alternative food source
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Acarologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 790-801
Tian-Rong Xin ◽  
Zhi-Qiang Zhang

Alternative food sources could sustain predator populations by influencing their performances including predation, development, and reproduction in periods of shortage or scarcity of prey under laboratory or fields conditions. The aim of this study was to explore suitability of cattail pollen (Typha orientalis) as an alternative food source for different stages of Amblyseius herbicolus (Chant) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on their predation capacity against the eggs of whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), and the developmental and reproductive responses of the predators to different diet switching regimes under laboratory conditions (T1: nymphs and early adults fed pollen; T2: nymphs fed pollen but early adults fed whitefly eggs; T3: nymphs fed whitefly eggs but early adults fed pollen; T4: nymphs and early adults fed whitefly eggs). Results in the diet switching experiment revealed that although A. herbicolus could prey on whitefly eggs in all the treatment groups, the predatory mites obviously differed in their capacity to prey on the target pest whitefly eggs when fed on cattail pollen and whitefly eggs during different developmental stages. A. herbicolus in group T2 revealed the highest average predation rate, being 1.31, 1.17, and 1.49 times those in groups T1, T3, and T4, respectively. Our results indicated that food sources including cattail pollen and whitefly eggs were suitable for A. herbicolus, because it was able to develop from egg to adult females in all the treatment groups. The mixed diets (T2 and T3 groups) revealed positive effects on the developmental and reproductive parameters of A. herbicolus females, leading to higher oviposition rates and shorter developmental durations when compared with those of groups T1 and T4. A. herbicolus in group T2 revealed the highest average oviposition rates (1.32, 1.26, and 1.81 times those in groups T1, T3 and T4, respectively); however, no significant differences were observed between the T1 and T3 groups. All the eggs of A. herbicolus succeeded in reaching adulthood, but the duration of egg to adult developmental time of A. herbicolus was different among the four treatment groups. The longest and shortest developmental times were obtained in groups T4 and T3, respectively. All the results in the present study demonstrated that A. herbicolus adult females can prey on T. vaporariorum eggs, and cattail pollen was suitable as an alternative or additional food source with high nutritional value for this predatory mite to enhance the predation capacity towards whitefly eggs because A. herbicolus can successfully complete its immature development as well as reproduction.

Claudio Arancibia-Ibarra ◽  
Michael Bode ◽  
José Flores ◽  
Graeme Pettet ◽  
Peter van Heijster

Ni Nyoman Trisa Monikasari ◽  
Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam ◽  
Ni Wayan Wisaniyasa

Tempe merupakan produk pangan bergizi tinggi yang digemari dan diterima oleh masyarakat luas tetapi umumnya memiliki kadar yodium yang rendah. Rumput laut yang kandungan yodiumnya cukup tinggi dapat digunakan sebagai bahan fortifikasi yodium pada makanan. Penambahan rumput laut pada tempe diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif pangan sumber yodium untuk menanggulangi masalah GAKY (Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung rumput laut Gracilaria sp. terhadap kadar yodium pada tempe serta mengetahui karakteristik yang dihasilkan. Perlakuan yang dilakukan adalah perbandingan kedelai dan tepung rumput laut 100:0; 97,5:2,5; 95:5; 92,5:7,5; dan 90:10. Perbandingan kedelai dan tepung rumput laut 92,5:7,5 merupakan komposisi terbaik yang menghasilkan tempe dengan kadar yodium 0,26 mg/g; nilai sensoris hedonik rata-rata 5 (agak suka), serta 100 gram tempe tersebut memenuhi 17,47% angka kecukupan gizi (AKG) yodium orang dewasa per hari. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tempe tersebut dapat digolongkan sebagai pangan sumber yodium karena telah memenuhi 15% AKG orang dewasa.ABSTRACTTempeh is a highly nutritious food that is popular and accepted by diverse community groups but has low iodine levels. Seaweed, with a high iodine content can be used as a fortification ingredient to increase the iodine levels of the foods. The addition of seaweed in tempeh is expected to be used as an alternative food source of iodine contents to overcome the IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disorders) problem. This study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of Gracilaria sp. seaweed flour to iodine levels in tempeh and to determine the characteristic of the product. The treatments were 5 (five) compositions of soybean and seaweed flour, in the ratio of (100:0), (97.5:2.5), (95:5), (92.5:7.5), and (90:10). The composition of soybean and seaweed flour in the ratio of 92.5:7.5 was the best composition that produces tempeh with an iodine content of 0.26 mg/g; hedonic sensory test results on average 5 (somewhat like) and 100 g of tempeh met 17.47% of the daily iodine requirements for the adults. This study showed that tempeh can be considered as an alternative food source of iodine content as it contributed to 15% of adult’s daily nutritional adequacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Safa Beydoun ◽  
Hyo Sub Choi ◽  
Gabrielle Dela-Cruz ◽  
Joseph Kruempel ◽  
Shijiao Huang ◽  

AbstractCaenorhabditis elegans is an instrumental research model used to advance our knowledge in areas including development, metabolism, and aging. However, research on metabolism and/or other measures of health/aging are confounded by the nematode’s food source in the lab, live E. coli bacteria. Commonly used treatments, including ultraviolet irradiation and antibiotics, are successful in preventing bacterial replication, but the bacteria can remain metabolically active. The purpose of this study is to develop a metabolically inactive food source for the worms that will allow us to minimize the confounding effects of bacterial metabolism on worm metabolism and aging. Our strategy is to use a paraformaldehyde (PFA) treated E. coli food source and to determine its effects on worm health, metabolism and longevity. We initially determine the lowest possible concentrations of PFA necessary to rapidly and reproducibly kill bacteria. We then measure various aspects of worm behavior, healthspan and longevity, including growth rate, food attraction, brood size, lifespan and metabolic assessments, such as oxygen consumption and metabolomics. Our resulting data show that worms eat and grow well on these bacteria and support the use of 0.5% PFA-killed bacteria as a nematode food source for metabolic, drug, and longevity experiments.

NFS Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 57-64
Sara Costa ◽  
Sónia Pedro ◽  
Helena Lourenço ◽  
Irineu Batista ◽  
Bárbara Teixeira ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Alfred Pahala Manambangtua

Sago is a palm plant that can be used as a pith on the stems into flour. Sago has potential as an alternative food source because it contains a high carbohydrate content. Sago plants have many advantages over other carbohydrate-producing plants, because they can be harvested at any time regardless of the season. The results showed that. Sago farmers in North Luwu District monthly income of Rp. 109.349,- and Rp. 1.312.186,- per year. Calculation Analysis of R / C Ratio of sago farmers in Nort Luwu is 4,14, under the condition if the value of R / C Ratio> 1 then the work done can be profitable and worth trying.

Waterbirds ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
María Fernanda Burgues ◽  
Javier Lenzi ◽  
Emanuel Machín ◽  
Lucía Genta ◽  
Franco Teixeira de Mello

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