calculation analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 233
Muhammad Kemal Pasha ◽  
Cece Suhendi ◽  
Utamy Sukmayu Saputri

<p>The Sukabumi (Baros) – Sagaranten Km Bdg 115+200 road section which is located in Sukabumi Regency is a road section for the province of West Java. Because the road is always damaged due to being eroded by water infiltration in the rice fields that seeps into the road body area at that location and the soil at that location tends to be unstable based on the results of lab tests having a shear angle value of 4.99ᵒ and having a specific gravity of 17.45, then it is carried out analysis of the existing damaged retaining wall and the design of a new gabion-type retaining wall at that location. The gabion retaining wall building will be designed with 3 designs, the first using a stone volume of 13 m3, the second using a stone volume of 8 m3 and the third using a stone volume of 6.5 m3. Based on the results of the calculation analysis using Rankine theory, it was found that the existing retaining wall was unable to withstand the shearing force which got a check value of 1.18 which should have a value of SF &gt; 1.5, while the 3 gabion plan buildings got the appropriate SF value, namely against the overturning force, shear force and soil bearing capacity.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 160-169
Andi Setyo Pambudi

Topics protection of catchment area relating to land use to support sustainability and environmental capacity is an interesting topic to be discussed scientifically. The increasing frequency of floods, droughts, landslides, and water crises are recently showed that the management of watersheds (DAS) has not been optimal. The Kineros Model for predicting the effect of land use on the surface run-off need to be improve in application. This paper has shown that the protection of natural ecosystems has a better impact than infrastructure development, especially about preventing inundation due to high surface runoff. This journal will strengthen the need for watershed-scale erosion prediction analysis because of its ability to define strategic areas of policy intervention to enable policymakers and the community to carry out recovery programs/activities more effectively and focused. The accuracy of determining the location of the policy has an impact on cost, time, and energy efficiency. Spatial calculation/analysis models combined with social and economic approaches will create a balanced and integrated sustainable development. The reviewer suggests a realistic combination of approaches, which combines the spatial aspects and technocratic calculations aspects of economic instruments that become balanced in a multidisciplinary concept.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-212
Nurhazana Nurhazana ◽  
Muhammad Luthfi iznillah ◽  
Sahat Roy Pianto

The purpose of this study is to see the impact of the CSR program of PT Pertamina RU II Sei Pakning through the analysis of Social Return on Investment and sensitivity. This research is descriptive quantitative by utilizing primary and secondary data. Primary data consists of data obtained from processing observational data and secondary data obtained from various literature sources. Based on the results of the SROI calculations for the four programs, it can be concluded that the social investment made for each program is feasible because all programs have a positive SROI score (more than 1) during the program implementation plan. In accordance with the results of the SROI calculation analysis, four programs from PT Pertamina RU II Sungai Pakning have generated benefits that are greater than the program costs. However, there are still opportunities to increase and expand the scope of benefits from the four programs.

Krzysztof PAWŁOWSKI ◽  

The article presents numerical calculation analysis in the scope of determining thermal conductivity coefficient λeq [W/(m·K)] of thermally heterogeneous hollow bricks of thermally heterogeneous structure (a combination of structural material with thermal insulation material). Numerical calculations were conducted by means of professional software TRISCO-KOBRU 86, serving thermal circulation analysis in a 2D field in stationary approach. The analyzed hollow wall bricks may be used, for instance, as a structural layer of layered outer walls of a building. In the article also the results of the Uc thermal conductivity coefficient calculations for double-layer walls with the use of the analyzed hollow wall bricks are presented in regard to thermal requirements.

Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto ◽  
Risti Ragadhita ◽  
Silmi Ridwan Putri ◽  
Rina Maryanti ◽  

The design of a heat exchanger is very effective to reduce total production costs, compared to buying a ready-made exchanger. This study aims to design a heat exchanger with a manual calculation analysis method to get dimension calculations of the heat exchanger. Dimension calculation of heat exchanger aims to determine the quality of the heat exchanger based on the overall heat transfer coefficient and the dirt factor that occurs in the heat exchanger. The designed heat exchanger is a shell and tube type with 1 (one) pass shell and 2 (two) pass tubes using water as hot fluid and cold fluid. The fluid flow is assumed to be the opposite. The results show the effectiveness of the heat exchanger reaches more than 50%. The performance of the designed heat exchanger is relatively good but it still does not meet the minimum requirements of the established dirt factor. This research can be useful as a learning method regarding the design process, working mechanism, and heat exchanger performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 930 (1) ◽  
pp. 012060
S Marsudi ◽  
R D Lufira ◽  
S Sari ◽  
D Riadi

