duration of pregnancy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 792-794
K. N. Grigorieva

The date of the expected birth is important not just for future parents but rather for obstetricians and gynecologists. Midwives and doctors of all generations know and apply the Naegele rule, based on the dates of menstruation for determining duration of pregnancy. Despite the advent of ultrasound diagnostics that provides a more accurate method to calculate an expected date of birth, up until now the Naegele rule remains relevant.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 01026
Natal`ya Garskaya ◽  
Lidiya Peretyatko ◽  
Sergey Pozyabin ◽  
Sergey Tresnitskiy ◽  
Anatoliy Tresnitskiy

The article deals with the issues of the influence of heat stress that occurs in the summer on the indicators characterizing the reproductive qualities. Purebred sows of tested Poltava meat breed of different genotypes were investigated: Group I - individuals-offspring obtained by the method of introductory crossing using the blood of early maturing meat breed (blood content 12.5 %), Group II - individuals obtained by the method of introductory crossing using the blood of the Finnish Landrace (blood content of 12.5 %). It was found that in sows of the Poltava meat breed with the blood of early maturing meat breed, the number of live piglets at birth significantly exceeds the indices of sows with the blood of the Finnish Landrace by 8.27 % at p≤0.05. According to the analysis of Cv, these natural and technological conditions had the greatest influence on the duration of the service period in sows of Group I. Wherein, the least influence of these natural and technological conditions was found for the indicator of the duration of pregnancy. Animals with the blood of an early maturing meat breed were more adaptable to these natural and technological conditions.

Eliza Umarovna Khasueva ◽  
Yana Evgenevna Efimova ◽  
Diana Khasanbievna Khatanova ◽  
Leila Ibragimovna Bachieva ◽  
Alina Yurievna Maslova ◽  

Pregnant women are the most "untouchable" group of people in relation to pharmacological research due to ethical and legal aspects, as well as concerns for the health and integrity of the fetus. And that is why pregnant women practically do not participate in clinical, pharmacodynamic, or pharmacokinetic testing. The mechanisms of teratogenesis are unpredictable, and in this case mutations can occur regardless of the duration of pregnancy and at any level. In women during pregnancy, the activity of liver enzyme systems involved in drug metabolism changes completely, which affects their clearance. This should be taken into account when selecting drugs and dosages for the treatment of various diseases. Our study showed that during pregnancy, a significant decrease in the intrinsic hepatic clearance of the CYP1A2 substrate is enhanced by a decrease in the binding of theophylline to plasma proteins and an increase in the glomerular filtration rate.

2021 ◽  
Shadi Behfar ◽  
Alireza Nazari ◽  
Aliakbar Yousefi-Ahmadipour ◽  
Soheila Pourmasoumi ◽  
Ahmadreza Sayadi ◽  

Abstract Introduction: Innate immunity significantly participates in the tissue repair process. It has been documented that breastfeeding may alter immune responses. Thus, this project was designed to evaluate the effects of breastfeeding on the levels of TLR1-4, TNF-α, TGF-β, CCL2, and CCL3 in the prepuce tissue of neonates.Material and methods: This project was performed on the 90 samples (45 cases with breastfeeding and 45 cases without breastfeeding) of prepuce tissue of neonates. The tissues were homogenized and mRNA levels of TLR1-4 and protein levels of TNF-α, TGF-β, CCL2, and CCL3 were evaluated by Real-Time PCR and ELISA techniques, respectively.Results: Protein levels of TNF-α, CCL2, and CCL3 and mRNA levels of TLR4 were significantly decreased in the cases without breastfeeding when compared to the neonates with breastfeeding. There was a significant negative correlation between duration of pregnancy and mRNA levels of TLR1 in the neonates without breastfeeding.Conclusion: Due to the results, breastfeeding can modulate the expression of TLR4 and its related cytokines/chemokines to improve its wound healing and fight against pathogens.


