development temperature
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Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (17) ◽  
pp. 2958
Alba Martínez ◽  
Sandra González-Lana ◽  
Laura Asín ◽  
Jesús M. de la Fuente ◽  
Cees W. M. Bastiaansen ◽  

Photoembossing is a powerful photolithographic technique to prepare surface relief structures relying on polymerization-induced diffusion in a solventless development step. Conveniently, surface patterns are formed by two or more interfering laser beams without the need for a lithographic mask. The use of nanosecond pulsed light-based interference lithography strengthens the pattern resolution through the absence of vibrational line pattern distortions. Typically, a conventional photoembossing protocol consists of an exposure step at room temperature that is followed by a thermal development step at high temperature. In this work, we explore the possibility to perform the pulsed holographic exposure directly at the development temperature. The surface relief structures generated using this modified photoembossing protocol are compared with those generated using the conventional one. Importantly, the enhancement of surface relief height has been observed by exposing the samples directly at the development temperature, reaching approximately double relief heights when compared to samples obtained using the conventional protocol. Advantageously, the light dose needed to reach the optimum height and the amount of photoinitiator can be substantially reduced in this modified protocol, demonstrating it to be a more efficient process for surface relief generation in photopolymers. Kidney epithelial cell alignment studies on substrates with relief-height optimized structures generated using the two described protocols demonstrate improved cell alignment in samples generated with exposure directly at the development temperature, highlighting the relevance of the height enhancement reached by this method. Although cell alignment is well-known to be enhanced by increasing the relief height of the polymeric grating, our work demonstrates nano-second laser interference photoembossing as a powerful tool to easily prepare polymeric gratings with tunable topography in the range of interest for fundamental cell alignment studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Alison R. Loeppky ◽  
Luke D. Belding ◽  
Alex R. Quijada-Rodriguez ◽  
John D. Morgan ◽  
Brenda M. Pracheil ◽  

AbstractChanges to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) biomineralization in aquatic organisms is among the many predicted effects of climate change. Because otolith (hearing/orientation structures in fish) CaCO3 precipitation and polymorph composition are controlled by genetic and environmental factors, climate change may be predicted to affect the phenotypic plasticity of otoliths. We examined precipitation of otolith polymorphs (aragonite, vaterite, calcite) during early life history in two species of sturgeon, Lake Sturgeon, (Acipenser fulvescens) and White Sturgeon (A. transmontanus), using quantitative X-ray microdiffraction. Both species showed similar fluctuations in otolith polymorphs with a significant shift in the proportions of vaterite and aragonite in sagittal otoliths coinciding with the transition to fully exogenous feeding. We also examined the effect of the environment on otolith morphology and polymorph composition during early life history in Lake Sturgeon larvae reared in varying temperature (16/22 °C) and pCO2 (1000/2500 µatm) environments for 5 months. Fish raised in elevated temperature had significantly increased otolith size and precipitation of large single calcite crystals. Interestingly, pCO2 had no statistically significant effect on size or polymorph composition of otoliths despite blood pH exhibiting a mild alkalosis, which is contrary to what has been observed in several studies on marine fishes. These results suggest climate change may influence otolith polymorph composition during early life history in Lake Sturgeon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (7) ◽  
Piotr Ślipiński ◽  
Gema Trigos-Peral ◽  
István Maák ◽  
Iga Wojciechowska ◽  
Magdalena Witek

