total vaginal length
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Yi-Yin Liu ◽  
Chiu-Lin Wang ◽  
Zi-Xi Loo ◽  
Kun-Ling Lin ◽  
Cheng-Yu Long

Background: Cervical elongation is commonly associated with pelvic organ prolapse (POP). It was an identified risk for recurrent prolapse after hysteropexy, requiring additional surgeries. The aim of the study is to investigate the risk factors for uterine cervical elongation among women with POP. Methods: In this single-center retrospective cohort study, women who underwent vaginal total hysterectomy for POP between 2014 and 2016 were collected. The cervical and total uterine lengths were measured by pathologists, while the ratio of cervical length to total uterine length were calculated. The cervical elongation is defined as corpus/cervix ratio ≤ 1.5. Results: A total of 133 patients were enrolled in this study. Among these patients, 43 women had cervical elongation and 90 women had normal length of uterine cervix. We found that age > 65 years old (67.4% vs. 42.2%, p = 0.007), total vaginal length ≥ 9.5 cm (65.1% vs. 45.6%, p = 0.035), uterine weight < 51 gm (72.1% vs. 52.2%, p = 0.03), and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Distress Inventory 6 (POPDI-6) ≥ 12 (30.2% vs. 14.4%, p = 0.032) were associated with the risk of cervical elongation. There were no significant differences on preoperative urodynamic parameters in the two groups. Conclusion: The patient age > 65 years old, the total vaginal length of POP-Q system ≥ 9.5 cm, uterine weight < 51 g, and POPDI-6 ≥ 12 are independent risk factors of cervical elongation in women with POP. For women scheduled for pelvic reconstructive hysteropexy, concomitant cervical amputation should be considered.

Matthew L. Izett-Kay ◽  
Philip Rahmanou ◽  
Rufus J. Cartwright ◽  
Natalia Price ◽  
Simon R. Jackson

Abstract Introduction and hypothesis Laparoscopic mesh sacrohysteropexy offers a uterine-sparing alternative to vaginal hysterectomy with apical suspension, although randomised comparative data are lacking. This study was aimed at comparing the long-term efficacy of laparoscopic mesh sacrohysteropexy and vaginal hysterectomy with apical suspension for the treatment of uterine prolapse. Methods A randomised controlled trial comparing laparoscopic mesh sacrohysteropexy and vaginal hysterectomy with apical suspension for the treatment of uterine prolapse was performed, with a minimum follow-up of 7 years. The primary outcome was reoperation for apical prolapse. Secondary outcomes included patient-reported mesh complications, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification, Patient Global Impression of Improvement in prolapse symptoms and the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Vaginal Symptoms, Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (ICIQ-FLUTS) and PISQ-12 questionnaires. Results A total of 101 women were randomised and 62 women attended for follow-up at a mean of 100 months postoperatively (range 84–119 months). None reported a mesh-associated complication. The risk of reoperation for apical prolapse was 17.2% following vaginal hysterectomy (VH) and 6.1% following laparoscopic mesh sacrohysteropexy (LSH; relative risk 0.34, 95% CI 0.07–1.68, p = 0.17). Laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy was associated with a statistically significantly higher apical suspension (POP-Q point C −5 vs −4.25, p = 0.02) and longer total vaginal length (9 cm vs 6 cm, p < 0.001). There was no difference in the change in ICIQ-VS scores between the two groups (ICIQ-VS change −22 vs −25, p = 0.59). Conclusion Laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy and vaginal hysterectomy with apical suspension have comparable reoperation rates and subjective outcomes. Potential advantages of laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy include a lower risk of apical reoperation, greater apical support and increased total vaginal length.

