focal mechanisms
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Eduardo Huesca-Pérez ◽  
Edahí Gutierrez-Reyes ◽  
Luis Quintanar

ABSTRACT The Gulf of California (GoC) is a complex tectonic boundary that has been instrumented in the past several decades to record broadband seismograms. This volume of data has allowed us to study several source parameters systematically. Before, only a few source parameters of earthquakes greater than magnitude five had been studied in the GoC area. We re-examined the focal mechanisms of several earthquakes in the southern GoC that occurred over the last 20 yr using local–regional distance broadband seismograms. These focal mechanisms were then used as input data to retrieve the time–space history of the rupture for each earthquake. This work contributes to the study of 25 rupture-process models computed with the method proposed by Yagi et al. (1999). To investigate more about the nature of the seismicity in the GoC, we also calculated the non-double-couple component of moment tensors for 45 earthquakes. Previous studies (e.g., Ortega et al., 2013, 2016) have shown that non-double-couple components from moment tensors in this region are associated with complex faulting, suggesting that oblique faults or several parallel faults are interacting simultaneously. Our results show that, at least for moderate earthquakes (5 < M < 6), rupture processes in the GoC show a complex interaction between fault systems. It is revealed on the important contribution of non-double-couple component obtained in the full moment tensor analysis.

Solid Earth ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-83
Guido Maria Adinolfi ◽  
Raffaella De Matteis ◽  
Rita de Nardis ◽  
Aldo Zollo

Abstract. Improving the knowledge of seismogenic faults requires the integration of geological, seismological, and geophysical information. Among several analyses, the definition of earthquake focal mechanisms plays an essential role in providing information about the geometry of individual faults and the stress regime acting in a region. Fault plane solutions can be retrieved by several techniques operating in specific magnitude ranges, both in the time and frequency domain and using different data. For earthquakes of low magnitude, the limited number of available data and their uncertainties can compromise the stability of fault plane solutions. In this work, we propose a useful methodology to evaluate how well a seismic network, used to monitor natural and/or induced micro-seismicity, estimates focal mechanisms as a function of magnitude, location, and kinematics of seismic source and consequently their reliability in defining seismotectonic models. To study the consistency of focal mechanism solutions, we use a Bayesian approach that jointly inverts the P/S long-period spectral-level ratios and the P polarities to infer the fault plane solutions. We applied this methodology, by computing synthetic data, to the local seismic network operating in the Campania–Lucania Apennines (southern Italy) aimed to monitor the complex normal fault system activated during the Ms 6.9, 1980 earthquake. We demonstrate that the method we propose is effective and can be adapted for other case studies with a double purpose. It can be a valid tool to design or to test the performance of local seismic networks, and more generally it can be used to assign an absolute uncertainty to focal mechanism solutions fundamental for seismotectonic studies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
Masanao Shinohara ◽  
Shin’ichi Sakai ◽  
Tomomi Okada ◽  
Hiroshi Sato ◽  
Yusuke Yamashita ◽  

AbstractAn earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 occurred in the Japan Sea off Yamagata on June 18, 2019. The mainshock had a source mechanism of reverse-fault type with a compression axis of WNW–ESE direction. Since the source area is positioned in a marine area, seafloor seismic observation is indispensable for obtaining the precise distribution of the aftershocks. The source area has a water depth of less than 100 m, and fishing activity is high. It is difficult to perform aftershock observation using ordinary free-fall pop-up type ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs). We developed a simple anchored-buoy type OBS for shallow water depths and performed the seafloor observation using this. The seafloor seismic unit had three-component seismometers and a hydrophone. Two orthogonal tiltmeters and an azimuth meter monitored the attitude of the package. For seismic observation at shallow water depth, we concluded that an anchored-buoy system would have the advantage of avoiding accidents. Our anchored-buoy OBS was based on a system used in fisheries. We deployed three anchored-buoy OBSs in the source region where the water depth was approximately 80 m on July 5, 2019, and two of the OBSs were recovered on July 13, 2019. Temporary land seismic stations with a three-component seismometer were also installed. The arrival times of P- and S-waves were read from the records of the OBSs and land stations, and we located hypocenters with correction for travel time. A preliminary location was performed using absolute travel time and final hypocenters were obtained using the double-difference method. The aftershocks were distributed at a depth range of 2.5 km to 10 km and along a plane dipping to the southeast. The plane formed by the aftershocks is consistent with the focal mechanism of the mainshock. The activity region of the aftershocks was positioned in the upper part of the upper crust. Focal mechanisms were estimated using the polarity of the first arrivals. Although many aftershocks had a reverse-fault focal mechanism similar to the focal solution of the mainshock, normal-fault type and strike–slip fault type focal mechanisms were also estimated. Graphical Abstract