Abstract Climate change and the subsequent increase of global temperature are the most current and important threats to biodiversity. Despite the importance of temperature, our knowledge about the level of behavioural and physiological adaptations of ant species from temperate regions to cope with high temperatures is limited compared to the broad knowledge of typical thermal specialists from warmer regions. In the current study, we investigated the temperature-related foraging risk of xerothermic ant species from the temperate climate in Europe, Formica cinerea. Our aims were to check how an increase in external soil temperature affects the foraging activity of workers and how the temperature during development and worker age affects foraging activity in high temperatures. Based on our results, we can draw the following conclusions: (1) the majority of workers utilize a risk-aversive strategy in relation to foraging in high surface temperatures; (2) pupal development temperature affects the risk taken by adult workers: workers that developed in a higher temperature forage more often but for shorter intervals compared to workers that developed in a lower temperature; (3) age is an important factor in temperature-related foraging activity, as with increasing age, workers forage significantly longer at the highest temperatures. Our study is one of the first to assess the potential factors that can affect the foraging risk of ants from a temperate climate in high ambient temperatures. Significance statement Our study is the first direct test of workers' age and the development temperature of pupae on the thermal-related foraging strategy of adult F. cinerea workers. It shows that worker age and the development temperature of pupae interact to promote tolerance of thermal stress. We found that with increasing age, workers are prone to forage significantly longer at the highest and riskiest temperatures. Workers that developed in the high temperature (28°C) foraged more often but for shorter intervals compared to workers that developed in the lower temperature (20°C). Interestingly, the factor of age is more significant for ants that developed in the higher temperature of 28°C; the foraging time of these ants significantly increased with their age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Molly C Jud ◽  
Josh Lowry ◽  
Thalia Padilla ◽  
Erin Clifford ◽  
Yuqi Yang ◽  

AbstractMorphogenesis involves coordinated cell migrations and cell shape changes that generate tissues and organs, and organize the body plan. Cell adhesion and the cytoskeleton are important for executing morphogenesis, but their regulation remains poorly understood. As genes required for embryonic morphogenesis may have earlier roles in development, temperature-sensitive embryonic-lethal mutations are useful tools for investigating this process. From a collection of ∼200 such Caenorhabditis elegans mutants, we have identified 17 that have highly penetrant embryonic morphogenesis defects after upshifts from the permissive to the restrictive temperature, just prior to the cell shape changes that mediate elongation of the ovoid embryo into a vermiform larva. Using whole genome sequencing, we identified the causal mutations in seven affected genes. These include three genes that have roles in producing the extracellular matrix, which is known to affect the morphogenesis of epithelial tissues in multicellular organisms: the rib-1 and rib-2 genes encode glycosyltransferases, and the emb-9 gene encodes a collagen subunit. We also used live imaging to characterize epidermal cell shape dynamics in one mutant, or1219ts, and observed cell elongation defects during dorsal intercalation and ventral enclosure that may be responsible for the body elongation defects. These results indicate that our screen has identified factors that influence morphogenesis and provides a platform for advancing our understanding of this fundamental biological process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 02062
Shang Feifei ◽  
Xie Yuhua ◽  
Chen Baoqiu ◽  
Li Lili ◽  
Fan Linlin ◽  

You should leave 8 mm of space above the abstract and 10 mm after the abstract. The heading Abstract should be typed in bold 9-point Times. The body of the abstract should be typed in normal 9-point Arial in a single paragraph, immediately following the heading. The text should be set to 1 line spacing. The abstract should be centred across the page, indented 17 mm from the left and right page margins and justified. It should not normally exceed 200 words. In order to explore the effects of fungus infestation on areca taro during cold storage period, a black morphologic fungus (No. 8) was isolated and identified as Curvularia lunata by morphological observation and 18sRNA gene sequencing. The study on its biological properties showed that the growth and development temperature of Curvularia lunata were 15-40 ℃, the optimal temperature was 25-30 ℃, the optimal pH was 6-8, the optimal light condition was natural light, the optimal carbon source was sorbitol, maltodextrin and mannitol, and the optimal nitrogen source was glycine. The optimum germination temperature, pH and humidity of conidia were 25 - 40℃, 6 - 9 and 100% + water drop, respectively, under the promotion of 40% areca taro solution. The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of areca taro rotting in cold storage period.

