front desk
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2022 ◽  
Cheuk Ying Ho

Service robots are being increasingly employed as hotel staff in the hotel industry. This study explored how hotels can better use and implement service robots for their operation. Four hotels using robots as their staff are chosen as examples for investigating what positions the robot staff do and the comments from customers. It was found that the acceptance of robots in delivering transfer services (eg. Carrying luggage, delivering room service, etc.) are higher than when they provide services at the front desk. These results demonstrated that customers have expectations in engaging with heartwarming interaction with staff when they stay in the hotel, which the robot staff are not providing such interaction in current technology. Therefore, it is suggested that the hotels can arrange the robot staff with the position that do not interact with customers in the current stage. The robot staff can assist the human staff in providing service until they can develop a sophisticated system in two-way interaction.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 237437352110698
Sri Lakshmi Latha ◽  
Tina Priscilla ◽  
Sree Sudha TY ◽  
Ch. Saritha ◽  
Ashok Alimchandani ◽  

The main objective of the study is to estimate the prevalence and compare the levels of psychological impact, anxiety, depression, and stress experienced by the frontline health care workers (HCWs) during the lockdown and post lockdown periods at Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Hyderabad, India. All participants involved in the study were evaluated by using depression, anxiety and stress scale 21, the impact of event scale revised scale for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a standardized questionnaire. During the lockdown period, the score for depression was observed mean scores to be more in front desk people (2.70) followed by pharmacists and technicians (2.60) and security (2.28) in the lockdown period. During the lockdown, the highest levels of anxiety were seen in security staff (4.72) and housekeeping (4.8), with a considerable increase after the lockdown situation. During the lockdown period, the mean score of pharmacists and technicians (10.33) were more stressed than other HCWs, and the second-highest levels of stress were observed in security (10.11) and front desk workers (10.09), respectively. Our results show that there was a worsening of the psychological impact of the pandemic and an increase in PTSD, stress, anxiety, and depression among HCWs. Female gender, pharmacists, and technicians were the most vulnerable group to develop psychiatric comorbidities.

Mala Sinnoor

This paper presents an example of using front desk humanoid officer that is a receptionist at college. A Raspberry pi-based face recognition, face mask detection is provided. When this robot used in check in process reduces cost and can be used as a great alternative for human receptionist in this growing pandemic era. This system provides security by avoiding possible unauthorized people entering into college premises and also assist visitors with route map to department.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-61
Yuyud Tri Guntoro

English for Specific Purpose (ESP) runs to equip learners’ English language for their future needs in tertiary education. In the hotel industry, the laborers’ English capabilities are crucial as their duties deal with foreign guests. However, hotel employees’ English language inability was found in a small case. Thus, the ESP argues able to advance labor’s English language skills. This research aims to identify staff’s English needs in the front-desk department by identifying labors’ lacks, wants, and necessities. Furthermore, this paper also seeks the expected ESP course. The data were collected toward three staff and a hotel manager by using the qualitative method. Additionally, interview and participant observation has established in Kapal Garden Hotel, Indonesia. The result are 1.) Speaking and listening are primary skills for a front desk job. It is in line with work necessities that front desk staff’s duties are to communicate with foreign guests. The ESP course is expected to lead the students to pronounce vocabulary in hotels, respond to the conversation in the check-in and check-out situation, explain hotel facilities, direct the guest to a certain place, and understand the various foreign accents. 2.) The staff expects flexible teaching for ESP course design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
William Helman ◽  
Sara Arnold-Garza ◽  
Hannah Krauss ◽  
Jennifer Wodarczyk

This column describes an approach to helping patrons in the physical library through a telepresence service, while maintaining a safe environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. This video chat service was achieved using the WebEx meeting platform and an iPad, which was later upgraded to a Cisco WebEx DX80 display.

Edeama O. Onwuchekwa

Libraries are gradually becoming spaces for discovery, innovation, and community empowerment by catering to the various needs of the public. To harness the unlimited resources in the library, library digital signage is the perfect tool to help transform old buildings and spaces into a place of collaboration and innovation. Since it's a content-centric solution at its core, digital signs can go beyond looping a series of pictures. It's an intelligent tool that can tailor-fit content relative to the audience, location, time of the day, and even process. This chapter will address the different roles of signages and buttress the fact that digital signage can play a major role in this communication process in addition to demonstrating a “green” environment for library patrons. Graphic information can be displayed to the public in meeting rooms, at the front desk, in vestibules or cafeterias/cafes. The messaging can range from programs being held at the library to public service announcements to emergency messaging and so much more. There is no limit to the information that a library signage can convey to its users.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Widia Yunita ◽  
Riki Wahyudi

The subject matter discussed in this paper is how hotel front desk receptionists handle requests and refusals in their interactions with customers when they use English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The method of this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, examining the interactions of front desk employees who work at Hotel Surya Duri, Indonesia. The sample is seven people who are given a discourse completion test which questions them on how they deal five different scenarios dealing with requests and refusals. Results showed that employees perform independent research largely on how to deal with customer requests, but overall do not adequately master how to engage with foreign customer requests and refusals in EFL. This study suggests that concerned parties may benefit training current employees in foreign language communication training.

Nurul Tiara Baiti ◽  
Effiati Juliana Hasibuan ◽  
Agung Suharyanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pasien tentang komunikasi interpersonal front desk di Rumah Sakit Sumatera Eye Center Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menjadikan 5 (lima) orang pasien Rumah Sakit Sumatera Eye Center sebagai informan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, maka diperoleh hasil bahwa para pasien yang berobat di Sumatera eye center, mendapatkan pelayanan yang baik dan ramah. Komunikasi interpersonal yang diterapkan oleh front desk di Rumah Sakit Sumatra Eye Centre Medan tidak hanya besifat verbal tetapi juga non verbal yang meliputi pesan kinesik dan paralinguistik. Komunikasi non verbal yang dipergunakan untuk memperkuat pesan-pesan verbal sehingga komunikasi lebih kaya. Persepsi pasien tentang komunikasi interpersonal yang dilakukan oleh front desk Rumah Sakit Sumatra Eye Centre terbilang cukup baik. Walaupun ditemukan beberapa hal yang dianggap pasien belum atau kurang maksimal dan pasien merasa puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh front desk yang selalu bisa memberikan informasi dengan baik. Disimpulkan bahwa komunikasi interpersonal diterapkan oleh front desk di Rumah Sakit Sumatra Eye Centre Medan besifat verbal dan non verbal yang meliputi pesan kinesik dan paralinguistik, ditemukan beberapa hal yang belum atau kurang maksimal dan pasien merasa puas dengan pelayanan oleh diberikan front desk yang bisa memberikan informasi dengan baik.

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