Szymon Cielesta ◽  
Beata Orlecka-Sikora ◽  
Musa Adebayo Idris

AbstractWe simulated the spatiotemporal modelling of 3D stress and strain distributions during the triaxial compression laboratory test on a westerly granite sample using finite-difference numerical modelling implemented with FLAC3D software. The modelling was performed using a ubiquitous joint constitutive law with strain softening. The applied procedure is capable of reproducing the macroscopic stress and strain evolution in the sample during triaxial deformation until a failure process occurs. In addition, we calculated focal mechanisms of acoustic emission (AE) events and resolved local stress field orientations. This detailed stress information was compared with that from numerical modelling. The comparison was made based on the 3D rotation angle between the cardinal axes of the two stress tensors. To infer the differences in rotation, we applied ANOVA. We identified the two time levels as the plastic deformation phase and the after-failure phase. Additionally, we introduced the bin factor, which describes the location of the rotation scores in the rock sample. The p values of the test statistics F for the bin and phase effects are statistically significant. However, the interaction between them is insignificant. We can, therefore, conclude that there was a significant difference in the time between the rotation means in the particular bins, and we ran post hoc tests to obtain more information where the differences between the groups lie. The largest rotation of the stress field provided by the focal mechanisms of AE events from the numerically calculated stress field is observed in the edge bins, which do not frame the damage zone of the sample.

2021 ◽  
Talat Kangarli ◽  
Tahir Mammadli ◽  
Fuad Aliyev ◽  
Rafig Safarov ◽  
Sabina Kazimova

The stress state of the earth’s crust in the Eastern Caucasus, located in the zone of collision junction of the North Caucasian, South Caucasian, and Central Iranian continental massifs, is a consequence of the inclusion of the Arabian indenter into the buffer structures of the southern framing of Eurasia at the continental stage of alpine tectogenesis. This evidenced from the results of geophysical observations of the structure and seismic-geodynamic activity of the region’s crust. The latter, at the neotectonic stage, was presented as underthrust of the South Caucasian microplate under the southern structures of Eurasia. The analysis and correlation of historical and recent seismic events indicate the confinement of most earthquake foci to the nodes of intersection of active faults with various orientations or to the planes of deep tectonic ruptures and lateral displacements along unstable contacts of material complexes of various competencies. The focal mechanisms of seismic events reveal various rupture types, but in general, the earthquake foci are confined to the nodes of intersection of faults of the general Caucasian and anti-Caucasian directions. Based on the observed weak seismicity, active areas of deep faults were identified, which are accepted as potential source zones.

