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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Balan Rathakrishnan ◽  
Soon Singh Bikar Singh ◽  
Azizi Yahaya ◽  
Mohammad Rahim Kamaluddin ◽  
Siti Fardaniah Abdul Aziz

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is impactful on all aspects of individuals’ lives, particularly mental health due to the fear and spirituality associated with the pandemic. Thus, purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among fear, spirituality, and mental health on COVID-19 among adults in Malaysia. This study also examines spirituality as a mediator in relationship between fear and mental health. The study involved around 280 adults in Malaysia. This research is a quantitative study. Data analysis method (SEM-PLS) has been used for data analysis. Based on descriptive analysis, mental health questionnaire indicated that 60.0% of them are at a poor level of mental health whereas 57.5% of respondents showed a moderate level of COVID-19 fear, and 60.4% of respondents owned moderate level of spiritual well-being. The results also demonstrated that respondents that have a high level of fear would have a high level of mental health; interestingly, those with a high level of spirituality will have a lower level of mental health. Findings indicated that spirituality significantly mediated the relationship between fear and mental health. This research will help to demonstrate how important spirituality values to control mental health to be more positive among adults in Malaysia. The main contributions of this study are to help come out with new intervention method for those who are mentally ill and need help.

Fahmida Liza Piya ◽  
Sumaiya Amin ◽  
Anik Das ◽  
Muhammad Ashad Kabir

COVID-19’s unanticipated consequences have resulted in the extended closure of various educational institutions, causing significant hardship to students. Even though many institutions rapidly transitioned to online education programs, various issues have emerged that are impacting many aspects of students’ lives. An online survey was conducted with students of Bangladesh to understand how COVID-19 impacted their study, social and daily activities, plans, and mental health. A total of 409 Bangladeshi students took part in a survey. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, 13.7% of all participants are unable to focus on their studies, up from 1.2% previously. More than half of the participants (54%) have spent more time on social media than previously. We found that 45% of the participants have severe to moderate level depression. In addition, 48.6% of the students are experiencing severe to moderate level anxiety. According to our findings, students’ inability to concentrate on their studies, their increased use of social media and electronic communications, changing sleep hours during the pandemic, increased personal care time, and changes in plans are all correlated with their mental health.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Savita Pardhi ◽  
Samiksha Satpute ◽  
Arati Kale

Smartphone addiction is also known as nomophobia. (Nomophobia means a fear of being detached from mobile connectivity.) Smartphone addiction is mostly seen in students and its affects the health in both aspects physically and psychologically. Method and Material: The study was a one group pre test and post test design (quasi experimental research design) and population for the study was GNM nursing students. The sample consists of 60 GNM nursing student. In this study, the sampling technique used was non-probability convenient sampling and the reliability of questionnaire was done by carl Pearson formula. Results: In pre-test 23.33% of GNM nursing students were having inadequate level of knowledge score, 61.66% of GNM nursing students were having moderate level of knowledge score and only 15% of GNM nursing students were having adequate level of knowledge score. In post-test 8.33% of GNM nursing students were having inadequate level of knowledge score, 20.66% of GNM nursing students having moderate level of knowledge score and 70% of GNM nursing students were having adequate level of knowledge score. The pre-test mean score was found 14.60 (24.33%) and mean score for post-test 21.65 (36.08%). Conclusion: The study reveals that there was deficit knowledge regarding prevention of Smartphone addiction in pre-test. The post-test knowledge was increased which reveals that structured teaching programme was effective on knowledge regarding prevention of Smartphone addiction. Key words: Effectiveness, Structured teaching, Knowledge, Prevention, Smartphone addiction, Nursing students.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Ming Guan

Abstract Background Despite the existing literature highlights the central roles of sociodemographic factors, fruit & vegetable (F&V) intake, and physical activities for maintaining good health, less is known about the associations in the Chinese context. This study attempted to explore the associations of servings of F&V intake and levels of physical activities with poor self-rated health (SRH) among Chinese older adults. Methods Data were drawn from the Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health-China (SAGE-China) issued by the World Health Organization and included 7560 respondents aged ≥60 years in China. After screening out the potential confounding factors, multiple logistic regression models were adopted to explore the associations of sociodemographic factors, servings of F&V intake, and levels of physical activities with poor SRH. Results Among the sample, nearly a quarter reported poor health status. There were significant gender differences in the case of servings of F&V intake and levels of physical activities. Logistic regressions indicated that higher fruit intake was associated with lower likelihood of vigorous level of physical activity as compared to zero intake. Likewise, higher vegetable intake (≥10 servings) was associated with a higher likelihood of vigorous & moderate level of physical activity when compared to lower intake (≤ 4 servings). Higher fruit intake was associated with a lower likelihood of poor SRH. Similarly, vegetable intake (5 servings: AOR = 0.69, 95%CI: 0.58–0.83; 6–9 servings: AOR = 0.72, 95%CI: 0.59–0.87) was significantly associated with poor SRH. Additionally, vigorous level of physical activity (AOR = 0.79, 95%CI: 0.65–0.97) and vigorous fitness/leisure (AOR = 0.57, 95%CI: 0.39–0.84) were significantly associated with poor SRH. Conclusion This study suggested that older adults with high fruit intake had lower probability of performing vigorous & moderate level of physical activity, while those with high vegetable intake had higher probability of performing vigorous & moderate level of physical activity. Likewise, the older adults with high F&V intake and higher probability of performing vigorous level of physical activity, walk/bike activity, and vigorous/moderate fitness/leisure had less likelihood to face the risk for poor SRH outcomes. The appropriate servings of F&V intake and levels of physical activity should be highlighted.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Sara Mohammadi ◽  
Sedigheh Hanani ◽  
Fardin Amiri ◽  
Nimamali Azadi ◽  

