autistic disorders
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-313
Nataliia Bazyma ◽  
Lesia Zalanovska ◽  
Iryna Brushnevska ◽  
Alina Ivanenko ◽  
Dina Shulzhenko ◽  

The clinical-psychological-pedagogical picture of autistic personality disorders of a child is highly complex and diverse compared to other mental development disorders. The divergence of researchers' views on the autism clinic leads to a scientific discussion on the problem of conceptual and terminological base of definitions and concepts, so, as a consequence, the problem has a conceptual and diagnostic orientation. Summarizing the research of scientists, we highlight the characteristic manifestations of autism in older preschool age: lack of mental activity; violation of the interaction of mental functions; unevenness, partialness of intellectual development; gross violations of purposefulness and arbitrariness of attention; lack of lively interest, interest in the new, environmental research; the tendency to perceive information as if passively absorbing it into whole blocks; the reaction of departure from the influences of the environment directed on the child; adverse reaction or no reaction at all when trying to draw attention to the objects of the surrounding reality; rapid exhaustion and oversaturation with any purposeful activity; difficulty concentrating; difficulties in symbolization, transfer of skills from one situation to another; impaired formation of social and communicative functions. Having analyzed many scientific studies, we can determine the number and variety of speech disorders in children with autistic disorders: challenging to interpret crying; limited barking; lack of imitation of sounds; phonography of speech; mutism; echolalia; words-stamps, phrases-stamps; neologisms; limited use of pronouns; lack of speech in speech; speech autonomy; speech disorders; inability to form words; violation of the semantic, syntactic, grammatical structure of speech; violation of speech melody; violation of prosodic components of speech; inability to engage in dialogue; specificity of the development of monologue speech.

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-86
Magdalena Wałachowska

The aim of the article is to present selected topics related to remote education of students from the spectrum of autistic disorders. The introductory part of the article describes the state of epidemic disaster caused by the global pandemic of the previously unknown COVID-19 disease, which forced the introduction of sanitary restrictions with the necessity to close educational institutions in Poland. The main part describes the assumptions and practical effects of remote education, which was introduced in Polish schools. The description takes into account, in a special way, the difficulties of students with autism and their families, which were caused by the compulsion of home education. The text is based on the method of descriptive-critical analysis of the literature.

D.I. Chizh ◽  
E.V. Petrova ◽  
V.S. Muzhikov ◽  
E.N. Obedkina

Autism spectrum disorders are now occupying an increasingly large niche among childhood diseases and, according to some experts, have the potential to become a pandemic. Unlike many other disorders, autism spectrum disorders do not have a clear, unified mechanism, either at the cellular, molecular or structural levels. Currently, much literature is devoted to this topic, but there is no scientific consensus about the true reason. Despite a similar clinical picture, the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of these disorders can be different: from dysontogenesis and genetic mutations to exogenous factors. This article presents EEG patterns for various phenotypes and causes of autistic disorders. The functional variability of the brain functioning at different stages of the disease is observed. Theta rhythm (long-lasting and correlating with regression periods) dominates in the EEG picture of autistic disorders in Fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome and atypical childhood psychosis. This fact makes it possible to assume that the pattern is peculiar to severe autistic disorders. In case of mild autism spectrum disorders or during remission, the beta-rhythm index and the sensorimotor rhythm increase. The alpha rhythm is often abnormal and falls off the age norms in frequency characteristics. Alpha rhythm indicates a favorable prognosis for patients with autism spectrum disorders. The functional variability of the brain functioning at different disease stages was observed. Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, autism, EEG, Kanner's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, Rett syndrome, infantile psychosis, atypical autism, mirror neurons, mu rhythm. Расстройства аутистического спектра в настоящее время занимают все большую нишу в структуре детских заболеваний и, по мнению некоторых специалистов, принимают масштабы эпидемии. В отличие от многих других известных расстройств расстройства аутистического спектра не имеют четкого единого механизма ни на клеточном, ни на молекулярном, ни на структурном уровнях. В настоящее время имеется большое количество работ, посвященных данной теме, но ученые так и не пришли к единому мнению об истинной причине. Несмотря на схожую клиническую картину этиопатогенетические механизмы развития данных расстройств могут быть различными: от явлений дизонтогенеза и генетических мутаций до влияния экзогенных факторов. В данной статье представлены ЭЭГ-паттерны при различных фенотипах и причинах возникновения аутистических расстройств. Прослежена функциональная изменчивость работы мозга в различные стадии заболевания. В ЭЭГ-картине аутистических нарушений при синдроме Мартна – Белла, синдроме Ретта и атипичном детском психозе преобладает тета-ритм, как длительно, так и во взаимосвязи с периодами регресса, что дает возможность предполагать, что данный паттерн присущ тяжелым аутистическим расстройствам. При более легких расстройствах аутистического спектра или в периоды ремиссии увеличивается индекс бета-ритма, наблюдается нарастание сенсомоторного ритма. Альфа-ритм зачастую носит нерегулярный характер и несколько отстает по частотных характеристикам от возрастных норм. Наличие альфа-ритма свидетельствует о благоприятном прогнозе у пациентов с РАС. Прослежена функциональная изменчивость работы мозга в различные стадии заболевания. Ключевые слова: расстройства аутистического спектра, аутизм, ЭЭГ, синдром Каннера, синдром Аспергера, синдром Ретта, инфантильный психоз, атипичный аутизм, зеркальные нейроны, мю-ритм.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Ludmila M. Kuzenkova ◽  
Anna V. Lashkova ◽  
Olga M. Konova ◽  
Tatyana G. Petelguzova

