southeast spain
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Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Esther Sánchez-Almodóvar ◽  
Jorge Olcina-Cantos ◽  
Javier Martí-Talavera

The management of runoff during torrential rainfall events is a significant problem in urban areas of southeast Spain. The increase in soil sealing and the occupation of areas prone to flooding have aggravated this problem. Due to this situation, municipal administrations, in collaboration with the concession holder for the supply of water and sewage services, Hidraqua Gestión Integral de Aguas de Levante SA, are committed a more efficient management of non-conventional water resources. An example of this can be found in the municipalities of Rojales, Daya Nueva, and San Fulgencio. These towns are located in the Bajo Segura region of the province of Alicante, where various initiatives have been implemented that break away from the traditional paradigm of rigid infrastructures. These initiatives include green spaces or areas, and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) or nature-based solutions (NBS). This article presents various case studies. Firstly, in the town of Rojales, where several actions are being undertaken to improve the management of wastewater and rainwater and provide a solution to unauthorised dumping, as well as encouraging the use of reclaimed water with the creation of a recreational green area, El Recorral Park. Secondly, in the case of Daya Nueva, the Europa Park constitutes a recreational green area, Europa Park, facilitates runoff drainage by SUDS and NBS. Finally, the creation of a floodable pond in the municipality of San Fulgencio encourages the use of wastewater, thus avoiding the discharge of this non-conventional water resource into the sea. In addition, the pond facilitates the appropriate management of runoff water. The working method in this article has been twofold: firstly, bibliographical references have been consulted from other national and international areas; and secondly, the technical projects in the case studies have been analysed in detail. Several field trips have been made to the selected municipalities, accompanied by the technical personnel in charge of the execution of the projects, to examine the measures adopted. The results show that the implementation of these systems contributes to adapting to climate change and creates more resilient urban spaces.

2022 ◽  
Vol 259 ◽  
pp. 107240
Katharina Heider ◽  
Emanuele Quaranta ◽  
José María García Avilés ◽  
Juan Miguel Rodriguez Lopez ◽  
Andrea L. Balbo ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 102165
Joaquín Salas-Coronas ◽  
María Dolores Bargues ◽  
Ana Belén Lozano-Serrano ◽  
Patricio Artigas ◽  
Alberto Martínez-Ortí ◽  

Vladimir Salazar Rosa ◽  
Andrés del Amor Arroyo Tristán ◽  
Sonia del Pilar Otálora Valderrama

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
María del Mar Guerrero ◽  
Carmen Mª Lacasa ◽  
Victoriano Martínez ◽  
Mª Carmen Martínez ◽  
Antonio Monserrat ◽  

Biodisinfection using fresh sheep manure in August is effective in controlling Phytophthora root rot in greenhouses in southeast Spain, but this is not the case after the beginning of September. The effectiveness of biodisinfection of new amendments has been evaluated beginning in October in sweet pepper greenhouses to control Phytophthora capsici. The amendments used were: T1: wheat husk + fresh sheep manure (FSM), 3.5 kg m−2; T2: sunflower pellets 3.5 kg m−2; T3: FSM: 3.5 kg m−2; T4: Control. Temperatures above 40°C were obtained in some amendments; anoxic conditions were found in all amendments, and also a reduction of the viability of P. capsici oospores with respect to the control, as well as a higher yield. The contribution of fresh sheep manure to the amendments did not lead to an improvement in their effectiveness. Autumn biodisinfection under low temperature conditions using fresh organic amendments that enhance soil anaerobic conditions may be a promising strategy for the control of P. capsici in pepper greenhouses in southeastern Spain.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 989
Juan Sebastián Castillo-Valero ◽  
María Carmen García-Cortijo

In this study, we aim to find the determinants of innovation in the agrifood industry in an inland region in southeast Spain, which depends upon and specializes in this sector. The determinants we propose are firm and environmental factors. From the empirical analyses based on Box–Cox models, we deduce that a firm’s internal factors or characteristics are those that have the greatest influence on its propensity to innovate. Among them, firm size has the greatest effect. Innovation culture has the potential for exerting a multiplying effect via mechanisms such as knowledge spillovers or learning by doing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. e74427
Antonio Gómez-Bolea ◽  
Ana Rosa Burgaz ◽  
Violeta Atienza ◽  
Cristina Dumitru ◽  
Mª José Chesa ◽  

A checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Sierra Nevada (Granada, southeast Spain) is presented, fruit of the collecting field trip carried out by the Spanish Lichen Society (SEL), complemented with literature references. The authors identified 194 taxa (171 lichens and 23 lichenicolous fungi). As a result of these identifications, 46 lichens and nine lichenicolous fungi are reported for the first time in Sierra Nevada. To date, the catalogue includes 551 taxa (528 lichens and 23 lichenicolous fungi). We confirm both the scarce presence of terricolous lichens in the cryoromediterranean belt and the absence of alpine belt terricolous lichens.

2021 ◽  
Erwin Schettino ◽  
Claudio Marchesi ◽  
José María González-Jiménez ◽  
Edward Saunders ◽  
Károly Hidas ◽  

<p>Magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposits form clusters in the Earth’s crust and are heterogeneously distributed within lithospheric blocks. A global assessment of whole-rock gold abundances in mantle lithologies worldwide indicates that Au concentrations increase with increasing fertility of mantle peridotites, with median Au contents ranging from 0.50 ppb in dunites, 1.00 ppb in harzburgites, and up to 1.26 ppb in lherzolites. Of particular interest are those volumes of fertile Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM) veined by pyroxenites and wehrlites, usually the Au-richest lithologies in the mantle as they have 2.05 ppb median Au concentrations. Partial melting of SCLM domains endowed in gold seems to play a key role in the genesis of gold-enriched magmas parental to magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposits in continental arc settings. The mineralogical expressions of gold inventory in such fertile mantle rocks are accessory Ni-Fe-Cu sulfides and discrete micron-to-nano-sized Au mineral particles that control the extraction and transport of gold in the mantle. Mantle xenoliths from the Neogene Volcanic Province (NVP) of southeast Spain represent an excellent example of SCLM refertilized by gold-sulfide-rich silicate melts underlying a gold metallogenic province. Here we present mineralogical and compositional data of sulfides in mantle xenoliths from this area (Tallante volcanic center), which are anomalously rich in gold (up to 46 ppm) compared to sulfides from SCLM not associated with Au-metallogenic provinces. We propose that these gold-rich, fertile mantle sources may have melted during the Cenozoic evolution of the westernmost Mediterranean subduction system and fed the ore-productive volcanic activity in southeast Spain.</p>

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