field amplitude
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V. V. Leont’ev ◽  
M. A. Borodin

Introduction. An analysis of radio wave scattering over random surfaces frequently involves integral equations, which are solved by numerical methods. These methods are feasible only provided limited dimensions of the surface. The requirement of surface limitation leads to the appearance of edge currents, resulting in significant errors when calculating the radar cross section (RCS), particularly for grazing incident angles. The influence of edge currents is reduced by a function tapering the incident field amplitude. This function should satisfy the following requirements: to provide a low suppression of the field along the entire finite-size surface between its edges at the same time as decreasing the incident field amplitude to negligible values when approaching the edges. The incident field under the application of the tampering function should satisfy the wave equation with a minimum error. Although various tapering functions are applied for incident field amplitude (i.e. Gaussian, Thorsos, integral), none of them satisfies the aforementioned requirements.Aim. To suggest a novel function for tapering the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave incident on a perturbed finite-size surface when calculating RCS. In comparison with the known functions, the proposed function must satisfy the entire set of requirements.Materials and methods. A comparison of the proposed tapering function for incident field amplitude with the known tapering functions was performed, including the estimation of the error of satisfying the wave equation. To prove the applicability of the proposed tapering function, a mathematical modeling of the bistatic scatter diagram of a two-dimensional sea-like finite surface with a spatial Elfouhaily spectrum was carried out using Monte Carlo calculations in the Matlab environment.Results. Compared to the known tapering functions, the proposed tapering function satisfies the entire set of requirements. The results of mathematical modeling showed that the proposed function for tapering the incident field amplitude provides acceptable accuracy of estimating the RCS of finite-size random surfaces.Conclusion. A novel function for tapering the incident field amplitude was derived. This function reduces the influence of edge currents on the accuracy of RCS estimation of two-dimensional finite-size random surfaces, thus being instrumental for solving scattering problems.

2021 ◽  

Induction welding involves generating heat by applying an oscillating magnetic field, which produces eddy currents and Joule losses in an electrically-conductive material or hysteresis losses in a magnetic material. Most applications rely on eddy currents generation as composites are often made of electrically-conductive carbon fibres. However, in other applications, heat can be produced by a magnetic susceptor located at the weld interface of the parts to be joined. Composite films of magnetic particles dispersed in a thermoplastic matrix can serve as magnetic susceptors. Magnetic particles selection relies on various parameters that must be thoroughly defined beforehand. Firstly, the applied magnetic field amplitude and frequency is calculated, based on the generated current and the induction coil geometry. Secondly, the thermoplastic matrix is characterized, mainly with DSC measurements, to define its processing window. Finally, the magnetic properties of the particles are measured – for instance using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) – to obtain the hysteresis curve for the applied field. The enclosed surface area of the hysteresis curve (i.e. absorbed energy density) is critical, as low hysteresis materials (i.e. soft magnets) will not dissipate enough heat, while high hysteresis materials (i.e. hard magnets) cannot be fully exploited as the saturation hysteresis is not reached within the used field amplitude. A methodology to approximate the hysteresis enclosed surface area with limited data is proposed, helping to anticipate the heating rate of a susceptor candidate material. Based on these parameters, the theoretical heating rates of three magnetic susceptor materials (magnetic particles of iron, nickel and magnetite) for induction welding are calculated. They are verified experimentally by comparing with the hysteresis analysis and by measuring the temperature evolution of samples made of polypropylene containing the magnetic particles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Junichi Okamoto ◽  
Francesco Peronaci

AbstractWe study the properties of Floquet prethermal states in two-dimensional Mott-insulating Hubbard clusters under continuous optical excitation. With exact-diagonalization simulations, we show that Floquet prethermal states emerge not only off resonance, but also for resonant excitation, provided a small field amplitude. In the resonant case, the long-lived quasi-stationary Floquet states are characterized by Rabi oscillations of observables such as double occupation and kinetic energy. At stronger fields, thermalization to infinite temperature is observed. We provide explanations to these results by means of time-dependent perturbation theory. The main findings are substantiated by a finite-size analysis.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 500
Mark T. Mitchison ◽  
John Goold ◽  
Javier Prior

Energy storage is a basic physical process with many applications. When considering this task at the quantum scale, it becomes important to optimise the non-equilibrium dynamics of energy transfer to the storage device or battery. Here, we tackle this problem using the methods of quantum feedback control. Specifically, we study the deposition of energy into a quantum battery via an auxiliary charger. The latter is a driven-dissipative two-level system subjected to a homodyne measurement whose output signal is fed back linearly into the driving field amplitude. We explore two different control strategies, aiming to stabilise either populations or quantum coherences in the state of the charger. In both cases, linear feedback is shown to counteract the randomising influence of environmental noise and allow for stable and effective battery charging. We analyse the effect of realistic control imprecisions, demonstrating that this good performance survives inefficient measurements and small feedback delays. Our results highlight the potential of continuous feedback for the control of energetic quantities in the quantum regime.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (9) ◽  
pp. 3131
Salman Alfihed ◽  
Ian G. Foulds ◽  
Jonathan F. Holzman

This work presents a study of photoconductive (PC) terahertz (THz) emitters based upon varied bow-tie (BT) antenna structures on the semi-insulating (SI) forms of GaAs and InP. The BT antennas have electrodes in the form of a Sharp BT, a Broad BT, an Asymmetric BT, a Blunted BT, and a Doubled BT. The study explores the main features of PC THz emitters for spectroscopic studies and sensors application in terms of THz field amplitude and spectral bandwidth. The emitters’ performance levels are found to depend strongly upon the PC material and antenna structure. The SI-InP emitters display lower THz field amplitude and narrower bandwidth compared to the SI-GaAs emitters with the same structure (and dimensions). The characterized Doubled BT structure yields a higher THz field amplitude, while the characterized Asymmetric BT structure with flat edges yields a higher bandwidth in comparison to the sharp-edged structures. This knowledge on the PC THz emitter characteristics, in terms of material and structure, can play a key role in future implementations and applications of THz sensor technology.

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