Introduction: Job burnout is a long-term response to job-related emotional and interpersonal stressors. These stressors are associated with individual, interpersonal, and organizational factors. Objective: This study aimed to determine the degree of burnout and its related factors among surgical technologists. Materials and Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in hospitals affiliated with the Iran University of Medical Sciences. A total of 125 surgical technologists were recruited by stratified sampling method. The study data were collected using a demographic questionnaire and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and then analyzed by the independent t-test, 1-way analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression with a simultaneous model. Results: More than half of the participants (52%) were in the age group of fewer than 30 years. The Mean±SD scores of job burnout in terms of intensity and frequency were 47. 88±17.5 and 47. 95±17.42, respectively. The mean job burnout scores of the majority of surgical technologists in dimensions of emotional exhaustion (intensity), depersonalization (intensity and frequency), and reduced personal accomplishment (intensity and frequency) were at a low level, but it was at a moderate level in the dimension of emotional exhaustion (frequency) among more than half of them. Through a multiple regression, the identified predictors of job burnout (frequency) were education level (β=9.377, 95%CI; 1.618-17.136, P<0.05) and work experience (β=-21.091, 95%CI; -38.201- -3.980, P<0.05). Meanwhile, education level (β=8.320, 95%CI; 0.568- 16.073, P<0.05), work experience (β=-30.976, 95%CI; -54.715 - -7.236, P<0.05), and hours of night shifts per month (β=-10.660, 95%CI; -18.205- -3.115, P=0.01) predicted job burnout (intensity). Conclusion: The job burnout of more than half of surgical technologists in the dimension of emotional exhaustion (frequency) was at a moderate level. Novice workers and operating room BScs suffered more from job burnout than those with an Associate degree and experienced workers. In this regard, healthcare and planner providers must pay attention to operating room BScs, especially novice workers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-150
Anitha . Pauline, A ◽  

People’s participation in planning, implementation and maintenance stage is important for making any programmes successful. Realizing it, Government of India (2011), issued a Common Guidelines for Watershed Development Projects, Revised Edition, 2011 in which participation of beneficiary farmers was made as mandatory. Hence, here an attempt has been made to study the extent of participation of beneficiaries in involvement of farm pond programmes under three stages such as planning, implementation and maintenance were studied. The study was conducted during 2020 in dry land areas of Tamil Nadu to measure the extent of people’s participation in farm pond development programme. The results revealed that overall participation Index score was 64.75 per cent. It means that moderate level of participation was observed among the farmers in farm pond development programmes. Further it is noted that high level of participation was exhibited by farmers in planning stage (72.12%) and moderate level was exhibited by farmers in implementation stage (63.78%) as well as maintenance stage (58.36%) of farmers in farm pond programmes. It means farmers were participated and contributed more during planning followed by implementation and maintenance stages of programme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 748-759
Nawaf Labban ◽  
Afnan F. Alfouzan ◽  
Nouf Al-Shibani ◽  
Hanan N. Al-Otaibi ◽  
Sara Mohammad Al Taweel ◽  

