mental development
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Anjar Fifi Wulandari ◽  
Emi Sutrisminah ◽  
Is Susiloningtyas

In general, the most common cause of anaemia in pregnancy is iron deficiency, which arises from maternal-fetal iron transfer, which is often exacerbated by a decrease in maternal iron stores. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), pregnancy anaemia is a global health problem that affects almost half of pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to conduct a journal review of explanatory and experimental articles published in the last 5 years starting in 2016 on deficiency anaemia in pregnancy. The research method is carried out by literature study using an electronic reference library through Medline, PubMed, NCBI, Science Direct and Proquest by investigating the impact of anaemia in pregnant women. The results literature from research in various developing and developed countries show that there is an impact that occurs when the mother had anaemia during pregnancy, namely prematurity, low birth weight, postpartum hemorrhage, maternal mortality, cesarean delivery and mental development of children. The conclusion is that there are several effects of anaemia in pregnant women, which are prematurity, low birth weight, postpartum hemorrhage, maternal mortality, cesarean delivery and children's mental development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 118
Punjaphut Thirathamrongwee ◽  
Wonchai Mongkolpradit

This article aims to establish the principles for the creation of Buddhist sacred places based on primary sources of the three major sects, namely, Theravāda, Mahāyāna, and Vajrayāna, and studied architecture based on promising secondary sources through case studies. The stated research question is to understand the interaction among Buddhist principles, human activities, and Buddhist architecture in order to develop the criteria for creating Buddhist sacred places in the context of the modern world. The results indicate that criteria should be considered in two aspects.  First, a method is required to characterize the context and environment that promotes the practice of virtues such as concentration and wisdom, resulting in mental development.  Second, and a method is needed for characterization of the context and activities performed that are appropriate for spiritual cultivation. The proposed criteria offer appropriate methods for developing sacred places in various societies, and contexts comprising any circumstances. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-313
Nataliia Bazyma ◽  
Lesia Zalanovska ◽  
Iryna Brushnevska ◽  
Alina Ivanenko ◽  
Dina Shulzhenko ◽  

The clinical-psychological-pedagogical picture of autistic personality disorders of a child is highly complex and diverse compared to other mental development disorders. The divergence of researchers' views on the autism clinic leads to a scientific discussion on the problem of conceptual and terminological base of definitions and concepts, so, as a consequence, the problem has a conceptual and diagnostic orientation. Summarizing the research of scientists, we highlight the characteristic manifestations of autism in older preschool age: lack of mental activity; violation of the interaction of mental functions; unevenness, partialness of intellectual development; gross violations of purposefulness and arbitrariness of attention; lack of lively interest, interest in the new, environmental research; the tendency to perceive information as if passively absorbing it into whole blocks; the reaction of departure from the influences of the environment directed on the child; adverse reaction or no reaction at all when trying to draw attention to the objects of the surrounding reality; rapid exhaustion and oversaturation with any purposeful activity; difficulty concentrating; difficulties in symbolization, transfer of skills from one situation to another; impaired formation of social and communicative functions. Having analyzed many scientific studies, we can determine the number and variety of speech disorders in children with autistic disorders: challenging to interpret crying; limited barking; lack of imitation of sounds; phonography of speech; mutism; echolalia; words-stamps, phrases-stamps; neologisms; limited use of pronouns; lack of speech in speech; speech autonomy; speech disorders; inability to form words; violation of the semantic, syntactic, grammatical structure of speech; violation of speech melody; violation of prosodic components of speech; inability to engage in dialogue; specificity of the development of monologue speech.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-351
Ahmad Fathan Abidi

The aim of this research is to conduct a theoretical study of the internalization of Sufism values that are applied to the teachings of the tarekat. This study uses an in-depth systematic literature focusing on looking at the concept of internalizing Sufism values applied in the tarekat. In this research process, there are several stages consisting of the literature collection process, literature selection, analysis, and finally combining all the analyzes into a unified whole. The results of this study indicate that the ability of the salik to accept, understand, and carry out the teachings of the tarekat given by the mursyid can be directly through the internalization of Sufism values. Sufism values can be implemented as a form of mental or mental development in the form of patience, tawakkal, sincerity, taubah, qona'ah, zuhud and others so that these values require serious training (riyadho) so that the form of application can be maximized. by experiencing it as a whole.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 650
Alexander Veraksa ◽  
Apollinaria Chursina ◽  
Margarita Gavrilova

The aim of the study was to explore and highlight the challenges and benefits of distance education that educators found in their practice of online teaching with preschool children during the first wave of the pandemic. An electronic questionnaire was used to collect teachers’ perceptions of (1) their own success in facilitating online sessions; (2) attitudes towards online sessions among teachers with and without experience; (3) factors that, according to teachers with and without experience, determine the effectiveness of online sessions; (4) effectiveness of online sessions for individual mental development goals among teachers with and without such experience. A total of 623 educators participated in the study. Online sessions were of particular benefit to educators who had experience of working remotely with preschool children during the first wave of the pandemic. The results of this study indicate that the capacity of the children and the effectiveness of the online sessions themselves exceeded teachers’ expectations in many ways.

S. I. PAPKA ◽  
P. K. MALIY ◽  

The authors consider the development of communicative competence of children with special educational needs. Communicative competence includes the following components: psychophysical features of personality; social characteristics and status; cultural fund of the individual; language competence; pragmaticon of personality. Communicative competence is one of the key components of personality adaptations to the constantly changing conditions of the surrounding reality, which is of great importance in the mental development and in the process of social training of students. Focusing on the psychological and pedagogical features of teaching children with special educational needs, we can say that the level of development of communicative competence in the recognized category of children is low. Researchers emphasize that this category of students avoid communication. Speech contact is characterized by shortness and inferiority. This is due to the speed of testing social responsibility, the low level of vocabulary formation, which hinder the formation of utterances; misunderstanding of the interlocutor. Communication is the most important factor in the overall mental development of children, which plays a crucial role in enriching the content and structure of human consciousness. Through communication a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. With its help, people exchange information and transmit it for many years. Personality development largely depends on the social environment of man. Through interaction with people, a person, and in particular a child, satisfies his most important need - communication, improves mental and cognitive abilities and reaches a higher level in its development. With speech disorders in children there are difficulties in meeting and developing such needs. Establishing language communication is one of the main conditions for the full development of the child. Communication affects all the achievements of preschool age: the development of the cognitive sphere and the formation of the foundations of children's worldview; on the emergence of arbitrary behavior, the ability to act in accordance with the rules; on the formation of personal self-awareness. For children with special educational needs, learning to communicate is of great importance. If the child is able to express their desires, needs, ask for help and respond to the words of others, he will be able to enter society. Key words: communication, competence, inclusion, children with special educational needs, consciousness, educational process

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-88
S. G. Gribakin

The priority of breast feeding is a well-known fact many times described in pediatric scientific literature. However we decided to summarize in a brief review all positive influences of breast feeding both for a baby and for mother and for society in general. For infant one should mention an optimal growth, protection from infections, reduced risk of adult diseases, better mental development. For mother it means better recovery after delivery, weight control, lower risk of postpartum bleeding. Economic profit for family budget is connected with the price of infant formulas which are unnecessary in breast feeding.

2021 ◽  
Pierre Oléron ◽  
Raymond P. Lorion

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