Chairun Nisa ◽  
David Lotisna ◽  
Deviana Soraya Riu ◽  
St. Maisuri T Chalid

Abstract Objective: To determine the correlation between the perineal body length and the pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in menopausal women. Methods: The total vaginal length (TVL), genital hiatus (GH), and perineal body (PB) length as the POP-Q component were measured at 60 menopausal women enrolled in a cross-sectional study. Results: Menopausal women with POP have the shorter perineal body (63.3%; <3 cm) compared with menopausal women without POP (36.7%; ≥3 cm). The mean length of the perineal body in menopausal women who suffer POP 2.81 ± 0.26 cm while in women without POP is 3.23±0.17 cm. POP risk was 25 times in menopausal women with a perineal body length <3 cm compared with longer perineal body (p = 0.01; OR = 25.4; 95% CI 3.1-209.1).Conclusion: Perineal body length is a risk factor for pelvic organ prolapse in menopausal women.Keywords: perineal body, prolapse, pelvic organ prolapsed Abstrak Tujuan: Menentukan korelasi panjang perineal body dengan kejadian prolaps organ panggul (POP) pada perempuan menopause. Metode: Pengukuran komponen POP-Q meliputi total vaginal length (TVL), genital hiatus (GH), dan panjang perineal body (PB) dilakukan pada 60 perempuan menopause yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian potong lintang. Hasil:    Perempuan menopause dengan POP memiliki perineal body yang lebih pendek (63,3%; <3 cm) dibandingkan dengan perempuan menopause tanpa POP (36,7%; ≥3 cm). Panjang rata-rata perineal body pada perempuan menopasue yang menderita POP 2,81 ± 0,26 cm sedangkan pada perempuan tanpa POP adalah 3,23 ± 0,17 cm. Risiko POP 25 kali pada perempuan menopause dengan panjang perineal body <3 cm dibandingkan dengan tubuh perineum yang lebih panjang (p = 0,01; OR = 25,4; 95% CI 3,1-209,1). Kesimpulan: Panjang perineal body merupakan faktor risiko prolaps organ panggul pada perempuan menopause. Kata kunci : perineal body, prolapsed, prolaps organ panggul

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Servet Gencdal ◽  
Emine Demirel ◽  
Zeynep Soyman ◽  
Sefa Kelekci

Background. In gynecological surgery, one particular area of concern after hysterectomy is the risk of developing an enterocele or vaginal apical prolapse. The aims of this study were to evaluate the safety and efficacy of prophylactic McCall culdoplasty (MC) performed during mini-total laparoscopic hysterectomy (mini-TLH), as well as to compare the differences in apical support, total vaginal length (TVL), and sexual function at one and two years postoperatively. Methods. Data were retrospectively reviewed for all women who underwent mini-TLH and mini-TLH + MC at a tertiary care center between August 2012 and January 2016 were from the hospital database. There were 18 women who underwent mini-TLH + MC and were considered as the study group, while 20 women who were treated with mini-TLH were considered as the control group. The primary outcome measures were the differences in apical support and TVL and impact on sexual function. Results. After mini-TLH + MC, the apical vaginal support difference was improved by 2.2 cm. The mean difference in C point was 1.03 cm in the mini-TLH group, which was not significant at two years after the operation. The vaginal vault descent at two years after operation was more prominent in the mini-TLH group than the mini-TLH + MC groups. Apical support changes at two years after the operation were more prominent in the mini-TLH group (0.5 ± 0.6 cm) than the mini-TLH + MC group (1.9 ± 1.2 cm). Conclusion. Prophylactic MC by a vaginal approach during mini-TLH is safe, satisfactory, and efficient for apical support without severe morbidity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (8) ◽  
pp. 1279-1282 ◽  
Myriam Girgis ◽  
Ka Lai Shek ◽  
Hans Peter Dietz

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Mustafa Ulubay ◽  
Ugur Keskin ◽  
Ulas Fidan ◽  
Mustafa Ozturk ◽  
Serkan Bodur ◽  

Background. The sensation of a wide vagina is a common problem for women after childbirth. As its etiology is unknown, there is no uniform management strategy. We hypothesized that, rather than vaginal laxity, the cause was level 3 pelvic support deficiency.Methods. This retrospective study compared preoperative and postoperative genital hiatus length, perineal length, and total vaginal length in patients treated with perineoplasty for the sensation of a wide vagina. A telephone survey was used to determine postoperative patient and male partner satisfaction rates.Results. Mean age of patients was 48 (26–68) years; mean body mass index (BMI) was 25.3 (17.6–33.2); and mean parity was 2.5 (2–5). Preoperative and postoperative genital hiatus, perineal length, and total vaginal length were 4.62 and 3.18 (p<0.01), 3.06 and 4.04 (p<0.01), and 9.43 and 9.43 (p=0.882), respectively. At the 6-month follow-up, the success rate of the perineoplasty procedure was 87.9%; according to a visual analog scale, partner satisfaction rate was 92.6%. Ten percent (n=4) of patients said they experienced dyspareunia during sexual intercourse at the introitus of the vagina.Conclusion. With low dyspareunia rates, low complication rates, high patient satisfaction, and satisfactory anatomical success, perineoplasty can be considered successful for treatment of the sensation of a wide vagina.

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. S33-S34 ◽  
S. Vilasagar ◽  
P.J. Doyle ◽  
G.M. Buchsbaum

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