spring–summer, 58% fall–winter) between G. antarctica and the red algal species. G. antarctica δ13C showed a small shift seasonally (−18.9 to −21.4‰), suggesting that the main diets do not change much year-round. However, the relatively high δ15N values as for primary consumers indicated additional dietary sources such as animal parts. Interestingly, G. antarctica and its potential food sources were significantly enriched with δ15N during the fall–winter season, presumably through a degradation process, suggesting that G. antarctica consumes a substantial portion of its diets in the form of detritus. Overall, the results revealed that G. antarctica relies primarily on food sources derived from benthic primary producers throughout much of the year. Thus, G. antarctica is unlikely very affected by seasonal Antarctic primary production, and this strategy seems to have allowed them to adapt to shallow Antarctic nearshore waters.

mBio ◽  
2021 ◽  
Maria Hamilton ◽  
Martina Mascioni ◽  
Elisabeth Hehenberger ◽  
Charles Bachy ◽  
Charmaine Yung ◽  

The climate-sensitive waters of the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), including its many fjords, are hot spots of productivity that support multiple marine mammal species. Here, we profiled protistan molecular diversity in a WAP fjord known for high productivity and found distinct spatiotemporal patterns across protistan groups.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Elizabeth M. Jones ◽  
Mario Hoppema ◽  
Karel Bakker ◽  
Hein J.W. de Baar

Abstract The waters along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) have experienced warming and increased freshwater inputs from melting sea ice and glaciers in recent decades. Challenges exist in understanding the consequences of these changes on the inorganic carbon system in this ecologically important and highly productive ecosystem. Distributions of dissolved inorganic carbon (CT), total alkalinity (AT) and nutrients revealed key physical, biological and biogeochemical controls of the calcium carbonate saturation state (Ωaragonite) in different water masses across the WAP shelf during the summer. Biological production in spring and summer dominated changes in surface water Ωaragonite (ΔΩaragonite up to +1.39; ~90%) relative to underlying Winter Water. Sea-ice and glacial meltwater constituted a minor source of AT that increased surface water Ωaragonite (ΔΩaragonite up to +0.07; ~13%). Remineralization of organic matter and an influx of carbon-rich brines led to cross-shelf decreases in Ωaragonite in Winter Water and Circumpolar Deep Water. A strong biological carbon pump over the shelf created Ωaragonite oversaturation in surface waters and suppression of Ωaragonite in subsurface waters. Undersaturation of aragonite occurred at < ~1000 m. Ongoing changes along the WAP will impact the biologically driven and meltwater-driven processes that influence the vulnerability of shelf waters to calcium carbonate undersaturation in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 4939-4975
Hyewon Heather Kim ◽  
Ya-Wei Luo ◽  
Hugh W. Ducklow ◽  
Oscar M. Schofield ◽  
Deborah K. Steinberg ◽  

Abstract. The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a rapidly warming region, with substantial ecological and biogeochemical responses to the observed change and variability for the past decades, revealed by multi-decadal observations from the Palmer Antarctica Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program. The wealth of these long-term observations provides an important resource for ecosystem modeling, but there has been a lack of focus on the development of numerical models that simulate time-evolving plankton dynamics over the austral growth season along the coastal WAP. Here, we introduce a one-dimensional variational data assimilation planktonic ecosystem model (i.e., the WAP-1D-VAR v1.0 model) equipped with a model parameter optimization scheme. We first demonstrate the modified and newly added model schemes to the pre-existing food web and biogeochemical components of the other ecosystem models that WAP-1D-VAR model was adapted from, including diagnostic sea-ice forcing and trophic interactions specific to the WAP region. We then present the results from model experiments where we assimilate 11 different data types from an example Palmer LTER growth season (October 2002–March 2003) directly related to corresponding model state variables and flows between these variables. The iterative data assimilation procedure reduces the misfits between observations and model results by 58 %, compared to before optimization, via an optimized set of 12 parameters out of a total of 72 free parameters. The optimized model results capture key WAP ecological features, such as blooms during seasonal sea-ice retreat, the lack of macronutrient limitation, and modeled variables and flows comparable to other studies in the WAP region, as well as several important ecosystem metrics. One exception is that the model slightly underestimates particle export flux, for which we discuss potential underlying reasons. The data assimilation scheme of the WAP-1D-VAR model enables the available observational data to constrain previously poorly understood processes, including the partitioning of primary production by different phytoplankton groups, the optimal chlorophyll-to-carbon ratio of the WAP phytoplankton community, and the partitioning of dissolved organic carbon pools with different lability. The WAP-1D-VAR model can be successfully employed to link the snapshots collected by the available data sets together to explain and understand the observed dynamics along the coastal WAP.