Introduction. Autism is a disorder characterized by social interaction disorders, social-emotional reciprocity, responses to other people’s emotions, social use of speech skills, lack of modulations of behavior under the social situation, and limited interest stereotypes. The comprehensive approach using medical and psychological correction with physical methods of influence provides the best result in treating and rehabilitating children with autism. The original study examined the effects of transcranial micro polarization (TCMP) on the dynamics of autistic disorders. TCMP is a modern treatment method consisting of a directed polarizing impact of a low-power DC on specific brain areas. Materials and methods. There were observed 25 children aged from 2 years five months to 6 years with varying degrees of severity of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). For the study, three groups were identified according to the corresponding clinical diagnoses: Childhood autism, Atypical autism, and Other general developmental disorders. The vast majority of children from the first two groups had an intellectual disability of varying severity. The TCMP method was used to assess the technique’s effectiveness, the CARS diagnostic scale and the ATEK test. Results. At the end of the course, with the use of TCMP in all the analyzed groups, there was a shift towards a milder degree of autistic disorders. The most significant positive effect was recorded in children with mild forms of autism in the group of other general developmental disorders due to the initially higher level of development in this group. Conclusion. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of TCMP in ASD children. According to the results of the study, the positive effect of this method was revealed in the form of reducing the severity of autistic disorders.

Nataliia Bazyma ◽  
Oksana Koropatova ◽  
Yuliia Bondarenko ◽  
Olga Forostian ◽  
Hanna Sokolova ◽  

Speech development of a child with autism does not always take place at the appropriate age and does not always obey the laws of development of speech functions. According to the analysis of literature sources, the direct study of speech activity of children with autistic disorders requires a more detailed study. According to our predictions, a child with autistic disorders of older preschool age due to the peculiarities of communicative and behavioral spheres will show a low level of speech activity, which can be explained directly by the specificity of speech development along with limited language experience and insufficient knowledge of language and its use in communication. Language behavior consists of two complementary and interrelated processes: psychological formation (generation) of speech utterance and perception of the expanded speech of the interlocutor. The model of speech utterance generation includes five consecutive, interconnected stages (phases) identified by O.O. Leontiev (1967): the motive of utterance; the idea of expression; internal programming; lexical and grammatical development of the utterance; implementation of speech expression in external speech. Speech activity is one of the many forms of general activity, a reflection of the needs that arise in accordance with specific communication situations, a prerequisite and an important component of language behavior. The term "speech activity" is considered by us in the sense of the presence of a motive for speech utterance and direct speech utterance, which may occur as a reaction-response to the interlocutor's remark or as a desire to inform the interlocutor of their own thoughts, experiences, emotions, needs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 128-132
Krykunenko Yu.O.

