classical approximation
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2021 ◽  
pp. 62-66

Geometry optimization and molecular dynamics modeling are performed in the quantum-classical approximation for a phosphorus-boron-containing oligomer and aluminosilicate microspheres. By modeling the phosphorusboron-containing oligomer with the numbers of units of 3—5, the possibility of the appearance of internal cycles in oligomers with the number of chain units more than 3 as a result of the formation of bonds of boron atoms with the oxygen of the phosphorus atom was established. The interaction of the surface of the aluminosilicate filler and the phosphorus-boron-containing oligomer modifier is due to hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl groups of the silicon atoms of the aluminosilicate filler and the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of the oligomer. Keywords: phosphorus-boron-containing oligomer, aluminosilicate microspheres, computer simulation. [email protected]

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 1931
Ying-Qiu Gu

By means of Clifford Algebra, a unified language and tool to describe the rules of nature, this paper systematically discusses the dynamics and properties of spinor fields in curved space-time, such as the decomposition of the spinor connection, the classical approximation of the Dirac equation, the energy-momentum tensor of spinors and so on. To split the spinor connection into the Keller connection Υμ∈Λ1 and the pseudo-vector potential Ωμ∈Λ3 not only makes the calculation simpler, but also highlights their different physical meanings. The representation of the new spinor connection is dependent only on the metric, but not on the Dirac matrix. Only in the new form of connection can we clearly define the classical concepts for the spinor field and then derive its complete classical dynamics, that is, Newton’s second law of particles. To study the interaction between space-time and fermion, we need an explicit form of the energy-momentum tensor of spinor fields; however, the energy-momentum tensor is closely related to the tetrad, and the tetrad cannot be uniquely determined by the metric. This uncertainty increases the difficulty of deriving rigorous expression. In this paper, through a specific representation of tetrad, we derive the concrete energy-momentum tensor and its classical approximation. In the derivation of energy-momentum tensor, we obtain a spinor coefficient table Sabμν, which plays an important role in the interaction between spinor and gravity. From this paper we find that Clifford algebra has irreplaceable advantages in the study of geometry and physics.

Dirk-André Deckert ◽  
Leopold Kellers ◽  
Travis Norsen ◽  
Ward struyve

Bohmian mechanics is an alternative to standard quantum mechanics that does not suffer from the measurement problem. While it agrees with standard quantum mechanics concerning its experimental predictions, it offers novel types of approximations not suggested by the latter. Of particular interest are semi-classical approximations, where part of the system is treated classically. Bohmian semi-classical approximations have been explored before for systems without electromagnetic interactions. Here, the Rabi model is considered as a simple model involving light-matter interaction. This model describes a single mode electromagnetic field interacting with a two-level atom. As is well-known, the quantum treatment and the semi-classical treatment (where the field is treated classically rather than quantum mechanically) give qualitatively different results. We analyze the Rabi model using a different semi-classical approximation based on Bohmian mechanics. In this approximation, the back-reaction from the two-level atom onto the classical field is mediated by the Bohmian configuration of the two-level atom. We find that the Bohmian semi-classical approximation gives results comparable to the usual mean field one for the transition between ground and first excited state. Both semi-classical approximations tend to reproduce the collapse of the population inversion, but fail to reproduce the revival, which is characteristic of the full quantum description. Also an example of a higher excited state is presented where the Bohmian approximation does not perform so well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 544-548
Pablo Soto-Quiros

In this paper, we propose an error analysis of the generalized low-rank approximation, which is a generalization of the classical approximation of a matrix $A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ by a matrix of a rank at most $r$, where $r\leq\min\{m,n\}$.

Mate Vass ◽  
Sebastian Wilczek ◽  
Trevor Lafleur ◽  
Ralf Peter Brinkmann ◽  
Zoltan Donko ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 725
Redi Kristian Pingak ◽  
Albert Zicko Johannes ◽  
Fidelis Nitti ◽  
Meksianis Zadrak Ndii

This study aims to apply a semi-classical approach using some analytically solvable potential functions to accurately compute the first ten pure vibrational energies of molecular hydrogen (H2) and its isotopes in their ground electronic states. This study also aims at comparing the accuracy of the potential functions within the framework of the semi-classical approximation. The performance of the approximation was investigated as a function of the molecular mass. In this approximation, the nuclei were assumed to move in a classical potential. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule was then applied to calculate the vibrational energies of the molecules numerically. The results indicated that the first vibrational transition frequencies (v1ß0) of all hydrogen isotopes were consistent with the experimental ones, with a minimum percentage error of 0.02% for ditritium (T2) molecule using the Modified-Rosen-Morse potential. It was also demonstrated that, in general, the Rosen-Morse and the Modified-Rosen-Morse potential functions were better in terms of calculating the vibrational energies of the molecules than Morse potential. Interestingly, the Morse potential was found to be better than the Manning-Rosen potential. Finally, the semi-classical approximation was found to perform better for heavier isotopes for all potentials applied in this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
I.A. Obukhov ◽  

A model that allows taking into account the influence of quantum and non-equilibrium effects to the characteristics of semiconductor devices is presented. The model was successfully used for calculation the characteristics of resonant-tun-neling diodes, electronic, thermionic and optoelectronic devices based on nanowires. In a quasi-classical approximation it goes into a drift-diffusion model.

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