E. H. Shadwick ◽  
O.A. De Meo ◽  
S. Schroeter ◽  
M. C. Arroyo ◽  
D. G. Martinson ◽  

2021 ◽  
Iara DIamela Rodriguez ◽  
Tomas Ignacio Marina ◽  
Leonardo Ariel Saravia

Aim: Food web structure plays an important role in determining ecosystem stability to perturbations. High latitude marine ecosystems are being affected by environmental stressors and ecological shifts. In the West Antarctic Peninsula these transformations are driven by climate change, and in the sub-Antarctic region by anthropogenic activities. Understanding the differences between these areas is necessary to monitor the changes that are expected to occur in the upcoming decades. Here, we compared the structure and stability of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic marine food webs. Location: Antarctic (Potter Cove, 25 de Mayo/King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula) and sub-Antarctic (Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, South America) regions. Time period: 1965 - 2019. Major taxa studied: from phytoplankton to fish. Methods: We compiled species trophic (predator-prey) interactions and calculated complexity (number of species and interactions, connectance), structure (mean trophic level, omnivory, degree distribution, modularity, species roles and traits) and stability (QSS) metrics. To be able to make statistical comparisons, we used a randomization algorithm (Strona Curveball) maintaining the number of prey and predators for each species and calculated metrics for each simulation. Results: The Beagle Channel food web presented higher values for complexity metrics (number of species and interactions), structure (mean trophic level, omnivory, modularity) but lower stability (QSS). Potter Cove fitted the exponential degree distribution, while Beagle Channel the power-law with exponential cutoff model. Both food webs presented the same connectance value (0.05), similar distribution of species in top, intermediate and top positions and topological roles, with only one network connector each. Main conclusions: Our results showed that Beagle Channel food web is more complex, but less stable and sensitive to the loss of its most connected species. While the Potter Cove food web presented less complexity and greater stability to perturbations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1122
Eduardo Santamaría-del-Ángel ◽  
Mary-Luz Cañon-Páez ◽  
Maria-Teresa Sebastiá-Frasquet ◽  
Adriana González-Silveira ◽  
Angelica-L. Gutierrez ◽  

This study aimed to describe the interannual climate variability in the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) under austral summer conditions. Time series of January sea-surface temperature (SST) at 1 km spatial resolution from satellite-based multi-sensor data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) Terra, MODIS Aqua, and Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) were compiled between 2001 and 2020 at localities near the Gerlache Strait and the Carlini, Palmer, and Rothera research stations. The results revealed a well-marked spatial-temporal variability in SST at the WAP, with a one-year warm episode followed by a five-year cold episode. Warm waters (SST > 0 °C) reach the coast during warm episodes but remain far from the shore during cold episodes. This behavior of warm waters may be related to the regional variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, particularly when the South Polar Front (carrying warm waters) reaches the WAP coast. The WAP can be divided into two zones representing two distinct ecoregions: the northern zone (including the Carlini and Gerlache stations) corresponds to the South Shetland Islands ecoregion, and the southern zone (including the Palmer and Rothera stations) corresponds to the Antarctic Peninsula ecoregion. The Gerlache Strait is likely situated on the border between the two ecoregions but under a greater influence of the northern zone. Our data showed that the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is the primary driver of SST variability, while the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) plays a secondary role. However, further studies are needed to better understand regional climate variability in the WAP and its relation with SAM and ENSO; such studies should use an index that adequately describes the ENSO in these latitudes and addresses the limitations of the databases used for this purpose. Multi-sensor data are useful in describing the complex climate variability resulting from the combination of local and regional processes that elicit different responses across the WAP. It is also essential to continue improving SST approximations at high latitudes.

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