rosen potential
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P. Sahoo ◽  
U. Laha

Within the framework of non-relativistic quantum scattering theory we treat the charged hadron scattering by replacing the nuclear interaction by a separable nonlocal one and the electromagnetic part by the Manning-Rosen potential. The off-energy-shell scattering is studied by this additive interaction by including the effect of electromagnetic interaction rigorously. The exact analytical expressions for the off-shell solutions and half-shell T-matrix are obtained in maximal reduced form. The half-shell T-matrix for the proton-oxygen system is computed and the resultant phase shifts are found in order.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (5 Sep-Oct) ◽  
Abdelmadjid Maireche

In this research work, within the framework of relativistic and nonrelativistic noncommutative quantum mechanics, the deformed Klein–Gordon and Schrödinger equations were solved with the modified equal vector scalar Manning-Rosen potential that has been of significance interest in recent years using Bopp's shift method and standard perturbation theory in the first-order in the noncommutativity parameters  in 3-dimensions noncommutative quantum mechanics. By employing the improved approximation of the centrifugal term, the relativistic and nonrelativistic bound state energies were obtained for some diatomic molecules such as (HCl, CH, LiH, CO, NO, O2, I2, N2, H2, and Ar2). The obtained energy eigenvalues appear as a function of the generalized Gamma function, the parameters of noncommutativity, and the parameters  of studied potential, in addition to the atomic quantum numbers . In both relativistic and nonrelativistic problems, we show that the corrections on the spectrum energy are smaller than the main energy in the ordinary cases of RQM and NRQM. A straightforward limit of our results to ordinary quantum mechanics shows that the present result is consistent with what is obtained in the literature. We have seen that the improved approximation of the centrifugal term is better than the other approximations in finding the approximate analytical solutions of the Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger equations for the modified Manning–Rosen potential in RNCQM and NRNCQM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 725
Redi Kristian Pingak ◽  
Albert Zicko Johannes ◽  
Fidelis Nitti ◽  
Meksianis Zadrak Ndii

This study aims to apply a semi-classical approach using some analytically solvable potential functions to accurately compute the first ten pure vibrational energies of molecular hydrogen (H2) and its isotopes in their ground electronic states. This study also aims at comparing the accuracy of the potential functions within the framework of the semi-classical approximation. The performance of the approximation was investigated as a function of the molecular mass. In this approximation, the nuclei were assumed to move in a classical potential. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule was then applied to calculate the vibrational energies of the molecules numerically. The results indicated that the first vibrational transition frequencies (v1ß0) of all hydrogen isotopes were consistent with the experimental ones, with a minimum percentage error of 0.02% for ditritium (T2) molecule using the Modified-Rosen-Morse potential. It was also demonstrated that, in general, the Rosen-Morse and the Modified-Rosen-Morse potential functions were better in terms of calculating the vibrational energies of the molecules than Morse potential. Interestingly, the Morse potential was found to be better than the Manning-Rosen potential. Finally, the semi-classical approximation was found to perform better for heavier isotopes for all potentials applied in this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
B. Khirali ◽  
U. Laha ◽  
P. Sahoo
T Matrix ◽  

G.A. Bayramova ◽  

In the present work, an analytical solution for bound states of the modified Schrödinger equation is found for the new supposed combined Manning-Rosen potential plus the Yukawa class. To overcome the difficulties arising in the case l ≠ 0 in the centrifugal part of the Manning-Rosen potential plus the Yukawa class for bound states, we applied the developed approximation. Analytical expressions for the energy eigenvalue and the corresponding radial wave functions for an arbitrary value l ≠ 0 of the orbital quantum number are obtained. And also obtained eigenfunctions expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions. It is shown that energy levels and eigenfunctions are very sensitive to the choice of potential parameters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (7) ◽  
pp. 075301
A K Behera ◽  
J Bhoi ◽  
U Laha ◽  
B Khirali

2020 ◽  
Vol 95 (7) ◽  
pp. 075308
B Khirali ◽  
A K Behera ◽  
J Bhoi ◽  
U Laha

2020 ◽  
Vol 412 ◽  
pp. 168044 ◽  
B. Khirali ◽  
A.K. Behera ◽  
J. Bhoi ◽  
U. Laha

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