behavioural function
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Vasile Radu PREDA

On the basis of electrophysiological and neuropsychological investigations the existence of cerebral hemispheric dominance has been established. Thus, a certain psycho-behavioural function may not be equally governed by either the left or the right hemisphere, a tendency towards lateralization coming into play (Sperri, 1974; Arseni, Golu, Dănăilă, 1983; Funnell, Carballis, Gazzanga, 2000). The functional asymmetry of the analysers is encountered both at the peripheral level, through the sensory-motor lateralization of paired receptors, and at the cortical level, through the asymmetrical functioning of the cerebral hemispheres. Consequently, tests for hemispheric dominance, as well as tests for lateralization must, respectively, be employed. When examining cerebral hemispheric dominance and lateralization, the characteristics of the organs under investigation are taken into account, and so is the age of the subjects. The examination of functional asymmetry in the case of analyzers with paired receptors has relied on an impressive number of trials, procedures, tests and questionnaires on lateralization, all suitable for the subjects’ age and for the psycho-physiological characteristics of the respective couple of paired organs. The combined use of lateralization tests specifically adapted for all paired organs (hand, eye, is essential in order to establish the degree of lateralization homogeneity. The examinations and the calculation of the laterality index are to be done periodically, the results being recorded in a chart that reflects the evolution of lateralization as a result of engaging the child in various activities meant for a specific type of lateralization.

Behaviour ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 157 (14-15) ◽  
pp. 1245-1255
Kai R. Caspar ◽  
Caroline Kammerer ◽  
Michal Hradec

Abstract Gibbons (family Hylobatidae) are renowned for their melodious territorial songs but other aspects of their acoustic communication have received little research attention. Here we describe an apparently novel idiosyncratic non-song vocalization in an adult captive Southern white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus siki), which we suggest acts specifically in attracting a human’s attention. For this preliminary report we analysed 25 individual calls recorded over a period of 6 months. Typically, calling is accompanied by clapping and feet-slapping, behaviours not reported from gibbons in comparable situations so far. The utilization of both innovative vocalizations and other acoustic displays as human-directed attention getters, reminiscent of our white-cheeked gibbon subject, is known from great apes, which further suggests a concordant behavioural function. However, the gibbon’s displays, despite their unequivocal novelty, could also represent unintentional behavioural responses related to frustration. Eventually, experimental approaches are required to clarify what underlies this unusual behaviour.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 78-85 ◽  
Caroline J. Edmonds ◽  
Suzannah K. Helps ◽  
Denise Hart ◽  
Anna Zatorska ◽  
Neelam Gupta ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (14) ◽  
pp. 2420-2434
Yifan Yu ◽  
Teresa Niccoli ◽  
Ziyu Ren ◽  
Nathaniel S Woodling ◽  
Benjamin Aleyakpo ◽  

Abstract Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease. Genome-wide association studies have linked PICALM to AD risk. PICALM has been implicated in Aβ42 production and turnover, but whether it plays a direct role in modulating Aβ42 toxicity remains unclear. We found that increased expression of the Drosophila PICALM orthologue lap could rescue Aβ42 toxicity in an adult-onset model of AD, without affecting Aβ42 level. Imbalances in the glutamatergic system, leading to excessive, toxic stimulation, have been associated with AD. We found that Aβ42 caused the accumulation of presynaptic vesicular glutamate transporter (VGlut) and increased spontaneous glutamate release. Increased lap expression reversed these phenotypes back to control levels, suggesting that lap may modulate glutamatergic transmission. We also found that lap modulated the localization of amphiphysin (Amph), the homologue of another AD risk factor BIN1, and that Amph itself modulated postsynaptic glutamate receptor (GluRII) localization. We propose a model where PICALM modulates glutamatergic transmission, together with BIN1, to ameliorate synaptic dysfunction and disease progression.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Brittany Chan ◽  
Peter Baker

Purpose This paper aims to evaluate the social validity of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist - Communit y (ABC-C). Design/methodology/approach Thirty-six participants completed a questionnaire in which they identified and commented on items of the ABC-C they saw as problematic. Thematic analysis was conducted on the comments made. Findings All participants identified at least one item of the ABC-C as problematic with six items being so identified by over half the participants. A number of themes were identified in participant comments including ambiguity, judgemental language, child-focussed language, lack of attention to behavioural function and repetition. Research limitations/implications More research is required using empirically based methodologies on measures used to assess people with learning disabilities. This should involve ascertaining the social validity of such measures by soliciting the views of both those being assessed and those assessing. Originality/value This study is the first of its kind to evaluate the social validity of one of the most widely used measures of challenging behaviour for people with learning disabilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (9) ◽  
pp. 1089-1095
Ying‐Chin Wu ◽  
Kirsten R Heineman ◽  
Sacha La Bastide‐Van Gemert ◽  
Derk Kuiper ◽  
Machiel Drenth Olivares ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 191808 ◽  
Jan Naef ◽  
Michael Taborsky

Coercion is an important but underrated component in the evolution of cooperative behaviour. According to the pay-to-stay hypothesis of cooperative breeding, subordinates trade alloparental care for the concession to stay in the group. Punishment of idle subordinates is a key prediction of this hypothesis, which has received some experimental scrutiny. However, previous studies neither allowed separating between punishment and effects of disruption of social dynamics, nor did they differentiate between different helping behaviours that may reflect either mutualistic or reciprocal interaction dynamics. In the cooperative breeder Neolamprologus pulcher , we experimentally engineered the ability of subordinates to contribute to alloparental care by manipulating two different helping behaviours independently from one another in a full factorial design. We recorded the treatment effects on breeder aggression, subordinate helping efforts and submissive displays. We found two divergent regulatory mechanisms of cooperation, dependent on behavioural function. Experimental impediment of territory maintenance of subordinates triggered punishment by dominants, whereas prevented defence against egg predators released a compensatory response of subordinates without any enforcement, suggesting pre-emptive appeasement. These effects occurred independently of one another. Apparently, in the complex negotiation process among members of cooperative groups, behaviours fulfilling different functions may be regulated by divergent interaction mechanisms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Joshua Obermayer ◽  
Antonio Luchicchi ◽  
Tim S. Heistek ◽  
Sybren F. de Kloet ◽  
Huub Terra ◽  

AbstractNeocortical choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-expressing interneurons are a subclass of vasoactive intestinal peptide (ChAT-VIP) neurons of which circuit and behavioural function are unknown. Here, we show that ChAT-VIP neurons directly excite neighbouring neurons in several layers through fast synaptic transmission of acetylcholine (ACh) in rodent medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Both interneurons in layers (L)1–3 as well as pyramidal neurons in L2/3 and L6 receive direct inputs from ChAT-VIP neurons mediated by fast cholinergic transmission. A fraction (10–20%) of postsynaptic neurons that received cholinergic input from ChAT-VIP interneurons also received GABAergic input from these neurons. In contrast to regular VIP interneurons, ChAT-VIP neurons did not disinhibit pyramidal neurons. Finally, we show that activity of these neurons is relevant for behaviour and they control attention behaviour distinctly from basal forebrain ACh inputs. Thus, ChAT-VIP neurons are a local source of cortical ACh that directly excite neurons throughout cortical layers and contribute to attention.

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