3d acquisition
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Zidan Yu ◽  
Shota Hodono ◽  
Olga Dergachyova ◽  
Tom Hilbert ◽  
Bili Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
William T Clarke ◽  
Lukas Hingerl ◽  
Bernhard Strasser ◽  
Wolfgang Bogner ◽  
Ladislav Valkovic ◽  

A 3D density-weighted concentric ring trajectory (CRT) MRSI sequence is implemented for cardiac 31P-MRS at 7T. The point-by-point k-space sampling of traditional phase-encoded CSI sequences severely restricts the minimum scan time at higher spatial resolutions. Our proposed CRT sequence implements a stack of concentric rings trajectory, with a variable number of rings and planes spaced to optimise the density of k-space weighting. This creates flexibility in acquisition time, allowing acquisitions substantially faster than traditional phase-encoded CSI sequences, while retaining high SNR. We first characterise the signal-to-noise ratio and point spread function of the CRT sequence in phantoms. We then evaluate it at five different acquisition times and spatial resolutions in the hearts of five healthy participants at 7T. These different sequence durations are compared with existing published 3D acquisition-weighted CSI sequences with matched acquisition times and spatial resolutions. To minimise the effect of noise on the short acquisitions, low-rank denoising of the spatio-temporal data was also performed after acquisition. The proposed sequence measures 3D localised PCr/ATP ratios of the human myocardium in 2.5 minutes, 2.6 times faster than the minimum scan time for the acquisition-weighted phase-encoded CSI. Alternatively, in the same scan time a 1.7-times smaller nominal voxel volume can be achieved. Low-rank denoising reduced the variance of measured PCr/ATP ratios by 11% across all protocols. The faster acquisitions permitted by 7T CRT 31P-MRSI could make cardiac stress protocols or creatine kinase rate measurements (which involve repeated scans) more tolerable for patients without sacrificing spatial resolution.

Luuk Voskuilen ◽  
Jasper Schoormans ◽  
Oliver J. Gurney-Champion ◽  
Alfons J. M. Balm ◽  
Gustav J. Strijkers ◽  

Abstract Objective Dysphagia or difficulty in swallowing is a potentially hazardous clinical problem that needs regular monitoring. Real-time 2D MRI of swallowing is a promising radiation-free alternative to the current clinical standard: videofluoroscopy. However, aspiration may be missed if it occurs outside this single imaged slice. We therefore aimed to image swallowing in 3D real time at 12 frames per second (fps). Materials and methods At 3 T, three 3D real-time MRI acquisition approaches were compared to the 2D acquisition: an aligned stack-of-stars (SOS), and a rotated SOS with a golden-angle increment and with a tiny golden-angle increment. The optimal 3D acquisition was determined by computer simulations and phantom scans. Subsequently, five healthy volunteers were scanned and swallowing parameters were measured. Results Although the rotated SOS approaches resulted in better image quality in simulations, in practice, the aligned SOS performed best due to the limited number of slices. The four swallowing phases could be distinguished in 3D real-time MRI, even though the spatial blurring was stronger than in 2D. The swallowing parameters were similar between 2 and 3D. Conclusion At a spatial resolution of 2-by-2-by-6 mm with seven slices, swallowing can be imaged in 3D real time at a frame rate of 12 fps.

2021 ◽  
Bart R. Thomson ◽  
Steffen Hagenbucher ◽  
Robert Zboray ◽  
Michelle Aimée Oesch ◽  
Henning Richter

Abstract In recent years, insect husbandry has seen an increased in- terest in order to supply in the production of raw materials, food or as biological/environmental control. Unfortunately, large insect rearings are susceptible to pathogens, pests and parasitoids which can spread rapidly due to the confined nature of a rearing system. Thus, it is of interest to quickly and efficiently monitor the spread of such manifesta- tions and the overall population size. Medical imaging techniques could be used for this purpose, as large volumes can be scanned non-invasively. Due to its 3D acquisition nature, computed tomography seems to be the most suitable for this task. This study presents an automated, computed tomography-based, counting method for bee rearings that performs com- parable/similar to identifying all Osmia cornuta cocoons manually. The proposed methodology achieves this in an average of 7 minutes per sam- ple, compared to 90 minutes per sample for the manual count over a total of 12 samples collected around lake Zurich in 2020. Such an automated bee population evaluation tool is a valuable in combating environmental influences on bee, and potentially other insect, rearings.

O. E. C. Prizeman ◽  
L. Barazzetti

Abstract. The driving forces behind the rapid development of accessible 3d modelling acquisition are generally economic. As the requirements for on-site data acquisition technology become cheaper and more user friendly, opportunities for the geographic dislocation of expertise become more viable. In effect, much of the diagnosis of a monuments’ morphology or condition can be made remotely, as a virtual model is constructed. This potential portability serves to reduce the impact, invasiveness and cost of survey and documentation processes. In cases of contested heritage conservation practices, the simple act of photographic recording can cause concern. However, photogrammetric recording is eminently advantageous for its capacity to provide non-destructive means to consider degradation and condition mapping as well as to record and monitor change over time. Here, two rapid surveys taken with portable 360° cameras a year apart, demonstrate the potential value and limitations of deploying recent techniques in order to deliver credible or useful survey data in a highly complex pillared hall that is intensively occupied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Timo Homburg ◽  
Anja Cramer ◽  
Laura Raddatz ◽  
Hubert Mara

