adolescent behavior
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Angela F. Randolph ◽  
Danna Greenberg ◽  
Jessica K. Simon ◽  
William B. Gartner

PurposeThe authors explore the relationship between adolescent behavior and subsequent entrepreneurial persistence by drawing on scholarship from clinical psychology and criminology to examine different subtypes of antisocial behavior (nonaggressive antisocial behavior and aggressive antisocial behavior) that underlie adolescent rule breaking. The intersection of gender and socioeconomic status on these types of antisocial behavior and entrepreneurial persistence is also studied.Design/methodology/approachUsing a longitudinal research design, this study draws from a national representative survey of USA adolescents, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1997) (NLSY97). Nonaggressive antisocial behavior was assessed with a composite scale that measured economic self-interest and with a second measure that focused on substance abuse. Aggressive antisocial behavior was assessed as a measure of aggressive, destructive behaviors, such as fighting and property destruction. Entrepreneurial persistence was operationalized as years of self-employment experience, which is based on the number of years a respondent reported any self-employment.FindingsAggressive antisocial behavior is positively related to entrepreneurial persistence but nonaggressive antisocial behavior is not. This relationship is moderated by gender and socioeconomic status.Originality/valueThese findings contribute to research on the relationship between adolescent behavior and entrepreneurship in adulthood, the effect of antisocial behavior, and demographic intersectionality (by gender and socioeconomic status) in entrepreneurship. The authors surmise that the finding that self-employment for men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds involved in aggressive antisocial behavior was significantly higher compared to others may indicate that necessity entrepreneurship may be the primary driver of entrepreneurial activity for these individuals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 310-318
Muhammad Natsir ◽  
Ace Suryadi ◽  
Mustofa Kamil ◽  
Elih Sudiapermana ◽  
J. Julia

Introduction: This research aims to explain the effect of family and community environment on the causal relationship between matrilineal parenting and adolescent behavior. Methods: This research employs a survey with a cross-sectional design. The population was mothers with adolescent children living in Padang City, Indonesia. The survey was distributed using Google Form, and the data were analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Results: The analysis revealed five findings as follows: (1) family environment has a significant positive influence on adolescent behavior; (2) family environment has a positive influence on matrilineal parenting; (3) community environment does not have an influence on adolescent behavior; (4) community environment does not have an influence on matrilineal parenting; and (5) matrilineal parenting has a positive influence on adolescent behavior. Conclusion: Matrilineal parenting and the family environment greatly influence the behavior of adolescents. There are three matrilineal parenting components that provide guidance and direction to adolescents, namely mothers, fathers, and Mamak (uncle). When the matrilineal parenting style and family environment are good, adolescents have a strong personality that is not easily influenced by other factors.

2021 ◽  
Dinaf Ilyasov ◽  
Alla Sevryukova ◽  
Elena Selivanova ◽  
Nikita Nikolov

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Yunia Lisma ◽  
Ruwayda Ruwayda

Posyandu is expected to be a place to facilitate youth in understanding adolescent health problems, find alternative solutions to problems, form youth support groups, expand the reach of PKPR Puskesmas, especially for regional youth who have limited access Data shows that Muara Bulian Health Center, one of the Puskesmas in Batang Hari has provided health services to adolescents through PKPR activities. In 2018 the teen pregnancy rate was 24 teenagers (1.4%), in 2019 there were 27 teenagers (1.6%) An increase of 0.2%. In December 2019, two pilots polyandrous were formed in the work area of the Muara Bulian Community Health Center.This research is a descriptive analytic study with cross sectional method. The population in this study were adolescents who came to Posyandu cendana and singkawang which amounted to 75 people,while the number of samples is 43 people. This research uses purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done by questionnaire. The analysis was carried out univariately and bivariately. Results of the study Some respondents had bad behavior (51.2%) visited Posyandu Most respondents had poor knowledge (55.8%), positive attitude (51.2%), and good family support (62.8%), a good source of information (58.1%), most cadres had a good role (53.5%) in providing services in the Posyandu area of Muara Bulian Puskesmas in 2020. There is a meaningful relationship between knowledge and adolescent behavior . There is a significant relationship between attitude and adolescent behavior. There is a significant relationship between distance with adolescent behavior, there is a significant relationship between information sources and adolescent behavior, there is a relationship between the role of officers with adolescent behavior, and there is a significant relationship between family support and adolescent behavior to the Posyandu in the Public Health Service Muara Bulian Work Area

Suwarsi Suwarsi ◽  
Elizabeth C. Baua

Most adolescent mortality and morbidity is preventable or treatable, but adolescents face specific barriers in accessing health information and services. The problems in the community in the youth group are free sex behaviour, the use of alcohol and drugs. This research to develop a caring theory model that can be applied by community nurses in the community in enhancing the awareness of adolescent age groups in the community. Research method used conceptual paper are based on previous research that the author has done (4 articles) and combines the literature review (7 results) that the author has done from April-November 2020. Result in this research indicate that the theory will become the bases or foundation for nurses to become mindful of their role as community health nurses. They need to optimize their Role in Caring for community adolescents in addressing societal problems like drug abuse, teenage pregnancy. Public awareness involves collaboration between governments by making people aware of existing laws and policies. National strategies and action plans for adolescent-specific health policies; Health management: health human resources, health facilities, networks: community health cadres, school communities; Family and peers are needed to increase awareness of adolescent behaviour so that through caring a sense of empathy and youth will be realized. Conclution in this research is nurses can apply the theory of mindfulness caring. Problems related to adolescent behavior can be overcome with cooperation in various sectors, so awareness by these sectors is the key in preventing the impact of deviant adolescent behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Putri Minas Sari ◽  
Putri Dafriani ◽  
Harinal Afri Resta

Smoking behavior is a problem, both environmentally and individually, and the incidence is quite high in Padang City, especially in Pasie Nan Tigo Village, Koto Tangah District. It can be seen from the data on visits to the puskesmas with complaints of breathlessness and coughing due to smoking, most of the smoking perpetrators were teenagers as much as 70% of 100%. The occupation population of adolescents is mostly fishermen and smoking is mandatory when they are working or at home. Based on these problems, the purpose of this community service is to provide education about smoking behavior in adolescents using extension methods. The results obtained were that there was an increase in the participants' knowledge about the dangers of smoking after counseling. The conclusion is that counseling can increase adolescent knowledge about the dangers of smoking so that it is expected to also influence adolescent behavior to be able to quit smoking. Keywords: Smoking, Health Education, knowledge    

Robert Cialdini ◽  

If you really want to get something done, you've got three options: Do it yourself, pay top dollar—or forbid your teenager to do it.  You probably recognize the truth of that adage from your own teenage years. Imposing authority can be counterproductive because teenagers tend to resist such attempts at control. Nothing illustrates the boomerang quality of parental pressure on adolescent behavior quite as clearly as a phenomenon known as the “Romeo and Juliet effect.”  The term refers to Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, the ill-fated teen characters who defied, with tragic consequences, all parental attempts to keep them apart. But does this happen in real life? In research done with 140 Colorado teenage couples, parental interference made the pairs feel greater love and desire for marriage. As the interference intensified, so did the love experience. When the interference weakened, romantic feelings cooled.

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