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Sanjograj Singh Ahuja

Abstract: The aim of this website is to enhance the shopping experience for customers using an advance feature of recommending matching outfits using the colorgram module. Flex Fashion is an interactive e-commerce solution providing users with an excellent fashion platform. The e - commerce platform displays an order cut-off time and a delivery window for the products selected by the consumer. The e - commerce platform does not settle with the user's credit supplier until the item chosen by the consumer is picked from inventory but before it is delivered. As a result, the buyer can make adjustments to the purchase online. There are different categories on the home page available to filter the products based on your style and needs. In addition to the apparels for both men and women one will find flexible variety of accessories and daily essential products. The e - commerce platform does not settle with the user's credit supplier until the item chosen by the consumer is picked from inventory but before it is delivered. As a result, the buyer can make adjustments to the purchase online. Once the customer decides to submit a purchase order, there is a track us page where just by adding ordered and email the user can track there order. This is to facilitate all people who are busy with their work and have no time to get their desired apparels. We are here to provide user with all the best and suitable clothing for sale. If once register into our site, then anyone can avail the benefit with our latest updates of the sale. Keywords: Colorgram, Tracker

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 109-133
Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka

Polish Association of Social Work Schools in the first decade: anniversary study ABSTRACT The subject of the article is an analysis of the first ten years of the activity of the Polish Association of Social Work Schools (PSSPS) from the point of view of the process of becoming and sharing experiences in various areas and during critical events interpreted in the context of a historical generation. The documentary reference is the timeline of activities systematically updated on the PSSPS home page and personal experience of the author who has participated in the events.

2021 ◽  
Rogério Soares Cordeiro ◽  
Lázaro Araújo Santos

Introdução: Em sala de aula as formas escrita e oral de comunicação prevalecem sobre modalidades mais artísticas como os símbolos e as imagens. Ainda assim, é incontestável que representações visuais complementam e reduzem as abstrações textuais, estimulam à leitura, são aliadas no processo comunicativo e atuam como catalisadoras ao facilitarem a aprendizagem. São recursos tão importantes que compõem um dos critérios para aprovação das coleções didáticas do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD). Objetivo: Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a imagem utilizada na Home Page do “I Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Ensino de Zoologia”. Material e Métodos: Para tanto, a imagem foi dividida em quadrantes, com a intenção de facilitar a descrição para o leitor. Resultados: Assim, abreviou-se Superior Esquerda (SE), Inferior Esquerda (IE), Superior Direita (SD) e Inferior Direita (ID). Na porção ‘SE’ há, em extremos opostos, duas borboletas. Em ‘IE’, dois veados, uma onça (leopardo) e mais duas borboletas. No centro da imagem tem uma árvore que facilita a descrição. No quadro ‘SD’ nota-se a cauda e os membros posteriores de um felino, supostamente da mesma espécie do anteriormente citado, a cauda de uma arara e em segundo plano, outra arara-vermelha voando. A porção ‘ID’ borboletas em faces opostas, um tímido orangotango esconde-se na árvore, um elefante e duas girafas. Um cenário utópico, possuindo contornos midiáticos e descontextualizados com aquilo que se propõe - Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de Zoologia. Os animais, predominantemente exóticos, não ocupam os mesmos biomas e a paisagem explicita que não coexistem em um mesmo espaço geográfico. Conclusão: É evidente ainda, a ingênua visão de que ao se falar de zoologia, são feitas referências aos animais de savanas ou Amazônia, desconsiderando a miríade de organismos que compõem nosso planeta. Se ‘Uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras’, a de referência nos ensina o que não deve ser feito para evocar memórias da fauna brasileira, especialmente, quando o objetivo é ensinar.

