proper immersion
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Pavlo Miroshnychenko

The main objective of the study is to identify and to characterize the main verbal methods of conceptualization of fear in the Ukrainian-language Internet news about the coronavirus. A method of analysis of relevant scientific information on the research topic was used, which contributed to the development of its concept. The method of interpretation of sociological research data was used, the Ukrainian-language Internet news about coronavirus was monitored. The concept of fear in the Ukrainian language consciousness is a complex cognitive structure that has a large number of components of sensory-emotional nature: fear, anxiety, disquiet. Fear is fixed in the language as a psychophysical condition, a person’s symptomatic reaction to danger, uncertainty, indeterminacy, therefore, it has a negative assessment. The conceptual analysis of the emoseme «fear» in the Ukrainian linguistic and cultural picture of the world postulates its connection with psychological lack of freedom. Mass media as the active agents of social development with all its dynamics, stagnation, crises and challenges are a powerful sociocultural factor of generating fear in the individuals and the communities. The media misuses the technique of “magic of numbers”, namely the expressively colored words (“victim”, “died”, “infected”, etc.) in the news headlines, which are primarily and usually uncritically perceived by the media consumer, without proper immersion in the body of news, without checking the message for reliability and accuracy. As a consequence, a poorly prepared text (according to professional journalistic and ethical standards) on extremely relevant social issues, multiplied by low media literacy and media criticism of the vast majority of mass audience, can become an excellent tool for misinformation and manipulation as well as shaping erroneous public opinion and touching off panic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Bahrudin Bahrudin ◽  
Muhammad Ansar ◽  
Abdul Rahim Thaha

The need for raw materials of fried onions derived from 'lembah palu Shallot tubers variety  is high enough and can not be fulfilled, because the productivity is still low. This study aimed  to find the type of  plant growth regulator substances (PGR) with a long period of proper immersion to improve the germination of Shallot tuber. The research was conducted on Mei until June 2017 in Bulupontou Village,  Sigi Regency. The study used two factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD). First factor of type RGS: (Z1) onion extract 100 g/l water, and (Z2) atonic 5 ml/l water. The second factor was long seed immersion in PGR: (T1)=30 min; (T2)=60 minutes; (T3)=90 minutes, and (T4)=120 minutes. Each treatment was represented 20 plants and repeated 3 times, so it was used 480 plants. The results showed that (i) red onion tubers soaked with Shallot extract 100 g/liter of water for 30-90 minutes yielded 100% Germinations, and tubers soaked in red onion extract for 30 minutes resulted in germination rate 31.3%/etmal, (ii) the type of growth regulator of shallot extract and atonic (PGR) effect was  not significant on the germination of shallot; and (iii) the 30 minute long growth regulator immersion produced the highest hypothetical vigor index.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Viqtor Arya Nugraha ◽  
I Made Anom S. Wijaya ◽  
I Wayan Widia

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemaparan medan elektromagnetik terhadap padi varietas lokal serta mengetahui medan elektromagnetik dan waktu perendaman  yang tepat sehingga menghasilkan perkecambahan padi varietas lokal yang terbaik. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor yang pertama yaitu kuat medan elektromagnetik dari 0 mT, 2 mT, 3 mT dan 4 mT, sedangkan faktor kedua yaitu lama perendaman terdiri dari 48, 64,dan 96 jam. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan sidik ragam, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji duncan apabila perlakuan berpengaruh nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin kuat paparan elektromagnetik dengan tegangan tertentu mengakibatkan adanya penurunan terhadap persentase perkecambahan benih padi, sedangkan untuk perlakuan perendaman, semakin lama perendaman benih menghasilkan peningkatan persentase perkecambahan padi. Perkecambahan padi terbaik dihasilkan pada pemaparan medan elektromagnetik tegangan 2 mT dengan lama perendaman 96 jam. This study aims to find out the modeling of electromagnetic fields against local rice varieties and to determine the electromagnetic field and the proper immersion time to produce the best rice germination. The experimental experiment used is a factorial circuit consisting of two factors. The first factor is the strength of the electromagnetic field of 0 mT, 2 mT, 3 mT and 4 mT, while the second factor is the duration of immersion consisting of 48, 64, and 96 hours. The data obtained were analyzed by verbal examination, then continued with duncan test if treatment had real effect. The results showed that the stronger electromagnetic exposure with certain voltage resulted in a decrease in the percentage of seed germination of local varieties of rice while for the immersion treatment, the longer the seed immersion resulted in increased percentage of germination of local varieties of rice. The best germination was produced at exposure of 2 mT voltage electromagnetic field with 96 hours of immersion time for red rice varieties.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (5) ◽  
pp. 1323-1330 ◽  
Milad Malekzadeh ◽  
Alireza Khosravi ◽  
Mehdi Tavan

This paper addresses the problem of state and parameter estimation for a class of uncertain DC-DC such converters as DC–DC boost, buck and buck-boost converters. Using the advantages of Immersion and Invariance technique with input-output filtered transformation, a proper immersion and auxiliary dynamic filter is constructed in the proposed estimator. Uniform global asymptotic convergence of the estimator is proven for the system with parametric uncertainties. In the presence of both output and state dynamics perturbations, the performance of the proposed estimator has been theoretically analyzed and verified by means of simulation results. In addition, the effectiveness of this scheme is validated via experimental test for DC-DC boost converter.

2011 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-39 ◽  

AbstractComplete minimal immersions satisfying the Omori–Yau maximum principle are investigated. It is shown that the limit set of a proper immersion into a convex set must be the whole boundary of the convex set. In case of a nonproper and nonplanar immersion we prove that the convex hull of the immersion is a half-space or ℝ3.

2001 ◽  
Alexis M. Pierides ◽  
Yangxiong Liu ◽  
Benjamin Liaw

Abstract Damages generated by instrumented drop-weight impacting onto various types of Glare fiber-metal laminated panels were assessed by the immersion ultrasonic NDE technique. Factors affecting impact damage tolerance of fiber-metal laminates, such as the choice of aluminum alloy, lay-up sequence, panel thickness, etc., were considered. One major goal of this study is to identify proper immersion ultrasound parameters for better detecting failure mechanisms, especially those hidden inside these opaque materials. They include B- or C-scanning, focused or flat transducers, transducer frequency, pulse-echo or through-transmission mode, etc.

1989 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-255 ◽  
Rhoads Murphey

In recent decades, most historians have begun to shy away from the once predominant idea of post-16th-century decrepitude in the Ottoman Empire1 and come to recognize the remarkable resilience and recuperative ability of the Ottoman imperial structure even into its final century.2 Against the gathering momentum of this trend of reinterpretation, it is, ironically, chiefly the Ottomanist specialists themselves who have shown the greatest resistance. The “experts,” as a consequence of their quite proper immersion in indigenous sources, are better exposed to and, hence, more likely to become ecmeshed in the culturally determined value system of the subject of their study. This article is an attempt to identify some of the sources that contributed to the formulation of the decline topos and related topoi.

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