secondary fermentation
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2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Александра Анатольевна Моисеева ◽  
Варвара Алексеевна Захарова ◽  
Елена Васильевна Дубинина

В технологии игристых вин азотистые соединения, в том числе их концентрация и качественный состав, играют существенную роль на всех этапах производственного процесса. Цель работы состояла в исследовании изменения азотсодержащих соединений в процессе вторичного брожения и их влияния на качественные характеристики красного игристого вина. В качестве объектов исследования в работе использованы пять промышленных образцов сортовых виноматериалов, соответствующих требованиям нормативной документации по физико-химическим и органолептическим показателям, и пять купажей, составленных из этих виноматериалов, а также опытные образцы игристых вин, полученные в результате вторичного брожения в бутылках. Определение массовой концентрации аминного азота проводили методом йодометрического титрования, аммиачного азота - диффузионным методом. Исследование качественного состава и концентрации аминокислот проводили с использованием ВЭЖХ на приборе «Аgilent Technologies 1200 Series» (Agilent, США). Установлено, что концентрация аммиачного азота в исследованных образцах варьировала от 13,4 до 29,7 мг/дм3, аминного азота - от 53,2 до 364,0 мг/дм3, свободных аминокислот - от 267,4 до 615,4 мг/дм3. Показано, что в результате вторичного брожения снижается суммарная концентрация аминокислот, причем наиболее сильно - в образцах с низким содержанием неорганического азота менее 20,0 мг/дм3. В образцах с высоким содержанием фенольных веществ снижение концентрации аминокислот происходило за счет образования с ними комплексных соединений. Показано, что состав азотистых соединений и соотношение свободных аминокислот в исходных виноматериалах оказывает влияние на образование отдельных ароматобразующих летучих компонентов и формирование типичных свойств красного игристого вина. Рекомендовано использовать показатели массовой концентрации аминного и аммиачного азота, а также состав и концентрацию свободных аминокислот в качестве дополнительных критериев оценки виноматериалов для выработки высококачественных красных игристых вин. In the technology of sparkling wines, nitrogenous compounds, including their concentration and qualitative composition, play an essential role at all stages of the production process. The aim of the work was to study the changes in nitrogen-containing compounds during secondary fermentation and their effect on the qualitative characteristics of red sparkling wine. As objects of research, five industrial samples of varietal wine materials that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation on physico-chemical and organoleptic indicators, and five blends made up of these wine materials, as well as experimental samples of sparkling wines obtained as a result of secondary fermentation in bottles, were used in the work. Determination of the mass concentration of amine nitrogen was carried out by iodometric titration, ammonia nitrogen - by diffusion method. The study of the qualitative composition and concentration of amino acids was carried out using HPLC on the device «Agilent Technologies 1200 Series» (Agilent, USA). It was found that the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in the studied samples varied from 13.4 to 29.7 mg/dm3, amine nitrogen - from 53.2 to 364.0 mg/dm3, free amino acids - from 267.4 to 615.4 mg/dm3. It is shown that as a result of secondary fermentation, the total concentration of amino acids decreases, and most strongly in samples with a low content of inorganic nitrogen less than 20.0 mg /dm3. In samples with a high content of phenolic substances, the concentration of amino acids decreased due to the formation of complex compounds with them. It is shown that the composition of nitrogenous compounds and the ratio of free amino acids in the initial wine materials influence the formation of individual aroma-forming volatile components and the formation of typical properties of red sparkling wine. It is recommended to use indicators of the mass concentration of amine and ammonia nitrogen, as well as the composition and concentration of free amino acids as additional criteria for evaluating wine materials for the production of high-quality red sparkling wines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3(53)) ◽  
pp. 32-40
Oksana Leonidovna Zubkovskaya ◽  
Natalia Rostislavovna Rabchonok ◽  
Olga Nikolaevna Yudenko ◽  
Ekaterina Petrovna Kulagova

Fermentation is one of the most important stages in the production of fruit wines that determines the formation of their varietal characteristics. The purpose of the work is to investigate quality indices of variety fruit wines and establish interrelation between application of different types of yeast and organoleptic characteristics of wines obtained with their application. Influence of yeast race on apple wine sensory profiles, dynamics of apple wort fermentation, formation of secondary fermentation products determining organoleptic characteristics of apple wines has been studied. Yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Lalvin V-1116, Oenoferm C2, France CB and Saccharomyces byanus –Oenoferm Freddo, Fermivin PDM were used in this work. For the nutrition of wine yeast we chose Maxafarm’s nutrient mixture consisting of inactivated yeast, thiamine and ammonium salts. The significant influence of yeast races on the qualitative and quantitative composition of secondary fermentation products, the formation of varietal signs of fruit and berry natural wines was shown. It is recommended to use Fermivin PDM and Oenoferm Freddo yeast at a fermentation temperature from 22 °C to 26 °C and France CB yeast at a fermentation temperature from 16 °C to 18 °C for the production of apple natural wines for the formation of varietal characters.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 938
Annalisa Maietti ◽  
Paola Tedeschi ◽  
Martina Catani ◽  
Claudia Stevanin ◽  
Luisa Pasti ◽  