2021 ◽  
Jessica Elizabeth Howie

<p>The online presence of tertiary libraries is becoming increasingly important, however, research (OCLC, 2010) suggests that library websites are being shunned in favour of commercial search engines. Some scholars (Reidsma, 2012; McCann et al., 2010) attribute this to poor website design. Websites are a valid communication concern and what content is displayed, as well as how it is displayed on library home pages has implications for usability, findability and user perception. Tertiary library websites need to be attractive, modern and user focused in nature. Content needs to be arranged in a way that supports smooth navigation so that users are encouraged to engage with the library.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jessica Elizabeth Howie

<p>The online presence of tertiary libraries is becoming increasingly important, however, research (OCLC, 2010) suggests that library websites are being shunned in favour of commercial search engines. Some scholars (Reidsma, 2012; McCann et al., 2010) attribute this to poor website design. Websites are a valid communication concern and what content is displayed, as well as how it is displayed on library home pages has implications for usability, findability and user perception. Tertiary library websites need to be attractive, modern and user focused in nature. Content needs to be arranged in a way that supports smooth navigation so that users are encouraged to engage with the library.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 308-331
Ana Paula Cavalcanti ◽  
Mônica Costa Marçal de Moraes ◽  
Slaine Senra Mattos do Amaral

Este artigo tem como objetivo geral analisar os conteúdos de áudios gravados por Paulo Freire em entrevistas realizadas por ele em Guiné-Bissau, disponíveis na home page do Acervo Educador Paulo Freire, abordando o revolucionário e líder africano, Amílcar Cabral. Para tanto utilizou-se da análise de conteúdo e da pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, em consonância com as obras primárias de Freire. No primeiro momento, buscou-se apresentar quem foi Amílcar Cabral e sua importância na libertação da África, com levantamento documental e revisão de trabalhos anteriores. Na segunda parte, mostrou-se como se deu o processo da chegada de Freire à Guiné-Bissau e a sua contribuição no processo formativo de alfabetização do país. Para finalizar as análises dos dados, fez-se uma comparação das obras de Freire em conformidade com os áudios e as relevâncias de Amílcar Cabral na concepção freireana.

Madhu Nakerekanti ◽  
Dr. V. B. Narsimha

Local bodies such as municipalities must collect various types of taxes from citizens. Each and every citizen is responsible for paying their energy, water, and other utility bills to the appropriate authorities. In reality, any citizen wants to pay their municipal house taxes, they must go to the municipal office, pay and take the necessary bill receipt, remaining water and electricity and so on bills are the same way. Obtaining all of this tax information from various authorities is no easy task those days. For this reason, we are developing an application that will use web-based services to collect tax details from various organization based on the house number and owner name, and then store the information in our own database. Citizens must initially register in order to receive tax information. The different bill payment modes are annual, half-yearly, quarterly, and so on. Citizens can log onto the system with their user id and password and obtain the essential information from the home page. Every user must disclose his or her address as well as the name of the owner. They will search for by using the search button. • House Details • Electricity Bill Details • Water Bill Details • Municipality Bill Details • Property Tax Bill Details • Pending Bills In this case web services are paying an important role. Because this system obtains data from a variety of sources. Only additional sources of information are available to a web service.

Renni Setyoningrum ◽  
Nur Maghfirah Aesthetika

This study aims to describe how the use of the Instagram feature as a promotional medium is applied to a Indah Bordir shop in Sidoarjo. This research is based on an event that occurred and the fact that during the current COVID-19 pandemic, business actors experienced a very drastic decline in sales, this was due to the lack of visitors, the amount of competition, and the high cost of promotions incurred when using paid promotional media such as advertisements on television, print media or even on radio.This research method uses qualitative methods, data collection is obtained from observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that, there are 12 features that are used as promotional media namely, Profile, Feed, Follow, Uploading Photos or Videos, Captions, Comments, Hashtags, Highlight Stories, Snapgrams, Live Broadcasts, Direct Messages, and Geotagging. While the other 5 are not used as promotional media namely, Home Page, Like, Explore, Story Archives, and Instagram Savepost.

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