2020 ◽  
Pham A. Tuan ◽  
Tran‐Nguyen Nguyen ◽  
Mark C. Jordan ◽  
Belay T. Ayele

Thomas E. Waters ◽  
Matthew T. Alexander ◽  
David G. Wahman

Abstract A commercial colorimetric indophenol (IP) method is used for determining monochloramine (NH2Cl) concentrations for process control in chloraminated public water systems and chloramine–related research. The NH2Cl – IP method excludes some quality control procedures typically included in drinking water methods and is not approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for compliance monitoring. Therefore, the authors developed and validated a more complete NH2Cl–IP method, building on the commercial technique, as a candidate for future approval. During method development, temperature impact on color development was investigated. Color development time increased as temperature decreased. Below 20 °C, times needed for full color development were greater than those reported in the commercial method, reaching nearly three times longer at 5 °C. This observed temperature dependence also applies to free ammonia and free chlorine indophenol methods. To avoid measurement errors of samples analyzed below 20 °C, use of reaction times determined in this study is recommended for these indophenol methods.

Л.Т. Мальцева ◽  
Е.А. Филиппова ◽  
Н.Ю. Банникова ◽  
Н.В. Катаева

Для обоснования расширения посевов озимой пшеницы в Зауралье проведено изучение температурного режима, влагообеспеченности, набора сортов, дана оценка параметров урожайности, экологической стабильности, пластичности, изучены элементы сортовой агротехники. Основным критерием возделывания озимой пшеницы было отсутствие за последние 10 лет критически низких температур на уровне узла кущения в осенне-зимний период и возврата холодов весной в период отрастания. Наибольшее значение имеет соотношение температур и высоты снежного покрова в ноябре, что влияет на степень сохранности посевов от вымерзания. В опытах высота снежного покрова без кулис в ноябре составляла 0–25 см, в марте — 0–40 см. Высокая зимостойкость отмечена у хорошо раскустившихся растений с мощной корневой системой. Среди сортов в коллекции выявлены наиболее отзывчивые на улучшение условий среды: Башкирская 11 (bi=1,13), Новоершовская (bi=1,19), Nausel (bi=1,27), они относятся к интенсивным, способным формировать высокую урожайность в благоприятных условиях. Сорта Волжская качественная и Омская озимая менее отзывчивы, что свойственно экстенсивным и полуинтенсивным сортам. Показатель пластичности сортов Изаура и КП-134-3 (bi=0,97–1,05) указывает на соответствие урожайности изменениям условий выращивания. К пластичным и стабильным отнесены сорта курганской селекции Альбина 45, Умка, Изаура, КП-134-3, а также Волжская качественная, Омская озимая, Колос Оренбуржья. Способны сформировать хорошее зерно в любых условиях Омская озимая, Умка, Изаура, Альбина 45, КП-134-3. По показателю массы зерна с колоса все сорта отнесены к стабильным (Sd2<1): они формировали 28–38 зёрен в колосе независимо от условий возделывания. В ведущих хозяйствах Курганской области разрабатываются элементы современных агротехнологий, наиболее эффективные в нашей зоне рискованного земледелия. To increase field area occupied by winter wheat in Trans-Urals the investigation was conducted testing temperature, water availability, different varieties, plant yield, ecological stability, plasticity, and cultivation practices. The absence of extremely low crown temperatures in autumn-winter and cold weather in spring for the last 10 years ensured effective wheat growth and development. Temperature and snow depth in November directly influence plant resistance to freezing. Snow depth in November was 0–25 cm, in March — 0–40 cm. Plants with numerous tillers and heavy root systems tolerated winter very well. Such varieties as “Bashkirskaya 11” (bi=1.13), “Novoershovskaya” (bi=1.19), and Nausel (bi=1.27) performed the best. They were able to produce high yields under intensive cultivation. “Volzhskaya kachestvennaya” and “Omskaya ozimaya” varieties showed lower productivity which was typical for genotypes used for extensive and semi-intensive cultivation. Plasticity of “Izaura” and “KP-134-3” genotypes (bi=0.97–1.05) is related to an ability to adapt to environmental changes. “Albina 45”, “Umka”, “Izaura”, “KP-134-3”, “Volzhskaya kachestvennaya”, “Omskaya ozimaya”, and “Kolos Orenburzhya” had high plasticity and stability. Such varieties as “Omskaya ozimaya”, “Umka”, “Izaura”, “Albina 45”, and “KP-134-3” could produce high-quality grain under various conditions. All the varieties consistently formed 28–38 grains per ear (Sd2<1) regardless of cultivation conditions.