I. Gabsatarova ◽  
B. Assinovskaya ◽  
S. Baranov ◽  
V. Karpinsky ◽  
Ya. Konechnaya ◽  

It is reported that 41 stationary seismic stations, 2 arrays, and 7 temporary seismic stations, located in the area of Novovoronezh and Kursk nuclear stations, monitored seismicity of the Russian territory of the East European Platform (EEP) in 2015. The registration capabilities of the seismic network at the EEP as a whole were estimated based on the average station noise level and the equation for the energy decay of seismic phases. Zones with the best capabilities have been allocated. A feature of seismicity in 2015 is the manifestation of earthquakes of moderate magnitudes (ML=2.7–3.9) in the peripheral regions (in the southwest, west, and northwest) and in zones associated with paleorift structures: in the southwest – with the Dnieper Donetsk and in the northeast – with the Kirov-Kazhim and Soligalich (Central Russian) aulacogenes. The results of the macroseismic survey are given for the earthquake in Poltava on February 2, 2015, with M=3.7; focal mechanisms of two earthquakes (03.02.2015 and 12.06.2015) are constructed. According to the data of the Latvian Center, an earthquake was recorded in the region of Lithuania bordering the Kaliningrad region. Weaker natural seismicity with ML≤2.5 was recorded in Karelia and the regions bordering with Finland, near the Kandalaksha Bay, near the Khibiny, and Lovozersky massifs on the Kola Peninsula, and on the territory of the Voronezh crystalline massif.

N. Gileva ◽  
V. Melnikova ◽  
A. Filippova ◽  
Ya. Radziminovich ◽  
E. Kobeleva

We present the results of studies of the seismic regime, focal mechanisms, and macroseismic data in the area of the largest Muyakan activation in 2015 (northern Baikal region). Due to the deployment of a network of temporary seismic stations, the number of registered earthquakes (KR≥3) increased significantly in 2015 and reached  30 thousand. Spatio-temporal development of the considered activation is characterized by stable low values of earthquake hypocenters and dividing the epicentral field into two clusters – eastern and north-western ones. Both clusters are connected with local stress-strain field (rift type and strike-slip, respectively), while the general regime of seismotectonic deformations of the crust in the activation area, calculated from the statistical analysis of 77 focal mechanisms of Muyakan earthquakes (KR≥9.2), demonstrates the predominance of submeri-dional horizontal extension. Macroseismic effects from the largest earthquakes of the Muyakan sequence were felt, predominantly, in Severomuysk settlement (=10–15 km, I=5). New data on strong motions, obtained from the records of the seismic station with the same name, have significantly complemented the database for the territory of the north-eastern flank of the Baikal rift zone. In general, the obtained results could be used to clarify the seismic hazard of the considered area and to improve the instrumental part of seismic scales.

T. Fokina ◽  
D. Safonov ◽  
D. Kostylev ◽  
V. Mikhaylov

A review of the Amur and Primorye, Sakhalin, and the Kuril-Okhotsk region seismicity for 2015 is presented on the basis of data from the regional network of stationary seismic stations of the Sakhalin branch of the Geophysical Survey RAS with the involvement of data from adjacent seismological Russian and foreign agencies, as well as ten stations of the local network operating in the south Sakhalin. Parameters of 1643 seismic events have been determined, 126 of them are explosions. Focal mechanisms were calculated for 62 earthquakes. 48 earthquakes have shown a macroseismic effect. A map of the epicenters is presented, the distribution of the number N of crustal and deep-focus earthquakes by a magnitude, a total seismic energy ∑E for seismically active regions of three regions are given, in comparison with the average parameters N and ∑E for 20012014. For each region, an analysis of the parameters of the seismic regime in 2015 is given in comparison with long-term averages, the maximum and significant seismic events are described. The seismicity of the Priamurye and Primorye, Sakhalin, and the Kuril-Okhotsk region in 2015 can be characterized as a moderate one.

S. Shibaev ◽  
B. Kozmin ◽  
A. Makarov

The results of monitoring the seismicity of the territory of Yakutia, based on observations of 23 digital seismic stations, are presented. A total of 607 earthquakes were recorded. A map of epicentres was compiled and their location was given in seismically active regions. The most active areas are Olekminsk in the south, Verkhoyansk and Chersky Ridge in the northeast and the Arctic part of the region. A significant decrease (19 times) in the amount of released seismic energy continued in comparison to its level in 2014. Instrumental and macroseismic data, focal mechanisms and seismotectonic connections are analyzed. The characteristics of the shaking South-Verkhoyansk earthquake occurring at the junction of the Verkhoyansk and Sette-Daban Ridges are considered.

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