Abstract Increasing the population in Kota Bangun Sub-District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, in line with the consequence that growing needs for drinking water and raw water for local communities become a top priority. Public complaints about the increasing difficulty of obtaining clean water seem to be an obstacle that the Regional Government has yet to resolve fully. The production capacity of PDAM Kota Bangun is currently only 30 liters/sec, which is far from sufficient for the needs of all people in the Kota Bangun Sub-District. Economic feasibility calculation analysis utilized the NPV, IRR, and BCR methods and sensitivity analysis to obtain the economic feasibility for the value of developing intake and raw water networks. The results indicate, with a reasonable life condition of 30 years, the construction of water networks in Kota Bangun is still economically feasible. Reasonable with the minimum requirement of BCR = 1, with sensitivity analysis on two scenarios, considerations of 30% and 20% leakage, and 30.55% and 25% administrative costs. The results of the research show that IRR = 17.70%. If the analysis conditions are that investment costs increase by 10% with Fixed Benefits, the payback period is 6.8 years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2111 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
I A Rahardjo ◽  
S Muslim ◽  
F Wadjdi ◽  
M Rifan ◽  
A Sunawar ◽  

Abstract This article aimed to analyze the impact of distance and temperature in determining transfer power using laser applications. This study used instruments consisting of a power meter, photovoltaic, laser, and DC power supply. This research was using experimental method. The impact of distance and temperature in determining transfer power using laser applications was concluded based on the results of calculation analysis, measurements of photovoltaic output power, distance, temperature, and laser input power. The impact of distance and temperature in determining transfer power using laser applications showed that the probability value or p-value was lower than the error/alpha level (a) (2.207E-18 <0.05). Likewise, the calculated F value is greater than the significance F (15290048>4.68386E-27). With the applicable provisions in testing the hypothesis, that the conclusion in this article rejected the null hypothesis (H0 : The distance and temperature have not an impact in determining transfer power using laser applications), and accepted the alternative hypothesis (H1:The distance and temperature have an impact in determining transfer power using laser applications).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Anita Swantari ◽  
Heny Ratnaningtyas ◽  
Filma Festivalia

Cibuntu Village is a sub-district area that is one of the villages that has the potential for the development of the agricultural, plantation, and livestock sectors. In addition to these sectors, the tourism sector with the concept of agrotourism is expected to be developed and will make a significant contribution to the economy in Cibuntu Village. The purpose of this study is to determine the location of tourist attractions in Cibuntu Village and determine the types of tourism that can be developed in that location. The data analysis method used is divided into two parts, namely policy analysis and basic sector analysis using LQ (Location Quotient) calculation analysis. With applicable policy restrictions, tourism activities in Cibuntu Village are agrotourism and ecotourism. From the results of the LQ calculation, there are superior commodities, namely sweet potatoes, these commodities are worthy of investment to be developed in the future. Several alternative locations for tourism objects and activities that can be developed are agro-tourism activities in agricultural areas located in Cibuntu village which are designated as ecotourism areas. Keywords: Cibuntu Village Kuningan, Agrotourism, Location Quotient    

Nikolai I. Gorshkov ◽  

Research objective is to identify the features of stress-strained state development and estimate the stability of Unglichikan open pit walls and dump slopes based on calculation, analysis, and estimation with the certified finite element method GenIDE32. The introduction describes features of research object location natural-technogenic conditions and geological history of rocks building up the research object. Research relevance is due to complex solution to deep and high mountain structures design problems, account for construction technologies, and stress-strained state and elements stability determination. Methods of the stress-strained state numerical calculation, analysis, and estimation for the “structure– geological environment” system consists in using all tools of the program’s interface, namely, values, value levels, isolines and graphs for different quantities, including the graphs of stress-strained state behavior trajectories in the space of the stress tensor invariants and relative strains. Results of calculation are presented as the program’s capabilities in graphic representation of the sequential development of mudslides in open pit walls and dump slopes with vertical fissures. Colors of magnitude levels specify the contours of mudslides, while the corresponding shading of finite elements indicates the fissure formation sites. Conclusions. Calculation results proved the stability of the mountain structures for the selected size dimensions of open pit walls and dump slopes.

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