Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproduction
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2070-4976, 2313-7347

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 788-791
A. D. Makatsariya ◽  
A. S. Shkoda ◽  
D. V. Blinov

Currently, the number of judicial proceedings on real and alleged offenses and disputes in area of provision of medical care has been exponentially increased. Some of such proceedings become publicly disclosed, but many more of them remain unnoted in mass media and civilian society as a whole. Increasing number of medical doctors has been accused of criminal offenses, being more often sentenced to real terms of imprisonment, showing a clear tendency to increase gravity of responsibility applied to medical doctors. This publication represents a peer-reviewed response of paramount importance to the book by A.A. Ponkina and I.V. Ponkin «Defects in the provision of medical care» raising ontological, value and technical issues for negative outcome of medical care – by the fault or in the absence of the fault of the doctor. The book puts the scientific basis beneath changes so much awaited by the Russian public health in relation to medical doctors, their social importance, objective limitlessness of their opportunities and capabilities in curing sick people and saving their lives.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 792-794
K. N. Grigorieva

The date of the expected birth is important not just for future parents but rather for obstetricians and gynecologists. Midwives and doctors of all generations know and apply the Naegele rule, based on the dates of menstruation for determining duration of pregnancy. Despite the advent of ultrasound diagnostics that provides a more accurate method to calculate an expected date of birth, up until now the Naegele rule remains relevant.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 777-787
K. A. Gabelova ◽  
N. A. Shabanova ◽  
V. F. Bezhenar ◽  
E. E. Zvartau ◽  
Yu. A. Akishina

Hormonal contraception is the most popular and effective reversible method for preventing unwanted pregnancy exerting multiple prophylactic and therapeutic effect along with contraceptive activity. The main adverse coupled to combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is its impact on the hemostasis and increased risk of venous thromboembolic complications. A great evolutionary path has been travelled after beginning application of hormonal contraception to reduce dose of its estrogen component and improving quality of gestagen component. Nevertheless, thrombotic complications related to COCs use still remain a pressing issue not only due to disease severity and high mortality rate from pulmonary embolism (PE), but also due to the difficulties in its timely diagnostics. Here we describe a clinical case of a 19-year-old patient suffering from vena cava inferior thrombosis complicated by PE after using COCs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 695-704
E. A. Orudzhova

Aim: to study the role of antiphospholipid antibodies (AРA) and genetic thrombophilia as a potential cause of the development or a component in the pathogenesis of early and late fetal growth retardation (FGR).Materials and Methods. There was conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial with 118 women enrolled. The main group consisted of 83 patients, whose pregnancy was complicated by FGR degrees II and III, stratified into two groups: group 1 – 36 pregnant women with early FGR, group 2 – 47 pregnant women with late FGR. Women were subdivided into subgroups according to the FGR severity. The control group consisted of 35 pregnant women with a physiological course of pregnancy. АРА were determined according to the Sydney antiphospholipid syndrome criteria by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA): against cardiolipin, β2 -glycoprotein 1, annexin V, prothrombin, etc. (IgG/IgM isotypes); lupus anticoagulant – by the three-stage method with Russell's viper venom; antithrombin III and protein C levels – by chromogenic method; prothrombin gene polymorphisms G20210A and factor V Leiden – by polymerase chain reaction; homocysteine level – by ELISA.Results. AРA circulation (medium and high titers), genetic thrombophilic defects and/or hyperhomocysteinemia were detected in 40 (48.2 %) patients with FGR, which was significantly higher than that in the control group (p < 0.05): in group 1 (41.7 % of women) AРA (30.6 %) and AРA with genetic thrombophilia or hyperhomocysteinemia (11.1 %) were revealed; in group 2 (51.1 % of women) AРA (21.3 %), AРA with hyperhomocysteinemia (4.3 %), genetic thrombophilia (25.5 %), and due to hyperhomocysteinemia (2.1 %) were found. No differences in prevalence of thrombophilia rate in patients were observed related to FGR severity, but a correlation between the FGR severity and AРA titers was found.Conclusion. Testing for the presence of AРA, genetic thrombophilia and hyperhomocysteinemia should be recommended for patients with FGR (including those with FGR in medical history), especially in the case of its early onset. It is recommended to determine the full AРA spectrum.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 669-684
G. B. Dikke ◽  
V. V. Ostromenskii ◽  
Yu. G. Kucheryavaya

