parameter test
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Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Mohammed Arshad Khan

This research attempts to evaluate the ongoing position of the modalities exercised in India concerning digital payments. Largely appraised as a success story in the making, this research examines several instrumental factors in India’s digital payment systems. It further extends to identifying the impact of demographic attributes and constructive variables, such as service quality, reliability, satisfaction, and security on digital payment system, Delhi NCR, India. A Google form questionnaire was adopted to collect data through online mode. The researcher collected the primary data from 165 respondents. Purposive sampling method was exercised, along with CFA technique and parameter test used through SPSS (version 25), reliability issue, validity issue, and model fitness achieve through SPSS-AMOS (version 24). The significant peculiarities and analysis are presented further in this research contributing to a precise depiction of findings and then, based on it, the conclusion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-65
Muhamad Femy Mulya ◽  
Nofita Rismawati

E-commerce atau biasa disebut perdagangan elektronik merupakan penyebaran, pembelian, penjualan, pemasaran barang dan jasa melalui media internet atau online. Bisnis e-commerce terus berkembang di Indonesia, tidak hanya memfasilitasi kebutuhan konsumen, namun juga menjembatani UMKM untuk terhubung luas dengan calon konsumen potensial. Setiap organisasi atau perusahaan e-commerce menghadapi tantangan yang sama, yaitu kompetisi dalam dunia bisnis, namun di waktu yang bersamaan juga dituntut untuk tetap fleksibel. Untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut, organisasi atau perusahaan membutuhkan solusi yang dapat menyimpan dan mengakses informasi dalam satu platform yang terintegrasi, agar proses bisnis menjadi fleksibel. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) merupakan sebuah perangkat lunak atau software yang berfungsi untuk mengelola berbagai aktivitas manajemen proses bisnis dalam suatu organisasi atau perusahaan, sehingga akan membantu pengelola e-commerce dalam mengintegrasikan sistem e-commerce dengan sistem lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa, merancang dan menggabungkan suatu sistem e-commerce yang terintegrasi dengan sistem manajemen inventory/persediaan, sistem manajemen purchasing/pembelian dan sistem manajemen penjualan pada sistem e-commerce dengan menggunakan software Odoo 14 yang sudah support dengan Cloud ERP, sehingga sistem dapat dijalankan secara optimal dan dapat mengurangi biaya-biaya operasional yang tidak efisien. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem e-commerce yang sudah terintegrasi dengan manajemen proses bisnis ERP yang disimpan di dalam sistem cloud, sehingga sistem e-commerce mudah diakses dan diintegrasikan dengan sistem lainnya. Pada penelitian ini juga, menggunakan metode pengujian black box dengan beberapa parameter test case/kelas uji.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-216
Nur Ahmad Muharram ◽  
Taryatman ◽  
Suharjana ◽  
Anang Sulistya ◽  
Dhedhy Yuliawan ◽  

The purpose of holding this parameter test is to equip DIY Climbing PPLP trainers and their staff to know the physical condition of the DIY Climbing PPLP athletes so that the training program can be right on target. In addition, parameter tests are also used to evaluate the progress of training towards achievement in competitions in each championship. This parameter test also has benefits, namely to determine the method of preparing parameter tests and preparation of test implementation guidelines, or SOPs so that the parameter tests carried out in the field have valid and reliable test prerequisites, and have the same interpretation throughout Indonesia, especially in the Climbing Sports Branch. Cliff. The method here uses the field practice method through DIY Climbing PPLP athletes to carry out a series of parameter tests in sports that are in accordance with the needs of the physical components of rock climbing athletes. Athletes are asked to carry out a series of tests in accordance with a predetermined SOP. The result of this parameter test is that PPLP DIY Climbing athletes in 2021 have physical conditions in either category or in good norms in each form of test that is directed at the physical condition of Climbing athletes.   Keyword: parameter test, DIY, climbing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-238
Tien Wahyu Handayani ◽  
Yulistien Yusuf ◽  
Joni Tandi

This study aims to determine the content and total levels of secondary metabolites of ethanol extract of moringa seed (Moringa oleifera Lam.). Extraction of moringa seed using the maceration method to obtain a filtrate. The filtrate obtained was concentrated using a rotary evaporator to obtain a concentrated extract. The extract was tested qualitatively for alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins using a suitable reagent with the test parameters. The quantitative test was using UV-Visible spectrophotometry. Alkaloids using test parameters equivalent total alkaloid quinine, flavonoids use parameter test equivalent of the total flavonoids quercetin, saponin using test parameters from Quillaja total saponins and tannins quantitative bark using test parameters total tannin tannic acid equivalent. The result showed that moringa seed positive for alkaloids characterized by orange deposition, flavonoids are characterized by the formation of the yellow color orange, saponin their stable foam, and tannins are marked in black. Quantitative test results alkaloids of 916,87 µg/g, flavonoids of 0.255%, saponin of 6.367%, and tannin of 3,724.5 µg/g. Keywords: Moringa oleifera Lam., secondary metabolites, spectrophotometry

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 209-215
Sutomo Sutomo ◽  
Dina Noor Kamali ◽  
Arnida Arnida ◽  
Normaidah Normaidah ◽  
Agung Sriyono