The effectiveness of the process of socialization of a child with autism spectrum disorders depends on a number of complex unresolved issues, as well as on the theoretical and methodological development of correctional programs. Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of various aspects of the development of children with ASD, it should be noted that in the domestic and foreign literature has not formed an established, full definition of this issue.The purpose of the article is to review the theoretical aspect of the study of speech features in autistic disorders in preschool children. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the problem of RAS, its essence, speech features and communicative interaction of children with others. Manifestations of speech development in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders that affect the process of socialization are characterized. The variety of behavioural features of children with ASD and personality traits are considered.It is established that autism spectrum disorders in children have a number of characterological features of development and behaviour that are not inherent in other nosologies, namely: stereotyped movements and manifestations, communication disorders (verbal and nonverbal), regression of interests, lack of interest in interacting with others. Most scientists have come to the conclusion, that RAS is a specific state of a child’s development, which manifests itself in sensory-perceptual disorders and deficits, and therefore requires detailed study and development of corrective techniques that will allow to correct personality development. It was found that preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders have a number of difficulties in establishing social interaction, which is associated with the characteristics of development, and significantly affects the process of socialization of the child in society. The researchers noted that the inclusive education of children with ASD should be based on two areas: behaviour correction and the formation of skills and abilities. Correction methods should be developed individually through a comprehensive approach to the individual.Key words: autistic disorders, ASD, speech development, communicative activity, socialization. Ефективність процесу соціалізації дитини з розладами аутистичного спектра залежить від низки складних невирішених питань, а також від теоретико-методологічного розроблення корекційних програм. Незважаючи на велику кількість праць, які присвячені дослідженню різних аспектів розвитку дітей з РАС, необхідно констатувати, що у вітчизняній та зарубіжній літературі так і не сформовано усталеної, повноцінної дефініції з цього питання.Мета статті – огляд теоретичного аспекту дослідження мовленнєвих особливостей у разі аутистичних порушень у дітей дошкільного віку. Проведений аналіз вітчизняної та зарубіжної літератури щодо проблеми виникнення РАС, його сутності, мовленнєвих особливостей і комунікативної взаємодії дітей з оточуючими. Охарактеризовані прояви мовленнєвого розвитку у дітей дошкільного віку з розладами аутистичного спектра, які впливають на процес соціалізації. Розглянуто різноманіття особливостей поведінки дітей з РАС та характерні риси особистості.Встановлено, що розлади аутистичного спектра у дітей мають низку характерологічних особливос-тей розвитку та поведінки, які не притаманні іншим нозологіям, а саме: стереотипність рухів та проявів, порушення комунікації (вербальної та невербальної), регідність інтересів, відсутність зацікавленості у взаємодії з оточуючими. Більшість науковців прийшли до думки, що РАС – це специфічний стан розвитку дитини, який проявляється у сенсорно-перцептивних розладах та дефіциті, а тому потребує детального вивчення та розроблення корекційних методик, які дадуть можливість корегувати розвиток особисто-сті. Виявлено, що дошкільники з розладами аутистичного спектра мають низку труднощів у встановленні соціальної взаємодії, що пов’язано з характерологічними особливостями розвитку, суттєво впли-ває на процес соціалізації дитини у суспільство. Дослідники зазначали, що інклюзивна освіта дітей з РАС повинна базуватися на двох напрямах: корекції поведінки та формування навичок та умінь. Мето-ди корекції повинні розроблятися індивідуально шляхом комплексного підходу до стану особистості.Ключові слова: аутистичні порушення, РАС, мовленнєвий розвиток, комунікативна діяльність, соціалізація.

2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (5) ◽  
pp. 67-76
E.A. Tkachuk ◽  
N.N. Martynovich ◽  
N.E. Globenko ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 137-161
D.S. Pereverzeva ◽  
U.A. Mamokhina ◽  
E.Yu. Davydova ◽  
A.A. Lopukhina ◽  
V.G. Arutiunian ◽  

The objective of the present study is to investigate the relationship between the receptive language, and the index of non-verbal intelligence and the level of severity of autistic disorders in primary-school-aged children with Autism spectrum disorder. One of the main areas influenced by autistic disorders is communication. Therefore, the study of the language abilities of such children and factors that affect them provides a better approach to the therapy and education. The sample included 50 children aged 7–11 years diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. Children were tested using the KORABLIK method (basic linguistic skills), the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II) or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children ― Third Edition (WISC-III) (non-verbal intelligence), the Autism Diagnosis Observation Schedule ― Second Edition (ADOS-II) (autistic traits). The results support the hypothesis of the relationship between receptive language skills, the index of non-verbal intelligence, and symptoms of autism. The severity of autistic traits is negatively associated with some phonological and lexical levels of the receptive speech, as well as with understanding of discourse. The non-verbal intelligence index is positively associated with speech comprehension at all levels. A specific feature of receptive language in children with Autism spectrum disorder aged 7–11 years is the uneven development, which is associated with the severity of autistic traits and is not associated with the intelligence level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-73
T.V. Dokukina ◽  
S.I. Osipchik ◽  
N.K. Grigorieva ◽  
T.N. Alyko ◽  
O.M. Lapysh ◽  

The article describes the experience of observation and medical support of a patient with Kanner’s syndrome from an early age to 27 years in the framework of complex medical, psychological and educational support. Long-term medical and psycho-educational support and family work allowed the patient to develop social skills and artistic abilities. The positive dynamics of intellectual and aesthetic development, smoothing of negative behavioral characteristics of the patient are demonstrated. The importance of joint well-coordinated work of a psychiatrist, speech therapist-special teacher, psychologist and parents is emphasized. The complex of rehabili- tation measures of professionals and parents gave a positive result: the young man is socialized and no longer needs special continuous medical and psychological support. As part of the supported employment, he attends an art workshop at the monastery and is engaged in painting. His personal exhibition had success. Such cases are an incentive for the constant active work of parents and teachers with children with severe forms of autistic disorders, and for the development of new effective methods of treatment, habilitation and rehabilitation, espe- cially in difficult to manage cases.

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