Aim: to evaluate the efficacy of azoximer bromide along with a combined antimicrobial drug in treatment of patients with aerobic vaginitis (AV).Materials and Methods. There was conducted a prospective, randomized, parallel group study with enrolled 60 patients diagnosed with AV and 10 apparently healthy women (control group III). Group I (n = 30) received azoximer bromide (10 vaginal insertion according to the scheme, course of 10 days) and a combined antimicrobial drug, while Group II (n = 30) received only antimicrobial drug (course of 10 days). Microscopy of vaginal discharge smears, polymerase chain reaction method was used, detection of cytokines – interleukins (IL) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in vaginal washings was performed by ELISA. The study of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) was performed by ELISA, and DNA-containing strands ejected by neutrophils were determined by fluorescence method.Results. Recovery from disease was found in 100 % (30/30) and 86.7 % (26/30) in group I and group II, respectively. After treatment, serum level of IL-8 was revealed to decline in group I from 35.2 to 5.5 pg/ml (p = 0.05), in group II – from 33.4 to 5.3 pg/ml (p = 0.04), also not differ (p > 0.05) from the control values (5.2 pg/ml). The level of IL-1β also decreased after treatment in group I from 51.5 to 15.1 pg/ml (p = 0.002), in group II – from 57.9 to 20.1 pg/ml (p = 0.03), which also did not differ (p > 0.05) from the control values (16.7 pg/ml). The IL-10 level in both main groups decreased slightly (from 0.26 and 0.24 to 0.16 pg/ml in both groups), which was higher by 1.8-fold than in the control group (0.09 pg/ml; p < 0.001). The number of ejected NETs in both main groups decreased significantly after treatment, reaching control level. No side effects were observed, compliance and acceptability were 100 % in both groups. The frequency of AV relapses within 3 months was observed in 3.3 % (1/30) and 14.3 % (4/28) patients, after 6 months – in 14.3 % (4/28) and in 20.0 % (5/25) patients in groups I and II, respectively. Using the logit regression model, demonstrated that AV relapse might occur with a 50 %-probability at TNF-α level < 0.1 pg/ml after treatment (sensitivity – 67 %, specificity – 79 %). The risk of relapses in group I, in contrast to group II, showed a downward trend.Conclusions. The use of azoximer bromide and a combined broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug is effective in AV treatment, exerts a modulating effect on immune response parameters contributes to lowering relapse rate.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 715-725
S. V. Pichugova ◽  
V. A. Chereshnev ◽  
Ya. B. Beikin

Introduction. The prevalence of andrological diseases among adolescents and young adults resulting in lowered reproductive potential has been noted to progressively increase. At the same time, the number of couples starting to manage reproductive issues after 35–40 years of age highlighting the onset of male androgen deficiency continues to rise. Therefore, the analysis of spermogram as the key element in assessing male reproductive potential is better to conduct at different age periods of man's life.Aim: to compare spermogram parameters in different age groups of patients with reproductive pathology.Materials and Мethods. The analysis of spermograms in adolescents with left-sided grade II–III varicocele aged 17 years and in infertile males aged 22–48 years was performed. Semen analysis was conducted in accordance with the standards of the 5 th edition of the World Health Organization and included the following parameters: semen volume (ml), sperm concentration (million/ml), total sperm count (million), acidity, viscosity, progressive motility, total motility, viability, morphology, detected mucus, leukocytes, amyloid bodies, lecithin grains as well as sperm aggregation and agglutination. The stained preparations were used to assess the morphology of spermatozoa and spermatogenesis cells. According to the spermogram data obtained, the following conclusions were drawn: normozoospermia, oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia. Statistical analysis was performed by using Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft Inc., USA). The normality distribution was assessed using the χ2 test. Quantitative parameters were presented as arithmetic means and standard deviations (M ± SD). Assessing significance of differences was performed by using the Student's t-test, whereas inter-parameter correlation relations were analyzed by using the linear Pearson's correlation coefficient. A significance level between inter-group parameters was set at p < 0.05.Results. It was found that adolescents with varicocele vs. adult men had significantly decreased ejaculate volume. In particular, the average ejaculate volume in adolescents and adult men was 2.32 ± 1.22 ml and 3.50 ± 1.44 ml, respectively, so that the larger number of young patients were noted to have ejaculate volume below 1.5 ml. Compared to young subjects, aged patients had decreased sperm concentration (35.88 ± 25.74 versus 72.20 ± 49.32 million/ml) and total sperm count (120.58 ± 91.72 versus 173.07 ± 163.92 million). Young patients were found to have significantly superior data in all categories of sperm motility, whereas infertile men were diagnosed with impaired sperm motility. In particular, adolescents were featured with the average number of spermatozoa displaying fast and slow translational movement comprising 17.12 ± 11.04 % and 29.30 ± 12.29 %, respectively, the proportion of progressive motility spermatozoa was 46.20 ± 19.82 %. In contrast, similar parameters in adult men were 5.10 ± 6.36 %, 19.80 ± 9.61 %, and 24.95 ± 11.23 %, respectively. In infertile men prevalence of lacked spermatozoa with rapid forward movement was 46 (46.0 %), in adolescents – 8 (8.6%), whereas rate of immotile spermatozoa in infertile men, on average, accounted for 53.10 ± 14.56 %, in adolescents – 34.40 ± 21.83 %. In addition, adolescents with varicocele had significantly fewer spermatozoa with normal morphology – 14.14 ± 8.06 % (in adult men – 30.08 ± 17.94 %), there were more abundant defects in the sperm head – 58.01 ± 12.43 % (in men – 48.83 ± 18.95 %) and flagella – 17.24 ± 6.31 % (in men – 10.29 ± 6.21 %). The data obtained showed that adolescents were more often diagnosed with normozoospermia – in 49 (52.7 %) cases, in infertile men – in 12 (12.0 %) cases, whereas in aged men asthenozoospermia was detected in 82 (82.0 %) cases, in adolescents – 5 (5.4 %) cases.Conclusion. The abnormalities in the spermogram revealed in adolescents may be associated with unestablished spermatogenesis. Normozoospermia more common in adolescents with varicocele may evidence about preserved reproductive potential. Impaired sperm motility in aged patients seems to be related to the formation of oxidative stress and damage to spermatozoa by reactive oxygen species due to combined age-related changes, cumulation of the negative effects of environmental and lifestyle factors, as well as comorbidities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 738-754
D. V. Blinov ◽  
E. S. Akarachkova ◽  
D. M. Ampilogova ◽  
E. M. Dzhobava ◽  
V. I. Tsibizova ◽  

