conservative restoration
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F. Mugnai

Abstract. The work presents a survey campaign specifically designed to formulate an effective restoration project in a Cultural Heritage context, the Military Shrine in Cima Grappa (Italy). Several outputs have been generated by exploring the most advanced laser scanning survey technique and some specific point cloud analysis algorithms. A detailed geometrical 3D reconstruction of human-made and natural tunnels coating materials, a geo-mechanical survey of the rock mass, a map of rock collapses and cinematic analysis of instability processes.Integrating Laser Scanning technique with the Scan-line survey allowed to perform advanced analysis and rock-mass characterisation in a predominant subterranean developed area. Most of the tunnels and underground spaces displayed rock collapses and diffuse active instability processes that certainly could have drastically slowed down surveys and analysis. The adopted techniques allowed both to proceed in acquiring data end in delivering sound outputs rapidly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 276
Francesco Mugnai ◽  
Paolo Farina ◽  
Grazia Tucci

This paper presents results from applying semi-automatic point cloud segmentation methods in the underground tunnels within the Military Shrine’s conservative restoration project in Cima Grappa (Italy). The studied area, which has a predominant underground development distributed in a network of tunnels, is characterized by diffuse rock collapsing. In such a context, carrying out surveys and other technical operations are dangerous activities. Considering safety restrictions and unreachable impervious tunnels, having approached the study area with the scan-line survey technique resulted in only partial rock mass characterization. Hence, the geo-mechanical dataset was integrated, applying a semi-automatic segmentation method to the point clouds acquired through terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). The combined approach allowed for remote performance of detailed rock mass characterization, even remotely, in a short time and with a limited operators presence on site. Moreover, it permitted extending assessing tunnels’ stability and state of conservation to the inaccessible areas.

Francesco Mugnai ◽  
Paolo Farina ◽  
Grazia Tucci

The work presents results obtained performing a survey campaign specifically designed to formulate an effective restoration project in a critical context. Within the remarkable project, promoted and financed by the Italian Presidency of the Council of the Ministers, and the Italian Ministry of Defence, for designing the conservative restoration plan of the Military Shrine in Cima Grappa (Italy), the assessment of the overall tunnels’ stability and a report of the state of conservation of the underground area has been produced. Exploiting the most advanced laser scanning survey technique, and some specific algorithms for point cloud analysis, several outputs have been generated, in particular a detailed geometrical 3D reconstructions of man-made and natural tunnels coating materials, geo-mechanical survey of rock mass, map of rock collapses and cinematic analysis of instability processes. The integration of Laser Scanning technique with the most commonly used Scan-line survey for rock-mass characterization and architectural surveys, allowed to perform advances analysis even in a high-risk study area as the one considered in the restoration project, which is represented by a predominant subterranean development. Most of the tunnels and underground spaces, displayed rock collapses and diffuse active instability processes that certainly could have drastically slowed down surveys and analysis. The adopted techniques allowed to rapidly proceed in acquiring data end to deliver sound outputs. This paper aims to report both a general description of the project, spending some words on the historical value of the place and describing the complex environment of work, and a detailed depiction of the performed survey activities with particular attention in showing laser scanning survey and the obtained results.

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2020 ◽  
Tommaso Empler ◽  
Fabio Quici ◽  
Adriana Caldarone ◽  
Alexandra Fusinetti ◽  
Maria Laura Rossi

Fortified churches between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries on Elba IslandAgainst the threat of Islamic, Norman and Greek pirates, starting from the eighth century, or due to conflicts with the Genoese, Catalans, Neapolitans and French, up to the English and Dutch corsairs from the sixteenth century, Elba island is organized with a respectable defensive apparatus, especially thanks to the Pisans and the Lordship of the Appiano. In addition to a system of fortresses, towers positioned on the shore of the beaches and watch towers placed on the mountain, the presence of some fortified churches from the eleventh century until the sixteenth century is very unusual: the church of San Niccolò in San Piero in Campo, the church of Sant’Ilario, the church of San Niccolò in Poggio, and of the church of Saints Martyrs Giacomo and Quirico in Rio nell’Elba. Main tasks of the research are: study of the transformations of the churches of San Niccolò in San Piero in Campo and of the church of Sant’Ilario, located on the southern slope of Monte Capanne, where was used the construction technique of the granite of the Elba; the way of communicating cultural heritage among scholars or tourists who are fascinated by such structures. Through an initial operation of instrumental survey with 3D laser scanning and drone photogrammetry it is possible to return the current 3D models of the churches. The second step goes on two main directions: on one hand identifying the conservative restoration operations for the fortified churches; on the other hand allowing the dissemination to a wider public of the history of the two fortified churches.