Работа посвящена изучению воспроизводительной способности как критерия адаптации животных голштинской породы черно-пестрой масти немецкой селекции в условиях сухого субтропического климата Азербайджана. В контрольную группу (n=79) вошли нетели, импортированные с 3—4-месячной стельностью из Германии, выросшие в умеренно-континентальном мягком климате. В условиях Азербайджана их адаптационный период начался в возрасте 18—24 мес. Опытная группа состояла из нетелей (n=79), рожденных в Азербайджане от животных контрольной группы. Были изучены воспроизводительные показатели: возраст первого осеменения, продолжительность стельности, возраст первого отела. Телята опытной группы за счет сухого субтропического, умеренно-жаркого климата быстрее росли и достигали возраста первого осеменения и отела. У 64% животных опытной группы возраст первого осеменения составлял до 500 суток, в то же время в контрольной группе только 48% телок были осеменены к этому возрасту. Разница составила 16%. У 29% животных опытной группы продолжительность стельности составила менее 270 дней, в то время как в контроле — только 21% (P<0,01). Потомство, полученное в условиях Азербайджана от импортных матерей, по сравнению с ними отличалось более ранней половой зрелостью и более коротким сроком плодоношения. The work is devoted to the study of reproductive ability as a criterion for the adaptation of animals of the Holstein breed of the black-and-white suit of German breeding in the conditions of the dry subtropical climate of Azerbaijan. The control group (n=79) included heifers imported with a 3—4-month pregnancy from Germany, who grew up in a temperate continental mild climate. In the conditions of Azerbaijan, their adaptation period began at the age of 18—24 months. The experimental group consisted of heifers (n=79) born in Azerbaijan from animals of the control group. Reproductive indicators were studied: the age of the first insemination, the duration of pregnancy, the age of the first calving. The calves of the experimental group grew faster due to the dry subtropical, moderately hot climate and reached the age of the first insemination and calving. In 64% of the animals of the experimental group, the age of the first insemination was up to 500 days, while in the control group only 48% of heifers were inseminated by this age. The difference was 16%. In 29% of the animals of the experimental group, the duration of pregnancy was less than 270 days, while in the control — only 21% (P<0.01). The offspring obtained in Azerbaijan from imported mothers, in comparison with them, differed in earlier sexual maturity and a shorter period of fruiting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1448
Małgorzata Sadowska ◽  
Beata Sarecka-Hujar ◽  
Ilona Kopyta

Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is not a defined, separate disease classification, but a set of etiologically diverse symptoms that change with the child’s age. According to the up-to-date definition, CP is a group of permanent but not unchanging disorders of movement and/or posture and motor function, which are due to a nonprogressive interference, lesion, or abnormality of the developing/immature brain. CP is one of the most frequent causes of motor disability in children. The aim of the present study was to analyze whether selected risk factors may vary depending on particular types of CP. Methods: 181 children with CP (aged 4–17 years), hospitalized at the Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Age Neurology in Katowice in the years 2008–2016 were retrospectively analyzed in the present study. The assumed risk factors of CP were divided into two groups: 1—pre-conception and prenatal (mother’s age, family history of epilepsy, burdened obstetric history, mother’s systemic diseases, pregnancy order, multiple pregnancy, duration of pregnancy, bleedings from the genital tract during gestation, arterial hypertension during pregnancy, infections during pregnancy, preterm contractions, maintained pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, abruptio placentae, and others), 2—perinatal and postnatal (mode of delivery, birth weight, Apgar score at the first and fifth minute, neonatal convulsions, respiratory failure, infections in neonatal and infant period, and intraventricular bleeding). The division into particular CP types was based on Ingram’s classification. Results: The following risk factors were the most frequent in the total group: respiratory failure, infections, intraventricular bleeding, and prematurity. Among the analyzed preconception and prenatal factors, the duration of pregnancy and preterm contractions during pregnancy significantly differentiated the subgroups of patients depending on the type of CP. The prevalence of almost all analyzed perinatal, neonatal, and infant-related risk factors (i.e., birth weight, Apgar score at the first and fifth minute, neonatal convulsions, respiratory failure, infections in neonatal and infant period, and intraventricular bleeding) significantly differed between CP types, apart from the mode of delivery. However, in multivariate regression, only intraventricular bleeding was an independent predictor for tetraplegic CP type when compared to joined extrapyramidal and ataxic types (OR = 2.801, p = 0.028). Conclusions: As CP is a syndrome of multifactorial etiology, the identification of CP risk factors entails the need for careful observation and comprehensive care of children in the risk group. The presence of certain risk factors may be a prognostic indicator for particular types of CP. The knowledge about the association between the risk factor(s) and the CP type could be a very useful tool for pediatricians looking after the child at risk of developmental disorders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 745-753
N. A. Shemuranova ◽  
N. A. Garifullina

