nac transcription factor
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Yan Bi ◽  
Yizhou Gao ◽  
Yuqing Yan ◽  
Xi Yuan ◽  

The rice NAC transcriptional factor family harbors 151 members, and some of them play important roles in rice immunity. Here, we report the function and molecular mechanism of a pathogen-inducible NAC transcription factor, ONAC096, in rice immunity against Magnaprothe oryzae and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Expression of ONAC096 was induced by M. oryzae and by abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate. ONAC096 had the DNA binding ability to NAC recognition sequence and was found to be a nucleus-localized transcriptional activator whose activity depended on its C-terminal. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of ONAC096 attenuated rice immunity against M. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzae as well as suppressed chitin- and flg22-induced reactive oxygen species burst and expression of PTI marker genes OsWRKY45 and OsPAL4; by contrast, overexpression of ONAC096 enhanced rice immunity against these two pathogens and strengthened chitin- or flg22-induced PTI. RNA-seq transcriptomic profiling and qRT-PCR analysis identified a small set of defense and signaling genes that are putatively regulated by ONAC096, and further biochemical analysis validated that ONAC096 could directly bind to the promoters of OsRap2.6, OsWRKY62, and OsPAL1, three known defense and signaling genes that regulate rice immunity. ONAC096 interacts with ONAC066, which is a positive regulator of rice immunity. These results demonstrate that ONAC096 positively contributes to rice immunity against M. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzae through direct binding to the promoters of downstream target genes including OsRap2.6, OsWRKY62, and OsPAL1.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Gang Nie ◽  
Zhongfu Yang ◽  
Jie He ◽  
Aiyu Liu ◽  
Jiayi Chen ◽  

The NAC transcription factor family is deemed to be a large plant-specific gene family that plays important roles in plant development and stress response. Miscanthus sinensis is commonly planted in vast marginal land as forage, ornamental grass, or bioenergy crop which demand a relatively high resistance to abiotic stresses. The recent release of a draft chromosome-scale assembly genome of M. sinensis provided a basic platform for the genome-wide investigation of NAC proteins. In this study, a total of 261 M. sinensis NAC genes were identified and a complete overview of the gene family was presented, including gene structure, conserved motif compositions, chromosomal distribution, and gene duplications. Results showed that gene length, molecular weights (MW), and theoretical isoelectric points (pI) of NAC family were varied, while gene structure and motifs were relatively conserved. Chromosomal mapping analysis found that the M. sinensis NAC genes were unevenly distributed on 19 M. sinensis chromosomes, and the interchromosomal evolutionary analysis showed that nine pairs of tandem duplicates genes and 121 segmental duplications were identified, suggesting that gene duplication, especially segmental duplication, is possibly associated with the amplification of M. sinensis NAC gene family. The expression patterns of 14 genes from M. sinensis SNAC subgroup were analyzed under high salinity, PEG, and heavy metals, and multiple NAC genes could be induced by the treatment. These results will provide a very useful reference for follow-up study of the functional characteristics of NAC genes in the mechanism of stress-responsive and potential roles in the development of M. sinensis.

2021 ◽  
Hude Mao ◽  
Shumin Li ◽  
Bin Chen ◽  
Chao Jian ◽  
Fangming Mei ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 181 ◽  
pp. 111673
Zhong-qi Fan ◽  
Wei Wei ◽  
Xiao-li Tan ◽  
Wei Shan ◽  
Jian-fei Kuang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Qiuping Tan ◽  
Sen Li ◽  
Yuzheng Zhang ◽  
Min Chen ◽  
Binbin Wen ◽  

AbstractPrunus species include many important perennial fruit crops, such as peach, plum, apricot, and related wild species. Here, we report de novo genome assemblies for five species, including the cultivated species peach (Prunus persica), plum (Prunus salicina), and apricot (Prunus armeniaca), and the wild peach species Tibetan peach (Prunus mira) and Chinese wild peach (Prunus davidiana). The genomes ranged from 240 to 276 Mb in size, with contig N50 values of 2.27−8.30 Mb and 25,333−27,826 protein-coding gene models. As the phylogenetic tree shows, plum diverged from its common ancestor with peach, wild peach species, and apricot ~7 million years ago (MYA). We analyzed whole-genome resequencing data of 417 peach accessions, called 3,749,618 high-quality SNPs, 577,154 small indels, 31,800 deletions, duplications, and inversions, and 32,338 insertions, and performed a structural variant-based genome-wide association study (GWAS) of key agricultural traits. From our GWAS data, we identified a locus associated with a fruit shape corresponding to the OVATE transcription factor, where a large inversion event correlates with higher OVATE expression in flat-shaped accessions. Furthermore, a GWAS revealed a NAC transcription factor associated with fruit developmental timing that is linked to a tandem repeat variant and elevated NAC expression in early-ripening accessions. We also identified a locus encoding microRNA172d, where insertion of a transposable element into its promoter was found in double-flower accessions. Thus, our efforts have suggested roles for OVATE, a NAC transcription factor, and microRNA172d in fruit shape, fruit development period, and floral morphology, respectively, that can be connected to traits in other crops, thereby demonstrating the importance of parallel evolution in the diversification of several commercially important domesticated species. In general, these genomic resources will facilitate functional genomics, evolutionary research, and agronomic improvement of these five and other Prunus species. We believe that structural variant-based GWASs can also be used in other plants, animal species, and humans and be combined with deep sequencing GWASs to precisely identify candidate genes and genetic architecture components.

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