AbstractMotivated by the increased use of 3D acquisition of objects by cultural heritage institutions, we were investigating ontologies and metadata schemes for the acquisition process to provide details about the 3D capturing, which can be combined with preexisting ontologies describing an object. Therefore we divided the 3D capturing workflow into common steps starting with the object being placed in front of a 3D scanner to preparation and publication of the 3D datasets and/or derived images. While the proposed ontology is well defined on a coarse level of detail for very different techniques, e.g. Stucture from Motion and LiDAR we elaborated the metadata scheme in very fine detail for 3D scanners available at our institutions. This includes practical experiments with measurement data from past and current projects including datasets published at Zenodo as guiding examples and the source code for their computation. Additionally, the free and Open Source GigaMesh Software Framework’s analysis and processing methods have been extended to provide metadata about the 3D processing steps like mesh cleaning as well as 2D image generation. Finally, we discuss the current limitations and give an outlook about future extensions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (14) ◽  
pp. 6482
Daniele Giordan ◽  
Danilo Godone ◽  
Marco Baldo ◽  
Marco Piras ◽  
Nives Grasso ◽  

A three-dimensional survey of natural caves is often a difficult task due to the roughness of the investigated area and the problems of accessibility. Traditional adopted techniques allow a simplified acquisition of the topography of caves characterized by an oversimplification of the geometry. Nowadays, the advent of LiDAR and Structure from Motion applications eased three-dimensional surveys in different environments. In this paper, we present a comparison between other three-dimensional survey systems, namely a Terrestrial Laser Scanner, a SLAM-based portable instrument, and a commercial photo camera, to test their possible deployment in natural caves survey. We presented a comparative test carried out in a tunnel stretch to calibrate the instrumentation on a benchmark site. The choice of the site is motivated by its regular geometry and easy accessibility. According to the result obtained in the calibration site, we presented a methodology, based on the Structure from Motion approach that resulted in the best compromise among accuracy, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness, that could be adopted for the three-dimensional survey of complex natural caves using a sequence of images and the structure from motion algorithm. The methods consider two different approaches to obtain a low resolution complete three-dimensional model of the cave and ultra-detailed models of most peculiar cave morphological elements. The proposed system was tested in the Gazzano Cave (Piemonte region, Northwestern Italy). The obtained result is a three-dimensional model of the cave at low resolution due to the site’s extension and the remarkable amount of data. Additionally, a peculiar speleothem, i.e., a stalagmite, in the cave was surveyed at high resolution to test the proposed high-resolution approach on a single object. The benchmark and the cave trials allowed a better definition of the instrumentation choice for underground surveys regarding accuracy and feasibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Jesus Balado Frias ◽  
Ana Sánchez-Rodríguez

The digitisation of heritage is being rapidly realised in many parts of the world thanks to LiDAR technology. In addition to the simple digital preservation of heritage, 3D acquisition makes it possible to monitor the structural condition and assess possible damage. This paper presents a method for modelling the lost volume of a heritage bridge. The selected case study is the Fillaboa bridge, in Salvaterra de Miño, Spain, which has two cutwaters with the same cutting angle, one of which is damaged and has a stone loss. The bridge was acquired with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The method consists of the following processes. First, the walls of the whole cutwater are segmented and aligned by Iterative Closest Point algorithm over the damaged cutwater. Second, the distance between the two point clouds is calculated and the damaged area is delimited in both point clouds. And third, the alpha shape algorithm is applied to model the point cloud of the damaged area to a polygon. By searching for the optimal alpha radius, the polygon that best fits the damaged volume is generated. The proposed method also allows digital reconstruction of the damaged area, although it is sensitive to acquisition problems, which require manual interventions in the processing. The accuracy of the method is mainly dependent on the acquired point cloud registration (with an RMS error of 60mm) and the ICP registration error (31mm). Its use is limited to the existence of two geometries that allow superposition: one in good condition and one damaged to compare.

G. Salemi ◽  
E. Faresin ◽  
L. M. Olivieri

Abstract. The Swat valley (Pakistan) has always been considered an important center of Gandhara art. Due to the unfavourable conditions, this artistic phenomenon has long been almost ignored or underestimated, but its documentation is essential for study the symbolism of the figures, their spatial organization, their stylistic variation and their conservative state. The methodology proposed in this project starts form the 3D acquisition with a structured light system in order to obtain a 3D high resolution model of Buddhist carved rock sculpture. From the 3D geometry, The Digital Elevation Model is produced. This DEM is the starting points for the surface analysis using Remote Sensing approaches for classify landforms using pattern recognition. The surface is considered as a landscape, where carved are valleys bordered by slopes and crests. Hillshading, slope analysis and geomorphons are used in order to highlight the surface feature, to “read” all the details not visible due to the bad condition and to map surface state of conservation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (03) ◽  
pp. 418-424
Blake C. Jones ◽  
Shivani Ahlawat ◽  
Laura M. Fayad

AbstractAdvances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology now enable the feasible three-dimensional (3D) acquisition of images. With respect to the imaging of musculoskeletal (MSK) tumors, literature is beginning to accumulate on the use of 3D MRI acquisition for tumor detection and characterization. The benefits of 3D MRI, including general advantages, such as decreased acquisition time, isotropic resolution, and increased image quality, are not only inherently useful for tumor imaging, but they also contribute to the feasibility of more specialized tumor-imaging techniques, such as whole-body MRI, and are reviewed here. Disadvantages of 3D acquisition, such as motion artifact and equipment requirements, do exist and are also discussed. Although further study is needed, 3D MRI acquisition will likely prove increasingly useful in the evaluation of patients with tumors of the MSK system.

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