Surgical and natural menopause is often associated with depression symptoms. Along with the postpartum period, perimenopause is a “window of vulnerability” for depression development, because decline in estrogen level accounts for extinction of reproductive function, emotional disorders, genitourinary menopausal syndrome, which are combined with non-endocrine risk factors, such as decreasing income levels, low social support, and stress. Although a direct relationship between blood estrogens level and depression has not been demonstrated, the relation between menopause symptoms and depression has been proven, i.e., the symptoms of menopause can be considered as risk factors. Here, we summarizes the current view on the correct counseling and routing of menopausal women with depression symptoms in primary health care facilities, the principles of managing patients with risk factors, including genitourinary menopausal syndrome, as well as methods of rehabilitation and informational support. This will aid to improve the quality of medical care for such patients.

L. V. Tkachenko ◽  
I. A. Gritsenko ◽  
K. Yu. Tikhaeva ◽  
N. I. Sviridova ◽  
I. S. Gavrilova ◽  

The problem of premature ovarian failure (POF) is currently in the spotlight of obstetricians and gynecologists worldwide. Early diagnosis of this pathology is necessary to prevent the development of serious pathological conditions. The systematization of modern ideas about laboratory and instrumental methods for POF diagnosing, assessing diagnostic value of parameters such as follicle stimulating hormone, anti-Mullerian hormone as well as the count of antral ovarian follicles, intraovarian blood flow and ovarian volume using ultrasound techniques, which can then be used as prognostic criteria for POF comprise a very important modality. Based on the findings obtained, early detection may lead to proposing new prognostic strategies.

E. V. Slukhanchuk ◽  
V. O. Bitsadze ◽  
J. Kh. Khizroeva ◽  
M. V. Tretyakova ◽  
A. G. Solopova ◽  

It has long been recognized a crucial role played by platelets in thrombosis and hemostasis. Along with that, laboratory and clinical data suggest that platelets contribute to tumor progression and metastasis through a variety of interactions with cancer cells. During oncological process, the platelet function becomes modulated via their activation and increased aggregation being one of the risk factors for developing thrombosis in cancer patients. The platelets per se enhance tumor cell dissemination, activate endothelial cells, and attract immune cells to the primary and metastatic tumor sites. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the complex interactions between platelets and tumor cells, as well as cells of the microenvironment, and discuss the development of new antitumor agents aimed at various arms in platelet functioning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 617-626
E. V. Slukhanchuk ◽  
A. G. Tyan ◽  
A. L. Bedzhanyan ◽  
L. M. Nechitaylo ◽  
O. V. Dolzhanskiy ◽  

Aggressive pelvic angiomyxoma belongs to one of the rare types of mesenchymal pelvic tumors found in premenopause patients. Currently, this pathology is mainly treated via surgical intervention. Alternatively, it may also be managed by using radiation or hormone therapy. The final diagnosis is usually established by histological examination of removed tumor, because biopsy analysis during examination may not always provide a high diagnostic value. This tumor type is able to relapse, even after 100 % surgically removed intervention. Immunohistochemistry examination reveals expression of progesterone and estrogen receptors. One of the hormone therapy options with good long-term effect is based on using gonadotropin-releasing hormone drugs. Taking into consideration slow tumor growth and hormonal sensitivity, one of the options for managing disease relapse is patient follow-up, especially in perimenopausal subjects. Single clinical cases have been published related to pelvic angiomyxoma so that it results in introducing individualized management for every certain patient, but unified therapeutic approaches have not been developed yet.

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