Fitriah Fitriah ◽  
Linda Sekar Utami ◽  
Johri Sabaryati ◽  
M. Isnaini

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan alat peraga pembelajaran berbasis home materials pada materi suhu dan kalor untuk meningkatkan kreativitas belajar siswa kelas VII. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode research and development  yang dikembangkan Sugiyono dengan langkah–langkah : (1) Potensi dan Masalah, (2) Pengumpulan Data, (3) Desain Produk, (4) Validasi Desain, (5) Uji Coba Pemakaian, (6) Revisi Produk, (7) Uji Coba Produk, (8) Revisi Desain, (9) Revisi Produk, (10) Produksi massal. Alat peraga yang dikembangkan akan melalui tahap validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi, ahli media, guru pengajar, dan siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, dokumentasi, angket dan tes uraian. Untuk mengetahui alat peraga dapat meningkatkan kreativitas belajar siswa kelas VII diuji keefektifannya menggunakan uji Gain Skor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat peraga pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kreativitas siswa hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata siswa sebelum menggunakan alat peraga yaitu sebesar 46 dan setelah menggunakan alat peraga nilai rata-rata siswa menjadi 86 dan besar nilai n-gain diperoleh 0,74. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat peraga pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kreativitas belajar siswa kelas VII F SMPN 19 Mataram. Kata kunci : pengembangan alat peraga fisika; materi suhu dan kalor. ABSTRACTThis study aims to develop teaching aids based on home materials on temperature and heat to improve the learning creativity of grade VII students. The method used in this research is the research and development method developed by Sugiyono with the following steps: (1) Potential and Problems, (2) Data Collection, (3) Product Design, (4) Design Validation, (5) Usage Trial , (6) Product Revision, (7) Product Trial, (8) Design Revision, (9) Product Revision, (10) Mass production. The teaching aids developed will go through a validation stage carried out by material experts, media experts, teaching teachers, and students. The data were collected by means of observation, documentation, questionnaires and test descriptions. To find out that the props can improve the learning creativity of class VII students, their effectiveness is tested using the Gain Score test. The results showed that learning aids could increase students 'creativity. This was indicated by the mean score of students before using props which was 46 and after using props the students' average score was 86 and the n-gain value was 0.74. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the teaching aids can increase the learning creativity of class VII F students of SMPN 19 Mataram. Keywords : physics teaching aids development; temperature and heat material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-93
Nicholas L. Hurdle ◽  
Timothy L. Grey ◽  
C. Pilon ◽  
W. Scott Monfort ◽  
Eric P. Prostko

ABSTRACT Peanut injury in the field can occur from flumioxazin applied PRE, but this is associated with plants that have emerged, or are about to, emerge from soil. The direct effect of flumioxazin on peanut seed germination and radicle development has not been evaluated. Therefore, research was conducted to determine peanut seed radicle development response to flumioxazin at different concentrations (0.0, 0.01, 0.10, 1.0 and 10.0 ppb) when tested at multiple temperatures (20, 23, 26, and 29 C) in laboratory experiments on a thermogradient table. Data analysis indicated that flumioxazin concentration was not different from the nontreated control (0.0 ppb) for 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 ppb for peanut germination. Flumioxazin at 10.0 ppb was different from all other treatments and the nontreated control. However, comparing linear regression models for each flumioxazin concentration across all temperatures indicated no differences for slope. These data indicate that when there is direct peanut seed exposure to flumioxazin at field application rates, there is no impact on germination and radicle development. Temperature was noted to affect radicle development greater than field application rates of flumioxazin. As temperature decreased, germination and radicle length was inhibited or decreased, respectively. Nomenclature: Flumioxazin, peanut, Arachis hypogaea (L.), radicle, seed germination

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