The experiment was conducted on the basis of the agricultural production cooperative kolkhoz "Iskra" (Kirov region) in 40 highly productive cows of black-motley Holstein zed breed, which were divided by the method of paired analogues into 4 groups of 10 heads. The influence of the biologically active additive Lamarin Saldonum on the reproductive function and the milk productivity of cows was studied. The animals of the experimental groups were given the additive daily in doses of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 g per 1 kg of live weight for 30 days before calving during 60 days. It has been established that Lamarin Saldonum does not negatively affect the duration of pregnancy, while it helps to reduce the number of generic and postpartum diseases. In cows of the experimental groups retention of placenta was registered 10-20 % less often and the development of postpartum endometritis was observed 10-30 % less often. It was also found that in the animals of the experimental groups the indifferent period was reduced by 8.13-14.49 %, the number of days from calving to fruitful insemination was decreased by 30.51-53.82 days, the number of days of infertility was reduced by 33.63-59.37 % compared to intact animals. The cows of the second experimental group showed the best milk productivity, where the gross milk yield exceeded the values of the control group in the first month of lactation by 19.63 %, in the second - by 13.43 %, in the third - by 39.87 %. The need for additional studies to determine the effective dose of the additive Lamarin Saldonum, which will have a stimulating effect on the reproductive function of high-productive cows, has been established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
pp. 2232-2233
Rabika Bint Khamis Butt ◽  
Amna Kazi ◽  
Nazish Javaid ◽  
Jamshed Rahim ◽  
Humaira Zulfiqar Saifee ◽  

Background: Membrane sweeping causes induction of labour by release of prostaglandins, and other hormones. Aim: To determine efficacy of membrane sweeping on induction of spontaneous labour in post-date women. Study design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and duration of study: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Health Bridge Hospital, Ghazi Road, Lahore from 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020. Methodology: One hundred and fifty pregnantwomen with ≥40 weeks of gestationwere randomly divided into two groups of 75 pregnant women each. Group A were those who consented for undergoing membrane sweeping whereas group B did not undergo this process. Results: The mean age of the enrolled pregnant women was25.7±3.05 years. The mean duration of pregnancy in group A was 40.1±0.2 weeks and in group B was 40.2±0.1 weeks. Regarding spontaneous onset of labour, in group A, 38(50.6%) patients went into labour with sweeping of membranes and in group B, 10(13.4%) patients had spontaneous onset of labour. There were only two cases of infection reported in Group A and one in group B. Conclusion: Membrane sweeping for natural induction of spontaneous labour. Key words: Membrane sweeping, Labour induction, Efficacy

2021 ◽  
Amanda D Blair ◽  
Erin Gubbels ◽  
Janna J Block ◽  
Kenneth C Olson ◽  
Judson Kyle Grubbs ◽  

The concept of fetal programming is based on the idea that nutritional status and environmental conditions encountered by the dam during pregnancy can have lifetime impacts on her offspring.&nbsp;&nbsp;These changes in the gestational environment have been shown to influence fetal development and subsequent growth performance, carcass composition, and meat quality characteristics.&nbsp;Beef fetuses&nbsp;can be particularly prone to experiencing variations in the maternal environment during development due to a relatively long duration of pregnancy that can expose the dam to environmental temperature stress and seasonal conditions that compromise feed quality or quantity.&nbsp;&nbsp;If feed is limited or forage conditions are poor a maternal deficiency in protein and/or energy can occur as well as fluctuations in body condition of the dam.&nbsp;&nbsp;As a result, the fetus may receive inadequate levels of nutrients, potentially altering fetal development.&nbsp;&nbsp;There are critical windows of development during each stage of gestation in which various tissues, organs and metabolic systems may be impacted.&nbsp;&nbsp;Skeletal muscle and adipose tissue are particularly vulnerable to alterations in the gestational environment due to their low priority for nutrients relative to vital organs and systems during development.&nbsp;&nbsp;The timing and severity of the environmental event or stressor as well as the ability of the dam to buffer negative effects to the fetus will dictate the developmental response.&nbsp;&nbsp;Much of the current research is focused on the influence of specific nutrients and timing of nutritional treatments on offspring carcass composition and meat quality, with the goal of informing strategies that will ultimately allow for the use of maternal nutritional management as a tool to optimize performance and meat quality of offspring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-105
V. G.

Having tried X-ray (at a dose of 18 to 67 N, given for 3-7 sessions) with this purpose in 10 cases of early pregnancy (the delay of menstruation was from 8 to 35 days), Arkhangelsk (Arch. Klin, and Aksp. Med., 1922, No. 1) received sharply different results depending on the duration of pregnancy: in 7 cases, where the delay in menstruation was no more than 3 weeks, abortion occurred, in 3 cases where the delay was more than 3 weeks. the pregnancy, despite the X-ray, continued.

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