Rahul Koppaka

BRIEF BACKGROUND The personality of a person is greatly influenced by their smile. Imperfections in the appearance of anterior teeth can reduce a person’s confidence and aesthetics. This case report represents the rehabilitation of a patient with severe tooth deformation in the upper and lower anterior teeth region. The tooth structure was not enough to support porcelain crowns, so Resin Composite was used to build up the tooth and it was supported using a periodontal splint. MATERIALS AND METHODS Clinical examination and radiographic evaluation showed a tooth form-size discrepancy. Due to the lack of tooth structure available for crown preparation, Resin Composite material was used to build up the tooth structure. everStick by GC was used as a periodontal splint to support the structure. DISCUSSION Resin Composite is one of the most conservative and aesthetic techniques available for restoring tooth structure. The different hues and shades available help it to provide a seemingly natural looking restoration. This helps in rehabilitation of a decrepit smile. Long term studies showed high success rates. Failure was seen in patients with paranormal muscle activity like bruxism and in bonding on pre-existing composite restorations. Marginal discolouration was seen in patients with tobacco habits (smoking and smokeless forms). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Composite build-up of teeth is a viable option for restoring tooth structure when the case demands aesthetic needs in both young and adult patients. The amount of tooth structure conserved is also much greater than with porcelain crowns. Cost of treatment is also significantly lower. KEY WORDS Composite, Aesthetics, Smile, Conservative treatment, everStick by GC.

2020 ◽  
Vol 197 ◽  
pp. 02003
Giada Romano ◽  
Elisa Pennacchia ◽  
Sofia Agostinelli

To hinder climate change, EU legislation requires that by 2020 each European state achieves the objectives set by the 2020 Climate and Energy Package. Particular attention is paid not only to new constructed buildings, the so-called Near Zero Energy Buildings, but also to the existing building stock: in Italy in fact, in addition to the National Action Plan to increase the NZEB buildings (PANZEB), the Strategy for Energy Renewal of the National Real Estate Park (STERPIN) is planned. The aim of the thesis work is a primary school built in 1938 within the historical centre of Viterbo. The work touched on three different areas of design: the design of the internal and external spaces, annexed to the school building, finding solutions for a flexible and functional distribution in line with the theories of modern pedagogy, moving from a school of homologation to a school of diversity enhancement. This was joined by a study concerning the original elevations and constructive features, bearers of historical and aesthetic values, which resulted in the proposal for conservative restoration of the Terranova plaster and the original iron-window profiles. Finally, attention was paid to energy upgrading and efficiency, in line with regulatory provisions. The interventions did not only concern the building envelope (through a thermal upgrading of the original iron-windows, the insulation of the flat roof and the indoor thermal coat of the perimeter walls), but also the system (through the replacement of the boiler with a heat pump, integrated with the photovoltaic system placed on the roof, the inclusion of thermostatic valves and lighting design with the replacement of fluorescent lamps with LED ones).

O. V. Tiunov ◽  
A. G. Shashkin ◽  

The method of conservative restoration is considered on the example of two architectural monuments of the world significance, namely, the Transfiguration Church in Kizhi and the Parthenon in Athens. The issue of ensuring mechanical safety in combination with the authenticity of the elements and structures of the monument is studied.

Paragraph ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-187
James Penney

This essay explores how the image of the Chief of Police dressed as a giant phallus is the often overlooked and misconstrued key to the interpretation of Jean Genet's canonical play The Balcony (1956). Drawing on, but also moving beyond, the invaluable readings of Alain Badiou and Jacques Lacan in their respective seminars, it argues that the motif of the Chief's costume condenses the play's insightful, and more relevant than ever, examination of the functioning of ideology in the visible world. Genet's play is a theatrical allegory for ideology's workings at a historical juncture when spontaneous identification with, and therefore allegiance to, traditional authority figures is no longer possible as it presumably once was. A proper appreciation of the comedic moment of the play sheds ironic light on its final vision of conservative restoration, generating precious insights about the workings of contemporary power and the renaissance of authoritarianism at the twilight of the liberal era.

Nicaragua ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 155-176

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