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is an edible plant, well-known for its nutritional and nutraceutical properties. Stinging nettle leaves are typically rich in fibers, minerals and vitamins, as well as antioxidant compounds, i.e., polyphenols and carotenoids. Due to these reasons, since ancient times stinging nettle has been widely used in Italy as an ingredient in foods and beverages as a therapeutic agent. This work provides an investigation focused on bread enrichment with nettle leaves and the improvement of bread proximate composition in minerals, fibers and antioxidant compounds during product preparation. The comparison between plain and nettle enriched white bread shows a significant increase in fibers and nutrients, i.e., calcium and copper levels. Nettle enrichment also provides an increase in lutein and β-carotene, as well as in total phenols and antioxidant activity. These last two nutritional elements are remarkably high in enriched bread and it has been found that phenolic concentration increases during breadmaking steps, from kneading to primary dough fermentation and from secondary fermentation of shaped loaves to baking.

2021 ◽  
R. Fink ◽  
S. Filip

AbstractIn this study, the potential of the substitution of the conventional preservative potassium sorbate by fermented wheat flour as an alternative was analysed. The organic acid content and antibacterial activity of preservatives and the macronutrient characterisation were tested, as was the sensory evaluation of biscuits with added conventional and alternative preservatives. The results show that the fermented wheat flour contains secondary fermentation metabolites (e.g. acetic, lactic and pyruvic acids). Both fermented wheat flour and potassium sorbate have antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis. The sensory evaluation demonstrated that fermented wheat flour in the recommended concentration range had no impact on sensory quality. Therefore, fermented wheat flour represents a potential substitution for conventional potassium in bakery products.

2020 ◽  
pp. mcp.RA120.002181
Cassandra L. Pegg ◽  
Toan K. Phung ◽  
Christopher H Caboche ◽  
Suchada Niamsuphap ◽  
Marshall Bern ◽  

Sparkling wine is an alcoholic beverage enjoyed around the world. The sensory properties of sparkling wine depend on a complex interplay between the chemical and biochemical components in the final product. Glycoproteins have been linked to positive and negative qualities in sparkling wine, but the glycosylation profiles of sparkling wine have not been previously investigated in detail. We analysed the glyco/proteome of sparkling wines using protein- and glycopeptide-centric approaches. We developed an automated workflow that created ion libraries to analyse Sequential Window Acquisition of all THeoretical mass spectra (SWATH) Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry data based on glycopeptides identified by Byonic. We applied our workflow to three pairs of experimental sparkling wines to assess the effects of aging on lees and of different yeast strains used in the Liqueur de Tirage for secondary fermentation. We found that aging a cuvée on lees for 24 months compared to 8 months led to a dramatic decrease in overall protein abundance and an enrichment in large glycans at specific sites in some proteins. Secondary fermentation of a Riesling wine with Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain Siha4 produced more yeast proteins and glycoproteins than with S. cerevisiae yeast strain DV10. The abundance and glycosylation profiles of grape glycoproteins were also different between grape varieties. This work represents the first in-depth study into protein- and peptide-specific glycosylation in sparkling wines and describes a quantitative glycoproteomic SWATH/DIA workflow that is broadly applicable to other sample types.

Lourdes Marchante ◽  
Adela Mena ◽  
Pedro M Izquierdo‐Cañas ◽  
Esteban García‐Romero ◽  
María Soledad Pérez‐Coello ◽  

Foods ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1174
Antonio Castro Marín ◽  
Claudio Riponi ◽  
Fabio Chinnici

Chitosan is a polysaccharide admitted in winemaking as clarifying, antimicrobial and chelating agent. In addition, evidence about its antioxidant and radical scavenging activities have been recently reported in wine conditions. As an insoluble adjuvant, chitosan efficacy also depends on the duration of its contact with the matrix. In the case of sparkling wines obtained following the traditional method, for instance, the addition of chitosan before the secondary fermentation would permit a prolonged contact of the polymer with wine and yeast lees. However, information on the effects of this practice on final products is totally unknown. In this work, the addition of chitosan during the secondary fermentation of a traditional sparkling wine production method has been investigated for its effects on both the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the resulting wine. After 12 months of “sur lie” maturation, chitosan was found to increase the protein and amino acid content of wines up to about 50% and 9%, respectively, with limited change of phenolics and organic acids. Volatile compounds, particularly esters, were increased as well, which was reflected by higher values for fruity character and aroma intensity after sensory tests. Foaming features, evaluated by sensory and physical measurements, were also positively affected.

