The Greek civilization is one of the basic elements of the so-called civilization conflict in ancient times, and history has preserved the echo of that conflict, but historians have been limited to describing and evaluating the conflict without focusing on the role of money in managing the movement of the conflict, which had an influential nature in the politics of Greece in general , especially after Macedonia entered the line of conflict and took control of the city of Krindes at the foot of Mount Pangios, which is distinguished by its richness of gold, as it made it richer than the rest of the Greek states,Philip took out from it thousands of gold every year, which enabled him to bribe the opposition politicians, and this is where the researchs' importance is marked with the emergence of money in the Greek countries and its impact on life back then. Based on this importance, the reason for choosing this particular topic is of the axes of the historical review conference - Ancient history- as the study aims to find similarities and differences between the money spread in that period since this topic was studied according to the historical method.