Mundar (Garcinia forbesii King.) is a plant from South Kalimantan. This plant has chemical contents that have potential as medicine. The purpose of this study is to provide a pharmacognostic picture of a specific, nonspecific and determine the antioxidant activity of G. forbesii leaves. Specific parameters include organoleptic, microscopic testing, thin-layer chromatography profiles, and phytochemical screening. Nonspecific parameters include total ash content, acid insoluble ash content, drying loss, water-soluble extract content, and ethanol-soluble extract content. Antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH method based on IC50 values. Specific parameter test results are green powder, characteristic odor, and sour taste. Microscopic tests showed stomata, upper epidermis, lower epidermis, cell walls, xylem, phloem, palisade tissue, spongy tissue, and cuticles. Garcinia forbesii leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, and steroids. The TLC profile showed good separation of polar eluents, and yellow spots appeared after spraying DPPH reagents. The non-specific parameter test is the total ash content of 6.52�0.1%; acid insoluble ash content 1.06�0.08%; drying shrinkage 6.43�0.38%; water-soluble extracts 34.3�0.3%; and ethanol-soluble extracts 23.47�0.35%. Ethanol extract of G. forbesii leaves has antioxidant activity with IC50 of 65.7 ppm. Pharmacognostic study fulfills the requirements, and G. forbesii leaves extract has strong antioxidant activity.

2020 ◽  
Ode Zulaeha ◽  
Wardani Rahayu ◽  
Yuliatri Sastrawijaya

The purpose of this study is to measure the accuracy of item parameters and abilities by using the Multidimensional Three-Parameter Logistics (M3PL) model. M3PL is a series of tests that measure more than one dimension of ability (θ). Item parameter estimation and the ability to model M3PL are reviewed based on a sample size of 1000 and test lengths of 15, 25, and 40. Parameter estimations are obtained using the Wingen software that is converted to BILOG. The results show that the estimate obtained with a test length of 15 displays a median correlation of 0.787 (high). The study therefore concludes that the level of difficulty of the questions is higher or the questions given to respondents are more difficult, so many respondents guessed the answers. The results of the estimated grain parameters and capabilities indicated that scoring based on sample size greatly affects the stability of the test length. By using the M3PL model, parameters can be measured pseudo-guessing, parameters b and parameters a. MIRT is able to explain interactions between the items on the test and the answers of the participants. The estimated results of the item parameters and the ability parameters of the participants also proved to be accurate and efficient. Keywords: Multidimensional Three-Parameter Logistics (M3PL), distribution parameter, test length

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Miftakhul Rohman ◽  
Mahros Darsin ◽  
Rika Dwi Hidayatul Qoryah

Two purposes of painting of the automobile body, i.e. protection and aesthetic. For the aesthetic one, scientifically measured its glossiness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of painting parameters using a spray to its glossiness. Three parameters varied were: (i) comparison of paint composition and thinner (1:1.2; 1:1.4 and 1:1.6), (ii) spraying distance (110 mm, 130 mm and 150 mm), and air pressure (3.5 bar; 4.5 bar and 5.5 bar, while the glossiness measured in gloss unit (GU) using a gloss meter. The experimental design method used was the response surface method with Box-Behnken design. A series of tests were carried out prior to ANOVA and optimization with Minitab: (i) lack of fit test, (ii) simultaneous parameter test, (iii) the coefficient of determination test, (iv) identical test, (v) independent test and (vi) normal distribution test. Out of three parameters, the most influential one is composition with a coefficient of mathematical equation of 6.592. In this study, the highest value in the 10th trial was 57.3 GU which was occurred when the parameters used were: distance of 130 mm, composition 1: 1.6 and pressure 3.5 bar. On the contrary, the smallest value GU in the 7th experiment was 35 GU with a distance of 110 mm, composition 1:1.4 and pressure 5.5 bar. From processing data using Minitab, the maximum gloss value was 58.76 GU with distance 116.86 mm, composition 1: 1.6 and pressure 3.5 bar. Keywords: painting, Box-Behnken design, gloss meter

2020 ◽  
Vol 857 ◽  
pp. 273-282
Azhar Sadiq Yasun ◽  
Sultan A. Daud

The main aim of this research can be represented as a trail to computerize the most soil engineering properties to compute them automatically using many simple Microsoft Excel functions based on raw soil test experimental data. This work will be shortening the time and effort of the geotechnical engineers calculating different soil parameters with acceptable accurate values. Nine different Microsoft Excel formulas, some of the techniques by certain Excel expressions and normal designed algebraic equations were used to present the final spreadsheet. The main computed soil parameters were (ω, LL, PL, PI, ρd,max, ωopt, k) soil classification AASHTO, (qu and cu) for unconfined compression test, (ø and c') for the direct shear test finally (Cc and Cs) for consolidation tests. To get a better understanding on how most of the programmed tools and to Microsoft Excel sheets work, the user should have knowledge about basic concepts of the certain soil parameter test and experimental steps and also the guidelines of the theory that depends to compute the parameter. Also, the user should have enough background about engineering soil properties laboratory experiments computation.

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