Objective: The present study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, clinical practices, distress reactions, and post-traumatic growth of dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic in Riyadh City. Methodology: An online questionnaire was developed to assess various dental professionals from both governmental and private sectors during the early COVID-19 outbreak in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire was framed to assess the demographic variables, knowledge, attitude, and clinical practices towards handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the general anxiety disorder-7 (GAD-7), worry questionnaire items, short form of post-traumatic growth inventory (PTGI-SF), and life satisfaction questionnaire items were developed to assess the anxiety, worries, post-traumatic growth, and life satisfaction of dental care providers following the traumatic events. Data were analysed using SPSS 22.0 and R environment ver.3.2.2. Continuous measurement results were presented as mean ± SD, and categorical measurements results were presented in number (%). Results: Our study's significant findings revealed that a majority of the dentists were in the age group of 21-30 and practiced general dentistry. The study participants in age groups 51–60 and 41–50 years old showed more liability in perceiving COVID-19 as an extremely dangerous disease than 31–40 and 21–30 age groups. The majority of respondents (63.4%) had an anxiety scale score of greater than 40, followed by 22.8% with scores 20-40 and 13.9% with scores less than 20, respectively. The mean scores for the GAD-7 and the worry items were 8.24 ± 3.21 and 13.92 ± 4.77, respectively. The data showed that most survey participants had adopted moderate post-traumatic changes during the pandemic, as evident by their mean score of 34.17 ± 3.40. The life satisfaction of the participants was neutral, as demonstrated by their mean score of 20.16 ± 4.03. Conclusion: This study’s findings delineated that the COVID-19 pandemic situation has influenced dentists' mental health, with a moderate level of anxiety, and worries among other psychological symptoms. Furthermore, there was adequate knowledge regarding the COVID-19 among dentists; however, the pandemic affected the financial conditions of the respondents. There was a moderate level of post-traumatic growth and neutral life satisfaction of the dental providers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-258
Ika Hidayanti ◽  
Alfan Zuhairi ◽  
Kurniasih Kurniasih

ABSTRACTMeasuring students’ English ability in most universities would be counted from their passing grade on the Test of English as A Foreign Language (TOEFL). Listening to natives is considered a complicated section to answer among the three sections. Thus, EFL learners should focus on attainment strategies to answer the TOEFL preparation test. The current study examines students’ profile of attainment strategy use and how usage of this strategy differs by gender. The sixth English semester students, faculty of education at Universitas Islam Malang, were required to fill out the questionnaire of strategies used to answer the TOEFL. Utilizing the descriptive and independent t-test, the findings reveal that students deployed the strategies at a moderate level. Further, female students used all the strategies more often and significantly differently than their counterparts. This implies that the use of strategies could ease them in obtaining good scores in listening.ABSTRAKMengukur ketrampilan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa di sebagian besar universitas akan dihitung dari nilai kelulusan mereka pada tes TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Diantara ketiga bagian pada tes TOEFL, tes pada bagian I (Listening) dianggap sebagai tes yang sulit untuk dijawab. Sehingga, mahasiswa diharapkan bisa fokus dan bisa menggunakan strategi tepat ketika menjawab tes TOEFL. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil penggunaan strategi menjawab tes TOEFL dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan penggunaaan oleh mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Mahasiswa semester enam jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Malang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini dan mereka diminta mengisi kuesioner strategi menjawab tes TOEFL.  Dengan menggunakan analisis dan Uji T-tes, temuan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menggunakan strategi dalam kategori sedang. Hasil selanjutnya mengindikasikan bahwa mahasiswa perempuan sering menggunakan strategi dan berbeda secara signifikan dari mahasiswa laki-laki. Hal ini berarti bahwa penggunaan strategi dapat memudahkan mahasiswa tersebut untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-113
Nurul Fadhilatunnisa ◽  
Sudarti Sudarti ◽  
Wachju Subchan

Inappropriate use of rodenticides by most market communities has resulted in a reduction in the population of feral cats (Felis catus) found in the market. If this continues, it can lead to the extinction of feral cat species in the area. This study aims to describe the level of knowledge and attitudes of the market community regarding the use of rodenticides and their impact on feral cats (Felis catus). This study used a survey method, namely interviews and observations of 28 respondents who claimed to have used rodenticides. The results showed that 35.7% of respondents had a low level of knowledge, 39.3% had a moderate level of knowledge, and 25% had a high level of knowledge. As for the attitude aspect, the majority of the community obtained quite good criteria with an average of 68.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 863-869
Dr. P. Natarajan ◽  
Prathiba R

The number of workloads borne by the teacher will result a negative impact. An organizational climate is crucial because it can generate a comfortable working condition for teachers. Otherwise, an unfavorable organizational climate can impact poor working conditions that affect teachers to experience job Anxiety. This study aimed to determine the effect of workload and organizational climate on the work Anxiety of primary school teachers in Coimbatore. In this study an attempts has been made to find out the relationship between organizational climate and job anxiety of primary school teachers. The sample consisted of 60 teachers selected randomly from various public and private primary schools. A set of tools containing organizational climate and job anxiety was used to gather information. The data were analyzed by t-test and person’s coefficient correlation. The results revealed that (43.3%) of the respondents are moderate level of organizational climate, (40%) of the respondents are good level of organizational climate and (16.7%) of the respondents are poor level of organizational climate and (43.3%) of the respondents are low level of job anxiety, (40%) of the respondents are moderate level of job anxiety and (17%) of the respondents are high level of job anxiety.

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