2020 ◽  
Cassandra L. Pegg ◽  
Toan K. Phung ◽  
Christopher H. Caboche ◽  
Suchada Niamsuphap ◽  
Marshall Bern ◽  

ABSTRACTSparkling wine is an alcoholic beverage enjoyed around the world. The sensory properties of sparkling wine depend on a complex interplay between the chemical and biochemical components in the final product. Glycoproteins have been linked to positive and negative qualities in sparkling wine, but the glycosylation profiles of sparkling wine have not been previously investigated in detail. We analysed the glyco/proteome of sparkling wines using protein- and glycopeptide-centric approaches. We developed an automated workflow that created ion libraries to analyse Sequential Window Acquisition of all THeoretical mass spectra (SWATH) Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry data based on glycopeptides identified by Byonic. We applied our workflow to three pairs of experimental sparkling wines to assess the effects of aging on lees and of different yeast strains used in the Liqueur de Tirage for secondary fermentation. We found that aging a cuvée on lees for 24 months compared to 8 months led to a dramatic decrease in overall protein abundance and an enrichment in large glycans at specific sites in some proteins. Secondary fermentation of a Riesling wine with Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain Siha4 produced more yeast proteins and glycoproteins than with S. cerevisiae yeast strain DV10. The abundance and glycosylation profiles of grape glycoproteins were also different between grape varieties. This work represents the first in-depth study into protein- and peptide-specific glycosylation in sparkling wines and describes a quantitative glycoproteomic SWATH/DIA workflow that is broadly applicable to other sample types.


Определены концентрации биогенных аминов в виноградных винах в зависимости от технологии их производства. Объектом исследований были образцы вин, произведенных с применением различных рас дрожжей, в том числе активных сухих дрожжей производства Германии и Франции: виноградные белые и красные столовые вина ликерные вина, в том числе херес игристые белые и красные вина, приготовленные резервуарным способом путем вторичного брожения бродильной смеси в герметичных условиях при продолжительном контакте вина с дрожжами российское шампанское, приготовленное путем вторичного брожения вина в бутылках игристое вино, произведенное путем вторичного брожения в резервуарах. Массовую концентрацию биогенных аминов определяли методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с применением хроматографа Agilent Technologies. Установлено, что наибольшее количество биогенных аминов содержится в хересах. При этом концентрация отдельных биогенных аминов существенно варьировала в зависимости от изготовителя. Наибольшее количество гистамина, фенилэтиламина и метиламина выявлено в хересе производства Армении, путресцина в хересе производства Республики Крым, кадаверина в хересе, произведенном в Испании. Наименьшее количество биогенных аминов выявлено в винном напитке Кагор . Концентрация биогенных аминов в красных винах меньше, чем в белых. Продолжительный контакт виноматериалов с лизирующимися клетками винных дрожжей способствует увеличению концентрации биогенных аминов. Развитие кокковых и бациллярных клеток молочнокислых бактерий приводит к значительному увеличению концентрации биогенных аминов, особенно при наличии лактобацилл. The concentrations of biogenic amines in grape wines depending on their production technology were determined. Samples of wines produced using different yeast races, including active dry yeast produced in Germany and France, were the object of research: grape white and red table wines liqueur wines, including sherry sparkling white and red wines prepared by the tank method by secondary fermentation of the fermentation mixture in hermetic conditions with prolonged contact of the wine with yeast Russian champagne prepared by secondary fermentation of wine in bottles sparkling wine produced by secondary fermentation in tanks. The mass concentration of biogenic amines was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography using the chromatograph Agilent Technologies. It was found that the largest amount of biogenic amines is contained in sherries. At the same time, the concentration of individual biogenic amines varied significantly depending on the manufacturer. The largest amounts of histamine, phenylethylamine and methylamine were found in sherry produced in Armenia, putrescine in sherry produced in the Republic of Crimea, and cadaverine in sherry produced in Spain. The least amount of biogenic amines was found in the wine drink Kagor . The concentration of biogenic amines in red wines is less than in white wines. Prolonged contact of wine materials with lysing cells of wine yeast contributes to an increase of the concentration of biogenic amines. The development of coccal and bacillary cells of lactic acid bacteria leads to a significant increase in the concentration of biogenic amines, especially in the presence of lactobacilli.

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